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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 369x272, problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3542848 No.3542848 [Reply] [Original]

Dear 4chan,

How can i find 'f' if i know all the variables in red?



>> No.3542875

c:d is in the same ratio of f:b

if you know c, b and d, then simply use the ratios to get f.

>> No.3542879

f/b = c/d

solve for f

>> No.3542887

subliminal facebook advertising detected.

the letters spell out

facebd (facebood)

with f highlighted to signify the begining!

>> No.3542897

Other breaking news:http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/eisenhower-gives-famous-domino-theory-speech

>> No.3542915
File: 40 KB, 415x594, cutey_Momsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can imagine making b longer in this pic without changing f,c, or d. So no.

What I find strange about this problem is that e_x=d, i.e. there is unneccecaryy information.

use e to find the lowest angle. use it for compute the point above d-c, which is the x-distance of the b-line. the you have to upport points of b and a and you can compute f by making a line through them.

>> No.3542922


what??? no you cant.

b is directly porportional to c,

if you change b, you change c in the same proportion!!!!!!!!

this isnt hard!!

>> No.3542932
File: 63 KB, 369x272, 1312975980609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you were'nt just trolling, i.e wasting my time

>> No.3542953

heres some values that might assist:

a = 3
b = 2
c = 25
d = 35
e = 3 deg.

>> No.3542960

Honestly, I'd use a fuckton of angle theorems. Give me 5 minutes and I'll post something.

>> No.3542961

f = 1.333

>> No.3542972


what on earth are you trying to prove with that???

this is a simple magnification scenario, you can only increase b by sliding along the c or d line to keep the shape consistent wtf

f/b = c/d

f/2 = 25/35

f = 50/35

f = 1.43

>> No.3542974

he just proved that you can increase b as much as you like that f, c and d wouldn`t.

This isn`t how it works....

>> No.3542975

op is changing the sahpe because he's fucktarded

>> No.3542986
File: 55 KB, 861x505, what are you smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3542988


That isnt me.

The only inputs that can be changed are b, a, c, d and e. f is just purely a calculation.

There will be situations were f = 0 due to b being a small value or a being a high value.

>> No.3542984

you explained yourself wrong, but maybe you should actually prove what you're saying here

>> No.3542989
File: 78 KB, 600x600, flyingredtop..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>e = 3 deg.
first of all it would have been informative that e is supposed to be an angle from the start. also, shouldn't the angle be something between 90° and 180°?

>> No.3542992


oops sorry, messed up the blue and purple ratios,

but you get what i mean,

if you increase the length of b, c will decrease in a proportional amount!

>> No.3543001

>mfw I thought that every would stay in place, hence c wouldn`t increase

But e is fixed so,,,

>> No.3543011


so the answer is 1.43? am i right?

im seriously. wtf. seriously

>> No.3543013

The point here still stands. How can you justify that f/b=c/d in this ONE SCENARIO? If it doesn't work in a scenario with a different a, why would it work for this?

Seriously, prove it.

>> No.3543022
File: 1.02 MB, 1334x1832, cutey_Emma_pocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think, using what I said in my first post, the answer is

f = a + (b-a)*(d/c)


f = 3 + (2-3)*(35/25) = 3 - 7/5 = 1.6

>> No.3543025


wtf are you seriously?

its a goddamn magnification!!!!!

you can trace the diagonal lines it all the way backward and it will meet at a certain point!!!!!!!

>> No.3543040

OP here:

Cheers so far guys.

a = 5
b = 3
c = 30
d = 60
e = 95 deg.


f = (c/d)*b

the answer is: 1.6


>> No.3543047


i reeeeally want to know! because that other anon keeps telling me that its wrong!!!

>> No.3543051

fyi: f = (d/c)*b

>> No.3543059
File: 196 KB, 1500x1000, cutey_Emma_reaaaly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"OP" with new data, random result...

Is this you're idea of a fun troll thread.
protip: It's not funny at all

>> No.3543058
File: 18 KB, 538x434, magnification.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, well, I made a new magnification.
As you see, you can trace the diagonal lines all the way backward and they will meet at a certain point.

Then, as proven, in this case f/b=c/d

seriously, go fuck yourself

>> No.3543061


f = (c/d)*b

yeaaagh i know you now, troll!!!

get thee behind me!

>> No.3543071

>yfw a isn`t involved in your equation.

>> No.3543075


oh fuck off you troll

>> No.3543098
File: 30 KB, 678x938, mag2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prove retard wrong
>get called troll
I have drawn you guys another magical magnification

As before, you can trace the diagonal lines all the way backward and they will meet at a certain point.
Clearly, f/b=c/d still, despite c, d and f not changing.

>> No.3543105


Protip: everyone in this thread is anon...

This is a legit thread.

Cheers to all the decent replies.

>> No.3543196
File: 45 KB, 678x938, mrbaddisguisedtroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like where this guy is going.
He trolls and he is not afraid of anything.

>> No.3543208

Those are some pretty nice drawings without any discussion you have there, I'm sure you think they mean something

>> No.3543214

Just showing to you why you are wrong.

You can't have a equation with 4 variables here one of them can change without affect the others.

>> No.3543217

f/b = c/d is wrong.

you can increase the angle at f without affecting both sides of the equation.

>> No.3543225

are you really that far gone that you can't tell that I was arguing that f/b<span class="math">\neq[/spoiler]c/d?

>> No.3543226


i know that guy is a troll, but man, your own diagrams are pretty shitty eh

youre a mess, really, i know the gist of what youre trying to get at, but get your shit together.

not a troll.

>> No.3543231


so why is f/b not equal to c/d?

>> No.3543232

OCD fag.

get over it, i don't have a wacon tablet just to draw shit for yor highness, fuck you.

And I loved the not a troll. It's like a badge or something ?

>> No.3543236

you motherfucker

>> No.3543243

this guy got it right, everybody can go home now.
Thread's closed.

>> No.3543248


Wow shit. its not just the shitty construction of your diagrams

but WHAT youre attempting to illustrate

the elements in your diagram are pretty much meaningless eh shit for brains

it does not conclusively prove anything

why the fuck is x relevant?

so what if you have f prime?

the elements in focus should have been b and c and d.

for fucks sake, you must be socially retarded and have never explained a simple (fucking simple) mathematical concept in your life

if you write that shit in an exam id have given you a fucking big question mark with a see me later eh shithead

>> No.3543250

(f = d(b-a)/c + a)

>> No.3543253


Neeeerd raaaageeee. (but he does have a point)

>> No.3543260

>yfw I answer right half hour ago and you are still fagging

it's 4/3, get over it.

>> No.3543262



>> No.3543292

>(f = d(b-a)/c + a)
You are wrong
See above images, a increases faster than b.

>> No.3543309
File: 33 KB, 1243x710, 7e965867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That formula = 1.2 for the following:

a = 3
b = 2
c = 25
d = 45
e = 95 deg.

This is the correct value..... see attached.