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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 53 KB, 500x450, Fox and Spongebob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3545056 No.3545056 [Reply] [Original]

It is 2011.
We have DECADES of research and evidence of global warming, and strongly backed theories of what's causing it.

So why do people still insist on calling it a "hoax," "lie," "fraud," and even "scam" ?

For instance, in an episode of Spongebob, they discussed global warming in an episode.
Fox News IMMEDIATELY called it "liberal indoctrination."

Am I underestimating the stupidity of Americans?


>> No.3545064

>We have DECADES of research and evidence of global warming, and strongly backed theories of what's causing it.
>strongly backed theories

[citation needed]

>> No.3545067

>a network catering to a specific sub-set of people says something dumb
This is what Europeans actually believe.

By similar logic, every single Englishman is either a rioting chav or a dandy.

>> No.3545068
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>> No.3545069


>> No.3545073

This is a myth, you know.

>> No.3545076


Or looter

>> No.3545079

Even if it weren't, it's like saying that "Science was wrong before, they must be equally wrong today, I'm not getting my child vaccinated".

>> No.3545082

You mean to say scientific understanding of something can change as technology advances and more research is performed?

>> No.3545087

I saw that Fox news report and the clip from Spongbob and the show was being satirical. If anything they were making fun of the idea of global warming, not indoctrinating kids with it. But that's how Faux News acts, they'll jump at any mention of the word.

Fucking conservatives

>> No.3545088


I am American.
I understand that Fox News doesn't cover the entire demographic, but their following is growing. Quickly.

>> No.3545091

How about the technocrats who said we where heading towards an imminent global collapse in the 1970's? The fact is that the scientific method and peer review are great, but not perfect.

>> No.3545094

>>3545056 why do people still insist on calling it a "hoax," "lie," "fraud," and even "scam" ?

A well funded group of people are deliberately influencing the public into thinking so. Fox news is republican propaganda. The republican party is subservient to its donors in the fossil fuel industry.

>> No.3545100

>We have DECADES of research and evidence of global warming
I dont thing "its getting colder, no wait, warmer, o no, we were correct, cooler, noo warmer again" count as decades of research.

>strongly backed theories of what's causing it.
then why can no one agree what exactly is causing it. because it seems to be suns output, CO2, H2O, CFCs, deforesting, anything humans have to do with, solar radiation, starlight, cosmic radiation, clouds, airtravel, tv, cellphones, cows, cancer, Scorpio, sigma prime, optimist prime, MEDABOOTS!, more power, were gona battle, medabots, GO MEDABODS! mere gona make it,. to the top!

>> No.3545104
File: 161 KB, 2000x1500, 2000px-Instrumental_Temperature_Record_(NASA).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont thing "its getting colder, no wait, warmer, o no, we were correct, cooler, noo warmer again" count as decades of research.
Wow, fuck you.

>> No.3545109

This means you get to pick and choose whether you believe what studies tell us based on whether it's convenient, right? Right?

>> No.3545113



>> No.3545115

Not shown: the fact that it was much, much warmer in the past than it is now.

>> No.3545122

Luckily their following mostly consists of old people who will be dead soon.

>> No.3545138

Of course it fucking was. What's your point? That that automatically means you'd be fine living there?

Most of Earth's history has been fucking DEADLY to humans. A good chunk of it didn't even have oxygen in the atmosphere.

>> No.3545346

Is there a study that states definitively that the current trend of increased temperature is man-made?
That is, that the trend is provably not merely a periodic fluctuation that would have happened without the intervention of mankind?
I have only recently begun to think about this issue, and I'd like to know about a report like that if it exists.

>> No.3545371

Ausfag here. We're nearly as bad as the amerifags in this regard. They brought down christopher monckton for a parliamentary climate debate and have given death threats against climate science, as if this was something that only turned up in the last decade or so. Fuck, in the 1990s everyone knew it was happening, no one had to defend a piece-of-shit position.

>> No.3545377


>> No.3545380


check the connections of ALL the anti-warming scientists.. they all are connected to fossil fuel corporations.

