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File: 1.07 MB, 2560x1920, princeton2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3552409 No.3552409 [Reply] [Original]

>apply to Princeton
>get call 2 weeks later
>they want to sit down for an interview
>go to the interview
>they got wrong person; same name
>dreams shattered
>got home an hour ago

Never been so disillusioned

>> No.3552435
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That must have sucked, bro.

>> No.3552473

i'm sorry... :-(

>> No.3552486
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Sue them for shattered dreams?

>> No.3552494

Maybe you should think about not being stupid.

>> No.3552497

Be happy now you won't be surrounded by douchbags, unless you live by douchbags

>> No.3552506

drink OP, go to a bar, have a drink. whiskey on the rocks. maybe even have 2 or 3 depending on your hopes (there should be some function to it #ofdrinks=??*hopes )

>> No.3552507

got an interview, told you were the wrong person, didn't take advantage of the opportunity to make your case, impress the admissions dude and get in. You're a fucking waste of space OP.

>> No.3552512
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forgot my pic

>> No.3552518

Should have asked them to let you have an interview anyway. There the ones that requested you come in the first place.

Failing that, you should have demanded a reimbursement for travel expenses.

>> No.3552535

The estimated cost of attendance for 2011-12 is $52,670

What could possibly be in those buildings that is worth that much money? What expensive instruments are making run-of-the-mill college undergrad classes BEYOND awesome?

You don't do anything in undergrad where you'd need to use Princeton's resources anyway. Grats on lucking out of a scam.

>> No.3552545

ditto on all counts.

>> No.3552546

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.3552551

yeah, that would have been a good opportunity to go super=bitch on them

>> No.3552556

I take that back. This is not a time to weep and mourn. First time I applied to the school of my choice I was denied. I then decided that was not for me at the moment instead, went to another school and made outstanding grades, applied again and got in. Now Princeton may not be the school to transfer to midstream, but you can always make it a goal for your post grad or choose a different path OP. Lessons learned.

>> No.3552560

Social networks.

>> No.3552567

The degree.


>> No.3552564


lol, a year at princeton costs more than my tuition, room, and board for my entire 4 year degree. And I didn't have to deal with fuckup douchebags, to boot.

>> No.3552578 [DELETED] 

> princeton
> dream

> mfw

>> No.3552601

I worked at the Lewis-Sigler Genomics Institute at Princeton for a few months last year. Beautiful town, boring as shit.

>> No.3552602


>Undergrads who have yet to realize that their degree is equivalent in it's worthlessness to all other degrees.

>> No.3552623

I'm on my way to Ph.D in maths, faggot. You will jelly me when I make $300k/m while I'm behind 7 Scandinavian girls.

>> No.3552628

so for your BS in Widgetology it would end up costing you a nearly quarter million?

take that 4 year degree and hopefully find a job paying $40-$70k at best


>> No.3552643

>I'm on my way to Ph.D in maths, faggot.
>I'm on my way
>I'm still in high school

>> No.3552646

Speaking of Universities

How good is University of Portland? I'm moving up there next year and this seems like the only worthwhile Uni in the area.

>> No.3552654

Only worth it if you're entering the Hipsterology program.

>> No.3552657


I posted >>3552602 and was going to say something along the lines of lolol math = women? but it appears the correct response was already posted.

Thanks anon

>> No.3552658


Actually, English major

>> No.3552676


>> No.3552684
File: 13 KB, 300x300, lrg_University_of_Calgary.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of University, going to University of Calgary for an Engineering degree. How fucked am I?

>> No.3552764

That almost sounds like grounds for suing to get in. Find a lawyer.

>> No.3552772

Unless your name is Kennedy and your parents have a vacation home in the Hamptons I think you're SOL for getting on on some blue blood social network.

>> No.3552833 [DELETED] 

i know that feel bro. i applied to harvard but didn't get in so i had to go to princeton. sucks ass.

>> No.3552849

I'm sorry OP, that sucks.

>> No.3552863


are you for real?

that is a serious cockup right there.

someone must have be having a laugh.


well theres only one thing to do now.

find the fucker with the same name, bludgeon him to death and steal his identity.

or photocopy his school leaving certificate lmao. (exact same name, better grades, you could fool other universities)

>> No.3552870


or wait, even better.

3 years down the road, you take a copy of his degree with you to a job interview. that way you would have gone to princeton without actually going through the hassle of attending princeton.

damn, i wish some fucker had my exact same name.

>> No.3552874


It's good bro. Calgary has tons of shit they need engineers for. Just work on the oil sands nigga.

