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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 189 KB, 637x950, 1312723229657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3549837 No.3549837 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ can anyone who knows about the brain and shit tell me how the hell furries work
>inb4 troll thread
I'm serious, what scientific reason is there for an attraction to half-animal hybrid human things?
Pic related

>> No.3549853

When they were 6 or 7 the probably saw a bunny run by while they were playing with their pee pee.

>> No.3549873


>> No.3549875


>> No.3549874

When our ancestors were in wild, hurr durr derp herp derp that's why.

>> No.3549876

"Furry" here. I think I just like the alternative colors and attributes of their bodies, I don't think of them as animals or even animal-like.

>> No.3549878

Sexual kinks tend to start very early.

>> No.3549881

Anyone but you retards.
You furfags are clinically retarded and I hate you all, but I want to know this answer

>> No.3549884

>what scientific reason is there for an attraction to half-animal hybrid human things?
>hybrid human

Well you answered yourself my friend

>> No.3549890


>> No.3549895

>Ask question
>Get answer
>"Fuck you"

>> No.3549901
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The subject begins to reject fellow humans due to past negative (Childhood?) experiences and goes for something that is humanoid enough to arouse the subject yet alien enough not to evoke these.

>> No.3549907

So they are completely friendless retards and they go for dogs
Got it thanks bro

>> No.3549909

Furries don't "reject humans", they like regular porn just as much as you.

>> No.3549939


>> No.3549945


>> No.3549956

>fuck dogs
>think opinion is valid
I bet you'd fuck the girl in OP's image you horserapist

>> No.3549962

It's just a fetish, dude. It's much more understandable than 50% of the other stuff out there.

>> No.3549967

ITT: OP is a close-minded faggot who won't take any answers he doesn't want. Congrats

>> No.3549971


>> No.3549976


I doubt furries would give an unbias view especially since they are idiots

>> No.3549982


nice rebuttal... don't come to /sci/ to troll and look like an idiot.

>> No.3549985

Not samefag, lol.

Its a Fetish like any other. Is it really any worse than scat porn? Get over yourself faggot.

>> No.3549990

And Im only in here because OPs image was on recent images on the main page... lol.

>> No.3549991

What possible justification can you find for furfaggotry? You were born human, behave like one

>> No.3549994

Because they have more open tastes and are therefore better than you, op.

>> No.3549995



>> No.3550003

Look at all the other fetishes out there. Thats not exactly "behaving human."

>> No.3550004


>> No.3550006


It. Is. A. Fetish. Most furries also enjoy regular porn just like everyone else. Hentai isn't real but tons of people enjoy that. It is the same concept and if you cannot wrap your small brain around that then you shouldn't be here.

>> No.3550013

He speaks truth

>> No.3550015
File: 54 KB, 560x444, fatcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hentai is based off of real women you fucking tard.
These women
They not real.

>> No.3550019


I don't care if you fap to humanoid dogs. I mean the people who wear a furry suit around and wish they were magic wolves

>> No.3550023


well no one cares for your opinion, so have a nice day sir. Ignorance is bliss

>> No.3550031

Find a real woman that looks like a bitch from Hentai

Well alright.

>> No.3550041 [DELETED] 

I understand,

>> No.3550038

>op says he thinks furries have a bias opinion on the matter and doesn't want to hear it
>Someone points out a logical fallacy
Okay then

>> No.3550046
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>> No.3550052
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>implying I won't make them real with transhumanism

>> No.3550058
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>ruining science for your sick dogfuck fetish
Come on now anyone who invents that technology deserves better than have that happen to it.

>> No.3550074


Shit, you fucking stupid.

>> No.3550077


>Can't recognize a joke

Obviously there are more pressing matters than furry-making.

>> No.3550089

There are

>> No.3550119

>not science

>> No.3550131
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I was thinking about things like molecular manufacturing and space exploration and what have you, but fine. Though if we're going to be genetically engineering soldiers, I demand at least one furry.

Like this.

>> No.3550136

>not masturbating to furry porn

Your lives must be very boring; I pick up a new fetish every month.

>> No.3550139
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You get no such thing

>> No.3550153
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FINE JEEZ well if I'm not going to have sex even in the glorious transhuman future I might as well just become a posthuman.

brb transferring consciousness to solid-state substrate

>> No.3550165

Think of the sexual aspect of it (which is actually much smaller than people generally make it out to be) as a fetish as any other.