>> No.3545402
File: 31 KB, 634x264, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the human race's face when

>> No.3545423

>Believing in man made climate change

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3545427

Fox News is the single worst thing to happen to knowledge since the Library of Alexandria was burned. As an American, I hold Fox News responsible for the immensely low opinion other nations have of us. They are inhibitors of progress and enemies of free thought.

If I could destroy the organization, I would do it in a heartbeat. For knowledge. For science. For the good of the world. For those who value their brains.

>> No.3545431

I'll just leave this here.

>Am I underestimating the stupidity of Americans?
perhaps you're underestimating your own stupidity

>> No.3545435

Liberal envirofags. What happened to your hole in the ozone that was supposed to kill us all?

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice.... Well you can't fool me twice.

>> No.3545470

Yeaahh, well the largest "hole" is above the Antarctic. You know, the only continent where no humans live? And the one in the Arctic is very small compared to it, it changes seasonally, and can only be called a dimple in the ozone layer.

>> No.3545474

Whether or not global warming is true is one question. Whether or not attempts to combat it are merely scams to put money in different hands that will hold it off for 2-3 more days at best is another question.

>> No.3545479

The reason we don't want more thinning of ozone is because it blocks out harmful radiation from the sun that causes skin cancer and cataracts (something already proven to be true) and could also potentially kill crops.

>> No.3545484

Hmm, seems like that will take me a while to read.
Oh well, I'll take it slow.
From that wiki article, I gather that even a large study such as this one cannot definitively answer the global warming question (correct me if I'm wrong, and please give me an article stating otherwise).
If that's the case, I think that doubt here is warranted (doubt is a part of science, of course), but Fox seems to be mindlessly using the doubt, however small, to leverage in pushing the conservative agenda (which does not support global warming, for whatever reason).

I think that this is what people are angry about.
But people on the other side who regard the issue as RESOLVED and DEFINITIVE are also making a mistake. Granted, not clearly as absentmindedly.

>> No.3545488

However, humankind's use of CFCs have declined dramatically in the past few decades (because we learned that it was an actual problem), which is why there isn't as much of a "panic" anymore.

>> No.3545502
File: 9 KB, 209x168, 1303127316523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what I hate about humanity, /sci/?
That people fucking believe humanity is so powerful it can actually change things.
Cutting greenhouse gases emitions won't do anything but slow a little bit the inevitable if "climate changed" is true, better trying to adapt instead of reversing anything, we're very good at FUCKING ADAPTING.

Also underestimating every other species like "oh god temperatures are rising by 0.2° all the birds are gonna die omg what are we gonna do".
No, birds adapt, they breed later or the eggs hatch later/sooner.
If they don't get to eat, natural selection is there to correct everything;
humanity isn't disappearing JUST LIKE THAT.
Come on, get your shit together and go do some real science like developing plants that can survive harsher conditions instead of complaining and forbiding people from having more comfort.

and yes, I mad.

>> No.3545530

>That people fucking believe humanity is so powerful it can actually change things.
I'm pretty sure the dodo is extinct, dude.

>> No.3545533

>>implying that study dispelled any of the observational evidence that global warming is occurring and that humans are one of the primary causes
Yeah, OP, Americans are stupid. Must be the teacher unions fault. We must pay teachers less for an edumacation in order to attract better teachers.

>> No.3545536

>humanity isn't disappearing JUST LIKE THAT.
No one is predicting human extinction here.

>> No.3545537

one measurement conflicting with thousands, and the paper was written by a guy funded by climate deniers, you may wan't to take it with a pinch of salt.
and just because you happen do be right dose not make something smart and here is where i would haul out the Einstein quote but you can guess what i mean by that. people don't disbelieve climate change because they have looked at the papers and seen dispute, they either decided it couldn't be true just because or they ate up the stream of shit produced by people like murdock.

>> No.3545542

I watched that Spngebob episode a while ago, it was pretty fucking ridiculous.

