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3562123 No.3562123 [Reply] [Original]

What is /sci/'s opinion on mental illness such as bi-polar disorder, anxiety disorders, depreesion, schizoafective, schizophrenia, etc...

>> No.3562175

I think that most of the "mental illnesses" that are countered by prescription drugs today dont really exist and are just a way for pharmaceutical companies to generate revenue.

The mental illnesses that i am positive are fake:
ADD/ADHD(i have been diagnosed with this one)

>> No.3562195

Haha lol super troll xD

>> No.3562200
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pretty much this

>> No.3562209

Sufferers of psychosis often convince themselves they have "secret knowledge" and there's no such thing as mental illness. "I'm not crazy, I'm just super correct."

>> No.3562215

they are a bunch of fucking pansies who need to get their shit slapped

>> No.3562216

I'm bipolar. I enjoy hypomania because I have clearer and more creative thoughts regarding my work.

>> No.3562224


>I've never been close to experiencing any of these

And your mom saying you might have ADHD because you can't sit still for five minutes doesn't count, nigger.

>> No.3562231

OP here. Anyone with legit info have an opinion? I'm trying to find facts for my paper.

>> No.3562232

/r/ a medfag to educate him

>> No.3562235

REAL OP here. No I'm not. School hasn't even started faggot.

>> No.3562236

you have never had syndrome a
syndrome a exists indefinitely
one must have syndrome a to know how it feels
therefore, you don't know what it's like to truly have syndrome a

Basically, I think that the worse psychological syndromes get (aka schizophrenia) the more it has less room to be ridiculed. But, when you start introducing syndromes that also can include the highs and lows of human behavior you run into people who take advantage of it.

>> No.3562237
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they may be overdiagnosed but not imaginary

the real kind of ADD affects people well into adulthood but is extremely rare. Because its similar to what allot of kids and teens are like doctors looking to make some money or hit some quottas are more than happy enough to recommend it for perfectly normal kids

aspergers is pretty well understood as part of the autistic spectrum, but commonly confused with social anxiety

you would strugle to find a qualified doctor that would describe anxiety itself as a mental illness, same goes for depression when its not a symptom of a neurological disorder

>> No.3562250

Schizophrenic here. To all you med-fags, before you think of us all as downright crazy, I will state that when untreated, it literally does feel like the hallucinations are second guessing your thoughts and that they are literally "sucking" them right out of you.

The best way I can describe my experience is that it always felt like two people were talking about me, very muffled, as if behind a wall, and I felt like I was being tracked down.

Not a opinion, but a story nonetheless.

Now i'm a perfectly sane chemistry graduate student.

>> No.3562258


>> No.3562262

Mental illnesses can be classified and have patterns, add depression anxiety and aspergers are "ways to call" people who have certain traits in common, if they are to be treated heavily or ignored, that's another matter.
People fail to realized that most mental illnesses come with cognitive and working memory problems, which tend to loop in irrational thinking, especially in paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal and obsessive people.
A person with anxiety can't just "man up", a person with depression can't just "cheer up", a person with add can't just "focus up" the fact that they are stuck in that state makes it an illness, most people on /sci/ who don't believe in ADD/ADHD is because they never met any of those kids, maybe some kids mistaken as by incompetent psychologists (plenty. plenty.) but they are very real conditions.

-some guy studying medicine and surgery

>> No.3562276

I experience this when I smoke pot after a long hiatus of not smoking pot.

>> No.3562289

almost this

just cause a kid is hyperactive doesnt mean he has ADD. and just cause someone is socially awkward doesnt mean they have aspergers (esp when it comes to people who are just plain stupid)

>> No.3562293

you should man up

>> No.3562302

weed doesnt cause schizophrenia, you're on /sci/ now and we wont tolerate such unsubstantiated garbage

>> No.3562317

That's the paranoia side effect of THC, after you've smoked pot for the next 1-3 weeks you may experience paranoid or narcisistic behaviour, basically you become partly schizotypal, but without (often) the cognitive limitations and psychosis, people with high emotional intelligence seem to be less prone to these symptoms, however it can trigger many underlying mental disorders, antisocial, asocial behaviour, bipolarism, depersonalization, histrionic behaviour, aphasia, alzheimer's.