>> No.3552879


Just finished first year, and I'm one of the 25 accepted into bio-med. You REALLY have to like and understand math, and be prepared to do 3+ hours of studying a day.

Other then that, it isn't AS hard as everybody says. Engineering, depending on what you're going into, is usually fairly competative.

Good luck!

>> No.3552940


Are you stupid? If you get into Princeton, you already have the social networks to do anything else you want.

Take this for example. My grandfather is a multi-millionaire. Now, what do you think makes more sense? Me, going to a lesser name university and inheriting his company, or going to a big name college only to become a wage slave for some other company?

>> No.3552951

studying is for chumps. I graduated with 3.9 from a top 5 engineering university, and studied AT MOST 3 hours for any given test (all the night before...of course. this includes final exams).

>> No.3552955


Alright, that was badly worded, let me clarify.

It doesn't matter what fancy degree you end up with, what matters is how much money you leave your kids and grandkids. Tell me that a degree from Princeton is worth more than what you pay to get it.

>> No.3552960

A degree from Princeton is worth more than you pay for it.

>> No.3552970
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>> No.3552971


People buy into brand name schools. A degree depreciates in value faster than a Toyota.

>> No.3552995

It really is dependent on what OP is studying. If he is going into law or business, of course the connections will be nice.
Why so many people go to Ivy Leagues to study the humanities truly perplexes me. That's what state schools are for...

>> No.3553013

But your connections exponentially increase in value, so the degree is just the disposable rocket while the capsule is perfectly suited to do its job 10x better than low tier schools

>> No.3553025

Does the East Coast have shitty public university's or something?

It seems like you guys get laughed at for not getting into a private University while all our top tier are public except for Stanford.

>> No.3553037

>undergrad applications were due in january

in any case, sorry man

>> No.3553032

>top tier
Yeah, I get to ignore you now, you fucking illiterate monkey.

>> No.3553038


False. Connections are based more on chance than it is on pure academics. It's not as if kids at Princeton don't know that you're trying to leech connections off them if you're a poorfag. Besides, why the hell would they want to hang out with you?

Then job recruiters. If you're some one who is so insecure about his or her position in society, you're obviously going to be put in your place.

>> No.3553049

Err. Your connections are your profs, and your peers. If the cost of entry is x times higher than average, then your peers and profs will both have connections that will increase in value as you age.

Assuming you, mr. neckbeard, live in society, then a high tier college will pay divedends, because only one of your peers needs to make it for you to benefit from his new found stature.

It's essentially bootstrapping and six degrees of kevin bacon.

Your failure to see this means you never went to a high level uni.

>> No.3553055

Godammit. Why are middle-school kids posting like they know what the fuck they're talking about?

>> No.3553064 [DELETED] 

What a tale Op, I know that feeling (kind of). But just try for another University, and just keep at it. Feel special that at least you considered yourself Princeton matarial.

>> No.3553069
File: 51 KB, 396x385, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apply for a mid-tier college, perfect for me in terms of travel, costs and entry requirements
>Do shit in exams
>Results out on Wednesday, probably won't get in

>> No.3553083

why are idiots with dictionary.com open caring about spelling?

>> No.3553089 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 404x341, 72702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw your only response is to pretend people don't have spellcheck in their web browser.

>> No.3553091


I guarantee you that your "friend" will not give two fucks about you if you do not benefit him in some way.

>> No.3553097

Ooooh, you'll never be connected to the Krugmans and Bernankes of tomorrow. They are eminent men of knowledge who direct the US economy with their infinite wisdom that you can only acquire at Princeton.

>> No.3553105

Eh? So? Are you saying you have no friends? Or that you don't ever benefit your friends? Or that all your friends hate you?


>> No.3553107
File: 16 KB, 338x146, 500-dollar-bill-five-hundred-dollars-mckinley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound kinda depressed. How much student debt do you have?

>> No.3553175

College/uni doesn't teach you anything useful.

The point is
A. Degree
B. Connections

Degree is useless after your first job. The connections you form will make you 20 times the money you put in to get into the uni if you use them right.

Everything else is mostly a waste.

>> No.3553196

Then the university system is corrupt and a perversion. Furthermore, we were all fed lies by society that "higher education" was to be found in universities.
fuck you society

>> No.3553246

ITT: People who didn't go to college saying college is useless

>> No.3553317

In america, where they make you pay your way, yes.

>> No.3553327

In this day in age, you are exposed to the highest learning in the world. You have unlimited resources at your disposal to learn anything you want to learn.

