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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 405 KB, 2085x960, h60we0u4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3535685 No.3535685 [Reply] [Original]

CSI time /sci/. this is a view from a window and in the background you can see one of london's most famous sights: the Swiss Re Building.

knowing that the Swiss Re building is 180m tall is it possible to determine ROUGHLY how far away this window is from the building?

>> No.3535704

>one of london's most famous sights
The world's largest dildo. You Londoners must be so proud.

>> No.3535747

ribbed for her pleasure.

>> No.3535760

Freud would be proud

bumping for serious answers

>> No.3535770

so you're trying to figure out where Rose lives?

>> No.3535771

It'd be easier if you knew the diameter of the structure.

First you estimate the distance from the camera to the window in the left 1/3 of the photo, estimate the size of the window. Count white pixels from the top of the window to the bottom and create a feet to pixel ratio. Take the known diameter of the structure and count the pixels. You should be able to set up a proportion to give you an estimated distance.

There will be significant error due to lens distortion and abberation, as well as error from your estimations. Should give you an idea though.

>> No.3535777

If you're trying to stalk a girl just figure out where she lives by the buildings shown in the picture.

>> No.3535794


smart thinking batman

>> No.3535799
File: 2.81 MB, 2085x960, distance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming that car is about 50m away and about 1.45m tall (height of my car), the building might be roughly 2050m away.
you can make it more accurate if you recalculate using a known distance to an object of known height in the frame, then make the pixel height proportionate to that of the building

>> No.3535814

Get out of here, stalker!

>> No.3535827

EIther stalking someone or worse.

>> No.3535838

people on /v/ have already done this and gotten gps coordinates, yet are still no closer to making her their waifu tl;dr get out of the basement

>> No.3535877

There are windows, use computers to enhance the reflection till you can read the address.

>> No.3535888

Easily. Find the angle between the ground and the top of the building and then use a little trig.

>> No.3535903


Picture of this Rose person?

>> No.3535911

This shouldnt be fairly simple. Just map out which directions those dark colored panels face, then search google maps for the presented layout.

I'm unsure why this is challenging.

>> No.3535954

Also take into account the sunlight

>> No.3535975

If you had some sort of scope that had notches showing degrees, then you can trigonometry that shit up.

>> No.3535984

you gotta take out the hight of the picture, which looks like 3 or 4 stories. I'm pretty sure you'd have more luck just searching west and east from that location.

Though west seems more likely, as I think that's a sunset.

>> No.3535988


Of course you'd have to make an estimation as to where the base is seeing it is obstructed.

>> No.3536004


>> No.3536006

Im going to cunt punch her after you release her address

>> No.3536008

I think it actually must be a sunrise, so, east.
East also looks alot better per the urban construction.

>> No.3536201

randytaylor69 @ youtube

>> No.3536206

this is fucking hilarious

>> No.3537714

So why do we hate her?

>> No.3537732

pythagoras and trigonometrics
furthermore average story height is 9 feet
do the rest yourself

>> No.3537744


>> No.3537757

mainly useless ones.
lurk moar, dude

>> No.3537811

> mfw I have software and the data to get the location from that photo

>> No.3537820

I know exactly where that photo was taken. I could be there in 15 minutes.

>> No.3538213
File: 80 KB, 450x360, 8acb41cb39b850351026323626de6b62_12352857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

narrowed it down (i believe) to SE of the Swiss Re building. still not located her flat yet

>> No.3538245

Cant we just use google maps and use the landscapes features to find similar building until we get to that window?

Not too hard

>> No.3538263

ive been doing that on and off all night and london's a dense place.

given the sunlight its safe to assume her flat is south-ish of the swiss re building. given the picture was taken presumably in the morning (from the context of the youtube video) you can further postualte that her flat is easterly of the swiss re building.

i've been on google earth trawling through the area determined above within a 1-2km radius.

it's possible though my heading is wrong and she is in fact SW of the building...

>> No.3538340

prepare to crap bricks because OPs picture is dead accurate


Look at that with street view and you will see both of OPs buildings. Id take a screenshot but my comp is broken

>> No.3538342


usin this you can find out which direction to look at

Go ahead an love me now

>> No.3538348

>ive been doing that on and off all night
>all night

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.3538349
File: 16 KB, 267x209, EK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this EK's house or something?