>> No.3562341

I am experiencing highs and lows which feel like small meth bumps and then the come down, but naturally. Anxiety, irritability, paranoia. I think people are laughing at me or talking about me when I walk by them and they're talking. I've thought my dad was bugging my phone/computer and logging my texts/ims. I think cops doctors and teachers never believe me and think I was doing something bad trying to cheat them when I speak to them. I have dreams where it's going normal then people try to kill me. I've had lots of problems focusing since about age 16. Used to be a 4.3 GPA student. now 3.2.

is this mental illness?

>> No.3562345
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Wait, what?

>> No.3562348

>paranoid or narcisistic behaviour
> antisocial, asocial behaviour, bipolarism, depersonalization

Bipolarfag here, that's pretty much what happened. I smoked too much weed and took too much LSD and it triggered the peak of my condition.

Depersonalization is the most alien and alarming feeling I've ever experienced.

>> No.3562386 [DELETED] 

Of 48 epileptics, 15% were gluten sensitive 13). A gluten-free diet adopted soon after epilepsy onset can “severly reduce or eliminate seizures” 14).

Schizophrenics have elevated circulating antibodies to giladin 15)
Before and during World War 2, among 5 countries, the % change in first-time admissions for schizophrenia was significantly correlated with the % change in the amount wheat consumed 16)
People in a schizophrenic ward, when given cereal and milk free diet, were discharged twice as fast as those eating high cereal, and they regressed and remitted upon cereal withdrawl and reintroduction 17). 27% of schizophrenics had gliadin antibodies (18% in controls) 18).
8 other accounts here of gluten/cereal free fixing schizophrenics 19)

"A drastic reduction, if not full remission, of schizophrenic symptoms after initiation of gluten withdrawal has been noted in a variety of studies." 20)


"Is schizophrenia rare if grain is rare? If, as hypothesized, neuroactive peptides from grain glutens are the major agents evoking schizophrenia in those with the genotype(s), it should be rare if grain is rare. To test this, we analyzed the results of our clinical examinations (e.g., kuru) and observations of anthropologists on peoples consuming little or no grain. Only two overtly insane chronic schizophrenics were found among over 65,000 examined or closely observed adults in remote regions of Papua New Guinea (png, 1950-1967) and Malaita , Solomon Islands (1980-1981), and on Yap , Micronesia (1947-1948). In preneuroleptic Europe over 130 would have been expected. When these peoples became partially westernized and consumed wheat, barley beer, and rice, the prevalence reached European levels. Our findings agree with previous epidemiologic and experimental results indicating that grain glutens are harmful to schizophrenics." 21)

>> No.3562388

I like this post.
I grew up with ADD/ADHD, but haven't really noticed anything significant until the last few years. Up until junior year of high school I was heavily medicated (peaked at 72 mg, not including sleeping pills) and I still behaved as an uncommonly hyperactive problem child. It started to calm down late in high school, and about that time I noticed that my normal medication was making me more drowsy than usual, so I was taken off of it. For about a year I didn't show anything, and had forgotten about the condition altogether.
Towards the end of senior year, during a math test, I suddenly noticed I had spent the last 30 minutes watching the ceiling fan spin. This kind of thing happens daily. In fact, I've spent much longer typing this than I should have. I zone out at work staring at the clouds and observing their movements. The only reason I haven't gone back on a small amount of medication is because I don't like it.
When someone tells me to my face that ADD and ADHD are fake, I am truly offended.