>> No.3545553

So because we can adapt means that we shouldn't try to mitigate our behavior in order to prevent catastrophe? Am I getting this right? Part of adapting is mitigating your behavior that causes unwanted results.

>> No.3545557

Don't be ignorant of the world around you and then claim limits on its possibilities.

you can't seriously be suggesting we stall even longer on taking action because some people want to make a scam off of it?

>> No.3545572

then why is there even a debate about this? seriously?

>> No.3545574

Yes. Place an animal in a fire and it will just suddenly adapt to learn how to live in it. Not like it takes a good amount of time for substantial adaption to occur.

>> No.3545584

> get your shit together and go do some real science like developing plants that can survive harsher conditions
It's being done, asshole. But anti-science types don't want genetically modified organisms.

>> No.3545585

What about 6 billion? Only like 100 need to survive.

>> No.3545587

Ask the fucking deniers. I can't for the life of me make sense of it.

Or are you suggesting that just because this won't kill off the entire species, that global warming is not a bad thing?

>> No.3545590

Because the cost of ignoring AGW will be greater than the cost of acting against it. Also, who knows what kind of new technologies we might develop by acting to slow down / stop global warming. We might just be able to learn how to terraform other planets.

>> No.3545592


>> No.3545603

There's a difference between believing that Global Warming isn't real and believing that Global Warming is directly caused by Humanity.

Sure, we do have an affect on the planet's temperature through pollution and simply breathing, but volcanoes and solar activity appear to be the greatest factors.

But while we're at it, perhaps a bit more CO2 would be good for the environment, helping plant life, which then produces more oxygen and more food.

>> No.3545613

Ah, you terraforming fogs need to get out of here.

>> No.3545622

I assure you if there was a large enough fire to burn 6 billion people, no one would survive.

>> No.3545624


>Sure, we do have an affect on the planet's temperature through pollution and simply breathing, but volcanoes and solar activity appear to be the greatest factors.

Source on solar activity and volcanoes being responsible for global warming?

>> No.3545621

>Sure, we do have an affect on the planet's temperature through pollution and simply breathing, but volcanoes and solar activity appear to be the greatest factors.
Not in the past century. Try actually reading the IPCC report.

>> No.3545626

>Sure, we do have an affect on the planet's temperature through pollution and simply breathing, but volcanoes and solar activity appear to be the greatest factors.

[citation needed]

>> No.3545628

>but volcanoes and solar activity appear to be the greatest factors.
Maybe in your world, but that's WRONG. What are you basing your opinion on, ignorance? Don't worry, if you are, you're not alone.

>> No.3545632


>> No.3545633


I lol'd at this

>> No.3545638

I love this. You swing from a neutral position to a 'it doesn't matter, and maybe it is good for us.'

It's kinda funny.

You are right though, it doesn't technically matter if humans are the 'major' cause. All that matters is that the effects of the cause are bad and that those effects could be changed through sustained action.

Neither of those two have been disproven. The evidence suggests both that climate change will have a significant impact on agriculture, severe weather, and rising sea levels and that since carbon emissions are part of climate change, reducing emissions can reduce the climate change.

But keep unraveling your delusions.

>> No.3545640



>> No.3545655

>>A well funded group of people are deliberately influencing the public into thinking so. Fox news is republican propaganda. The republican party is subservient to its donors in the fossil fuel industry.

Says the George Soros disciple.

It's over. Every poll in every industrialized nation shows "global warming" to be at or near the bottom of public concerns. The percentage of people that realize "Global warming" has become a circle-jerk for-profit industry instead of reality now hovers around 70% and is steadily rising.

It's over, Johnny.

>> No.3545667

Right, and 95% of the world is still religious.

So..public support for something doesn't equate to it being a fact.

>> No.3545671

>>Fox News is the single worst thing to happen to knowledge since the Library of Alexandria was burned.

There's absolutely no evidence the loss of the Library of Alexandra had any meaningful effect on human knowledge and progress.

