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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 303 KB, 1920x1080, startrekpic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3543179 No.3543179 [Reply] [Original]

When will interstellar travel be possible? I'm tired of the bullshit at my job right now and I want to be able to serve aboard on a starship.

>> No.3543191

500 more years, give or take a century.

It'll be earlier if we could get that whole robot communism everyone's been talking about lately up and running...

... but if US is still here, you can expect another century wait time

>> No.3543187

Now, just not very fast. You'll be doing your bullshit job on a generational starship.

>> No.3543201

Given what we currently know about the laws of physics, we might never reach a point where we're travelling around with bustling spaceships like Star Trek. The time involved in interstellar travel would require some sort of stasis, unless the plan if for your descendants to arrive long after you're dead.

>> No.3543212

The theory of warp drive is possible. By moving space instead of the spaceship you are able to travel faster than the speed of light. The real problem is producing the unimaginable amount of energy used to manipulate space itself. It's possible with the discovery of dark matter/anti-matter or some bullshit. I just hope that I get reincarnated 1000 years from now when something similar has already been achieved.

>> No.3543224

No stasis required with speeds close to c.

>> No.3543240

Did you even think before you posted that?

If your destination is many light-years away then it will still take you light-years to get there. Maybe you only have a popsci understanding of relativity, which is what your reply implies, but for those on the spaceship they will still observe the years passing by.

Given that any real exploration of the universe would take use hundreds of light-years from the earth, we would definitely need stasis or we would have to rely on procreation onboard the spaceship.

Citation? Gene Roddenberry doesn't count.

>> No.3543241

I dunno, but it's gonna happen at one point or another. Many times during our scientific advancements we've been told we would never be able to achieve everything. They refused to believe the world was round, refused to believe we would submerge the ocean and explore, refused to believe flying into space was ever possible. It's gonna happen bro, not in your lifetime, but it'll happen.

>> No.3543252


>> No.3543273
File: 339 KB, 1920x1137, e1576b4ad18679f385730c6362a57210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a pic from Star Trek (2009)
I hate you so much OP...

>> No.3543276

Thanks, but all it really says is "if this model, which has not yet been verified and which is one of several possible models, is true, then warp drives should be possible".

The model that would allow the theory is already a pretty big "if", and the rest of it is just speculation based on modelling of that "if". It may be possible, but there's nothing that really supports it yet.

>> No.3543283

Maybe is possible right now. Like new cars, new medicines, new technologies. I am working on some medical projects... We developed something special but we have no support. Big corporations like to see people dying. Science is controled. And if your play is fair, you are dead. :(

>> No.3543295

Why, because he didn't post an image of the craptastic plastic models from the original series?

>> No.3543300

I'm pretty sure several governments have a shit load of top secret science info that we will never have access to. Maybe after this society finally collapses we'll be able to access it and concentrate on advancing it, not worry about being attacked on all four fronts

>> No.3543306

>it will take you light-years to get there
>it will take you light-years
>take you light-years

/sci/ in a nutshell

>> No.3543310
File: 19 KB, 250x250, 1311903464358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If your destination is many light-years away then it will still take you light-years to get there.
>take you light-years to get there.

>> No.3543314

Warp Drive: A New Approach


"Certain classes of higher dimensional models suggest that the Casimir Effect is a candidate for the cosmological constant. In this paper we demonstrate that a sufficiently advanced civilization could, in principal, manipulate the radius of the extra dimension to locally adjust the value of the cosmological constant. This adjustment could be tuned to generate an expansion/contraction of spacetime around a spacecraft creating an exotic form of field-propulsion. Due to the fact that spacetime expansion itself is not restricted by relativity, a faster-than-light 'warp drive' could be created. Calculations of the energy requirements of such a drive are performed and an 'ultimate' speed limit, based on the Planckian limits on the size of the extra dimensions is found. "

>> No.3543317


Yeah, I noticed my mistake too. Full context
>If your destination is many light-years away then it will still take you light-years to get there.

Obviously I fucking meant "years", but hey, why contribute in any way to the conversation when you can just pick something out of context and use it to feel superior despite the intention having been obvious.

>/sci/ in a nutshell

>> No.3543322

>basically same comment, 2 minutes apart... obvious samefag is obvious

>> No.3543326

Sorry, OP. You were born 200 years too early. You're going to die stuck on this planet like the rest of us.

>> No.3543351
File: 231 KB, 311x311, 79697549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3543357

I better get reincarnated

>> No.3543368

>basically same comment, 2 minutes apart... obvious samefag is obvious

>> No.3543389
File: 61 KB, 1024x768, Galatica_RDM_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still watching Star Trek
I hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3543447
File: 143 KB, 398x414, fascinating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not casually watching the occasional episode of star trek original and lamenting it's now lost 60s charms from an era when scientists were charismatic, optimistic and productive, not angst hipster nerds who mistake cynicism for realism
Stay classy, douche.

>> No.3544309

>3001: Final Odyssey
>Discovery of being able to harness potential energy in a vacuum
>unlimited speed, unlimited energy