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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 253 KB, 800x533, SexyScientist lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3544545 No.3544545 [Reply] [Original]

The joy of science is not being correct - but to revel in existence, its truths, and their mighty presence.

I'll start.

"those beings with Soaring imagination eventually flung themselves, and their machines, into interplanetary space." - Holy fuck. We are ANIMALS and we left our fucking PLANET.

Holy Science.

Pic related, I am also in awe about sexy scientist lady.

>> No.3544576

forever alone

>> No.3544584

Cool meme brah, totally original and funny. 10/10 trolling I mad.

And OP, it's pretty amazing.

>> No.3544604

"Teach a man to reason and he will think for a lifetime"

>> No.3544613

Order is a natural property of the universe.

Assortment by density, lipid bi-layer organization, micro-motors, cell gates....

Natural Property of Universe.

>> No.3544623

the point of science is not to be correct


>> No.3544627

>the joy of science is not beibg correct

that's just something unintelligent people say to make themselves feel good about always being wrong.

>> No.3544634

Physical world -> mind -> Absolute world -V

We come from the physical world.
We can think of mathematical formulas to describe the physical world (based on evidence).
We can develop pure mathematical fields independent of the physical universe, only to later be directly applicable to the physical universe. (Knot theory).

>> No.3544642

"Man is a singular creature, he has some gifts that make him Unique among the animals so that.. Unlike them... he is not a figure in the landscape, he is the Shaper of the landscape."

>> No.3544644


go to /b/. This is no place for people like you.

>> No.3544682


"20 million volumes of information is inside the heads of every one of us... The brain is a very big place in a very small space."

OP here. I have bumped everything in this thread and I give 0 fucks.

>> No.3544694
File: 121 KB, 650x475, stop-hitting-yourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In your face, nature! Oh, what's that? That wasn't your plan? We were meant to swing through the trees? We were meant to dwell in our own shit? We were meant to sit there and take whatever your chaotic mind sees fit for us? Then stop bitch. Stop hitting yourself. What's that? You can't? Too bad. You're gonna have to take it.

>> No.3544733


perhaps just a personal preference.
i get more of a thrill when research confirms some novel hypothesis, whether it is proving something or disproving, than when my results are negative as usual or inconclusive.

>> No.3544765

Explaining something with mathematics imbues me with a feeling unlike any other. To capture each nuance of motion with the subtleties of an equation is a priceless activity; to know that while hatred, grief, sorrow, and the petty hurtful desires that govern much of human life can be sidestepped in the pursuit of a greater understanding. Knowing this, I believe, is more empowering than the loudest politician, more noble than the most selfless of causes. Knowing this allows each of us to offer up our ideas to the collective consciousness of humanity. To be, in a word - immortal.

>> No.3544798
File: 1.35 MB, 364x297, epicprince.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks that because I said science wasn't about being correct
I must think science is about being incorrect.