>> No.3562390
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People with recent psychosis: 5.5 times more likely to have gliadin antibodies 22).
Gluten intolerants: 13% have an associated central or peripheral nervous system and psychiatric disorders 23).
Celiacs: 40% present Sensorineural hearing loss (3% of controls do) 24). 32% sensory ganglionopathys had gluten sensitivity. Those going on gluten-free experienced remission, while those not compliant did not 25).
Celiacs: 11% show neurological symptoms including, cerebellar ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, seizures, and myelopathy 26) 27).
Patients with neurological disease of unknown aetiology: 57% have high rates of gliadin antibodies 28).
A subgroup of gluten sensitive patients complaining of severe headaches experienced resolution upon a gluten free diet 29).
Axonal neuropathy patients: 34% have gliadin antibodies 30).
Idiopathic ataxia: 32% gluten sensitive (only 13% of them reported gastrointestinal symptoms) 31).

"A 38-year-old man was admitted as to our department an inpatient for worsening anxiety symptoms and behavioral alterations. After worsening of his neuropsychiatric conditions, with the onset of a frontal cognitive deficit, bradykinesia and difficulty walking, dysphagia, anorexia and hypoferraemic anaemia…Extensive laboratory investigations gave positive results for anti-gliadin antibodies, and an appropriate diet led to a progressive remission of the encephalopathy." 32)

>> No.3562397
File: 102 KB, 649x528, gluten schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of 48 epileptics, 15% were gluten sensitive 13). A gluten-free diet adopted soon after epilepsy onset can “severly reduce or eliminate seizures” 14).

Schizophrenics have elevated circulating antibodies to giladin 15)
Before and during World War 2, among 5 countries, the % change in first-time admissions for schizophrenia was significantly correlated with the % change in the amount wheat consumed 16)
People in a schizophrenic ward, when given cereal and milk free diet, were discharged twice as fast as those eating high cereal, and they regressed and remitted upon cereal withdrawl and reintroduction 17). 27% of schizophrenics had gliadin antibodies (18% in controls) 18).
8 other accounts here of gluten/cereal free fixing schizophrenics 19)

"A drastic reduction, if not full remission, of schizophrenic symptoms after initiation of gluten withdrawal has been noted in a variety of studies." 20)

"Is schizophrenia rare if grain is rare? If, as hypothesized, neuroactive peptides from grain glutens are the major agents evoking schizophrenia in those with the genotype(s), it should be rare if grain is rare. To test this, we analyzed the results of our clinical examinations (e.g., kuru) and observations of anthropologists on peoples consuming little or no grain. Only two overtly insane chronic schizophrenics were found among over 65,000 examined or closely observed adults in remote regions of Papua New Guinea (png, 1950-1967) and Malaita , Solomon Islands (1980-1981), and on Yap , Micronesia (1947-1948). In preneuroleptic Europe over 130 would have been expected. When these peoples became partially westernized and consumed wheat, barley beer, and rice, the prevalence reached European levels. Our findings agree with previous epidemiologic and experimental results indicating that grain glutens are harmful to schizophrenics." 21)

>> No.3562408
File: 5 KB, 225x225, trust me, Im white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marijuana can treat most of the mental illnesses you faggots speak of.

>> No.3562409

12) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19406584
13) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19244266
14) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1354781 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7842435 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15737700
15) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7772650
16) http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/reprint/18/1/7
17) schizophreniabulletin.oxfordjournals.org/content/14/4/489.1.long gluten schizo.jpg
18) schizophreniabulletin.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2010/09/30/schbul.sbq111.abstract
19) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6700311 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9408073 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/5820122 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4739849 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1587927/pdf/brmedj01565-0067d.pdf http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2851166 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2652467 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1246624
20) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16423158
21) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6609726
22) www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20471632
23) http://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2011/p0126_diabetes.html
24) www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21067821
25) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20837968
26) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15592736
27) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12640070
28) http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?art
29) www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=1737870&blobtype=pdf
30) www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16835287
31) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12566288
32) www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2711951
33) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11842874
34) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19917211

>> No.3562413

"Gluten and/or casein free diet has been implemented to reduce autistic behavior, in addition to special education, since early in the eighties. Over the last twelve years various studies on this dietary intervention have been published in addition to anecdotal, parental reports. The scientific studies include both groups of participants as well as single cases, and beneficial results are reported in all, but one study. While some studies are based on urinary peptide abnormalities, others are not. The reported results are, however, more or less identical; reduction of autistic behavior, increased social and communicative skills, and reappearance of autistic traits after the diet has been broken." 33)

Autistics show high urine peptides, and some of these have a dietary origin. Significant decreases are found after 1 year of gluten/casein free. “The literature shows abundant data pointing to the importance of a gut-to-brain connection.” 34).

