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File: 201 KB, 720x601, skimask5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3513729 No.3513729 [Reply] [Original]

Muslims in toronto kill a goat on public property for good luck in the city. No charges.

Muslim punches man in face for taking pictures on public property. No charges.


How can science save us from the mudslimes?

>> No.3513740

colonize space

>> No.3513760

A common misconception about muslims is that islam is the problem.
The problem is the current islam.
I once was the religion of progress and advancement, much more openminded that its "christian" contemporaries.
It only changed in the last 50-70 years.
Its probably going to be a quick fad, speaking in historical timescales.

>> No.3513768


it was progressive at the time because it was open to other forms of thought, other philosophies, instead of it strictly following its own dogmas.

the more islamic islam gets, the worse it is,

>> No.3513770

I've got bad news for you

>> No.3513779
File: 22 KB, 350x257, quiz-jackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill christians

"The only good christian is a dead christian"
- Jesus

"I created christians to do my will"
- Satan

"Christains? HELL NO"
-Sam Jackson


>> No.3513784

\jewcommand{\t}[1]{\displaystyle{#1 \atop {#1~~#1}}} \t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\triangle}}}}}}}

>> No.3513789

>for good luck in the city
>faggot wants them in jail

>told he's not alowed to take photos of woman
>faggot calls for democracy


>> No.3513792

>It once was the religion of progress and advancement
The koran would beg to differ. Muhammad went around like a warlord and wrote about it in their "holy" book. Shit the religion spread with the muslim conquest, which happened right after muhammads death. I suggest you learn history.

>> No.3513793
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>> No.3513807
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>Implying most religions didnt do the same



>> No.3513818
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>> No.3513838

I'm not implying that at all, however claiming Islam was ever progressive or peaceful is a load of horse shit. That would be the equivalent of looking at the old testament where god tells the jews to commit genocide and not even let the cows live, and going, hmmm Judaism is founded on tenets of peace and love for man kind. It's just down right ridiculous.

>> No.3513845

>implying other religions are as atrocious, bloody, and inhumane as Islam

>> No.3513894

Christians: 0
Mudslimes: -1
Atheists: 1

>> No.3513901

>implying anyone gives a fuck what happens in Toronto

>> No.3513924

>professor of religion at the University of Georgia, US.

so religion is science

>> No.3513930

Go fuck yourself OP.

As a religious muslim and an electrical engineer I say go fuck yourself OP.

Oh, and the woman who hit the camera guy is a good friend of the jews, a Saudi.


There's fewer murders per capita in Iran than most nations.

Also, in the last century far more people have been killed in east asia and europe in conflict than the middle east. So, relatively speaking, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been a standard bearer of peace.

Also, even if Islam wasn't a religion of peace doesn't change the fact that Israelis are genetically predisposed to being backstabbing, parasitic slime.

>> No.3513932

Mohammed didnt write anything down, he couldnt even write.
It was his homies who did it after he died, supposedly 100% true and accurate...

Not genocide, they were just supposed to drive them out, kill them if they resisted.
They were only allowed to drive out certain tribes (half a dozen or so i believe) and only on a certain territory.
Also if they surrendered they were allowed to stay alive (see Gibeonites).
While today this souds barbaric this concept would have won them the peace noble price back then.
Just look at what the Assyrians did to those who were taken prisoners or surrendered.
And lets not even talk about the other rules esp. concerning hygiene which are in some regions even today an advancement (no shitting inside the camp, no touching of corpses, washing after doing this stuff).
The rest of the rules concerning warstuff were not too shabby either: no cutting down of trees, no sex during the war (and thus no rapes), no divorce whatsoever if you married one girl of the defeated tribe.

And now look at what the canaanites, amalekites and moabites did in their free time: ritual prostitution, sacrificing of children to Molech/Moloch, waging war for the sake of it...

>> No.3513936

Christians dont take the Bible seriously, why cant muslims do the same?

>> No.3513939

i hope you blow yourself up wiring up a 'tard suicide bomber

>> No.3513944

>There's fewer murders per capita in Iran
Yes and there are no gays in Iran either
Also Ahmadinejad won a completely legitimate election.

