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3561113 No.3561113 [Reply] [Original]

With the world population and wealth level steadily increasing meat consumption is going to kill the planet. Insects are undemanding and could provide a way out of the world food problem.

- One hundred grams of silkworm moth larvae provide 100 percent of the daily requirements for copper, zinc, iron, thiamin, and riboflavin.

- Insects reproduce at a faster rate than beef animals

- They don`t have to be fed on grains

- House crickets have a food conversion efficiency of almost 20 times higher than beef

the list could be continued forever. Now pls go out and collect some ants for lunch!

>> No.3561132

but we eat beef because it tastes good. if you want people to only life efficiently and not do things they enjoy we should stop making movies books games and so on. that will also prevent resources from being used for nothing important.

>> No.3561144

Entertainment is necessary for stress relief. Beef is not necessary.

>> No.3561148


eating beef is just a habit you can change/abandon like somking
a hamburger made out of ants would taste as delicious as a burger made out of ham. Just add some spices and ketchup

>> No.3561152

Interesting consideration.

>> No.3561156

if the chinese and indians start to eat/live like the western nations we would need a 2nd earth to supply the resoures

>> No.3561161

Lets eat processed shit while we're at it

>> No.3561167

If it tastes good I will eat it. I don't have an attachment to particular food sources.

Well, hmm. Actually it is hard to look at a goose without thinking about pate. But otherwise, yeah. If insects taste good and they sell it at the supermarket, I am in.

>> No.3561184

if there is no difference in taste i would eat it

>> No.3561185

How do you cook it? Frying only? Or do this shit even needs to be cooked if grown at farms?

And how do they have better efficiency if they eat much more than any mammals compared to their body weight.

>> No.3561189
File: 9 KB, 200x179, 7120583054370265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what? no big deal.

>> No.3561196

What about the conversion efficiency in the gut? What about efficiency in cold countries? Might be missing out some factors here.

>> No.3561207

While some bugs taste good, I wouldn't consume them for a majority of my nutrients.

Now snakes on the other hand.

>> No.3561220
File: 29 KB, 370x249, cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just got myself some big cockroaches which have been living under my fridge for the last years

>> No.3561231
File: 74 KB, 526x700, 08_blonde_gloves_goupil31_solo_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tomorrow, thousands of portals open up around the world, spewing autonomous warmachines that kill all people on sight
>it's humans from another Earth where people had these thoughts twenty years ago

>> No.3561275

yeah i read that new yorker article too