Also, you are a sad faggot for trying to silence those who disagree with you.

>> No.3545674

thank God if this is true.
Also I have noticed chicks have a greater propension to believe this stuff. Coincidence?

>> No.3545675


Haha yeah that's why if the American people vote that creationism should be taught in schools, creationism is a legitimate science.

>> No.3545681

but public support for something equates what you will do about it.
I hope we will never waste our money on something like that.

>> No.3545689


Roy Spencer is an Intelligent Design guy. Are YOU???

>> No.3545693

>>So..public support for something doesn't equate to it being a fact.

EXACTLY. Public support for something within the scientific community doesn't equate to it being a fact. Science isn't about "consensus". Politics is.

>> No.3545699

No, and I have no idea who Roy Spencer is.

>> No.3545701

Thats what you hate about humanity?
You need to get out more.

>> No.3545703
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I applauded.

>> No.3545706
File: 36 KB, 325x433, ClimateChange_Dec09_graph1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The percentage of people that realize "Global warming" has become a circle-jerk for-profit industry instead of reality now hovers around 70% and is steadily rising.

Your ignorance about the public opinion is just as staggering as your ignorance about the science

>> No.3545713

>>post ten-year-old chart
>>lose argument

Enjoy your fail.

>> No.3545716

Yeah me too.
I hope we won't waste any money preventing the extinction of many species that could provide biological advantages or the depleting of resources needed for humans or massive human emigration.

Oh and I hope we won't find more efficient ways to produce energy.

>> No.3545719

Yeah, like you've shown a chart at all.

Citation needed, motherfucker.

>> No.3545720

ITT: butthurt liberals who really can't handle the fact that there is ZERO chance any government is going to do anything to support their religion.

>> No.3545722


>Ten year old chart

Sure is retarded around here.

>> No.3545727
File: 8 KB, 230x251, shavedbear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying disagreement is relevant when someone distorts obvious facts for political and faith related "reasons"

>> No.3545730

I can name a graphic "barack_obama_has_a_vagina.jpg". Doesn't make it so.

>> No.3545737

>any government
>thinks there aren't already environmentalists in a few governments

>> No.3545738

has there ever been one denier that has proven that they have actually sifted through all of the data on the subject?

is that even humanly possible?

>> No.3545740

lol op if global warming is true then why was it hotter where i live 80 years ago? so hot infact that the steel railways where bending and had to be replaced.

>> No.3545741
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>ten year old

Excuse me, are you mentally well?


>> No.3545745
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Yes, at least half of americans (the republicans) are fucking retarded. Fox News is not an actual news channel, it is a piss poor comedy channel. We watch that shit in Europe occassionally for a good laugh.

>> No.3545747

>implying that recognition of science is dictated by political ideology

oh you

btw you are probably a liberal and are too ignorant to know it!

Visit a library. It wont hurt.

>> No.3545761


>instead of reality now hovers around 70% and is steadily rising


>Despite the fact that the U.S. ranks third in overall awareness of global warming -- at 97% -- only 49% of this 97% say they think rising temperatures are a result of human activities.

>Although 8 of the 20 countries at the bottom of the world rankings are in Africa, the remaining 12 include a mixture of Asian and Middle Eastern countries, a few countries from the Former Soviet Union, and individual countries as different as Haiti and Iceland.

This just in from Fox News, starving Africans intelligent as Americans. 99% of the world agrees!

>> No.3545763

I know this is an obvious troll but an increase in the global temperature affects the different climates differently.

>> No.3545773

not the same.
Continue the brainwash, TV, we need you here!

>> No.3545774
File: 66 KB, 454x320, 1287539873960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trollin?

Do you know that the term "global warming" implies an "overall/average warming", it doesn't fucking mean that everywhere will get warmer. Some places actually get fucking colder, since the weather is all fucked up.

>> No.3545776

So you're comparing a group of people who work towards understanding a single problem to a group of people who are a completely heterogenous sample?