>> No.3513953 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 580x408, 1311885281374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

though you may be interested


pic unrelated

>> No.3513950
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"Settler" stab and blow up tiers of Palestinian's car near Susya 24.6.11

>> No.3513951


A video of Neil deGrass Tyson talking about why Islam ceased to be the center of science and discovery. According to him, it happened in the 12th century.

>> No.3513961 [DELETED] 



didn't know i'm in a thread

>> No.3513956


last thing you'll hear before waking up in hell

>> No.3513962

15:3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

Sounds like genocide to me

>> No.3513963


oh wait... I see what you did there

>> No.3513964

christians know that the scriptures were inspired by God, and written by men

muslims think their goat god actually wrote down the words on paper/parchment/pigskins. so they have a violent rage against anyone defacing it.

burn my bible, i'll just go buy another one. they're like everywhere

>> No.3513967

Go fuck yourself pissraeli cunt.

It's practically been raining freedom and justice the world over ever since the Europeans had enough of your shit and kicked you out for good.

Only problem is they should have chosen Antarctica, or maybe the ocean.

>> No.3513971

more like taking out the trash, amirite?

>> No.3513973


>> No.3513979

It was raining peace until you dune coons ran into Europe fucking it up.

>> No.3513981

they breed and spread like cockroaches, and should be dealt with accordingly

>> No.3513987

that's right, i said your mother is a cockroach, and so are your ugly hairy sisters, you iranian fuck.

>> No.3513991


nobody gives a shit about who you insult or what you burn.

It's when you kill my brothers in neighboring countries, or turn them into refugees, and then call them evil or insult them. I don't care what you say about Islam, but you will not threaten me with bombs and then talk like I somehow provoked it when I am enraged.

Muslims have every right to be enraged and the delicious Irony is the muslims you find most irritating, the pakistanis and Saudis, are the same ones you aid against us with money and weapons.

>> No.3513994


>> No.3513995

We aid the saudi princes, and we like them fine. It's the general saudi population we don't like, and the princes keep them in line just fine.

>> No.3513996
File: 6 KB, 300x336, 392372-pig_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can science save us from the mudslimes?

Mass produce pig cops, let Muslims go to hell /end thread

In all honesty I believe that forcing them to adjust to our rules could help a lot. I think it's mostly the muslims that reach our borders that are the problem.

>> No.3513998

See, Europe was never the problem. Europe is a top notch civilization we can learn a great deal from politically and even culturally.

It's the pissraelis who have focused their attention on creating tension between Europeans and Muslims.

This thread is an excellent example.

In fact, we are planning a protest, where we will say, European culture is not the problem, Zionism is the problem.

Christian-Zionism is as unnatural as multiculturalism. We share a common enemy.

>> No.3514003

what does that even mean? You forgot the bookname.
I suppose that the quoted sentence is from Samuel or Kings.
In that case that would be Samuel talking to Saul.
Its completely taken out of context.
The context here being.
Israel was already at war with Amalek, also Amalek had been huge Dicks to them for around 18 years.
Also Saul didnt actually do it.

>> No.3514006

muslims all have the same exact enemy: everyone


>> No.3514007

>the jews force mudslimes to bomb US embassies and buildings.

>> No.3514013


Saudi princes PAY families to live abroad you israeli animal. That's how they educate their popularization, they pay them to go abroad and study.

>> No.3514014

dude, God ordered the complete destruction of many peoples, many wicked, evil peoples, to clear out the Holy Land for His Chosen People.

the fact that the joos failed to do that has been a problem forever; the sandn!ggers are a thorn in the side of israel, and always will be, until they burn in hell with their goat god


>> No.3514017

Israel never existed before the last century.

>> No.3514018


>> No.3514020

1 samuel cap 15
7 Then Saul attacked the Amalekites all the way from Havilah to Shur, near the eastern border of Egypt. 8 He took Agag king of the Amalekites alive, and all his people he totally destroyed with the sword. 9 But Saul and the army spared Agag and the best of the sheep and cattle, the fat calves[b] and lambs—everything that was good. These they were unwilling to destroy completely, but everything that was despised and weak they totally destroyed.

