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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3564271 No.3564271 [Reply] [Original]

Intelligence: 3
Creativity: 2
Social Skills: 1

Intelligence: 2
Creativity: 3
Social Skills: 2

Intelligence: 1
Creativity: 1
Social Skills: 3

>> No.3564281

inb4 shitstorm.

>> No.3564277

the higher number the better.

>> No.3564289

blacks do music like they were born to it, creativity should be 2

asians never made shit, creativity 1

>> No.3564296

life isn't some dungeon and dragons


>> No.3564303

D&D with a D3 only.

the purest form

>> No.3564306


Technological creativity.

>> No.3564307

Science & Math

>> No.3564315


OP has proposed a scientific hypothesis in sociology / racial science field.

>> No.3564319

i knew you were some aspie fuck who would see tech as the limits of creativity.

>> No.3564332

A lot of people don't see black artists as creative because a lot of their songs literally just retrofit another song or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC--NX8252c

>> No.3564338


Yeah.. But jazz.

>> No.3564347

>weasel words

whites stole rock music from blacks. very creative of white people.


>> No.3564350

modern popular music has origins that are about 80% black (jazz, blues, rag, gospel, boogie) and 20% white (country and folk)

when you listen to rammstein, you are being a nigger

>> No.3564354

blacks are not uncreative. updated chart:

Intelligence: 3
Creativity: 2
Social Skills: 1

Intelligence: 2
Creativity: 3
Social Skills: 2

Intelligence: 1
Creativity: 2
Social Skills: 3

>> No.3564358

you don't seem too understand the post yes every genre has an origin, but many modern day black artists literally take songs and change five words then market it as a new song much like led zeppelin did. In fact in the last 3 years black eyed peas have been sued on multiple accounts for plagiarism.

>> No.3564360

with such a fine display of research methodology i hope you guys go on to be real social scientists

>> No.3564366

while true, this doesn't alter the argument that modern popular music owes it's invention to blacks.

it's like me saying whites invented space travel and you countering with "well most whites just sit around on earth"

>> No.3564372


>> No.3564374

creating a ranking system with values ranging from 1-3

Severe lack of motivation,devotion detected
Hows your depression going?

>> No.3564381

I'm not trying to argue I'm trying to explain why some people don't consider blacks creative.

also everything has an origin just because a black man created peanut butter doesn't mean hes entitled to the invention of the PB&J

>> No.3564383

More like:

Intelligence: 3
Creativity: 1
Social Skills: 2

Intelligence: 2
Creativity: 2
Social Skills: 2

Intelligence: 1
Creativity: 4
Social Skills: 1

Each race has 6 points to distribute. White is the most balanced which is a general advantage, whereas asians are better at application of existing knowledge (i.e. advantage in specific cases). Blacks contrast both, in that they have high creativity (mostly in music, since it's one of few activities that doesn't require high amounts of intelligence to achieve in if you have sufficient creativity) and low intelligence and social skills.

>> No.3564402


How is social skills defined? If its inverse if betaness/nerdiness/aspergery, then blacks>>whites>>asians

>> No.3564409

Intelligence: 0.1
Creativity: 0.1
Social skills: 0.1

>> No.3564412

probably based on the ability to interact within a community and positively effect others in that aspect they fail so god damn hard

>> No.3564427

Intelligence: 3
Creativity: 3
Social Skills: 1.5

Intelligence: 2.5
Creativity: 1.5
Social Skills: 0.5

Intelligence: 2
Creativity: 2
Social Skills: 2.5

Lets face it, asians are genius at innovation.

Whites often regarded by themselves as superior, are more prone to racial discrimination than the other races, making them highly unsociable with the majority of the world population.

Blacks, being able to share tribalistic communion in the form of nigger brotherhood and conventionally regarded as an inferior race, make them more apt in their disposition toward socialising with other races.

>> No.3564423

Intelligence: 3
Creativity: 1.5
Social Skills: 1.5

Intelligence: 2.5
Creativity: 3
Social Skills: 2

Intelligence: 1
Creativity: 1
Social Skills: 2

>> No.3564432


Intelligence: 3
Creativity: 2
Social Skills: 1

Intelligence: 2
Creativity: 2
Social Skills: 2

Intelligence: 1
Creativity: 4
Social Skills: 1

Changing asians creativity to 2

You can't deny the countless inventions they created, nor the ones they take and make better.

Listen to some of China's traditional classical music, it's very creative and quite good.
Japans rock and metal music of today is pretty top notch as well.

TL;DR Asia started off creating shit loads of things. Then whites invented some shit, and asia made it better.