>> No.3562417

Yes. As I said I don't study psychology but I can try to classify what you are experiencing, how much caffeine do you assume daily, if any? How would you describe your family? Have you done any drugs recently? As you described it you would appear as someone taking huge ammounts of caffeine daily, but could be bipolarism or even just general anxiety, about your paranoia, would you describe yourself as someone with odd beliefs? you could also have some kind of guilt-related depression, how long has this being going on?

>> No.3562421


I spent several years on a wheat-free, gluten-free diet. It did nothing for my psychosis or anxiety. Herp derp, doesn't count because it's an anecdote.

>> No.3562423

try smoking weed

>> No.3562425

Yeah, only happens when I smoke weed. After I'm not stoned, I retreat to normal. I think.

Other than that, I sometimes interpret words, speech, and television in more than one way. I sometimes think that certain letters of the alphabet are "bad", some have certain meanings, etc, or that digital clocks sometimes say words (11:34 is hell upside-down), stuff like that, but I never feel that I personally am receiving special messages from things. I know how to view these media regularly. I just sometimes see these other connections, too.

Is that bad?

>> No.3562439

Psychiatry provides labels, so that it can provide help to people who ask for it as efficiently as possible. That's all. Trying to treat them as being fundamentally meaningful to the universe is completely misunderstanding what science does. Is psychiatry in its infancy? yes, but its developing. We cannot make diagnoses from structural features, only self-reporting of mental state and observed behavior, but so what?

>> No.3562448

Do you think it is? It's very odd compared to normal functioning but its cause can be traced back to cannabis usage, smoke less or stop completely, people often fail to see how strong is the impact of things on their minds until it's too late, especially with weed and caffeine, because, it's totally not a drug guys, everyone does it!

>> No.3562470

I have hypothesized in the past that mental illnesses are simply extreme adaptations to extreme environments.

>> No.3562471

I used to think my mom and brother could read my thoughts as a kid. Sometimes I think people know what I'm feeling/thinking and get nervous in public.

No caffiene. I've done almost every drug but I've had these symptoms before I started doing drugs at 18. Currently I only do weed and xanax, and tobacco. Smoking clams my racing mind and lets me think clearly.

My family isn't close. My dad never goes out, neither does my mom. My mom suffers from anxiety, so does my dad but about what I don't know.

>> No.3562480

Psychiatry isn't really science, though, not the part you're talking about. It's like medicine or engineering, an applied field that makes do with simplifications and shortcuts that its pure progenitor (psychology/neurology, biology, psychics in order) would never stoop to.

>> No.3562493

All of those things are sciences

>> No.3562497

Congratulations you're a completely normal person with a non-clinical degree of social anxiety disorder. If it becomes a serious problem maybe go talk to a therapist.

>> No.3562514

Sounds like schizofrenia, I'm sorry, nicotine has been reported to help in most schizofrenic patients, if you never had any hallucinations, not even auditory, it is probably light and can be treated, seek a psychologist asap, especially for the paranoia, best of luck /sci/bro

>> No.3562519

Engineering/Medicine/Therapy is to Physics/Biology/Psychology as Painting is to Color Theory.

>> No.3562531

>I think people are laughing at me or talking about me when I walk by them and they're talking. I've thought my dad was bugging my phone/computer and logging my texts/ims. I think cops doctors and teachers never believe me and think I was doing something bad trying to cheat them when I speak to them

That's as clinic as it gets, there's a point where anxiety turns into full on paranoia

>> No.3562560

That analogy is inapt, painting doesn't have a goal doesn't have write or wrong answers. Guess what you can make people better or worse with psychiatry or therapy. You can make buildings better or worse through engineering. There are right and wrong answers, we don't always know them but they exist.