No he did it. Spared one man though. Just one, out of god knows how many.

>> No.3514021

yeah, except for that time thousands of years ago when God Himself gave His Chosen People the Holy Land

suck it

>> No.3514025

>israeli animal
I think you have israeli paranoia. I suggest you see a shrink.

>> No.3514026

dude, he got punished for disobedience

quit making God out to be rainbow brite. if God tells you to kill everyone, you kill everyone

>> No.3514029

the only shrink he's gonna see is when the bomb he's strapping onto a retarded woman detonates in his face because the tard touches two wires together

then his asshole is gonna shrink when he sees the goat god coming at him with a stiffy. that'll be a pucker factor 10

>> No.3514041

why would we bother with that when we are going to exterminate you and irradiate your land?

>> No.3514044

typical muslimfag; irradiate land that is used to feed the world, then starve to death blaming a zionist plot


>> No.3514051

exterminating you animals would bring peace to EVERY subcontinent


>> No.3514059

You Europeans should be glad you delt with this scum when you had the chance.
Look at how these animals behave now. What pests.


>> No.3514087

the only peace islam knows is the peace of the grave

and *BOOM* is the last thing you're going to hear before the goat god takes uranus

>> No.3514089

Semi-related: I'd love to go into a bank wearing a ski mask, politely stand in line, and then slip the teller a note saying I'd like to open an account.

>> No.3514090

>bring peace to every continent
You are referring to exterminating the dune coons right?

>> No.3514099

you'd think so, but no, they want to kill the productive people, so their own failures don't stand out as huge as they are now

sending retarded women into pizza parlors with bombs strapped on them...men who do this are less than animals

>> No.3514107

Here are your allies, opportunist murderers of people armed with sticks and rocks. What glorious victories they have won against people who have otherwise lived in peace without weapons and aircraft (among jews, no less).



You know what the difference between Osama and Bibi is? No difference!
One gets weapons and money from you, and would turn against you on a dime should your views concerning Zionism ever shift. There is no difference between the religion of Zionism and Islamic extremism except that one receives your backing and is friendly to you for the present.
Well, there is all the fact that the israelis don't even belong on the land, let alone should they be allowed to have free reign over it.
They are opportunists and they have/will kill you if they want to in the future.

Only now do we begin to recognize a mistake has been made, the US and Europe were never an enemy, it is the Israelis who have been at the root of tension between us since they existed. This thread is testament to it, so much that I will screencap it for future reference.

>> No.3514114
File: 18 KB, 379x214, imokwiththis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3514116

shooting from behind women and children and then crying when the women and children get killed....more islamlogic for ya

you're worse than the israelis by orders of magnitude, and you know it

that is why you rage

>> No.3514122

I don't want to kill anyone except those who have been at the root of the military conflicts in the mid east and the flow of refugees into Europe.
This is Israel.
The world thrived before Israel existed and it will thrive afterwards.

Without sanctions I look forward to Iran's accelerating scientific productivity filling any vacuum that the murderous bastards leave.

The reason these animals are too dangerous to exist is they preach producing and selling to the west gives them the right to kill whoever they want.
Such a precedent is against all possible conceptions of what civilized behavior entails. Indeed, it makes them animals.

>> No.3514125

no, cockroach, your people are the filth of the world, and there will be no peace until you are all gone.

you will never kill all the joos. you can't. their God protects them.

what does your goat god do?

straps bombs on retarded women and sends them into pizza parlors. that's some god you have there. we have a name for him, too. guess what it is.

>> No.3514129

That's where they live.
When you bomb the UN compound with American aircraft , nobody's hiding behind civilians, that's where they live, dipshit.

Just the fact that you dehumanize them at one point and then comment on your concern for civilian lives shows just how much of a liar you are.

I wonder sometimes if Israelis are genetically incapable of feeling shame or having a sense of dignity.