>> No.3538354
File: 122 KB, 450x360, 45aac24855d46c8d2052de5216be7110_15204965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat. your coordinates just pinpoint the swiss re building which we have already been discussing for the entire thread...

i know. i cant help myself.

>> No.3538365


No, they tell you the location of the second buildin in Ops pic.

That will then tell you what direction to look from

>> No.3538368

Wasn't that the girl that's actually a guy? Why do you want to meet him?

>> No.3538377
File: 110 KB, 487x595, 2011-08-09_184815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. that building is too small.

>> No.3538390

Use maps street view, not earth, and you will see

It looks exactly like OPs pic

Pret A Manger
25 Saint Mary Axe
City of London EC3A 8AA, United Kingdom
020 7932 5289

>> No.3538391
File: 236 KB, 1186x593, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearly the coordinates are wrong

>> No.3538392

Judging by tower 42 it should be somewhere to the north, maybe 5 to 10 degrees north east.

>> No.3538413
File: 182 KB, 1400x865, 2011-08-07_094551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is where im undecided. whether the tower on the right is either Tower 42 or Heron Tower. i'm leaning towards Heron tho since that would keep the flat in a southerly direction.

>> No.3538427

Shouldn't you see the third building between those two too then? You know, the one between the Heron tower and that Swiss Re building.

>> No.3538433

What are you going to do once you know where it is?

>> No.3538462

put on my robe and wizard hat

that google earth shot was just a closeup, not intended to show the actual heading im considering

>> No.3538463

How many dark rings are on the tower? You might be able to narrow it down to 4 azmuths from it based on the visible ones in the picture.

>> No.3538471

OP here, I'm literally going to firebomb her house while the riots are on.

>> No.3538480


>> No.3538487
File: 105 KB, 450x360, bb87a4b2e5c2d5e85c17163a72a26612_16904429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

settle down chav

good job her surname isn't Kelly-Lines

>> No.3538512

yay, go OP! that girl is cute.

>> No.3538628

I'm done with this, I don't feel like being an accessory to a crime. That being said....

If you have the date and time this was taken at, you could calculate the azimuth of the sun from that position using the shadows.

I also recommend using the tip of the tower as your point of reference as opposed to the tower itself. You'll have to work out how to get that value on your own, I'm not going to help you with that.

Also expect a huge margin of error on Google Earth using their shit for targeting is nightmare mode.

>> No.3538639

wait a sec, where did you guys get this picture? and why is it relevant to anything? why are you trying to find this location?

>> No.3539117

Who is that beautiful creature?

>> No.3539184

Rose, offa Youtube.

Can't remember the name of her channels though.

>> No.3539196
File: 91 KB, 450x360, f8d46ad9bc0bf831d4273cea5a5def2c_13316092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my waifu.


>> No.3539199

Can you perhaps give a link? How am I going to find her with only this name? THANKS IN ADVANCE

>> No.3539202

>knowing that the Swiss Re building is 180m tall is it possible to determine ROUGHLY how far away this window is from the building?
Using trigonometry

>> No.3539204

A tattooed pig

>> No.3539207

If I can't remember the fucking name, how the hell can I link it?

>> No.3539212

oh god, my penis spiritually exploded into a million pieces for the first time in my life

>> No.3539214


>> No.3539215


>> No.3539226

It's pathetic how kissless virgins flock to worship attention whores with very limited knowledge about technology such as this slut and ijustine.

>> No.3539233

who's worshipping her? people just like her because she's hot, similar to how the general male public licks up jessica alba even though she sucks at acting

>> No.3539252

Bonus points: find the house the picture was taken in.

>> No.3539256

>It's pathetic how kissless virgins flock to worship attention whores with very limited knowledge about technology such as this slut and ijustine.
>kissless virgins worship attention whores with very limited knowledge about technology
>very limited knowledge about technology
>kissless virgin
yes you are, I don't care bout my bitches know nothing about technology and shit and because of that I have plenty.

>> No.3539272

god i hope OP isn't going to pillage rose's house and rape her and her computer!

>> No.3539275

Virgin detected>>3539226

>> No.3539283

You're just butthurt that I'm right.

>> No.3539287

>god i hope OP IS going to pillage rose's house and rape her and her computer!