>> No.3562591

That's not the analogy being made, though. Painting is the application of color theory not another way of studying colors.
Engineering is the application of physics not another way of studying the world.
Medicine is the application of biology not another way of studying the body.
Psychiatry (when referring to chemical therapy for behavior) is the application of research psychology and neurology not another way of studying the mind.

>> No.3562611

bipolar here, life is fun as a secret pariah

>> No.3562612

science is defined by a method of testable empiricism, not by what it describes

>> No.3562626

I "have" schizophrenia, but it's not exactly noticable.

We're dealing with the human brain here, people. Until we can create a machine that analyzes each and every thought in a person's mind, we won't make any significant progress in determining what exactly causes "mental illnesses," whether they exist or not, etc.

>> No.3562633

other bipolar here, pariah's cant be secret.You're thinking of a different word

>> No.3562645


closeted? not a pariah until someone finds out, until then you're just various levels of weird

>> No.3562655

>science is defined by a method of testable empiricism...
...applied with the intention of learning something new (IMO)

>> No.3562871


wow this is interesting, my father is bipolar and he's been gluten-intolerant for as long as i can remember. I had NO IDEA that they would actually be related.

>> No.3562893
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schizophrenia is an exception.

>> No.3562992


Wait, this mentions rice.

I just looked it up and it says that gluten isn't in rice.

>> No.3563011
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It was epidemiology, so they were just mentioning what correlations they found, in addition to the gluten they were specifically looking for. Rice was one of them. It cant be ruled out that it didn't have an effect (via epidemiology), but i think white rice is probably safe given how many people eat it seemingly without incident (all those asians).

>> No.3563080


Well, my mom has schizophrenia(paranoid) and pretty severe depression.

So I have an elevated chance of developing, so I guess I'm going to try and avoid gluten. I've noticed I do somewhat avoid it for the most part on accident.

Hard as hell to get enough calories in if I'm not eating pasta/rice.

>> No.3563106

I have been diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder.

Been psychotic 3 times in my life.

I smoke weed, even tho the docs say that I should not. Doc's say that if I continue to smoke, I will eventually become psychotic again and worsen my condition.
Weed helps me in various ways. I have no paranoia, no magical thinking, no symptoms whatsoever from smoking weed. I function better socially and I am more inclined to do stuff when high.

Whats /sci/ opinion? Stop smoking weed, or continue?

>> No.3563126

If you're looking for dietary means towards health, check this out http://flare8.net/health/ . Its where that (gluten) content is from.

>> No.3565775

all women have Borderline Personality. Some just more than others.

>> No.3567895


They're a pathology, pure and simple.

>> No.3567902

>disregard medical professional's advice
>ask 4chan for medical advice instead

Yeah you got some mental problems.

>> No.3567919

ADD really does exist its just extremely over-diagnosed. If you meet somebody who actually had ADD it become obvious quick. Aspergers is probably similar to ADD in that it is extremely overdiagnosed or at least a blanket term used to describe all socially inept people.

Depression and anxiety is bullshit. Everybody gets depressed and anxious but some fags fail to get over it.

>> No.3567957

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a sick society.

>> No.3568016

meh, i am diagnosed with ADD from the doctor and 90% of the population that has met me didn't know or would never guessed i have ADD. ex: i can focus when i want to but i don't if the particualar subject at hand is boring or dreadful.

>> No.3568021

perfect example of how its over diagnosed

>> No.3568030

i agree. now the Doctors are just making me waste my money. anyway, I've been off my meds since January and i am doing great.

>> No.3568032

Dr. Retard chiming in.

>> No.3568100

Somebody who had/has anxiety and depression here.

I'm not actually sure what causes it, but at it's worst the anxiety would cause extreme OCD. I felt like there was a deity waiting to punish me for any mistake. I figured it might be interesting for some of you scientifically minded types to see some of the routines and beliefs that take over in cases of fairly extreme OCD.

