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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 30 KB, 506x387, UsicGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3531735 No.3531735 [Reply] [Original]

i can't believe the cow school from across the state thinks they're any good at real sciences.
they should just stick to their livestock and horticulture.

>inb4 sci can't find a problem with this shirt either

>> No.3531736

There is no element A

>> No.3531743

>op is butthurt because he can't discover new elements.

Nothing to see here.

>> No.3531745

anon is butthurt because he thinks "A" is an element.

>> No.3531754

bump for fucking redneck idiot from uga

>> No.3531757

argon, dumass.

>> No.3531759

lol no

>> No.3531761

Ar you fucking nigger

>> No.3531763

What is Rg???????

>> No.3531764

Wow i didnt ever think they were actually dumb.
Proved wrong, again.

>> No.3531766

Roethgenium (sp)
something like that.

thanks for the lulz OP

>> No.3531770
File: 7 KB, 211x175, 4colourtheoremtroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3531768

Yes op, you are so much smarter than this "cow". I am very glad you chose to share this supreme intellect to an anonymous imageboard, because you obviously have no friends to discuss it with in real life; I can't imagine why.


>> No.3531773

that model of an atom, fuck! thats not how orbitals look!

>> No.3531775


lmao old school textbook diagram of the model of an atom

dont they realise that that model is bullshit?

orbitals are not orbits ffs

they do not go around the nucleus in a fixed trajectory

>> No.3531778


hive five!

>> No.3531779

you must not know that the phrase "cow school" is what gatech students call uga.
you must now know that while it's funny to share with friends, i also like to share with my bros at sci.
you must now know how hilarious this is.

>> No.3531787

bump for faggot u[sic]ga students

>> No.3531802


it isnt funny.

you got offended and youre trying to save face by 1) making up a barely believable excuse for your actions
2) employing a douchey condescending air of superiority
3) downplaying and trivializing your offender in hopes of playing to everybody how "not butthurt" you really are

just breaking it down for you, if youre as smart as the impression you are trying to pass off as, you'd agree with me

>> No.3531808

>inb4 OP admits he was trolling, and that he did realise that the folk at the university of GeORgIA knew full well that A was not an element.

>> No.3531809

this shit is hilarious, and you would know that if you were in the loop with what uga has been trying to do recently (as in, opening up new schools theyre clearly not good enough for)

i was letting him in on what is apparently an inside joke.

i wasnt trying to be douchey, and i dont think im smart, unless knowing the basics of chemistry is considered smart.

what in the world would i be butthurt about? these people are idiots, but this is a girl wearing the shirt. so jokes on me i guess. but i thought /sci/ would appreciate it.

>> No.3531818

not a troll. i know folks over there who dont see the problem.

>> No.3531826


and now you experience first hand, the truth in the musing that: a dick would 1) not be able to identify that he is being a dick, 2) not be able to admit that he is being a dick.

you sir, have been a dick.

that is all.

>> No.3531836

i dont give a fuck if im a dick. these people are retarded, and deserve it for trying to take state funds from a more deserving school.
get the enormous dragon dildo out of your ass and realize this is either funny to you, or youre not a /sci/entist.