In other cases it's an "interest", in the same way that lord of the rings (or whatever you're into) has such a huge following. Besides, most people enjoy animals or cartoons.

source: I've been on FA for about four years now

>> No.3550167
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That probably won't happen either

>> No.3550174

What scientific reasin is there for an attraction to <fetish>?

>> No.3550183


Well fine I'll just go back to simulating atoms.

>> No.3550187

we already went through that

>> No.3550190

Oh sorry,this thread devolved into you trolling faggots.
Good for you,bad for everyone else.

>> No.3550196

>someone disagrees

>> No.3550221

thats awful

>> No.3550223
File: 54 KB, 500x375, 1307129963040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have tried to justify it to myself, since being an otherwise normal and rational person I do enjoy looking at furry porn.
The things I have arrived at might just be for me, might be for most people, or might not be for anyone. Just things I have thought about.
Firstly I really don't get the anti-furry hate. Yes not everyone should like what I do but the second you mention furries people are up in arms saying it's the worst thing since the holocaust. To those people (and only to them) I say please stop being a shortsighted dickwad, I am allowed to enjoy what I want. to which they reply with "burn in hell you abomination" for zero reason as they get back to anal and foot fetishes.

My thoughts are this. 1) it's an idealization, meaning things are perfectly shaped and without flaw
2) it's similar to a form of clothing, like a girl in a tank top will give me the biggest boner ever but topless her breasts hang at wierd angles and look stupid. (not always true, but sometimes. Clothing can be sexy as fuck, and this might be a form of clothing)
3) it's imiginative. Because it's not real, people can place what they want there. If you want a sweet but sexually adventurous girl, it's not hard to invent one but humans read into facial expressions, settings, and video just murders any illusions one might hold. This is like tabula rasa. Little detail, sometimes no background, never any motion, never any speech, it's a choose your own adventure.
4) dehumanizing gives a sense of power. There are a lot of nice guys (and girls) who are not alpha, are not dominant, and are generally not assholes. But somewhere in our minds, every single person wants to be at least a little bit. When the thing you are after isn't human, you don't feel any reason to hold back, or feel remorse for any thoughts or scenarios. By looking at something non-human, you not only choose what it can be like to your own whims and imigination, you can choose what you are like as well.

>> No.3550226
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I believe that's why a lot of mythology and imigination goes into dragons (not meaning furries, more like harry potter,Dragonheart, the Hobbit, etc etc...) Because dragons do not give a shit. They fuck up whatever they want because they are powerful, independant, and generally rich, noble, or badass. Restating, people like things with dragons because dragons are everything they themselves want to be.

Just my thoughts, I will take gladly the comments from the guy who misunderstands what I meant, the guy who might actually give a shit about a real opinion, and the 40 who will tell me to yiff in hell.
The world is what it is.

>> No.3550259
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>> No.3550264

Simplest answer: They're misconstruing the notions of "cute" and "attractiveness".

Kittens are cute
Girls are attractive

Something gets fucked up in the differentiating of these two


Kittens are attractive
Girls are, well, still attractive

That's the jist of how it works

>> No.3550282

from my own ass, really nowhere else. Just words I thought and have no backing for any of them.
It makes sense to me so I keep it in my brain

>> No.3550289

Did you think before you said it?

>> No.3550307
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>> No.3550319
File: 154 KB, 500x350, Check ma-WAIT A SECOND KING CAN NOT TAKE KING YOU FUCKING JAPS ARE IDIOTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he was being serious

>> No.3550321

>this thread
>still not having every tripfag blocked except mad scientist

>> No.3550339

I am entirely serious. That is why I believe I enjoy it. May not apply to everyone, may not apply to anyone else.

>> No.3550504

I'm sorry but I've gotta call bullshit here
>I have tried to justify it to myself, since being an otherwise normal and rational person I do enjoy looking at furry porn.
>normal and rational person
>looking at furry porn.

>> No.3550548

How is anyone not attracted to that? It's more human than animal. Giving it animal ears and a tail doesn't suddenly make my cock go limp. People who say they wouldn't fap to this are lying to themselves.

>> No.3550562



>> No.3550569

Furfag and samefag.

>> No.3550585

>thread about furries
>only two furry porn pics

I want MOAR.

>> No.3550608

Wrong board, faggot.