That takes creativity.
Plus, I know a lot of asians. Shitty social skills unless talking in moonspeak to their own race

>> No.3564436


Since this is 4chan, its probably based on the ability to get laid. Then blacks>>whites>>asians

>> No.3564438

is this nigga serious?

>> No.3564445


nigga, you ever seen a black man discriminate against another race?

>> No.3564449

Not sure about that. Yes, there were some amazing Asian inventions (I mean shit, flamethrower boats) that were wayyyy beyond their time, but today? I haven't seen much innovation on their front at all.

Dictating that blacks possess better social skills may be correct on one front - the ability to form pseudo-tribalistic communities at ease - but interactions with other races by the majority of their populace are strained at best. Hence, I deem that they deserve a much lower social skills rating than that.

Asians in general have issues expressing themselves, partially due to overbearing governments (i.e. China) and culture (i.e. Japan) still prevalent today. Hence they also deserve a lower social skills rating.

Whites are balanced, should be 2-2-2. They're decent at everything, able to form democratic governments with ease (requires social skills to maintain said structure) and have made countless innovations over time, but not so many "before their time"-type inventions that Asians generated centuries ago.

>> No.3564452

obvious troll

>> No.3564460


Black men? Upstanding members of society. Niggers that follow the "gangsta" culture that is incredibly prevalent and followed by the majority of the black populace? Scum that would beat up an old woman to for fun.

>> No.3564464

Intelligence: ∞
Creativity: ∞
Social Skills: ∞

>> No.3564479



Yeh, but that just shows how social they are isnt it fucktard.

Social organisms band together and in the form of a community. They watch each other's backs and were the origins of the phrase : bros before ho's.

White men just live with their white families in the suburbs and interact with 5-6 other white people on a daily basis.

Most "black" gangs are multiracial.

Asian gangs are mostly only asians.

Italian mobs are only italians.

The KKK not only are only white, but are violently against other races.

>Michael Jackson's beat it

>> No.3564487

Touche, you make an excellent point there. However, I must say that these gangs are, 99% of the time, violent, engaged in illegal activities, mug innocent people, and kill other gangs for minor issues. Wouldn't you say that going so far against society deems that they do not have the social skills to thrive in said society?

>> No.3564492

You sir are 100% right, on a larger scale you nailed it sir. Diviations might occur.

>> No.3564503


Not really. Only that they lack the intelligence to function in said society, and so seek out other retards to band together to protect themselves from the dangers of said society.

They mug because they need the cash. If they didnt have to, Im sure many wouldnt resort to it.

Look at rich black people. They are still black, yet not mugging. You dont see Obama riding your bicycle. Hence its not being black that really determines your level of criminal activity- only your predisposition and circumstances.

Yet it seems blacks are more inclined to form groups and social enclaves as opposed to other groups.

Asians too form groups- chinatown, yin-yang gangs etc.

Whites- even in other countries, and unlike the other races, seldom form dias poras, or white only enclaves.

>> No.3564504


Not that fag, but seems to me they're thriving in their own milieu. We may prefer them to try to "make it" in mainstream society, but clearly they would be at a severe disadvantage there, so sticking with their gangster lifestyles actually makes some sense. Most gangsters die young and poor, but the ones who make it big, can make it VERY big. Where else in our society are there such opportunities for a ghetto rat nigra?

>> No.3564511

>implying Asians are not more creative than whites

>> No.3564513

you guys are aware there are more then 3 races right?

>> No.3564519

>"creativity" as separate from "intelligence"


That's just a meme originating from butthurt stormfags.

>> No.3564526

Intelligence: 105
Creativity: 100
Social Skills: 95

Intelligence: 100
Creativity: 105
Social Skills: 100

Intelligence: 95
Creativity: 105
Social Skills: 105


>> No.3564527

Intelligence: 3
Creativity: 1.5
Social Skills: 1

Intelligence: 2.5
Creativity: 3
Social Skills: 2

Intelligence: 1
Creativity: 1
Social Skills: 2.5

Nearly all major scientific figures, inventors, and philosophers have been White; thus deserve to be ranked high in creativity and intelligence.

Asians have mimicked much of what White man has done throughout the last few centuries; however, do very well academically in math and science(not so much in the humanities).

Blacks do poorly academically and invent very little. They do have some creativity in music and dance, but that's not enough to get a high score in my opinion. They do, however, score well in social skills because they have a sense of confidence.

>> No.3564531

what is the use of making generalizations about races?

>> No.3564538

>Asians have mimicked much of what White man has done throughout the last few centuries

You have that backwards. Think of all the stuff that Asians invented, but were just popularized by European traders. The European advantage was that they were less insular and more adventurous, not more creative in any way.

