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3558883 No.3558883 [Reply] [Original]


How were the pyramids and great stone structures around the world built (120 ton blocks of stone) if we today cannot move a single piece of stone that size with modern equipment?

>> No.3558887

The jews back then were way buffer than the jews of today.

>> No.3558888

I feel quite comfortable in saying that we could move it if we were to dedicate sufficient resources to it. Anyone with those resources has no motivation to do so though.

>> No.3558893

Why would ancient people make blocks that big instead of putting together smooth faced smaller blocks?

>> No.3558892



I lawled

>> No.3558900

It doesn't matter. Historically, people are renown for idiocy. What rationale they used is of no consequence.

>> No.3558898

Modern people are more than capable of moving 120 ton blocks of stone. A single person could do it with a pulley.

The problem is doing it thousands of times and arranging it into the shape of a pyramid.

>> No.3558906

Slaves, slaves everywhere

>> No.3558910

What is gonna support those pulley's?

>> No.3558914


Bigger pulleys

>> No.3558918


How were roman aqueducts around europe built (stone suspended >120 feet in the air) if we today cannot move a single piece of stone that high with modern equipment?

>> No.3558919



>> No.3558923


this about covers it OP.

>> No.3558925

Ancient Aliens

>> No.3558928

This shit and the Nazca lines never cease to amaze me with how little credit people give ancient civilizations for ingenuity.

>> No.3558936

OP some historians have suggested the pyramids were built in a kind of ramped spiral. So while an army of [insert large number I can't be bothered to fiddle] can't pull a gigantic block up a sheer pyramid face, they can absolutely pull one up a series of controlled inclines. That and some sturdy mathematics is all you need.

>> No.3558956

That and how stupid they were to believe in X.

>X is so evil, we all gonna die.

>> No.3558959
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> mfw that sounds pretty feasible
> four inclines on all sides of a pyramid, set to a two-degree slant
> slave army pulls block up ramp on east side
> meanwhile ramp on north side is adjusted to compensate the height -- degree of slope stays the same
> slave army pulls block up ramp on north side
> meanwhile ramp on west side is adjusted into place
> slave army is folded in and out in shifts, by section, over the course of days
> continue circling at whatever incline was calculated as necessary, from the beginning, to lead their elevation to the precise height of the planned spot where that block was intended to go
> pull block into place

Good job guys. Only two-hundred more to go.

>> No.3558963
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>> No.3558966

ancients alein told us how to put 2 blocks together

>> No.3558968

No slaves. The people who worked on the pyramids were paid.

>> No.3558974
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>> No.3558976


> "What kind of ramps could they make that would possibly sup--"
> Suddenly I realize the 'ramps' were THE OUTERMOST SPIRAL OF THE PYRAMID ITSELF

Ancient Egyptians confirmed for epic-tier legendary genius badasses. Dem logistics man :O

>> No.3558980

it has been proven time and time again how the egyptians could have done this. but conspiracies and "omg aliems must have done it cause humans cant do anything" crowd sells more books.

>> No.3558981


The problem is... Aliens did it.

>> No.3558983


>> No.3558988


>> No.3558986


>> No.3558992

The pyramids were built when ancient man in his ingenuity harnessed the strength of the dinosaur for motive power.

>> No.3558994


fucking this. massive amount of evidence supporting this, google it. evidence supporting that slaves built the pyramids: the bible. enough said.

>> No.3558996


> not knowing it was aliens

Get out of my /sci/ ... now

>> No.3559003

>my /sci/
I have some bad news for you.

>> No.3559007



>> No.3559049

120 tons...


>> No.3559065
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>> No.3559074

We can move 120 ton blocks of stone today and we could do it 5000 years ago.

>> No.3559109

Ancient Aliens.

>> No.3559132
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This is how they were built.

>> No.3559219

lol nope.

>> No.3559246
File: 290 KB, 1600x1200, sand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over billions of years, rocks would roll down hillsides, chipping off parts. As time wore on, some of these rocks would become more round and roll away.

After all that rolling, Only the more evolved, square rocks would stick to one place and be spared from erosion.

All the round rocks kept on rolling down the hill, getting eroded, but also eroding the hill.

The squarest of blocks settled into neat piles which were harder to disturb by the rolling rocks, while of the hill and the round rocks there remains only sand.

>> No.3559262


incredibly it makes sense

>> No.3559263

Except, the pyramids were built from top to bottom.

>> No.3559267

Well I read Herodotus who lived in 500BC and here's what he says in his Account of Egypt:
" This pyramid was made after the manner of steps, which some call "rows" and others "bases": and when they had first made it thus, they raised the remaining stones with machines made of short pieces of timber, raising them first from the ground to the first stage of the steps, and when the stone got up to this it was placed upon another machine standing on the first stage, and so from this it was drawn to the second upon another machine; for as many as were the courses of the steps, so many machines there were also, or perhaps they transferred one and the same machine, made so as easily to be carried, to each stage successively, in order that they might take up the stones; for let it be told in both ways, according as it is reported. However that may be, the highest parts of it were finished first, and afterwards they proceeded to finish that which came next to them, and lastly they finished the parts of it near the ground and the lowest ranges. "

>> No.3559269
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>Pulleys everywhere

Or if you don't like the idea of pulleys

>Ancient fucking aliens

>> No.3559274

Couldn't you just plant some square rocks and let them grow into pyramids. Irrigation from the Nile would be a lot of work but if you had a lot of people digging it's possible. Once they grow as big as you want them then you just fill in your ditches and they stop growing.

