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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 343 KB, 640x480, ds.1272618764357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3526044 No.3526044 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it would be immoral for the state to hire several healthy, exceptionally intelligent people to reproduce with each other to form a population of similar children to be raised by the state to be normal, contributing members of society who believed it was their duty to raise another such group among themselves?

>> No.3526067

For the state to do so? It depends.

Is it immoral for Ethiopia to only give internationally donated aid to people who support the ruling party?

>> No.3526070

sauce on op's pic

>> No.3526090


sauce? i came

>> No.3526093

depends, do i get to have a child with the woman pictured?

>> No.3526095


>> No.3526099
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>> No.3526106
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>> No.3526111

/b/rotip: it's a trap

>> No.3526112

It would be immoral for the state to do it, but given that it can make a lot of money private corporations would jump at that shit in half a
Looking at some of the people in my country (US) I definitely think some people should be prevented from breeding.

>> No.3526119
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>> No.3526124


That's not true


>> No.3526127 [DELETED] 
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I've heard of this idea before.

>> No.3526130
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>> No.3526133 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3526139

>intelligent people
decides who?

>> No.3526140
File: 34 KB, 468x315, 10EMPI.1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

>> No.3526142


do you have any more pics of her op?

>> No.3526147
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>> No.3526148

I don't know but I doubt it would work. I believe health and immune system is the biggest benefactor for intelligence genetics wise, and you can't get that by breeding a select group of people. Besides the group would include the autistics and nuerotics who strive to be considered intelligent

>> No.3526151
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>> No.3526154


>> No.3526169

I felt it was for the greater good.

>> No.3526171


sauce op?
omg i wish i had a girl like this at the dormitory in my uni

>> No.3526173

who is that girl?

>> No.3526177


>> No.3526182

i came. bitmap.gif.mp3.mp4.avi.com.org

>> No.3526186

You should probably research silicon valley autism. It was a community of exceptional intelligence, and now they are finding an above average rate of mental problems in the offspring.

>> No.3526199

OP understands nothing about genetics.

>> No.3526227

Nah, we're all raised on some kind of moral basis (don't be mean and so on).
Of course, we're raised like this because we need to become functioning citizens of society but still.
The only immoral thing seems to be how the state and not the parents will raise the children.

>> No.3526258

OP, you have a very narrow view of intelligence. Only reproducing a narrow group of people considered intelligent could exacerbate some of the weaknesses linked to this intelligence.

>> No.3526273

>some people should be prevented from breeding.
Who said anything about prevention? The OP only outlines a plan to encourage breeding among people with certain traits: good health and intelligence.

>> No.3526297
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The state. It's their program.

>> No.3526363

Huh? OP doesn't define intelligence at all. He just uses the word. He also uses the word "healthy" without definition.

>> No.3526367

And he uses the word "think" without definition.

>> No.3526377

>implying that's not already what happens

>> No.3526405

Are you healthy, exceptionally intelligent, and able to fill a cup with semen?

>> No.3526417

>The only immoral thing seems to be how the state and not the parents will raise the children.
What's immoral about it? They do it with orphans.

>> No.3526518
File: 99 KB, 650x425, noah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immoral? I'd say it depended on the circumstances and it would also depend on who's definition of 'immoral' you're using.
As for breeding people from only a small base? That will only lead to genetic problems down the road. Its better to have a wide gene pool to select from for a species to thrive.
But, I also believe some people should be keep out the gene pool.

>> No.3526572
File: 893 KB, 3072x2304, 1218490536280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's use your definition of immoral.
Also, not a small base. Every qualifying citizen who accepts the offer to reproduce and give up the child for money would be in the group. Women would make a whole bunch more. Think U.S. defense budget, crazy do what ever you want type money.

>> No.3526666
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Okay, we could go with my definition but my definition of immoral is flexible and I would still need a reason has to why the Gov. would be doing this?
Is it a scenario like the movie Idiocracy were the stupid are out breeding the smart or just some Gov. backside deal for a "pure eugenic human society"?

>> No.3526729

A vote was taken in your country, and an overwhelming majority was reported as being in favor of this plan to secure the country's future.

>> No.3526774
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Well, as long as its for the motherland

>> No.3526798

You assume there is a right way to raise a child. You also assumed that being well raised gives a person the motivation to contribute to a society.

You're basically suggesting a standardized human development process, like children are no more complex than a rat.

>> No.3526809

Adding more. It sounds like Sparta.

>> No.3526854

OP, have you never heard of embryonic selection?

But i'm sure in the future they'll have virtual worlds where you can be dictator and force people not to reproduce for your pleasure!

>> No.3526880


it's not so much that there is a definitive right way to raise a child, more that there are a hell of a lot of wrong ways and that they're very common. like sitting a kid down in front of tv until they're old enough to go school and then surprise surprise they're already behind in life because they can't read or write already. it's pretty easy to give a kid a good start but in the grand scheme of things hardly anyone can be fucking bothered.

