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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3509043 No.3509043 [Reply] [Original]

>science you wanted to study as a kid
Genetics + Paleontology

>science you ended up studying as a man

>> No.3509057
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>a science

>> No.3509060






>> No.3509064

Who are those girls, tineye comes up blank

>> No.3509067


because chemistry is only fun when you don't understand it

>> No.3509068


do you not watch tv? blonde is from The Office, young one is from Modern Family

>> No.3509072

>because chemistry is only fun when you don't understand it


>> No.3509073

>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man

fuck my life

>> No.3509076

>>paleontology not science

>implying we'll be able to resurrect dinosaurs without science
you wanna fight about it asshole?

>> No.3509079



>> No.3509080

You sir, made the right decision.

>> No.3509083


>> No.3509081

>implying resurrecting dinosaws isn't genetic engineering
>implying paleontology isn't more than excavating bones

>> No.3509082

>>Genetics + Paleontology

Great Tier


Low Tier

I know what im talking about, I have studied economics

>> No.3509091


Why so much biology hating in this board

fucking autists

>> No.3509092

biological and chemical oceanography

chemical engineering

>> No.3509095

>still getting trolled by /sci/

>> No.3509098

>yfw google picture search
sarah hyland and angela kinsey apparently

>> No.3509109

>paleontology & genetics
>implying that's not biology
>implying biology isn't a joke science

>> No.3509118



feels good man

>> No.3509128


>> No.3509137



fuck year

>> No.3509147



Soon I'll get my 300k, soon...

>> No.3509150

>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man

bunch of weak-willed faggots up in this thread

>> No.3509156

maybe i should mention that it's pure math and has mostly nothing to do with anything useful.
i dont know where things went wrong but i dont regret it.

>> No.3509164

robotics, astronomy, archaeology

art, computer science, mathematics

>> No.3509172

biology is applied chemistry and paleontology is applied geology.

>> No.3509173
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computer science

>> No.3509182

you wanted to study math when you were a kid?

>> No.3509190

>science you wanted to study as a kid
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics

>science you ended up studying as a man
Physics, Mathematics

>> No.3509196


>> No.3509199

>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man

>> No.3509202


>> No.3509204

>> Astronomy / astronaut school

>> Cybernetics / robotics

It's not too late.. ;...;

>> No.3509209

Wanted Women

Got Men

>> No.3509217





I don't know what is wrong with some people

>> No.3509224


i jealousy

>> No.3509237

>wanted gynecology
>got engineering

>> No.3509238




I work in manufacturing...


>> No.3509243

Loved Astronomy and Archeology as a child thanks to Indiana Jones and Nova.

I now work in code/i.t.

>> No.3509245

I don't know, it seems weird
I mean most kids want to be firemen or astronauts or something

>> No.3509252

why so jelly?
geology pays the bills, paleo is a hobby.

you can have a hobby, not like you need a degree to play in our sandbox.

>> No.3509253

>science you ended up studying as a man
Physics and math( yeah I know it is not a science)

>science you ended up studying as a woman(trap)
Was going to study physics, but the estrogen I took to grow boobs left me in capable to comprehend things that were basic to me so I went computer sci. That said, I went to a transexual support group and like half the people work in tech, most of whom are dick suckers like me. /sci/ was right, computer scientist are dick suckers.

>> No.3509256

According to this thread most kids wanted to be biologists.

>> No.3509259


>> No.3509291


>> No.3509293


Physics, CS, & Mathematics

>> No.3509297

I figured if I can't go to space, I'll at least try to set up the next generation to. It's not working though..

>> No.3509318

20/f/ southern cali
The estrogen I took to become more female made me too stupid to do physics.

>> No.3509336

I actually wanted to be...a preacher.

Physics, minoring in Comp Sci


>> No.3509348
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>> No.3509354

Kid: Build a giant robot
18 year old: physics
20 year old: chemistry

>> No.3509355

In the west LA area?

>> No.3509357
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Paleontology was silly anyway.

>> No.3509368
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>science you ended up studying as a man

There was a time when i hated both these subjects.
What happened?

>> No.3509374

>science you wanted to study as a kid
>science you ended up studying as a man
solid-state physics

>> No.3509391

>According to this thread most kids wanted to be biologists.

ya, X-Men, mutants, superheroes, frankenstein, Jurassic Park, etc etc

biology is hella cool to kids

>> No.3509414

kind of, but that is when I am living with my dad. Right now I am living with my mom here in Passadena. She used to work at JPL, but now works for a tech company that makes 3d cameras. That is kind of why I wanted to get into physics, but I just kind of fell in love with computers at the age of 13, so I switched plans. I love it too, so I can't really ask for more.

>> No.3509422

What I wanted to study:
Genetics or chemical engieneering

What I ended up studying:

I should have done medicine but oh well.

>> No.3509429
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What's with all this hate on paleontology? Sure you're not gonna get shit money-wise, but fuck, dinosaurs and the like are interesting as hell!
Follow your dreams and Etc..

>> No.3509449

As a kid: Economics
As a man: Economics

Econ 4 life

>> No.3509459

As a kid you wanted to study economics? Wow, I bet you're a fun guy to be around.

>> No.3509474


No Im exaggerating a bit. But my interest started pretty early on. And about halfway through high school I knew thats what I was going to take.