>> No.3514132

they live hiding behind women and children?

come to think of it, you're right. that and setting up anti-aircraft guns in hospitals and mosques, some other favorite cockroach tricks.

we're on to you. we know who you are. you are evil.

>> No.3514138

>their God protects them

then let their God protect them all the way to heaven after we eliminate them for the immense suffering they have caused to innocent people.

Israel will not survive.

>> No.3514140

You're fucking retarded. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, allows a diverse group of people including Arabs to hold office and vote, and besides, Jews are generally more decent people.

Go back to to Durka-durka-istan.

>> No.3514144

You aren't alone bro, I won't argue but know that I'm here and I sahre the same truth.
And I'm atheists so I tend to think that these conflicts have nothing to do with religions, or beliefs, it has everything to do with used them, once again, as an excuse and a mass manipulation tool.

>> No.3514145

lol israel is the only country that will survive

you think people haven't been trying to kill all the joos for thousands of years?

and yet, here they are, stronger, richer, and more powerful than ever

your armies will not survive that attack. the joos and God will see to that.

you couldn't do it in 1967, and you can't do it now.


>> No.3514148



You can't vote if you aren't jewish.

Yep, that's right in israel: religion>civil rights

>> No.3514151


Posted by a respectable Jew.

A democracy where people cannot intermarry even if they choose to do so.
Democracy is cheap and if the gangsters are skilled enough it is a kleptocracy.

Democracy isn't a get out of jail free card.

>> No.3514153

joo: hey, let's have a democracy
arab: ok
joo: hmmm, the arabs breed like cockroaches and will vote us out of our own country. better stop that.

joo > you, again

>> No.3514155

we were your friends in 1967

>> No.3514157

last time a joo stoned a joo to death for talking to a dirty muslim.....

last time a dirty muslim stoned a woman to death for talking to a joo (an hour ago? can you animals go a whole hour?)

>> No.3514159

keep your friends close and your enemies closer

you were closer

>> No.3514160

Ok, I see, you're one of these christian sheeps who thinks jews really are the chosen people...

Damn, I met your kind on /k/ and it was a bit surprising to start but , here, on /sci/ ? wow.

Protip: there is no God

And sage

>> No.3514167


I'm tired of giving you animals the benefit of doubt.

You are too dangerous to be allowed to continue to exist as you do, you're not only a danger to us, you're a danger to the world. Attempting to reason with you is hopeless.

>> No.3514171

lol you're such a loser; of course the joos are God's chosen people; why do you think the world hates them so much?

protip: it's because they're God's chosen people

>> No.3514173

correct. i will never worship your goat god, nor bown down to a meteorite. the fact that you do is funny to me. a fucking meteorite. hey, guyz, let's worship a meteorite, and make every dirty muslim come at least once to get pressed to death in the smelliest place on earth!


>> No.3514176

Thread reported.

>> No.3514179

hahaha never change, man. never change.

>> No.3514186

There is no God bro, only self-important monkeys and their funny delusions.

>> No.3514187

if you are a christian then I am not your enemy and moreover i refuse to fight or argue with you.

we share a common enemy, one that for well over a millenium europe had to struggle with, yet legitimate european grievances are never brought to light in the study of history and exactly WHY the jews were seen as such a danger.

well, now we see why, playing out in real history. Europe is so lucky it got rid of its zionists.

>> No.3514192

Make racist, unrelated comments in sci. Ask how science can save us afterwards. Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.3514194

>implying violent, hateful retarded monkeys deserve rights

Stupid sand niggers. We really, really, try to accept you and allow you to live in our countries, but you fuck it up, every single time. We've had enough. Throw away your retarded religion and hate, or else just get the fuck out of Western countries.

>> No.3514196

lol i've spent my time in your shithole of a country, and its neighbors, lookin' for haji's to send to allah. we're enemies, and i like it like that.

>> No.3514206

gotta give it to them, they do breed a lot. which, in a democracy, is power. and then they play the poor minority card, while trying to set up a victory monument at Ground Zero.

these are not good people. the arabs prior to 600 AD were good people; these are not. they are the result of "convert or die" islamic facism

>> No.3514212

>Europe is so lucky it got rid of its zionists.
French here.