>> No.3526909

I don't have any reason to find it immoral.
It's a project, as long as you don't give special privileges to those people it is fine.

>> No.3526916

And ofcourse they don't turn into elitistic snobs, but hey that can happen to anyone even mexican-german leaders.

>> No.3529216


>> No.3529279

rule 34

>> No.3529516

Might foster a culture of people who think that it's okay to subjugate the 'inferiors.'

Which would be unethical.

>> No.3529521

Might be pretty hard to prevent. The entire purpose of the program is to recruit "superior" people.

>> No.3529530 [DELETED] 

Mother of God, I just wanna peg her in her pooper! While she continues to wear her glasses. And a 12x16 picture of her grandmother is on the wall staring at me as I'm having anal sex with her grand daughter. And there is heavy chain smoke coming from the down the hall where her nervous mother is chain smoking.

>> No.3529537


If you're going to be impersonating me at least have the decency not to imply I'd ever touch people, ugh.

>> No.3529546

I thought you were gay?

>> No.3529542 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, Colonel Coffee Mug is insane. Who would have guessed?

>> No.3529551


I thought he was a furry?

>> No.3529555

I thought he was a coffee mug.

>> No.3529556

What is going on here :(

>> No.3529574

No, seriously, I was under the impression he was gay, I saw a post where he was worshipping a horse cock.

>> No.3529579
File: 5 KB, 350x346, 1273987902508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uh... Maybe it's when someone posted the ASCII horse cock and I replied with the ASCII leopard girl?

>> No.3529585 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 533x401, 1312668848193..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember old chap be somewhat kind.

>> No.3529865

How about this.

There is a government run website.

You are able to create 1 account on this website and you must verify your identity using ss and/or other methods.

Everyone that joins must take a certified assessment test. This test is rough indicator of intelligence and mental aptitude.

There is a point system.

You gain points in many ways for example
-Your initial aptitude test gives you some points depending on how well you do.
-You post pictures of yourself and other users vote on your appearance. Higher scores are awarded more points on a geometric progression.
-Completing a 2 year, 4 year, masters or phd. With more advanced degrees giving more points and more difficult and/or important subjects also giving more points. For example a phd in physics gives way more points than a bachelors in fine arts or a 2 year degree in web design.
-World, National and some state level awards give points based on their importance. For example a state champ in a math competition would get a few points an Olympic medalist would get a lot of points and a Nobel prize winner would get a metric fuckton of points.
-Achievement points. If you are a pro athlete a famous movie star or a very successful entrepreneur this would give you lots of points. Of course lesser but still notable achievements are also worth points.

People would naturally prefer partners with more points. There could even be different point categories such as intellect, physical and achievement.

Note: This website is only for straight adults interested in having children. This is not a dating service for teenagers, gays or people just looking for a fun time.

Note 2: This is just an idea I've had floating around I'm sure there are plenty of flaws and room for improvement feel free to comment.

>> No.3529908


good luck raising a race of orphans, those kids will turn out so damn smart.

ya know, "smart" kids are mainly kids that came from good families... "dumb" kids come from broken homes... it has a lot less to do with DNA then you think.

>> No.3529913

>hackers crack the database, make dumb people look smart, smart people look dumb.
>Society declines exponentially, hackers become kings.
>problem solved.

>> No.3529939

smart kids are usually ugly to.

>> No.3529942

Yeah because no one would notice right.

>> No.3531705 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3531715

>'broken homes'
The only general causility in educational attainment is wealth/class; poor people tend to do worse and have a higher percentage of single parent families
It is not BECAUSE they are from 'broken homes' that they do worse in education- since in a middle class single parent family you would find them eaching more than poor nuclear family

>> No.3531730

OP doesn't ask if it would achieve any particular goal. Only if it would be immoral to actually do.

>> No.3531739

Not exactly immoral, but it wouldn't work as well as you think it would.
Education, especially early education plays a large role in one's intelligence. You could select for some traits that make someone more intelligent, but they could still be outperformed by someone who actually knows 'how to think' (recognize thought patterns, abstract them and so on). The hard challenge is education, not genes (genes obviously do matter a bit, but most people have the potential to be intelligent, however a lot never reach their full potential due to crappy education - usually they need the education to be tailored for them, for example some kids lose interest in certain subjects because the teaching method is not suitable for them).

>>3526186 is also another problem that could arise

>> No.3531750

If education is such a major factor, and the state is spending so much money to make sure the commissioned kids are raised and educated correctly, then why wouldn't it work really well?

>> No.3531781

Proper education is hard. If they could figure out a good solution, why not apply it to most public schools instead and increase the average intelligence of the country instead?