When washing hands I would: Wash the back of my hands, moving the hand I was using in counter clockwise circles 3 times. The same for the palm, then I'd repeat it on the other hand. Then scratch the back of the hand, then the palm and repeat on the other hand. I'd then move in a smooth motion to grabbing my thumb, which I'd "twist" 3 times, then the same on the other hand. And then "lattice" my fingers, at first having my left thumb on the inside of the right, scrubbing 3 times and then putting the right thumb on the inside of the left. Then I'd tap each finger tip 3 times quickly.

Then if I don't mess up, I'd repeat this 3 times and be done.

If I messed that up, I'd start again. I'd mess up a lot on the fingertip tapping as I would have to do it quickly. When I messed up, I'd also have to add to the amount of times I'd wash my hands in threes. So if I messed up once I'd wash them 6 times, then I'd do 3 times by 3 times, then 3 by 3 by 3 and so on. This would lead to occasionally washing my hands for a very long time.

My skin would be so dry during this time that it would crack and bleed.

I'd also have similar routines for showering, going to bed, waking up, eating, drinking (each sip would have to be ended by 3 sips, messing up would lead to more 3s). I wasn't religious, but I would pray obsessively for things, just in case.

>> No.3568103


The prayers would be for eating, masturbating, before bed and after bed. I can't remember the prayers exactly, but again, they'd be repeated three times, and if I messed up I'd repeat them in threes again.

I'd also have "trigger" words that when read would trigger a sense of anxiety that would only be helped by praying.

I could list them all, but the hand washing one is probably boring enough to most people.

I am mostly normal now, though.

>> No.3568136


And for anybody going through similar OCD.

Here is how I sorted it;

If you are experiencing OCD at this level, or close to it, you'll know there will be the big routines that cause you a lot of anxiety, and the small things that cause minor anxiety.

I started by removing the small compulsions, and waited for the anxiety to leave. This was obviously easier than destroying a whole routine outright.

After I had got rid of the small compulsions, it undermined the whole system of OCD in my head. Like destroying the foundation of a building, removing the small compulsions gave me the power to stop routines that had been in place since I was 13.

I think my brain learns dangers or something too easily. My adrenaline response was (and still is) is very easily triggered by things. It's the same "gut instinct" as you get in dangerous situations. And the same fight or flight response you get when directly faced with dangerous situations. It honestly becomes instinctual, so it isn't easy to change. But it's possible.

Also, if anybody has any questions or anything, I'll answer them, too.

>> No.3568255

i think its just people who crave attention

>> No.3568350



>> No.3568351

I think most mental illnesses which don't have a purely physical cause (like genetic mental retardation) cannot develop without some influence from society.

I think most of the don't start with biological triggers. Read some books on children who went through early serious neglect. The degree of behavioural malformation/inadaption are mind-boggling. We are shaped mostly by society, and so are our mental illnesses.

>> No.3568361

*the degree is mind-boggling, etc.

Most of us (even psychology/medical/neuroscience researchers) don't realise how much of our mind is shaped by society/peers/interaction.

You think you have your own individuality, but you don't. Every social dysfunction eventually leads to some form of mental illness.

>> No.3568396

>All mental illnesses are fake because I can't physically see a mental illness, only it's effects on a person.

There are people out there that are actually that dumb.

>> No.3568415

See, this is the thing about weed. It seems like society is a rubber band making up for prohibition of it with total acceptance, not realizing it's still a drug and some people really shouldn't do it. Still think it shouldn't be illegal on a federal level, though.

>> No.3568480

> You think you have your own individuality, but you don't. Every social dysfunction eventually leads to some form of mental illness.

interesting, but could you please be more precise on that?

>> No.3568669

All Mental Illnesses, like Aspergers, should be cured from the human race as soon as we have the technology to do so.

weed them out of our genetics, fix the brains of those already born, and make sure the germ-line doesn't create any more neurological conditions that have a negative effect.

>> No.3568719

Sure. The mind develops by social stimulation (mother-infant bond, extended to siblings and later peers). All language learning is based on this interaction between mother and infant (understanding voice inflexions, tone, human touch, the feedback between one's needs expressed through crying and the responses of the mother which reduce stress, etc). This mutuality helps build a bond of interdependence with the main care provider (the mother or sometimes father or foster care). These mutual exchanges help the infant reduce his stress and learn how to navigate in the world based on this biological language. Eventually, language is learned as a final, synthesized form of these affective and mutual biological feedbacks, which provide some form of meeting one's social needs. That's why words can hurt or change mood, because language is based on trusted mutuality.