I know you're trolling but Poe's law pretty much means I need to respond, incase there really is some idiot out there reading and nodding their head.:


>> No.3545788
File: 37 KB, 480x513, Lolfox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there are actual conservatives on the internet

Old people generally have trouble using computers.

>> No.3545791


The argument was that 70% of the population of America and every other country believed climate change was not happening/not man made.

This is patently false.

The talk of priority was entirely different.

There are also two different polls in there but it's nice that you read the URL and nothing else.

>> No.3545793

The simple reason why OP is because VERY WEALTHY PEOPLE are doing the very damn best to make sure the science is muddied enough that the public isn't certain what's going on anymore.

The best way to do that is to fund the outlying scientists who agree with their own position and have those outlying scientists become the most vocal by the sheer weight of them having enough funding to be put on television again and again and again and again and again.

This makes the public, who believe things they see on TV completely uncertain as to what's actually going on while thinking they're smart because they watch the news.

>> No.3545794


Basically, your arguments are now so bad that it's impossible to know whether you are trolling or not. What happened to those 70% who supposedly know that AGW is a scam?

>> No.3545801
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It always makes me feel better!

>> No.3545817

I don't know, ask the anon who posted this.
there are several people posting on 4chan. Just so you know.

>> No.3545821

Am I underestimating the stupidity of Americans?

>God isn't going to let millions of people die in an epic drought.

>> No.3545825
File: 57 KB, 961x640, 1267275421988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sweet, you can see him thrust and everything

>> No.3545826


I apologize, you morons sound all the same.

>> No.3545833

no, YOU morons sound all the same.
You know, like what TV tells you.
How can you have confidence in scientists after the climategate? especially about something contreversial

>> No.3545844


Are you really suggesting that there is a global century old conspiracy involving thousands of scientist dedicated to... whatever?

>> No.3545845

not to mention 10 years of NASA data showing more heat bleed-off than accounted for by any "climate change" model...

wtf. when are you going to realize that Al Gore wants to sit on a Carbon Board in Chicago and oversee $12Trillion in "carbon taxes"?


as an aside, when did /sci/ and actual scientists actually start falling for every model they ever made? so, so stupid, is modelitis...so very stupid

>> No.3545851

The scientific consensus that global warming is occurring as a result of human activity remained unchanged by the end of the investigations.

>> No.3545853

to the cause of forcing people to change their habits and cut the dependance on oil, yes.
Obviously. Sounds very clear to me.

>> No.3545871
File: 31 KB, 363x310, 1296088688946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People actually take serious a television show centered around a crotch shot of some gilf??

Man Americans are dumb as fuck.

>> No.3545873
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 1269502344064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What anime is this character from? Never heard of Jesus.

>> No.3545874


I'm sorry, the way you constantly make references to politics makes me believe that your political ideology is clouding your judgement. I've heard that this is very common in the US.

>> No.3545879


You keep saying that TV is making the other side morons and then you regurgitate manufactured controversy for TV "news."


Not a single inquiry found that the science was wrong or that anything unethical had happened.

Yet it keeps getting repeated like it is relevant to the science.

>> No.3545894
File: 47 KB, 498x415, 003a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Obvious Troll is obvious

>> No.3545896

>There's absolutely no evidence the loss of the Library of Alexandra had any meaningful effect on human knowledge and progress.

this is one of the single dumbest things i've ever read posted on /sci/. of course there's no fucking evidence. it was burned down. the point is that we'll never know what could have been, and many texts that could have been important were lost

>> No.3545898

You do know the IPCC is actual scientists, right?

>when did actual scientists actually start falling for actual science?
>geeze I wonder

>> No.3545905

yeah whatever. Your brain has been washed away from this.
Thanks again, TV.

>> No.3545911
File: 102 KB, 483x418, 1310718791004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because Global Warming IS a hoax. All of this supposed "proof" if fake. Why would scientists release fake information to back global warming? Because of the money. Al Gore has made literally BILLIONS from his whole "global warming" campaign. When there's that much money involved, who cares what your backing.

Some scientists even admitted that they lied just to get money.