>> No.3531820

Because that would be much more expensive, and would incur political opposition from whoever.

>> No.3531825
File: 69 KB, 317x317, 1190624063045 commissar general cat .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and we shall name this program the Schola Progenium!


>> No.3531927

why would this have to be financed by the govt?

sounds like an excellent dating service for aspies.

...i'm actually not even being facetious. if i had any money to spare, i'd pay someone to design that very site.

as it is, i couldn't be arsed.

>> No.3531960

You could ask the internet for a personal loan for the project.


How much do you think it would take?

>> No.3534054 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3534168

I'm not going to comment on the validity of the broken home bit, but the state generally tends to be shit at everything it tries to do... at least in the US.

You're going to trust an organization that can't teach middle class kids basic science to actually raise children?
These are the same people that ban research into MDMA's use in treating PTSD. One would think that they would place a high priority on keeping soldiers fit for combat, but not really. These are also the same people that tried using LSD for mind control, were warned repeated about Madoff and did nothing, can't manage a budget to save their lives, and can't offer universal healthcare coverage despite having a larger per capital budget for healthcare than any other nation on Earth.

I wouldn't trust the US government to wipe my ass or change a lightbulb, much less embark on an ambitious eugenics project.

>> No.3536068

To be fair, they can't teach middle class kids science because when they try, someone always starts beating war drums to stop it. If it were a group of kids with biological parents who had entrusted them to the state for the express purpose of having them be taught science, and logic and whatever, then the drums wouldn't echo so loudly.

>> No.3536102
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>good genes

>> No.3536610

"Good" as defined by the parties paying to make it happen.

>> No.3538083 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3538154

Immoral... humm, only as far as the efficiency of this goes. Handing some members of society money to have kids for no good reason is highly questionable.

I figure just offering cheap, CHEAP education to everyone is far better.

>> No.3539651 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3539664
File: 307 KB, 682x942, 1312385555205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread survived since sunday.
Will you keep bumping it til friday?

>> No.3540269

>Breeding among a small pool. Not a good idea after a few generations.
>Also, studies have show two smart people don't necessarily have smarter children all or even most of the time. Too lazy to source so believe or don't.

>> No.3540502

It's not a small group. It's a whole bunch. See >>3526572

>> No.3542317 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3543176 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3544068
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>> No.3544071
File: 74 KB, 256x256, bill_nye_dat_ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat pic.

>> No.3544312

this happens naturally assface. rich successful harvard guys marry the smart hot chicks while the fat slutty stupid hillbilly hicks die at 42 in their double wide. let this thread die already.

>> No.3544465

You would think that healthy, intelligent people are quite capable of seeking each other out without the state nudging them together. They wouldn't be very healthy and intelligent otherwise.

>> No.3547327

Perhaps they do, but they don't out reproduce the rest of us. This program would encourage them to reproduce.

>> No.3547356


it depends... does it count that Im 6'5" 200lbs of pure muscle, IQ of 138, charming, funny, and fits the definition of tall dark and handsome? I only graduated from a degree in ART... most people would only consider me as average intelligence from an initial perspective.

Do you think you fit all those qualities? or are you "book smart" and nerd raged that you got no girls all your life?

I could fuck you, your sister, and your mother, AND get the two of them to turn on you and send you to an institution... does your book smarts really help you in that respect?

I could beat the living shit out of you and steal any girl you want and convince any police officer that you were the instigator... does your book smarts really help you there?

I've fucked dozens of girls as hott and nerdy as OP's pic and tens of dozens of more hotter than that... Does your book smarts help your fuck girls hotter than that? or bring them to orgasms multiple times???

Why should you be as ARROGANT to think that any organization would EVER consider you for selective procreation?


>> No.3547362
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and you expect people to believe that?

>> No.3547374


unfortunatley for you and everyone else in this board... everything I said is 100% true... Im also 1/2 Brazilian, 1/4th Italian, and 1/4 German...

Proof that diversity is better than organized government run breeding.

>> No.3547382

>6'5" 200lbs of pure muscle

>> No.3547384


anti-gravity penis..

but seriously... 6 months in the gym... taking supplements, and eating right will do WONDERS for you body.... assuming you have decent genes and do all the exercises in perfect form.

>> No.3547386


>> No.3547393


seriously? I mention a few absolute truths and I get nerd rage in return? classic /sci/ nerd rage... all of you are arrogant and ugly at best. Good luck impressing the most homely of girls.

>> No.3547396


>> No.3547401
File: 21 KB, 320x450, kermit clein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i actually raged a little bit. but im fine now

>> No.3547402


do. not. care.
the smallest amount of effort would decimate your ass.

confidence is different from arrogance.