>> No.3539290

>god i hope OP IS going to pillage rose's house and rape her and her computer AND TAKE PICTURES.
fix'd further

>> No.3539294
File: 66 KB, 519x560, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's down to her if rape is involved or not.

still working on it

>> No.3539306

I took screenshots and told her you're trying to stalk her. I recommend everyone else do the same.

>> No.3539316

You fucking creepy fucker. I hope someone finds you.

>> No.3539317
File: 119 KB, 450x360, 06e8519a3da168697d630a0f2d597a3c_17219785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she knows bro. i told her myself

>> No.3539333

Well, I hope she calls the authorities. You're rapist scum. If I wasn't an amerifag, I'd stab you to death.
10/10 if troll.

>> No.3539340

usually, as a shut in math major, i would gladly support the rape and humiliation (on tape) of a youtube vlogger

for some reason i just want to cuddle rose :(

>> No.3539349
File: 28 KB, 200x239, 1308392854267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job the authorities are preoccupied huh

i know right

>> No.3539356

No one deserves to be taken advantage of, man. It sickens me to see weaker people being abused and mistreated.

>> No.3539363

Yeah, I figured that, due to the riots. You'll get yours fucker. Damn fucking straight I'd stab you with bullets.

>> No.3539370
File: 205 KB, 661x1000, 2009_ass_greenshines_lingerie_mejor_semana_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idiot kid stalks EK
>gets busted
>in London
>during the current bruhaha
Please, please do this.
If you give us your name, I'll nominate you for an Honorable Mention(at least) Darwin Award myself.

>> No.3539381

This whole thread has been screencapped and sent to several police and legal authorities (British, American and Interpol).

>> No.3539385


SAUCE PLOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3539392

Sure is white knight in here.
Falling in love with a stranger you've never even talked to just by watching her on youtube. Pathetic

>> No.3539395
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1310701956534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American and Interpol

>> No.3539401

I think EK is the type who'd be doing the stalking.

>> No.3539404

I'm laughing at you right now

>> No.3539407


>> No.3539413


With the riots goin on I hope that EK gets raped and murdered by niggers.

>> No.3539421

Yeah, it's pathetic. If you can't get tail, jack off or buy some.

>> No.3539452
File: 78 KB, 500x750, 2009_ass_greenshines_lingerie_mejor_semana_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unknown babe in a gallery of random babes.

You saying opposing rape equals falling in love?

Sure is juvenile emofaggots here.

>> No.3539462
File: 66 KB, 325x500, 851327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's goin on here?
Why are there so many white knights?
This is fucking 4chan.

Now go there and rape her.
And don't forget to take pics.


>> No.3539477
File: 620 KB, 800x965, 2009_ass_greenshines_lingerie_mejor_semana_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I'm indifferent toward EK, but this fucking "EK IS TEH SUXXORZ" sentiment is seriously idiotic.

>> No.3539478

Yes. We must be experiencing an influx of new users lately

>> No.3539485

If you can't laugh at the sight of someone getting raped and murdered, than you're wrong here.

>> No.3539500

>than you're wrong here.
>than you're wrong..


>> No.3539520
File: 296 KB, 1024x1536, dcp3185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to point you to my earlier post, here >>3539452
Especially the part that says
>You saying opposing rape equals falling in love?
>Sure is juvenile emofaggots here.

Grow up for a decade or two.
Just for the sake of getting less idiotic.

If you don't like EK, hide her posts. Even better, report her.
See how well that's going to turn out for you.

/sci/ isn't supposed to be /b2/ no matter how much you circlejerk over the notion

>> No.3539529

>implying I hate EK

I don't give a fuck about EK's posts. I just wanna have a good laugh at someone getting harmed.

>> No.3539544

wait wat. rose was a regular poster on /sci/ ?

>> No.3539549


Well, I have been here for a while now and Personally I think EK is shit.

Pure steaming shit, decorated with the half-processed corn kernals of attention-whore-hood.

>> No.3539582


>> No.3539590
File: 74 KB, 526x700, 08_blonde_gloves_goupil31_solo_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then go fuck around in /b/ and finger your anus at some gore. /sci/ is not the place for that kind of shit, which should be obvious enough even for a twelve year old. So apparently you're either younger than that or just incredibly stupid.