>> No.3545916
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>mfw less than half of the IPCC's 2500 members are scientists

>> No.3545921

Probably because of the failure to show actually results and the EPA's failure to hold its end of the bargain up on things like superfund. Fuck it, pollute, and loot the world until we have to change. The only people if affects are city dwellers anyways, and the guys over in DC. This why I dump used car batteries into storm drains of places like LA every year. Fuck'em and fuck you! Because where I live there is plenty of fresh water and clear air all for me!

>> No.3545931


>physics professor Richard Muller

>But Muller unexpectedly told a congressional hearing last week that the work of the three principal groups that have analyzed the temperature trends underlying climate science is "excellent.... We see a global warming trend that is very similar to that previously reported by the other groups."

>The Berkeley project's biggest private backer, at $150,000, is the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation.

Don't work in the right field to do the research, get funded by Koch brothers (the 19th richest people in the world due to oil and gas) to disprove the data, find the data was right all along and climate change is happening, and get research and story swept under carpet.

>> No.3545940

Global Warming is fake. Earth goes through cycles of heating up and cooling down.

Think about the ice age, what caused that? Too many dinosaurs leaving their air conditioners on? No, it was completely natural. And the ice age ending was completely natural. Earth is still warming up from the ice age.

>> No.3545944
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>> No.3545943 [DELETED] 
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>mfw /sci/ anons earnestly deny global warming

Are you all seriously that dumb?

>> No.3545952
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you're the unaware troll.

>> No.3545958
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>earnestly deny global warming

There maybe one of two here but everyone else is just trolling.

>> No.3545963
File: 93 KB, 360x308, 1299228769144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances that a cable news channel partially owned Saudi Royal family would be against switching from fossil fuels?

>> No.3545972

If only this was true.
I just wish all those guys were trolling.

I just wish the American Congress or the Chinese would say "Okay guys, I got you, now we're going to agree with that Copenhagen Treaty, no bigee."

If only.

>> No.3545987

Wait, there's people on here who BELIEVE in global warming?

I though /sci/ was too good for that...

>> No.3545991


Haha, and they would go like "what, you we're trolling too? I tough you were serious, 10/10."

>> No.3545999

Yeah, me too.
learn to murdock and diplomacy.
I thought wikileaks had tought us enough about how these things work.

>> No.3546005

Hey Cletus, mama said go slop the hogs.

>> No.3546015


I was replying to this


>mfw /sci/ anons earnestly deny global warming

I know that there are people who actively deny climate change.Hell, there are people who think natural disasters are God's wrath and that evolution is a 150+ year scheme to destroy religion.

>> No.3546018
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trips have spoke the truth

>> No.3546034


>I know that there are people who actively deny climate change.Hell, there are people who think natural disasters are God's wrath and that evolution is a 150+ year scheme to destroy religion.

And there's a significant overlap.

>> No.3546038

[citation needed]

>> No.3546073

>>all studies supporting global warming are a result of conspiracy or underhanded politics
>>but those skeptical of global warming are valid

it sounds like you've already made up your mind what you plan to think of any evidence presented here

>> No.3546093


Yeah, now this is actually an interesting question. We know that creationist organizations tend to dabble in global warming denial, e.g. (http://sensuouscurmudgeon.wordpress.com/partial-table-of-contents/creationism-and-global-warming/)) but I'm not so sure what the prevailing opinion among religious kooks is.

>> No.3546098

Yup, at least someone noticed that.
Also, you might notice that it is true for everyone here, including me and you! this is why I hate debates.

>> No.3546106

>Also, you might notice that it is true for everyone here, including me and you! this is why I hate debates.
Speak for yourself. Some of us are aware of and actively combating personal bias.

>> No.3546126
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>Learn to murdock

You do know "murdock" means to "lie, and act innocent about it", right?

As in, "the cheating husband pulled a murdock", when he said, "he had no idea whos panties those were, or how they got there".

>> No.3546156

sorry, I meant Murdock, with a capital letter