>> No.3564543

>what is the use of making generalizations about races?

It gives the shittier members of the "better" races something to feel superior about.

>> No.3564549

I love how nobody is disputing the 1 for intelligence for black people, haha. 20+ posts and not one criticism of that.

>> No.3564554

Intelligence: 3
Creativity: 3
Social Skills: 1.5

Intelligence: 2.5
Creativity: 2
Social Skills: 0.5

Intelligence: 1.5
Creativity: 2
Social Skills: 3

I think this is the most fair.

Intelligence and creativity are inseparable. If you need any proof of the intelligence and creativity of asians, Japan is a fine example. They are highly innovative and excel in their studies. (their examinations are the most difficult in the world, and innovation can be relied upon to give them the competitive edge in the corporate world)

Though whites can be smart, they tend to be fuddy duddies with regard to protocol and standard procedures. More whites than any other race (except the sand niggers) are known for their fundamentalism. Yet intelligence and creativity are inseparable. So their creativity score benefits from their intelligence.

As pointed out earlier, and come to think about it from a biology perspective, whites are really bad at forming close groups and relationships in a particular habitat. They form numerous small nucleated groups of friends, whereas asians will try to seek asians, and blacks will form close relations with whoever is willing in the form of gangs or other social activity.

Black people do badly in studies, cant deny that fact. They are creative with music and if you walk down the ghetto, the sights of vandalism could be argued for the creativity and artistic nature of blacks yearning to be expressed. Yet creativity and intelligence are inseparable, and so their creativity score suffers from their intelligence.

I think this is fair.

>> No.3564553
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>> No.3564561

> Think of all the stuff that Asians invented
> Nothing comes to mind
> Had to use google

>> No.3564567

Obvious butt-hurt Asian.

>> No.3564579

holy fuck are you american

think of the ancient chinese
think of all the japanese electronics you're using right now

>> No.3564583

Intelligence: 3
Creativity: 3
Social Skills: 1.5

Intelligence: 2.5
Creativity: 2
Social Skills: 1

Intelligence: 1.5
Creativity: 2
Social Skills: 3

Intelligence: 6
Creativity: 5.5
Social Skills: 2

Intelligence: 4
Creativity: 3.5
Social Skills: 3

Intelligence: 1
Creativity: 1
Social Skills: 2.5

Intelligence: 1.5
Creativity: 2
Social Skills: 3.5

Intelligence: 0
Creativity: 0
Social Skills: 0

Intelligence: 3
Creativity: 2.5
Social Skills: 0.5

Intelligence: 6
Creativity: 6
Social Skills: 6

Ok. Lets play.

>> No.3564589


Racial "Science", /tg/ edition?

>> No.3564604

Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 3
Charisma: 1.5
Strength: 1.5
Dexterity: 2.5
Constitution: 1.5

Intelligence: 2.5
Wisdom: 1.5
Charisma: 2
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 1.5
Constitution: American, and in shambles

Intelligence: 1.5
Wisdom: 2.5
Charisma: 2
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 1.5
Constitution: 2

>> No.3564612

Those aren't really creative Asian inventions. It's kinda like White man inventing the automobile, and then Asians create an automobile with a sunroof. Yea, it's pretty cool, but it's not quite the ground breaking invention that the White man created. Most of those original technologies you talk about from Japan: the original concept/invention was created by White man.

>> No.3564622

Transistors, gunpowder and paper are mere imitations of White inventions? What are you babbling about?

>> No.3564632

Whats all this asian creativity worship? Made tons of things in the ancient world but they didn't change for thousands of years. Japan was medieval 150 years ago. Asian music didn't chnage much the whole time.

>> No.3564635


well they invented paper and gunpowder but whatever.
anyway the car was invented by the a Scottish man not "the white", and a lot of the inventions you might think about were invented by jews, that people like you usually don't consider white.

>> No.3564658

I thought karl bentz invented the automobile

>> No.3564661
File: 63 KB, 1176x415, blackies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr duurr black people are socialy acceptable
>gangs mean they are social
>they invented Jazz hhurrrerededred

Pic related. 95% of black people TODAY

>> No.3564666

transistors was whitey fuckface

>> No.3564667
File: 47 KB, 515x360, you and your father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of white people TODAY

>> No.3564674

sure it isn't 94.3%?

>> No.3564675


nope, according to you it's James Watt.
you see he made the first engine, after that adding wheels seats ext.. where just small changes.

>> No.3564677


retard detected

>> No.3564673


Dexterity - Skill in performing tasks, esp. with the hands. Black people are the most dextrous I would say, they're always best at sports, dancing and they pick up shit like skiing really fast. Lots of black people are good at art but they are usually like sketch and graffiti artists rather than painting kind of artists.

