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3531545 No.3531545 [Reply] [Original]

Question \sci\entists:
What is the most efficient appearence to go for in public for a girl around 20 to find a perfectly nice mate for mating?

>> No.3531555


>> No.3531550


>> No.3531556

> mating

It doesn't matter what she wears. All she has to do is get a guy alone and he will fuck her.

>> No.3531559

my pants

>> No.3531562


>> No.3531567

dress in what makes you comfortable. Unless your boobs are hanging out.. Men don't really pay that much attention to women's clothes.

>> No.3531575
File: 45 KB, 233x186, musi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this? I mean seriously, and I'm not only asking for physical appearence. Also behaviour, attitude and way of thinking in general.
How to start.

>> No.3531578


seriously.. just be yourself.

>> No.3531585

For the purposes of fucking, it takes nothing other than being a woman. Men aren't complicated in that way.

>> No.3531587

Biologically? Your nipples should be erect and your hips should be showing.

>> No.3531592
File: 75 KB, 450x279, musi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I know men who look at shoes, Advice Girl.

>> No.3531614

It honestly doesn't really matter too much, but i suggest wearing something quite tight fitting and colourful (to attract attention) and then going to some place where there is quite a lot of guys, and then just be very chatty and flirty. Should probably work.

>> No.3531624

jeans cut off at the buttock crease. any higher it looks sick. any lower is dumb. then a top which shows your belly. that's it.

>> No.3531628

Finding "a mate" is easy. Finding "a perfectly nice mate" is going to be tricky, especially if you keep saying "mating."

>> No.3531635

>especially if you keep saying "mating."
Sounds more elegant than 'fucking'

>> No.3531636


ITT: how to be a skank

>> No.3531637

> implying men care about clothes

if you're pretty then men will pay attention to you, if not, no. as long as you don't wear something fucking dreadful.

>> No.3531645

>But I know men who look at shoes, Advice Girl.

Gay men and foot fetishists. OP can probably afford not to bother.

>> No.3531648

different strokes for different folks.

op, i think you have to determine what your values are and... ah... try to find a man with those values.

put yourself out there.

be OVERLY social. make conversation with strangers. if you hear that someone is having a party, invite yourself.

if you keep putting yourself out there, eventually you'll get lucky.

whatever you do, don't give up.

>> No.3531649

>if you're pretty then men will pay attention to you,

But being pretty depends a lot on how you present yourself, even if men aren't consciously aware of it.

>> No.3531650

Are you trying to reproduce, or have non-reproductive intercourse? There are different ways to attract men for each.

>> No.3531651

-and stay true to your values!

>> No.3531653

1) How to dress depends on the occasion and what YOU look like.
2) /sci/ is hilariously ill-equipped to help you. Try /fa/, maybe?

>> No.3531658

>Try /fa/, maybe?


>> No.3531675
File: 75 KB, 450x300, musi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kids with 20?

>> No.3531681

if you try to mold yourself to someone else, you are going to get burned. hard.

however, if you really want a specific guy to notice you, find out something 'geeky' about him and then appreciate that geeky thing.

for instance: a pretty girl is not necessarily a rare thing. however, a pretty girl that is good at fighting games or sports ... well that is incredibly hot.

suddenly, the guy can see himself relating to you without having to go out of his own way. the next step is he's going to fantasize about spending more time with you.

>> No.3531726

Post pics.
Unless the OP pic is you.
In which case you don't need our advice.

>> No.3531742

Depends on the prevailing subjective tastes of that particular time.

>> No.3531870

You're just another common female bitch. And bitches are a dime a dozen honey. Just spread you legs and someone will fuck you then leave you. You're just a piece of meat, Deal with it.

>> No.3531873

Is this a serious question, or are you really this big of an asspie OP?

>> No.3531879
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>Pussy online is a myth other than facebook and cupid sites. Every other place is dudes acting like a piece of female ass. Or skank bitches with over inflated egos not worth our time.

>> No.3531889
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>> No.3531905
File: 248 KB, 818x575, 1307167545002..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Females just another sweet piece of ass to fuck over at the work place. While fucking it on the side.

>> No.3531907
File: 107 KB, 483x404, library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really, there might be a few posers in here but most scientists can't move for bitches, in fact it becomes a burden, I just don't have time for that shit, especially when you're trying to study, they seem to think it's some kind of romantic gesture if you include them in it

>> No.3531912


EK from your experience I'm sure you can relate to his sentiments. You as well are just a sex object to enjoy.

>> No.3531917
File: 42 KB, 205x205, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientific as fuck in here.

>> No.3531929
File: 59 KB, 612x900, 1305113262931..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you thirsty? How about a nice glass of beer chilled in a Eskimo pussy?

>> No.3531931

wear jeggings
that is all

>> No.3531947

oops, not OP, carryover from previous thread.

>> No.3531945

plus cameltoe

>> No.3531951

if that was all i was good at, then yes. but it isn't.
anyway, everybody is a sex object to enjoy, men as well. that doesn't mean they can't do other things either.

>> No.3531964

spread your legs, babe.
nah, no need to talk, or trying to act nice
spread 'em.

>> No.3531980

Sure is science is here...

>> No.3531988
File: 98 KB, 385x500, lol..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are you trying to say?

>> No.3531997
File: 148 KB, 399x315, darkhot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitches is one of many social issues that frequently expose themselves to scientists every day, if you've been left out of the loop then perhaps you are not a scientist

>> No.3531999

>EK thread
>not science

>> No.3532020

>to find a perfectly nice mate for mating?
Simply initiate a conversation with a guy.
Ask for his number, unless he has a GF he'll give it to you.
A guy won't reject you, because men know what it feels to be rejected.

A guy who didn't initially considered you as a potential mate will seriously reconsider if you express interest in him.
3 out of 3 of my previous GFs i didn't even consider dating until they made their interest known first.

>> No.3532026
File: 50 KB, 300x300, 1308986966305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter what you wear dude, unless you're like 30 chicks wont be expecting you to have money to be able to shell out on clothes and a nice car, money won't be your sex appeal for a while. Since you're asking a board on 4chan how to get laid I'm assuming you're an asspie so here's my 2 cents. It's all about attitude, be yourself, have no fear (bitches can smell fear), always let them know that you want to fuck them in a playful manner, make her laugh and tease her make her feel a rainbow of emotion, establish physical contact like going dancing or just cuddle up against each other or sleep together drunk on a park bench, then get her drunk one day and bring her to your humble abode and get her ready and when shes asking for it you stick your probe in and take and take an egg so you can genetically engineer it to be the God King of man kind

>> No.3532038

lol, OP is a femanon.

>> No.3532065

Just be yourself, not slutty, not hyper square.
Be cool, open to dialogue. Try not to be too shy. If a guy (who is ok for you) is trying to make eye contact, do not avoid, look back, a nice smile saying "hello there! I see you :) " not "ill eat your cock" or "i'm so mysterious, if you want to talk with me you'll need to be an overconfident asshole". When you leave, look back again : something is sealed there. Next time you see each other, you can greet yourselves and maybe engage in casual talk. Msn, phone numbers etc are exchanging....

Or you juèst asked to quickly find a quickfuck, then dresss like a whore, bunches of assholes will come, make your choice.

>> No.3532892

>wake up
>see thread about how to be a slut
>see EK posting advice
>surprising but i'm not surprised

>> No.3532911
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pretty situational