When these relations are somehow fractured or violated (ie language is still used but the social relations are abusive), the person can feel socially abandoned or punished. Social rejection is felt as actual pain in the brain.

So in order to be recognised as an individual you need to be first part of a society which basically gives you a status or social role. Being mentally ill or marginalised is also a social role, although a punished one. So the development of most forms of mental illness is strictly connected with some form of social dysfunction (rejection, bullying, trauma, abuse, isolation, etc).

I don;'t think the initial triggers of the maladapted behaviours, which in a chronic form lead to "mental illness", come mostly from biological/genetic factors. It could be that some genetic factors make some norm-breaking behaviours more likely and the social stigma comes as a result of already existing social rules.

>> No.3568906

>Eliminate aspergers
>No more great scientist
>Great job guys

I know you're trolling, but I thought i'd point it out anyway.

>> No.3568945

My opinion is that the people who think that they don't exist are complete fucking idiots who don't understand how medical diagnoses are made. They all exist, have defined symptoms, and methods of treatment, and you are a fool if you deny it. If you have a problem with the number of people diagnosed or the method of treatment, that's an entirely different issue.

>> No.3568953


since the primary symptom of Asperger's is CAN'T SHUT THE FUCK UP... you have no evidence that any significant percentage of great scientists are actually Aspergers....

>> No.3568956

I'm totally against them. But I'm pro hamburger

>> No.3568979

It's bullshit. People need to stop being beta.

>> No.3568982

you may understand a world that revolves around attention but don't let that world seep into your understanding of others or...
youl'll be wrong

>> No.3568990

u have any idea how many great scientists/artists have been bipolar?

give them meds and they're virtually incapacitated, neuroleptics are a horrible horrible experience

>> No.3569022
File: 71 KB, 250x195, Objection.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be depressed
>read posts like this

>> No.3569025

there are actually several studies ongoing, and some published, that have shown physiological differences in many psychological conditions.

we can already diagnose physiologically with some success in major depression, bipolar and adhd to my knowledge, but it is expensive and not yet viable as a 100% solution.
we will get there though.

unless you've been practicing psychology or psychiatry and seen the shit that's wrong with people, and then tell me something is "made up", you might as well shut your fingers up because your opinion is worthless.

but yes, way to many practitioners throw diagnoses after patients with little thought, and the way the system is run today is a disgrace. it doesn't mean the actual disease doesn't exist.

>> No.3569029

Shut up bro, you're ruining our self righteousness. Obviously, us 14 year old kids know more about medicine than the entire medical community.

>> No.3569032

brain chemistry, if you have normal brain chemistry, dont do drugs

>> No.3569036

Isn't schizophrenia is an objective illness?
And depression is not a disorder, just a state of mind

>> No.3569037

also sleeping normally helps

>> No.3569046

Anyone saying they aren't illnesses/disorders, define illness/disorder for us.

>> No.3569058

Illness = objective physical damage or chemical abnormality (in a brain in our case)
Disorder = extremely irrational behavior in normal circumstances
Derpession isn't one, because most people have shit life, so it's only natural to be dissatisfied with life

>> No.3569065


What about those who have a pretty decent life and are "depressed"?

>> No.3569070

You can't judge decency of someone's life, since we all have our points of view.

>> No.3569072

Depression has been shown to be closely related to chemical imbalance, and to cause it. It also occurs in people in every social position, not just people with shitty lives, and hits some hard while not hitting others at all.
Are you the same person as the one above? If so, you need to re-evaluate your position immediately.

>> No.3569237

I always thought that, say everyone experiences anxiety, but when they experience it to a degree that they cannot function properly they have a disorder. Anxiety disorder, that's how I rationalize it anywho

>> No.3569276

All drastically over diagnosed.

>> No.3569286

That's correct.