>> No.3564679

Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 2.5
Charisma: 1.5
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Constitution: 1.5

Intelligence: 2
Wisdom: 3
Charisma: 2
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Constitution: 3

Intelligence: 1.5
Wisdom: 2
Charisma: 3
Strength: 2.5
Dexterity: 1
Constitution: 1

And if you don't agree then you are a fucking moron.

>> No.3564682



nope, according to you it's James Watt.
you see he made the first engine, after that adding wheels seats ext.. where just small changes and had nothing to do with creativity or major breakthroughs.

>> No.3564690


if you are using the dnd system you might as well use 1-20 as numbers.
also add:
latins, jews, indians, ect...

>> No.3564689
File: 47 KB, 406x347, 1280891879272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Butthurt nigger detected

>> No.3564697


being Jewish is a combination of ethnicity, religion and culture.
i'm an atheist, but i'm also ethnically and culturally jewish.

>> No.3564706

Actually, no body is sure if being a Jew is a race or a religon.
So all you are fucktards

>> No.3564711

> Implying the Scottish (James Watt) man was not White.

Also, why are you trying to claim that most prominent inventions are by Jewish people when that is plainly false? You're just grasping at straws to try and put down the great accomplishments of the White man.

>> No.3564718

Most scientists don't believe in a race, the few that do consider there to be 3 races, caucasian, negro and chink. ''Jews'' would belong to the caucasion one.

>> No.3564730

There is no white man, there are however individual beings who made contributions. I doubt James Watt would be happy of you throwing him in a blender and calling him ''white'' instead of actually respecting his persona.

I know you are trolling, or maybe you are an inbred gone astray from /new/, who knows, just please do humanity a favor and die.

>> No.3564733
File: 72 KB, 640x312, 1292290187987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Sources?

>> No.3564741
File: 20 KB, 363x360, almost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3564758

Almost what shithead ?
How about you actually adopt a scientific cosmic outlook on the world, where humans are either humanity as a whole or an individual, this is 2011, I thought shit like racism was in the past.

>> No.3564765

not that guy, but race is ill defined genetically, instead usually relying on obvious phenotypes, social grouping or culture.

but then attempts to define race "correctly" (ie genetically) are scientifically problematic. you could find genetic difference between say black and white americans, but then find just as much genetic difference if you split the population by, say, blood group.

the usual conclusion is that race, as usually understood, doesn't exist genetically.

>> No.3564778
File: 50 KB, 291x267, 1312512814228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost made me reply and post a legitimate post on how you are wrong.

>> No.3564784

Your trolling could hardly be considered legitimate.

>> No.3564808
File: 109 KB, 500x500, 1291159190107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race isn't determined on your certain "outlook" on how humanity should be perceived. It's a scientific fact that if you look at my skin then I am indeed white. Now please gtfo and perhaps stop smoking so much dope

>> No.3564821

> It's a scientific fact that if you look at my skin then I am indeed white.
There is no race as
pointed out. White skin is a part of your phenotype, and your phenotype is a product of your nutrition and environment. It's not race.

>> No.3564825


I bet you have a different hair colour to many people you know. Are they a different race now? What about blood type? What about subtle genetic differences?

Of coursethere are differences, but just how is it any more meaningful to divide races up by skin colour than it is to divide them up by blood type?

>> No.3564835

Nope nope nope. If my parents are both black than there is an 100% that I will be black. Even if my nutrition and enviroment was all white.

>> No.3564853

Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 10
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 10

Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 10
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 10

Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 10
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 10

One can't generalise a whole ethnic group, that is called by many stereotyping, and is one of the reasons that society is so fucked up.

All Men and Women are equal.

>> No.3564882

>implying repetitive electronic beeps are music

>> No.3564908

>ranking races

man you /sci/ons are pathetic

brb malt liquor

>> No.3564928

>All Men and Women are equal.

>> No.3564944

They are, you can go to some African tribal shithole if you don't agree with the Enlightenment upon which societies were built upon.

>> No.3564967

Except you CAN generalise an entire population.


Isn't maths amazing?

>> No.3564972

>>3564944African tribal shithole
I'm already there bro.
I'm not saying we aren't are BORN equal, I mean genetically speaking there's hardly any noticeable difference imo(inb4 skin colour - it's irrelevant to more important abilities). But we are not all equal, could you honestly tell me that some trailer trash southerner is equal to a billionaire, scientist or even the president of the United States? Stop thinking like a chrisfag, this unearned sense of entitlement everyone has is the main reason our species will never leave the solar system.