>> No.3559279

>120 ton blocks of stone
Not stone, concrete. They carried up sand and cement then cast it into blocks.

>> No.3559284

He was probably talking about how the outer white limestone casing was put up.

There are good indications that the current surface and the inner stones were built up from the bottom.

>> No.3559288

>120 ton blocks of stone
Not concrete, stone. They carried up lava and water then cast it into blocks.

>> No.3559296
File: 26 KB, 337x450, patrick-syder-granite-column-of-pompeys-pillar-alexandria-egypt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did they cut the granite so smooth with such primitive tools?

>> No.3559302

not stone. aliens. they carried up aliens who used alien magic and possibly lasers.

>> No.3559301



>> No.3559304


this guy gets it

>> No.3559305

because they were fucking masters of their craft. give the human race some fucking credit.

>> No.3559306

Ancient stimulants

>> No.3559308

some clues suggest the pyramids weren't made using blocks, but that those blocks were molded


>> No.3559324

Why are people still banging on about shit like this, and multiple other full retard theories when we know aliens did it? It makes me lose my faith in humanity.

>> No.3559325

Not aliens. Ryan Seacrest. They carried up Ryan Seacrests who petrified.

>> No.3559331

Probably been said already, cant be arsed reading this shite.

We cant move stones of equivalent size because the way we build does not require us to, its completely inefficient to have to move 100 tonne bricks around the place. If we wanted to, we could easily build some kind of machine to move them but there is simply no need to do it.

>> No.3559557


retarded troll is retarded

>> No.3559699

aliens built that truck

>> No.3559724


well of course they did.
Dr. Gene Scott had this idea that Noah built the Pyramids.... AFTER he got done with that ark gig.
Which kind of makes sense. If you can build a 450 foot wooden boat that actually works... you can build anything.

>> No.3559843

they didn't use modern equipment, which, incidentally, is not designed to aid in the construction of pyramids

>> No.3559888

>450 foot wooden boat that actually works...
...and can house two specimens of all the estimated 1.6 million KNOWN species. Not to mention all the food for them.

If you can do all that, you can probably build a volkswagen that works as a single-stage-to-alpha centauri.

Making the pyramids was probably what he did during lunchbreak while waiting for his wife to bring the food.

>> No.3559918


We can easily move stones that size today and make pyramids.

The problem is, we're not sure how they did it. We can think up and guess many methods that would work for people back then, and we've come up with several ways they could have done it. The only thing is that we're not sure which way they did it.

>> No.3559920
File: 35 KB, 553x484, noahs-ark-obviously-an-alien-spacecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because there were just 40 galleries in four large blocks in the entire area, Lehner was sufficiently disturbed that he called in his friend Barry Kemp, the world’s foremost authority on ancient Egyptian urbanism, to have a look. “Looks alien,” teased Kemp, when Lehner asked him what he made of the large, sprawling galleries.
Oh you, Harvard.

>> No.3559928
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>> No.3560305

Has anybody considered the possibility of aliens?

>> No.3560315

No, not one person has ever considered that hypothesis. Ever. Congratulations on your original contribution to human thought.

>> No.3560318


Ancient fucking aliens

>> No.3560325

We can move that shit, learn2leverage.

>> No.3560327

Meant to link this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCvx5gSnfW4&feature=related

>> No.3560329
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I wouldn't say it was ALL my idea. :)

>> No.3560367

Why didn't they just carve a pyramid out of bedrock? Wouldn't that have been so much easier? You just have to move a whole bunch of sand to get down there.

>> No.3560451
File: 12 KB, 380x480, fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're still quite a remarkable person! Congratulations on that!

>> No.3560455


how would they make it's foundation be on the same level as the bedrock then? It would be in the ground if they used the manner you described.

>> No.3560457
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>> No.3560458



>> No.3560535


>> No.3560732

alien tits

>> No.3560801

They used the same technology that the aliens used to sink Atlantis.

>> No.3560818

I think we have come to a consensus:

Aliens built the pyramids out of concrete.
Noah did the catering.

>> No.3560823

Woah, they showed c on Futurama in a useless detail for about 5 seconds, that's dedication.

>> No.3561018

>we today cannot move a single piece of stone that size with modern equipment

But we can.

>> No.3561064
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>can't move 120t with modern equpment
what the fuck?
Emma Maersk can move 160,000 tons of cargo

>> No.3561077


yes 160,000 ton, but not 120. There's a difference.

>> No.3561083
File: 19 KB, 220x231, 7-17-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.3561178

Fucking lost it. This thread may not be the most scientific one ever in /sci/, but it sure brings a smile to my face and spring to my step.

>> No.3561195
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>> No.3561224

yea...cause making a pile of rocks is so fucking hard.

>> No.3562905

I dunt want this thread to die

captcha: valuable reacce

>> No.3563436


Me neither.


>> No.3563530

>"dun want"
>bumping after five hours
>fucking stupid