If you went to University A, but wanted to learn from an expert at University B, you could correspond him and ask him for clarification any time you want. Read books by millions of authors for free. Your education is now, what you make of it. Now more then ever.

I go to a less then prestigious school, but you know what, I'm making it work. I'm doing well in all of my courses and I've gotten summer internships and made serious connections with high level professionals in my industry. Its up yo you is what I'm saying

>> No.3553332


Wow, it's a good thing all I need to be a psychiatrist is a degree because honestly 12 years of education is a lot of stuff to remember. I mean, all drugs get you high right?

>> No.3553367

>If you went to University A, but wanted to learn from an expert at University B, you could correspond him and ask him for clarification any time you want.

I don't think exerts want random undergrad pricks bothering them when they're not his/her responsibility

Furthermore, even if all your optimistic talk were true, why do we pay for university if the university doesn't actually provide you with the service that they claim to provide?

Also, I make the most of what I'm given but I'm still behind other people who have all sorts of opportunities handed to them. Because if they put in equal effort then it stands to reason they'll get better results than me.

>> No.3553375

Many of you probably have a 3.9, maybe some lab asst. experience, and you want to get into grad school. But you can't get into the grad school you want, because your 3.9 is from a State school. You're probably not getting into an Ivy with that unless you're filling some sort of quota, you're not getting into oxbridge or camford. With the same thing, from Princeton, you can have your pick of any of the above.

>> No.3553379

good joke

>> No.3553388

Going to Georgia Tech. If it's as shitty as everybody says I'm probably going to transfer out after the first year and go somewhere else.

>> No.3553397

The people who do their undergrads are those schools that cost $50k a year (conveniently, their rich parents money) are just treated as cash cows to the university to fund more research for them

>> No.3553402

What do you mean by 'shitty'? I would go there in a heartbeat if i was able to get in state tuition for them

>> No.3553407

The school is notoriously boring. Plus the females look like creatures out of LoR

>> No.3553413

Ultimately they have a PhD in Math from Harvard and you never will.

>> No.3553414

i suppose it would be true
my dad always told me that no matter what engineering school you go to, there will be a ton of girls, but not very many

how unfortunate

>> No.3553415


>> No.3553416


>implying you choose grad schools based on how prestigious they are and not whether or not they have world-class faculty in the field you want to study in

>> No.3553418

>implying the world class faculty aren't conspicuously concentrated at the well known, prestigious schools.

>> No.3553421

>he thinks a daycare center for ivy league playboys is the best option for his education


>> No.3553425

well technically harvard is considered very prestigious, I wouldn't exactly go there for engineering though

depends on what you want to study

>> No.3553430
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>behind 7 Scandinavian girls
You're going to be the drummer in a Swedish fem pop band? Cool story, bro.

>> No.3553436

I know right, why are eurotrash bands so large? They have like 20 people on average.

>> No.3553440

Little social life. Most girls are ugly. Classes are notoriously hard(some professors take joy in informing kids how many people will fail).

>> No.3553438
File: 44 KB, 409x393, 1312395586921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Butthurt fags who couldn't get accepted to nor afford Princeton, thus they must degrade it to protect their fragile egos.

>> No.3553442 [DELETED] 

>mfw I'm about to go to NCState with a Physics major while living at home

>> No.3553445

Ivy leagues are pointless for undergrad, but good for grad school

nobody is mad

>> No.3553463


Toyotas have very little depreciation, compared to other vehicles. You must be thinking of a Geo Prizm.

>> No.3553466
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>> No.3553471

Well, with their financial aid initiatives, it'd actually be cheaper than a state school for me. Too bad I never even applied anywhere but my state school. Living in a republican run state sucks though since even though it's the best university in the state and I'm poor, I'm still getting shafted.

>> No.3553477
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>fragile ego

>> No.3553488

>Little social life
subjective. depends upon the individual. how much you will or won't interact depends solely upon yourself and personality.

>Most girls are ugly
subjective. depends upon the individual. beauty and/or attraction are a matter of perspective. also, what does this have to do with getting the degree? you need to fuck every single girl in the university to graduate?

>Classes are notoriously hard(some professors take joy in informing kids how many people will fail).
subjective. depends upon the individual.

you attended or are attending the aforementioned school and is projecting your current or past frustration,

you didn't make it through the university and dropped out or transferred due to poor academics and/or difficulties following up in general,

you were rejected.

so which one are you?

>> No.3554141

The article clearly states at the end that the reason why those lower-tier schools are favored is because they're primarily looking for employees who can do grunt work.