We did, but they're back, and strong.

>> No.3514214

yeah, i was watching all the joos riot in paris last year

oh, wait, that was the sandn!ggers, nvmnd

>> No.3514217

better surrender quick!

>> No.3514218

seriously, can't we accidentally nuke Jerusalem, Mecca and Media?

>> No.3514226

you misspelled "Riyadh"

>> No.3514228

i'm not going to comment on what you think of my faith, i'm not here to rationally justify my beliefs to anyone.

but i frequent this board and if my brothers are attacked, and they are innocent, then i will nto stand for that.

shame on israel for attacking and dehumanizing unarmed people.
doing so is worse than praying to any number of gods or believing any ridiculous thing.
There is no issue that murder is the solution to. There are civilized solutions for every problem.
Your Zionist faith tells you otherwise, and to date it has been so much more destructive to world peace than muslims could possibly be.

The world faces real issues relating to immigration and war crimes and israel is simply exploiting the tension to tell everyone "the palestinians deserve this dehumanization, because some lady slapped some camera guy etc etc".

obvious bullshit.

>> No.3514229
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Meanwhile in America,
A white girl kills her baby and gets away with it.

>> No.3514233

meanwhile in Syria, another hundred people get slaughtered by their government

>> No.3514236

So called riots are nothing..... they're a lot of noise and lights , some damaged properties and that's it.

Zionists on the other hand are trying (and can claim a few success) to steer the wheel of my country's ideological/political direction . They're trying to hijack a whole country, like they did with USA .
That's several orders of magnitude bigger than some lost and frustrated youngsters creating a small pocket of super short lived chaos once in 30 years.

>> No.3514237

lol, the number of deaths casued by coalition forces on Iraq outnumber the damage done by any number of protests.

i love how people are so loathe to actually consider what grievances protesters have.

immigration and assimilation are problems, neither of which palestinians, living in palestine, are responsible for, and you are simply taking advantage of cultural tension that Israel is at the ROOT of.

>> No.3514241


>> No.3514242

no such thing as a palestinian; they are jordanians that jordan doesn't want. and saudi arabia doesn't want. and lebanon doesn't want. and iraq doesn't want. and iran doesn't want. and turkey doesn't want.

that israel allows to work in their country.

yup, those damn joos are the problem

>> No.3514247

surrender! quick! there might be a conflict! better to stay ahead of it!

man, the money you could make fabricating white flags in France is mindnumbing

>> No.3514253

yup. fuck with the bull, you get the horns.

that's why you strap bombs onto retarded women and push them into coffee shops.

because you're such men

>> No.3514255

I love SCIENCE AND MATH, don't you guys love SCIENCE AND MATH?

>> No.3514256

Zionist medias here in USA made it look like we where watching the fall of France, Live !
Seriously, that's how we are fucked.

>> No.3514257

Meanwhile in California,
Six police officers beat up 1 homeless schizophrenic man, for breaking into cars, while the who neighberhood watches telling them to stop.

>> No.3514259

they should have the right to live in peace on the land of their ancestors.

if you think you can make better use of the land, then you purchase it from them for an agreed upon price. There is never a situation where you can kill people and forcibly remove them from their homes because "no other nation wants them".

Many modern day palestinians were once jews who had converted or assimilated and remained on their forefather's land.

don't make me out to be the aggressor here, i diddn't start this thread.

>> No.3514260
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Forgot Picture.

>> No.3514265

that dude died. heads are gonna roll. at least one cop will be in prison. no fucking excuse for beating a schizo homeless dude to death on suspicion of car radio burglary.

>> No.3514267
File: 26 KB, 468x286, homeless-man-police-brutality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dam, forgot to say he died from his injuries too.

>> No.3514269

me and two buddies with shotguns could topple your govenment. face it. you want that maid raper to be your next president.

>> No.3514273

I'm not going to disagree that muslims are a problem and immigration might need to be reformed in your country.
nobody is going to stop you from doing that.

