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3561338 No.3561338 [Reply] [Original]

How can we stop time?

>> No.3561397

By moving at the speed of light?

Which would prove difficult but fuck that

>> No.3563682


>> No.3563687

We can't

>> No.3563710

Beat up those kids from Clockstoppers. Then go on a rape spree. Victoria Justice, you're first.

>> No.3563822
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They never said no >:D

>> No.3563831

by firguring out exactly how entropy works

>> No.3563860
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>> No.3563864

Stop. Hammer time.

>> No.3563896
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Time is a concept of a mind capable of observation. The only way to 'stop time' is to alter ones perception of it.

>> No.3563925

According to current theory, time slows down as one approaches the event horizon of a black hole, exactly at the event horizon time comes to a halt. Inside it time starts flowing in what we would think to be a room direction, hence nothing can get out, since time is travelling toward the singularity.

So time may come to a stop by the wrapping of space and time.

>> No.3563926

By moving at the speed of light.

Our thoughts might be able to do it so try to think that fast

>> No.3563940

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