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File: 1.32 MB, 1200x1360, bizzare_boobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3569311 No.3569311 [Reply] [Original]

How come men get turned on by this crap?

This isn't how woman look like... it looks like some sort posthuman abomination from masturbatory transhumanist science fiction novel.

>> No.3569324

>This isn't how woman look like
yes, this is better.

>> No.3569328
File: 79 KB, 560x420, kawaiidesune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all men do, only those who have been thorougly psychologically conditioned after years of fapping to "gateway" porn.

Since you have low testosterone your libido for sex is lower, so it may be difficult to understand. When men see women going "OOOOHHHAAAAAWWWWW" when they see a bunny they feel the same way you do, they are confused by the strange behavior.

>> No.3569330

>This isn't how woman look like
My lust is flexible.

>> No.3569336


>> No.3569341


this is probably the flip side of women asking other women what men want........and spending vast amounts of money on ugly shoes.

>> No.3569353
File: 153 KB, 1000x708, Gorillions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This isn't how woman look like

Agreed, Samus is a gorillion times better.

>> No.3569358

>How come men get turned on by this crap?

I think very few men get turned on by this crap. Even on 4chan.

>> No.3569371

Yeah no. You obviously don't step out of /sci/.

>> No.3569378

>This isn't how woman look like
i get turned on by this (>>3569328) pic
something does not have to look like a woman to be attractive. something is attractive to me if i want it to be, and with enough exposure to it for my penis to learn to get hard for it.

why is it always like this?

This isn't how woman look like
This isn't wat woman look want
This isn't how woman look act
This isn't how woman look like

WE DONT CARE! we are still going to look at it.

>> No.3569379

>This isn't how woman look like

Now get out 3D you are PD.

>> No.3569380

Recognizable content, few physical flaws.

>> No.3569400

What are her breast implants made of?

It looks like her boobs are literal milkbags... like oyu know polyethylene bags with milk inside.

>> No.3569402

It's Samus Aran from Metroid
greetings from /v/

>> No.3569408

This would be a fetish.

Which means you need to understand a fetish before you say something.
It's the same reason furries like animal hybrids, some people like feet, and some like vore.
It's a fetish.

If you are on /sci/ and you don't have the mental capacity to understand how a fetish works, maybe you have a lot of evaluating to do on how you understand a language and a human.

>> No.3569413
File: 40 KB, 445x561, 1263609949755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3569414

> How come men get turned on by this crap?
> it looks like some sort posthuman abomination from masturbatory transhumanist science fiction novel.

Sounds to me like you answered your own question. Anything else you would like /sci/ to help you with?

>> No.3569415

I don't have fetishes. I just get my kicks out of pretty much anything sexual.

>> No.3569417

Exaggerated features that people are already programmed to look for.

Situations that people are also programmed to find arousing.

Familiarity combined with unusual and sexual predicament.

It's the same thing women like. But I think men tend to find the actual image of it to be more stimulating, if only because we like inflicting sex on things, while women would probably find a description of a similar situation stimulating, if only because they like having sex done to them.

>> No.3569422

Then you should go and understand what a fetish is.

The ignorance of people without a fetish is what causes your OP.

>> No.3569433

I also don't have fetishes. I just get my kicks out of pretty much anything

>> No.3569440

I know what fetishes are. My point was that saying that only people with a fetish would find it arousing is false.

>> No.3569448

The hands squeezing her, the texture of her suit, these things denote a particular form of sensuality in the head, like the act of "squeezing something squishy," and adding on the notion of "the female" and "the struggle/resistance of the female" in the picture is what makes it arousing.

>> No.3569451

That's not what your point implied.

You are saying its not attractive because its not how a woman looks.

So obviously it is a fetish if you have to like something that doesn't "look" like a woman to like it.

>> No.3569546

Bla bla feminist bullshit bla.

Do you have more of Samus?

>> No.3569562

I guess you're confusing me with someone else. I do consider that pic sexually arousing.

>> No.3569571

I don't get turned on by that. Too comically disproportionate.

>> No.3569588

pic is good just for the element of domination over a mass murdering planet destroying super warrior.

>> No.3569591

It's also good for the idea of sexualizing a childhood icon.

The proportions are way off, though. If I saw someone with those boobs/ass in the street I'd burst into laughter.

>> No.3569597

Just like any art, the features arent realistic. They are exaggerated to exaggerate the emotional response in the viewer. In this case some people are aroused by

1. Women with sexy features
2. Women who are trapped and powerless
3. Women who are Upset

Im personally not aroused by these things. OP's image is not sexy to me.

>> No.3569636

>it looks like some sort posthuman abomination from masturbatory transhumanist science fiction novel

Sorry, what was your question again?

>> No.3569643

>Just like any art, the features arent realistic. They are exaggerated to exaggerate the emotional response in the viewer
>Just like any art, the features arent realistic.
>any art

I'm going to disagree.

>> No.3569650
File: 164 KB, 1200x1360, jap_grab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not what you think OP. What the picture really shows is a woman whos suit is being cleaned by a team of professionals. The hand positions are mere coincidence during the moment in the image. The woman looks irritated because no one thought of cleaning the suit without her in it. I guess she's bored. Take a look at my superimposed diagram with the following legend:

Purple area - The region of the scrubber which covers a part of her body relative to the angle of the camera.

Red area - The area of the scrubber which does not cover the womans form.

Green dotted line - The real form of her perky breasts and natural butt which is causing much confusion in i this thread.

>> No.3569656


>> No.3569659

There's an entire column for Japanese on the Home page. Most of the third column is Hentai. What do u think they discuss? Samurai stances?

>> No.3569662
File: 260 KB, 1600x1200, gamebed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come men get turned on by this crap?

This isn't how woman look like... it looks like some sort prehuman abomination from a horrible science fiction novel.

My fap folder is 95% 2D
3D just can't compete in personality or appearance

>> No.3569664


>> No.3569668


that actually looks better

>> No.3569669


Any of you guys been there?

>> No.3569684
File: 134 KB, 550x760, shitting-dick-nipples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are correct, real woman look like this. sexy.

>> No.3569686

>This isn't how woman look like
So? It's incredibly fucking hot.

>> No.3569690


>> No.3570476

>How come men get turned on by this crap?
>This isn't how woman look like...

It's the exaggeration of features that men look for in a woman.

Like how disney or anime makes their characters eyes larger than is actually humanly possible to more easily convey emotional states?

Yeah, same thing basically.... the artistic exaggeration of the "Assets" of the women heightens the arousal felt by men upon gazing at Samas Aran's Huge tracts of land.

It's just a mental thing.

>> No.3570538
File: 133 KB, 550x413, 1308105829918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