>> No.3547405


>> No.3547409

There is a seeming disconnect between being as "alpha male" as you are to posting on 4chan. There is also quite a disconnect, as it would seem to me, to claiming to be intelligent yet basing the majority of your alleged "superiority" on being able to reproduce frequently with the opposite sex.
It is rather clear to me that you are claiming you're superior based on the fulfillment of your basest, limbic system drives. Congratulations, you can fuck women. What have you actually done with your life, you blithering idiot?

Btw, your troll sucked. Elaborate it more. 1/10

>> No.3547418


ugliest kid in middleschool and highschool... made fun of by everyone... even teachers...

barely make the grade due to descrimination.

fuck everyone.

fuck teachers.

do what I love, go to school for art.

fuck everyone, Im not inferior.

go to the gym, eat right, live healthy.

why don't girls like me? do research in social interactions and dynamics... reflect on myself intensely....

3 years later...

go from 350lbs to 200lbs... 6'5", all muscle, realize without all the fat I have a defined jawbone and cheek bones. Learn how to style my hair... go to /fa and learn how to dress... move to a shitty part of the city to learn how to speak like common people...

after 3 years I'm now banging 9/10 hot girls every week... much better than learning shitty math and physics, happy as fuck.

Convince local liquor store owner to hire me and make me regional manager.

now making $29 an hour working only 26hours a week but getting paid for 40... so good at buying beer for 6 stores that he thinks I'm working overtime...

life is good and I only have a degree in Animation.

>> No.3547426


not alpha male, more like alpha male +...

I know what it's like to be the lowest of the low, considered an ugly nerd... Now Im making more money than I know what to do with and banging any girl I want. life is good, you need to learn that life is not about being a smart ass, it's about learning the rules that govern every average asshole out there, and taking advantage of it.

>> No.3547432

Really? You really think that?
I don't give two shits about the rules that govern every average asshole. I've been individualistic and strong enough on my own to not be drawn into the trivialities of their lives and pursue MY OWN passions according to MY OWN values.

Get the fuck off this board - the only thing you're trying to do is say your values (fucking women, making money, and fitting in with the stupid asshole crowd) are better than mine. Can't believe you're really serious about this lol.

>> No.3547445


So what are your plans that make you better than any average guy waiting to be manipulated

>> No.3547450


wow, your dignifying your values by condemning mine? your such a smart person, kudos to you. really, congrats...

seriously... we are HUMAN BEINGS... social interaction provides more happiness than you will ever know... by denying it your only bringing light to the fact that your a lonely loser and have adapted to live as such. Are you really so great that you find NO PLEASURE in making other people smile? that you find no pleasure that other people like you?

You are in denial, good luck finding happiness... best case scenario you'll be 45 years old, depressed, an alcoholic, and have a mid life crisis. maybe then you'll find true happiness, or maybe you won't, who knows.

>> No.3547467


Not samefag

But the guy will believe you are samefagging

I like your approach to life but you did sell yourself short. You achieved success socially but not intellectually. Not that one is better than the other but you can do more with your talents than to just fuck girls and make an ok living.

>> No.3547473

The only plan I have to make to avoid that is to not let some tard manipulate me. Simple problem, simple solution.
Sorry buddy, but you're taking this the wrong way. I'm simply saying our values are separate and you ought to stop trying to push them on to others as if your way to live is the only way to live.
Social interaction is not the pinnacle of human existence. By calling me a "lonely loser" you're only bringing light to the fact that you, sir anon, are insecure in your own values and need someone to affirm them for you - either by telling others that their values are idiotic or having others agree with you.

>> No.3547481


hmmm... thank you for at least being reasonable...

maybe your right... I focused on short term achievement rather than long term ones. My only excuse is that we are only young for a finite period of time... and that while I'm young, I might as well have as much fun as possible...

I guess there are many routes to happiness and success, and what I've chosen is just one of many paths.

lets hope others see this and appreciate my ideals, what you've enlighten us upon, and other 4chaner's own ideals.

>> No.3547482


Im not mr.fuckbitches you were flaming earlier

But if you do not learn the dynamics of social interactions you WILL be manipulated.

>> No.3547494

>implying recognizing social interaction = having to live by it
Uh. Right... no.

>> No.3547498


as it is past 2:30am where I live, it is time for bed, I bid all of /sci a goodnight, I hope I did not enrage too many of you... sometimes I let my own ideals influence me beyond reason.

4chan, goodnight!

>> No.3547522

As soon as the kids reach 14 years old they'll rebel.
And since it's illegal to treat people like animals and force them to breed against their will you'll probably never see them again.
Rebelling is just what teenagers do

>> No.3547527

>the state
haha enjoy your healthy, exceptionally intelligent, normal, contributing killer brainwashed Manchurian candidates.

>> No.3547558

Surely some of them would at least take the same deal their biological parents did, money to produce a baby.

>> No.3548667 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3549721
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