>> No.3550609


Quite the opposite. I have no interest in this fetish, but I am just pointing out that the key features of a female human are present on that photo which you should feel attraction towards.

>> No.3550644

I honestly think this guy might have hit the nail on the head. IT's just a chick with strange coloured skin, a tail and some ears. Hardly that different.

>> No.3550652


Exactly. It's not like it's a picture of a cat. It's 90% human, with some feline traits to make it appear exotic.

>> No.3550668


Sauce on OP's pic?

>> No.3550694

How furries work: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn12301-man-with-tiny-brain-shocks-doctors.html

>> No.3550815

Some people are just anxious for the creation of human animal sex slave hybrids.

>> No.3552180
File: 1.17 MB, 2502x1150, 1228721001197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wats dis?

Transhuman furry thread?


>> No.3552189
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Fucking finally!

>> No.3552199
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>> No.3552210
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>> No.3552220


Classical conditioning. We see animals like common pets (dogs, wolves (their permutations), cats, etc.) as beneficial in early life, and retaining the features with the aspects of the art (deep colour, human features) add up to becoming a furry.

When you think about it, the pic OP has is just a human with a different "skin". Kind of like a computer generated image where you can replace skins, in addition to the fact its anthropomorphic.

People see animals as cuddly and cute. Add that to adjusting them into human form, and sexual desire, bam.

>> No.3552221
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>> No.3552225
File: 89 KB, 253x750, shit_iputupwith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just got finished doing a 3hour fap session
>people start bumping this thread again.

>> No.3552227
File: 113 KB, 453x800, yes_it's_a_furry_quake_and_tremble_in_horror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say transhuman furry?

>> No.3552232
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>> No.3552233


Not only that, but sexual security. You see a chick, and society hardwires you to think : OMG, I have to meet her demands or she won't like me, and vica versa in X cases. Its also a sexual fantasy thing.

>> No.3552251
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>> No.3552270
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>> No.3552346
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>> No.3552420
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>> No.3552771
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>> No.3552792

Felidae and canidae are seen as the ape equivalent of the modern human.
Only if the two would undergo the same mutations the human race underwent in its birth.

>> No.3552797

Because furries still possess human traits such as, well, the anatomy, breast, and other womanly/manly like genitalia.

As for the other half of the answer, how do you think that homosexuals find other men attractive?

>> No.3552813

Brainwashing. That's it. The only reason furries are so prominent now is that little kids who go on the internet get exposed to this shit and become indoctrinated into this fucked up "lifestyle".

>> No.3552826
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>> No.3552829

No, it's just logic.

>> No.3552834

The more human something looks the more sexually attractive it is. Apparently these furry things are human enough for some people. Also exotic genetic variations have been a turn on to many for quite a while now if it wasn't always that way.

>> No.3554078
File: 915 KB, 1200x1187, Cooper Old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, its your opinion.

>> No.3554132

as someone who faps mostly to gfur i have to say its the penises i mean have you ever been on baddragon just look at them :3
*not i do not consider myself an animal in any other form than human, tho being a human sized bat sure seems fun

>> No.3554156

I don't know anything about a scientific reason, but I think it's some kind of imprinting.
People tend to be attracted to those things they see when they are very little (Statistically, men/women prefer women/men who look similar to their mother/father.) So if those kids watch Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, etc. when they are little, then I think it's no wonder they are attracted to these things.

>> No.3554169

No idea about furries per se, but if you understand how `fetishes' work, you can understand how specific ones work, especially if you have some and have enough memories to understand where they came from (this can be difficult as some such memories tend to be emotional and you may have forgotten the details).

>> No.3554571

>furfags act like retards
>spam porn

>> No.3554582

they can't draw

>> No.3554986

they rape dogs

>> No.3555068

Furfags, I have nothing against you. You might be weird and you probably have some kind of psychology disease. However, th only thing I hate about you is the fact that 90% of you are tripfags and you come to a thread and begin bumping that disgusting pornography to those who have no interest in that.

I respect your right to like that shit, but please, respect my right to not want to look at that abomination of drawings while I browse threads that have nothing to do.

>> No.3555069

they are retards

>> No.3555107

Same thing that drives interracial relationships (eg. Whites and asian women, blacks and white women, etc.): they're so exotic.

Depends though, some people veer towards zoophilia...

>> No.3555592

>thread still up
>no proper answres

>> No.3555625

they want to fuck dogs but not really THE END

>> No.3555656