But this tension and anger is being used to justify violence against muslims in another part of the world, muslims that have not migrated. You are just making more refugees, it's a vicious cycle and the poor Palestinians have ended up in the middle of all this.

Your immigration laws, your shitty migrants or whatever are not their fault.

>> No.3514274

guess what? King David bought that land that the temple and dome are on. it's joo land, bought and paid for.

all you arabs gonna move over now?

yeah, didn't think so.

it's not your promised land. you have no promised land. you are just the thorn in the side. after centuries, you should realize this.

>> No.3514279

palestinians are like Mongo; only pawns in game of life

start resenting the muslim puppetmasters, not the oppressed minority in the region, and indeed, in the world. for a start.

>> No.3514285
File: 228 KB, 481x331, R_King_beating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one cop will go to Prison.
That doesn't make sense in this country,
Pigs don't go to prison.
Just look at Rodney King, 5+ officers on the scene, they all go free without a day in jail.

>> No.3514292

how close are you to fullerton? the pressure on the police chief is getting intense, and the fact they have the beating on tape and are suppressing it is getting out now

>> No.3514294

I said nothing about muslims in my post.
I said zionist medias made the riots in France look like the Muslim Revolution in USA ...

While the guy was saying that they were in reality nothing that impressing...

Leave me alone man, you're scaring me !

>> No.3514299

rodney king was lucky he got his ass beat; he was headed towards some dumb bitch cop who should never have been on street patrol, and she had her revolver out and was going to shoot him. then the beating commenced, and the tasering.

dude almost got blown away, instead of getting his chance of losing $3.5Million, which he promptly did.

>> No.3514301


>> No.3514310

So your comment is basically,
>could have been worse.

>> No.3514317

Surrender from what? A fat 15 year old sitting behind his comp?
Hmm... Naw, I'm game bro

>> No.3514324

oh, hell ya. drunk driving, resisting arrest, charging a police officer; he got a beating, no doubt.

i was lucky enough to see the entire tape, not just the part they played on the tv. king was lucky he didn't get shot; had he been shot, it would have been a justified use of lethal force (it would have preceeded any of the beating/tasing)

>> No.3514327

>ah, you must not be the frenchman. carry on.

i got socks older than 15, tho, bro

>> No.3514338
File: 50 KB, 407x600, disregardalone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(Why is this thread still here? /sci/ am disappoint)

>> No.3514354

sorry, i'll try not to liven things up anymore.

btw, what is 6 + 3(4-2) again?

>> No.3514377


>> No.3514402

12, now gtfo

>> No.3514407


Learn Pemdas you idiots.

>> No.3514413

I can't into maths. It's too easy for me to learn.

>> No.3514434


Then unlearn it if it will be any harder for you.

>> No.3514448

one more quick question: why do you guiz believe in evolushun when itz only a theory? a gauss?

>> No.3514459

I dunno lol

>> No.3514512

like we came from monkeys, but there are still monkeys!

you can't explain that!

>> No.3514532

So what? I live in Canada and I have killed dozens of animals on crown land. its their goat, if they didnt make it suffer how is that different from anybody else preparing their own food or whatever?

As for the Assault, lol@getting beat up by a women. Although he had a kid with him so I suppose he couldnt have done much about it. Those cops were just trying to keep the peace and were obviously pussies who were afraid of angering a crowd.

Nice to know that the ninjas go into freakout mode at being photographed though. Think I'll try that downtown this weekend. I'm in the west and the cops here would charge her just because they are bored. If a crowd of them get pissy I'll just pull out a bar of zest, apparently thats like kryptonite to them.

btw "mudslimes" is the stupidest word ever, way to parrot stormfront/nig*ermania buzzwords tard.

Dustbunnies would be a far better term as half of them dont know what mud looks like. "concentrated stench poured into the shape of a man" would also be an acceptable alternative. Or Stinklords. Or cab jockies. Poorly-shaven desert-ape is another favourite.

Use some creativity man.

>> No.3514552
File: 18 KB, 303x400, fucklife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right dude, that's so fucking crazay !
But I don't feel like believing in god you know, he's so squared.