And yet people who hate her produce worse posts than what I've seen from her.

So I guess this sentiment is just fueled by envy. In which case the problem isn't with her, it's with you fuckers just being so insecure that you lash out in anger like any little kid that didn't get the good toys.

>> No.3539606

EK without trip detected.

>> No.3539622
File: 84 KB, 781x489, sdfgsdfgdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK is not the same rose as OP's obsession fucktards

>> No.3539629

>implying that matters

>> No.3539645
File: 111 KB, 450x360, c7c3d4e8b085e53c194a35ca010a478f_17802320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claiming my waifu is a dirty tripfagging shitposter

>> No.3539655

>my waifu


>> No.3539689

What's the time of day this picture was taken?

>> No.3539701

presumably morning


>> No.3539747

OP, if you pay me I'll scout the location out. I live nearby.

>> No.3539750

I'm think she is about 2km away form the building

But this is from comparing the length of a pigeon to the diameter of the building and a lot of shit

>> No.3539788
File: 503 KB, 897x849, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking more 1866m
but I think she lives around here

>> No.3539792
File: 69 KB, 340x512, Benedict-benedict-cumberbatch-14863890-340-512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samefag detected.

>> No.3539820
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still trying to find me? aww, i guess i should feel honoured.
happy hunting, broski's.

>> No.3539826

/sci/: trolls and stalkers

>> No.3539855
File: 251 KB, 1064x885, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it was due west you'd see tower 42 a lot closer to the swiss re. also her window is only 4/5 stories high and her view would be blocked by a lot of builddings in between

>> No.3539880

Oh I see, the picture looked like it was during a sunset
Nice catch

>> No.3539902

Fuck, you guys are obsessed with this girl.

...I'm joining the hunt...

>> No.3539921

I was always mad and I raged hard whenever someone asked the professor during math/physics class, "What are we even going to use this for, it's pointless!"

This is what it is used for

For evil

>> No.3539928
File: 92 KB, 500x427, 1298749310113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought /sci/ would be above this human relationships bullshit.


>> No.3539938
File: 102 KB, 450x360, 69a978683faddf58b33ba45fa53c81e7_12121106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i call it "love"

>> No.3539958
File: 72 KB, 662x593, 1298729619754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw if i were male none of you would give a shit

>> No.3539968

Have you thought about a sex change?

>> No.3539972

Don't worry, some of us already don't.

>> No.3539973
File: 51 KB, 460x500, 1118818734284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no one clearly gives a shit
EK is NOT the rose we are looking for

>> No.3539989

lol, absolutely not. other than sexual organs, women are exactly the same as men. and there is absolutely no fucking way that you guys enjoy sex as much as we do. you have no fucking idea how good it feels

>> No.3539997

>implying anyone on /sci/ has had sex

>> No.3540014

probably have...an 18+ board, and sciencey guys are hot! i seriously doubt they have much trouble getting laid.

>> No.3540023

Your logic is faulted, so is your personality. Filter'd, goodbye.

>> No.3540040
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, tardis_rose[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3540060

>i seriously doubt they have much trouble getting laid.

I wish.

>> No.3540061
File: 43 KB, 313x298, 58595685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sciencey guys are hot
Hello, ladies.

>> No.3540085


So does /sci/ have problems with the "summer influx" too.

Damn I really thought this was a decent board (for the internet).

This isn't really science, it's more like HURR DURR OPINIONS HURR DURR

>> No.3540107
File: 15 KB, 269x312, 1294204297449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sciencey guys are hot!

Hello ladies

>> No.3540119

yeh! for real!
no girl wants to go out with a stupid fucking boring dumass.

>> No.3540136

You're just as bad as any tripfag attention whore

>> No.3540139

I've watched Rose for years.

Every fucking update on every site. I just caught the picture of her on the front page completely by chance.

I'm melting into a pool of anxiety. She's my muse.

Fucking hell I knew this would happen. I didn't want to see this.

I'll be obsessing. I've wasted so much time f5ing her shitty vyou account.

oh god

>> No.3540154
File: 57 KB, 440x442, science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sciencey guys are hot

>> No.3540170

Or a Zoology major.

