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File: 16 KB, 500x385, pillars-of-creation-a-photograph-taken-by-the-hubble-telescope-of-columns-of-interstellar-gas-and-dust-in-the-eagle-nebula-where-new-stars-are-continuously-being-born1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3553612 No.3553612 [Reply] [Original]

So I recently found out about the Pillars of Creation, and how they no longer exist but we will still be able to see them there for another millennium or so, oh and of course the fact that the largest pillar is 4 FUCKING LIGHT YEARS LONG

this notion has been driving my mind with thought, i can't seem to wrap my head around this idea that something THAT fucking large ever existed, i mean by comparison i don't think were anywhere near atomic size, i mean 4 fucking light years....FUCK, people on this earth say "when i look at the ocean it seems to stretch forever" what would seeing the pillars be like?!? I mean just wow.... I don't even... is there anything found in recorded history that is bigger than these godlike behemoth pillars??

>> No.3553626


somebodys going to make a joke about their penis

they do look like 3 giant penises though

>> No.3553632

if thats what your penis looks like... well, you should probably have a doctor take a look at it...

>> No.3553633


Well obviously the universe is bigger.

If thoes pillars are within a galaxy then a galaxy would be bigger.

etc etc

>> No.3553638


what do they have to do with creation anyway

>> No.3553641

the fact that we'll be able to watch their destruction in slow motion is awesome to me (it the old timey sense of "awesome")

>> No.3553646

autisticfag cannot into poetic language

>> No.3553647

well yes of course, but I mean any other clouds or cosmic entities, things that are considered one unit, galaxies and the universe aside

>> No.3553653

Well, too late for that.

Anyway, does this count? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyman-alpha_blob

>> No.3553657
File: 1.48 MB, 2423x2423, e4ba7dee-fe33-4118-bbe6-5a3d7b9342d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3553661

I've never seen these before, but they are fucking beautiful. Thanks, OP.

>> No.3553676
File: 11 KB, 265x297, 1239676878688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some are more than 400,000 light years across

fuck this gay earth, im going to kill myself and the haunt the universe as a ghost to see such sights

>> No.3553699

herp derp, i was referring to >>3553653

>> No.3553713
File: 73 KB, 870x413, brofist yotsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck this gay earth, im going to kill myself and the haunt the universe as a ghost to see such sights

Hell, if I could, I'd give everything up to be only a spectator of everything in the universe.

>> No.3553724
File: 1.45 MB, 3939x2459, 1264765438038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3553725

You know what would be awesome though?

The fact that mountains look like they take forever to get to and they seem so big close up.

Imagine what these are like.

>> No.3553737
File: 3 KB, 184x172, 1289459747707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3553745

Given the size of the objects and mass required to occupy such a large volumes of space I doubt they are composed of a "single entity" as you probably envision them to be.

>> No.3553747

these would be seemingly endless and some time after you have delved into a trance traversing it, you reach the end, you look back, and you can't even remember starting your journey or how long its been, all you know is that you've reached an end after a journey that words cannot describe in length or awe

>> No.3553749

these are colour-enhanced. Real stuff isn't that bright and cool, kinda dull for our eyes.

>> No.3553756


And? It's pretty as fuck. Why let human limitations keep me from enjoying the wondrous environment that is space?

>> No.3553759

once again of course not, not technically, i mean the pillars are clouds, which are made of gas which of course is millions of particles, but a cloud is considered one unit made up of several smaller units no? as in its one body, when i say one unit, i think you know what i mean... you're either vaguely trying to troll or are just being dense

>> No.3553823
File: 433 KB, 1280x1280, crabby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can't seem to wrap my head around this idea that something THAT fucking large ever existed

If you think that's awesome, the Crab Nebula wasn't even visible to us over a thousand years ago. Mankind witnessed the supernova that created it. The nebula has been growing outward from that cataclysm ever since.