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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 400x402, toilet-new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3515167 No.3515167 [Reply] [Original]

>weigh self
>take a huge poop
>weigh self again
>weigh more

Explain this to me /sci/

>> No.3515174

Your poo is anti matter. For the love of god don't flush it!

>> No.3515180

Antimatter has positive mass.

>> No.3515188

Pooping forces you to open your anus.
While poop goes out, air comes in.
Maybe your poop wasn't as heavy as the air.

>> No.3515189

You're not using an accurate scale.

>> No.3515192

Are we sure of that? My physics professor told us this semester CERN was still looking into antihydrogen to verify it's true.

>> No.3515204

Okay. Then, OP, your poo was something that has negative mass. For the long of god don't flush it!

>> No.3515212

There is plenty of antimatter in normal colliders. LEP used electron/positron, Tevatron proton/antiproton, and all of them create a huge load of particles and antiparticles when smashing their beams together. I'm not really familiar with the antihydrogen experiments, maybe they're looking for a new broken symmetry that would break mass invariance under C transformation, but I'm not aware that is suggested by some current theory.

>> No.3515215

how do you explain this then?

>> No.3515216

Suppose you had matter resting on a desk. You somehow converted it to an equivalent mass of antimatter. If it had a repulsive gravity interaction it would accelerate away from the center of the earth. After it rises for a period, you reconvert it back to regular matter. It now has a higher sum of mass and potential energy than it started with. Does this sound plausible?

>> No.3515226

As far as I can recall, he said current theories left open how antimatter interacts with gravity.
So all they did at (that subsection of) CERN was to create anti-H, accelerate it, and see if it falls up or down.

>> No.3515233

Well, then I stand corrected.

>> No.3515241

>Poop thread leads to discussion about anti-matter.

Theres still hope for /sci/ after all.

>> No.3515256

Methinks converting 'somehow' matter into antimatter will need giant amounts of energy, so don't worry about PE.

Well, you shouldn't take it for granted, chances are a physicist dumbs his explanations down for his electrical engineering students.

>> No.3515265

I didn't take it for granted, I took it for granted that it's subject to investigation.

>> No.3515266

But then you convert it back, which should take the exact same amount of energy

>> No.3515273

>Explain this to me /sci/

Bathroom scales are shit - they get stuck, you lean slightly differently and the weight changes, you move them to a slightly harder part of the carpet and the weight changes

>> No.3515278

We know that anti-matter has positive energy.

We are reasonably sure that it has the same sign on gravitation as matter does.

But it's worth checking anyway, and we're workingo it.

>> No.3515295
File: 12 KB, 300x300, feynmuhn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't eat the helium balloon next time.

>> No.3515398

>>Poop thread leads to discussion about anti-matter.
>Theres still hope for /sci/ after all.
This sort of thing is why I come to /sci/. (The new-to-me science, not the poop talk).