>> No.3540582
File: 251 KB, 2085x960, pigeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making some progress

>> No.3540662
File: 234 KB, 2085x960, pigeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a more accurate sized pigeon
if it was actually on her windowsill

Pigeons are normally 27cm in length

>> No.3540677

We've already determined she's between 1 and 2 kilometres from the Swiss Re. We just need to find out the direction her flat is in now...

>> No.3540679


This video was taken in the morning time
So her flat is facing west

>> No.3540680

I know exactly where that picture was taken. I live about 3 minutes away.

>> No.3540688

Is it in stepney gardens?

>> No.3540695
File: 278 KB, 476x350, 12645648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck? this girl is neither Rose Elizabeth Kelly lines or me.
you guys are fucking retarded.

>> No.3540701
File: 61 KB, 300x321, 1272664441660.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to stay relevant
kindly fuck off

>> No.3540715


>> No.3540727

No body is trying to find where you live. This is about Rose of roseplaysgames, now will you finally shut up and leave.

>> No.3540728

she has a boyfriend btw


>> No.3540734

Diameter of the tower is 56 meters at it's fattest point

>> No.3540743

ah, my mistake. yes. i'll leave.

>> No.3540746

I'm confused, is OP trying to find the location of the girl in the video secretly, and claiming that he is trying to track EK?

Or EK and the girl of the youtube videos is the same person?

>> No.3540757

No he is trying to find an attentionwhore tripfag who is posing as EK to try and get us to stop looking fo her

>> No.3540763
File: 4 KB, 141x151, 14vmrl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HURRRR as if it wasn't made painfully obvious here >>3539622 and here >>3539973 during your shitposting

such a shit-tier troll

>> No.3540766

She's clearly not in london anymore. Her location has changed.

>> No.3540767
File: 112 KB, 450x360, 50b778a95d97013661d09cff34405617_15955982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one gives a flying fuck about some tard called EK. we are trying to locate a girl off youtube (pic related)

>> No.3540770


They want the youtubewhore, who happens to have the same first name as EK and live in the same city.

>> No.3540777

Guys EK just admitted she was Rose and then she deleted her post.
I just thought you should know.

>> No.3540781

I know, its just that when I saw Rose I assumed it was EK, not the girl in the video.

>> No.3540783


What did she say exactly

>> No.3540785
File: 25 KB, 469x179, iderped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3540791

She fucked up and mentioned that this girl was someone else called Rose. With her being the other one. So EK really is called Rose.

>> No.3540794
File: 576 KB, 1387x583, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

around this area perhaps

>> No.3540798

this is all very interesting but may i again refer you to >>3540767

no1curr about EK

>> No.3540823


>> No.3540841

I think she's around 2km from the building from all the calculations done in the thread
Her flat is facing west because the video is in the morning time
She is 4 stories(12m) off the ground

The building, relative to tiles, pigeons, the car, bricks, windows
appears to be 8cm in height and 2 cm in diameter
when in actual size the building is 180m by 56m in diameter

The camera aperture fucks up a lot of calculations too

The arrangement of the houses is a bit different than the picture, so I'm redoing my calculations again

>> No.3540860
File: 241 KB, 1680x1050, 2011-08-07_094551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think her flat is south-east of the swiss re and not due east because of the sun/shadows. see pic

>> No.3540872

this thread is keeping me awake.

oh rose.

>> No.3540874

Can I assume she is on the north side of the river thames?

>> No.3540882

couldn't say. i've been trawling both sides between 1 and 2 km away from the swiss re

>> No.3540933
File: 273 KB, 1680x1050, 2011-08-07_094551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some things to note if your looking at satellite images

>> No.3540984


Fuck! This is EK?

>> No.3541005

nope. see >>3539622

>> No.3541010

Whomever is trying to find out where I live, I have contacted the authorities, my family and friends and told them about your intentions, I will contact the administrator of this website to obtain your information and forward it to the police.

>> No.3541035

Relax fags, I was trolling.

>> No.3541036
File: 11 KB, 160x160, 1276498843830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's cool white knight. interpol's been informed >>3539381

>> No.3541048

Apparently that was posted by the girl in the videos.

>> No.3541062
File: 22 KB, 542x428, 1272664447083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3541087

Some whiteknight could have screencapped this thread and sent a message to her youtube account.

>> No.3541095
File: 41 KB, 468x333, 1311599802654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3541161

The fuck is the deal with this EK?