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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3564777 No.3564777 [Reply] [Original]

I got a D in Calculus II, B in Calculus I, B in Intro to Differential Equations, B in Calc-based Mechanics (Physics).

Should I go ahead and kill myself, thereby preventing my tainting of the human gene pool?

thanks for the help sci.

I also go to community college.

>> No.3564805


>> No.3564826

damn op... i gotta take a bunch of calc classes too.. im scared as fuck..

>> No.3564830
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>community college
>d in calc ii

>> No.3564831


Just do the homework man and you'll be okay. I didn't do the homework for Calc II and I never went to class. That bought me at least an extra year at community college.

>> No.3564832
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>community college

>> No.3564836

eh, yesterday a guy came and fixed the cable... so there are uses for people like you

>> No.3564839


I actually paid for my school out of my own pocket, and it was a lot cheaper than your school was I'm sure.

>> No.3564848


you watch TV? damn I don't even do that.

>> No.3564850

Who gives a fuck .. stop listening to this elitist faggots ..

Just go alone through the whole course again .. make sure you get it this time , and move the fuck on ..

life is about learning to overcome your fails and becoming a better person/professional

>> No.3564860

>going to top college in the united states
>reap the benefits of its' multi-billion dollar endowment
>pay nothing for my superior education

>> No.3564866

No, but in order to access teh interwebs I need cable. lol... television, what is this, the 20th century?

>> No.3564876

Thanks man!
I went back and re-did all the homework this summer and I think I've got a solid understanding of it. I'm very concerned about the effect it's going to have on my transferring. All my other grades (32 credits worth) are As/Bs...

I worked the nightshift till 4am on Friday and Saturday, till midnight on Sunday and it really threw my sleeping off schedule. I usually slept in instead of going to school.

>> No.3564886


Awesome, man. Glad to see my tax dollars are going towards the education of such a fine young douche.

>> No.3564888

You need to get your fucking act together. Killing yourself isn't going to stop you being shit at calculus; only studying will do that.

>> No.3564893

Hey man.. im going to CC too. Gonna transfer to a big in-state uni for my last 2 (hopefully) years. I am going to need 40k+ in loans for those two years cause I intend to live in campus. I live way too far to commute. My major atm is general studies which is designed for people who want to transfer into 4 years. Got a bunch of humanities, science and math classes to take.

Future Computer Science major here btw.

>> No.3564899

lol i like you

>> No.3564898

The only way you can get low grades in math and science classes, or any class for that matter, is that you were a lazy fuck.

There's nothing wrong with CC, but if you're not even going to apply yourself and get A's, then what is the point of even going to school.

The job market is already super saturated with massive numbers of average/below average intelligence college graduates. None of them can get jobs outside of starbucks, what makes you think your D's and B's will be any different?

It get out of school exactly what you put into it. I have yet to meet someone who studies 30 hours a week that didn't make almost perfect grades.

>> No.3564896


working on it man!... Got another shot this semester, just feeling awfully down in the dumps about the whole ordeal.

>> No.3564904

No, you should never kill yourself. All endeavors are futile anyways. You WILL die one day and no matter what you build, it will eventually crumble or burn.

Embrace hedonism. All actions not directly related to gaining pleasure should work towards such a purpose.

So you are failing at community college, so what? Consider the job you want that has the most pay or fringe benefits or leisure time.

It took me years in the workforce to learn this. But if you are truly feeling suicidal, you are already halfway to abandoning everything in your life that you have naively placed meaning in.

>> No.3564911

>tax dollars
It's a private university. My education is funded by rich graduates (of which I am soon to be), not tax payers. I did say a top college, not some mediocre public shit hole.

>> No.3564914


Well, it's good you have the resolve, and it's only natural to feel shitty about lower results than you were aiming for. Just remember being shitty at something is the first step towards being good at it.

>> No.3564917
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Read that as "my mother got shot this semester." Holy shit. I'm going to bed.

>> No.3564918


No I'm not feeling suicidal... just frustrated and disappointed. I was an abysmal failure at high school, I nearly dropped out. I saturated my brain with all kinds of drugs and outrageous hopes for the future.

I saved up money at Taco Bell, spent 6 months in another country hitchhiking around and sleeping under bridges, came home and decided to go to school. Everything was going smoothly, and I made an effort to pay my own way working 30 hours a week on top of school (and frequent drug use).

It was too much for me to handle and I really screwed my GPA up second semester.

>> No.3564923
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>> No.3564927

stop taking drugs. seriously dude, not everyone can function properly when their mind is in a medicated haze, maybe you are one of them. I know I was...

>> No.3564942


Yeah I'm with you. I thought I could do it and I obviously couldn't.

>> No.3564955

As a guy that used to take lots of drugs and is now focusing on his education - give up drugs and work much less.

>> No.3565081

Why don't you take drugs that would actually benefit your studies, like piracetam and amphetamines ?

>> No.3565214


uppers are fine minus the whole staying up for days at a time, dropping weight like it's hot iron, dry throat, wired, losing my sanity sort of brain schlop, constant taxing of the heart