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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3518289 No.3518289 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, today I met someone who believed you could make a free energy generator with magnets and that global warming was a myth spread by China.

How pissed off do you get at people who don't bother to learn any science and get basic concepts wrong? I don't mean people who oppose it (i.e. creationists), just people who are ignorant of it - I personally don't really give a fuck, but I know a lot of people who do. Thoughts?

>> No.3518297

My mother is one. Man they piss me off. She keeps going on and on about resonance and Tesla and more efficient engines with resonance and harvesting energy from the Earth's magnetic field and resonance. It's such shit.

>> No.3518323

>/sci/, today I met someone who believed you could make a free energy generator with magnets

Ah, you mean you found a time machine and went to /sci/ circa a couple of months ago?

>> No.3518341

>a free energy generator with magnets
Perfectly possible.
create giant coil wire around earth.
Send satellite/magnet into orbit.
Magnet into free fall around earth.
Infinite energy

>> No.3518351

I knew someone who believed you could make a free energy generator, who was studying nuclear engineering.

>> No.3518356

Some people just like to be ingnorant. Can't really blame them - knowledge is overrated.

>> No.3518372
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Damped harmonic oscillators, how do they work?

>> No.3518379


Not infinite energy.

You are extracting energy from the Earth's momentum.

Think of it like this: you are making it so that Earth has to push its magnetic field through your coil a la Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.

>> No.3518396

> free energy generator
Unlikely within our laws of physics, but surely we have a long way to go as far as improving our current energy-related systems.

>> No.3518399
File: 6 KB, 238x258, fuck_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for them

Normally these are people who are genuinely curious about the world, but their lack of quality education coupled with the overwhelming amount of seductive misinformation and psuedo-science ensure they have little chance of learning the truth.

>> No.3518405

Actually I'm having a confrontation on a forum with a person who thinks that A. Wiles didn't prove Fermat's Theorem, and that the modularity theorem for semistable elliptic curves doesn't have anything to do with the problem. Actually I don't know either how those two topics are related, but the guy thinks he has invented a new branch of algebra called number-vector algebra, while it is obvious that he has no clue what algebra or a vector is.

Also about a month ago I had another debate with a retard (actually on the same forum) who thought that radiometric dating of fossils were fake just because the method is not 100% accurate.

>> No.3518411

Manmade global warming is a myth. As for the spread by China part, sounds like something he heard on Glenn Beck.

>> No.3518419

I had an instructor once tell me faster than light travel was possible and going to be developed soon. He explained it to be like the warp drive on star trek. The theory behind it was to convert matter(the spacecraft) into electromagnetic radiation and apply a frequency modulation to provide reassembly instructions once the destination was reached.

I told him that wasn't FTL travel, as you are using electromagnetic radiation (light) which travels AT the speed of light. You couldn't travel just anywhere as you would also need a receiver at the destination, because radiation doesn't just stop by itself.
The receiver would obviously have to be placed there by conventional means of travel, meaning we couldn't even go anywhere for long time.
If the radiation hit any interference you would lose both parts of the instructions and the energy required for reassembly.

I also informed him that "star trek warp drive" creates propulsion by warping space-time around ship. I also explained that it is a completely fictitious interpretation of a completely hypothetical idea.
I stop criticizing him there because I knew it was a completely lost cause.

>> No.3518442

It might be man-made, but our planet is such a complex system that it's hard to make accurate judgements about it due to lack of information. Too bad most future-prediction models are way too simplistic and thus will usually fall within some large margin of error; a lot even border into pseudoscience. I'd rather they just develop technological solutions to the problem and deploy them if there's enough evidence that huge ecological damage would be underway without those technological solutions being applied (not that the environment wouldn't adapt, even to hostile situations - as long as life can survive, it can adapt). I suppose I expect too much of humanity.

>> No.3518449

FTL would require new laws of physics, either that or discovering some highly unlikely extension to current ones.

>> No.3518468

its i circle.

>> No.3518479


>> No.3518496

Ftl is possible.

>> No.3518504

Possible in what universe? Also if you say 'this one', evidence please!