In 4th grade I was determined to become a chemist though.

>> No.3509501

as a kid i wanted to study mathematics and physics and explain the world.

i ended up with electrical engineering, not that bad i think.

>> No.3510052

as a kid: marine biology
as an adult: psychology

>> No.3510086

>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man


>> No.3510120

Not a science but...
>"i wanna fix the planes when i grow up"

>Study aircraft maintenance for 25 full months
>proceed to work in aviation industry

>> No.3510237
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Wanted to study everything.
Studying philosophy.

>> No.3510242


>> No.3510244

>science you wanted to study as a kid
genetics or anything with space.

>science you ended up studying as a man
computer science.

>> No.3510250

Wanted to study: paleontology, or some wildlife zoology thing with reptiles

Actual study: Math, specifically in the field of machine learning and AI

... huh.

>> No.3510259

>As a kid: Physics
>Studying: High Energy Physics

Better than expected.

>> No.3510270

>Computer Science
related, at least

>> No.3510274

>As a kid
I don't think I knew what university was as a kid but I thought about studying chemistry in high school.
Mathematics, it suits me better.

>> No.3510279

there are plenty of females who are capable of learning complicated concepts and doing research in physics, even though most of them don't end up doing something important

you probably got a mental illness that made you retarded, and that may have also made you think you were a transsexual even though you're just a loser. don't place the blame on the estrogen.

>> No.3510284

Wanted to study animals and be a vet or a biologist.

Ended up studying political science.

Mistakes, I made them.

>> No.3510292


pure math/logic

As I get older my interests become less and less relevant to the real world. By the time I'm 30 I'll probably be writing books no one will ever read about some field of philosophy that nobody cares about.

>> No.3510293
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>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man

Feels GOOD man.

>> No.3510294

Obvious bitch is obvious
>science/math/anything having to do with not being in the kitchen

>> No.3510299

>failed transsexual who blames its problems on females

>> No.3510306


What about, kitchen engineering?

>> No.3510313


>failed females who blames her problems on transsexuals

>> No.3510315

>doomsday devices

>doomsday devices

>> No.3510341

I envy you. I want to become a trap too. But my parents would probably kill me (literally) and i dont have any friends who would be supportive, so its a lose lose situation for me. also you get more cock as a male engineer than as a female engineer (not gay, just sayin')

>> No.3510349

>wants some cock
>not gay
come on, man, seriously? >>>/d/ickgirls

>> No.3510350

Science is the process of gaining knowledge so a lot of things are a science.

>> No.3510407

Electric engineer
Mechanical engineering

I just wanna use your theories to do some cool shit, not get sucked by them.

>> No.3510417

>wanted to study as a kid
Biology, Paleontology (everybody did, accept it)

>wanted to study as a teenager
Computer Science, EE, Philosophy

>ended up studying
Pure Mathematics. Fuck dinosaur bones man

>> No.3510423


well, might end up getting a PhD in something a little more sciencey anyway

>> No.3510431

>science you wanted to study as a kid
Robotics or anything having to do with space or flying or blowing shit up.

>science you ended up studying as a man
nope.jpg Studying ART! And actually, I guess I am taking some in-depth courses on biology and anatomy. Medical illustration here I come!

>> No.3510440

>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man
Mechanical Engineering

I became more practical. There are seriously >200 jobs in the world for professional astrophysicists.

>> No.3510439

Economics is a business science so get out of here.

>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man

>> No.3510442

Well as someone who's studying computer science I find that offensive, fascinating and scary...
But mostly scary

>> No.3510446

>As a kid
Paleontology, herpetology
>As a teen
Fucking paleontology

Fuck. yes.

>> No.3510447

>what I wanted to do as kid
>what i ended up studying in college
chemical engineering

>> No.3510453


>> No.3510475

I've seen some people who are musicians who are good at math and such
I think playing musical instruments makes you smarter

>> No.3510485

No, not smarter, but maybe correlating with mathematics or something as such when also interested
I've met more than enough instrument players I could outwit in any sort of situation, it's definitely not that they're smarter

>> No.3510490

Kid: Phyiscs
Now: Physics and computer science.

Fucking yes.

>> No.3510496

>I've met more than enough instrument players I could outwit in any sort of situation, it's definitely not that they're smarter

anecdotal, anecdotal everywhere

>> No.3510500


Well, I was strong in math and I figured I could keep playing music despite it not being my focus. I think it was the right choice

>> No.3510508

Maybe it only applies to instruments that makes you use both hands like the piano
I've heard that it forces you to coordinate between both hemispheres of the brain
Whereas the guitar mostly uses one hand

>> No.3510509


There's alot of evidence pointing towards musical training at an early age and stronger mathamatical skills, it's probably something to do with keeping count to the beats.

So... Uh, yeah, thanks for forcing me to take Piano lessons mom...

>Astronomy as a kid
>Going down the path to astrophysics right now

>> No.3510527

As a keeed:

Math, astrophysics...


Math, economics, philosophy (major is honors econ)

>> No.3510548

I wanted to study biology as a kid

Now I study Geology.

>> No.3510554

Hows them apocalypse calendars?

>> No.3510563

>Math, economics, philosophy (major is honors econ)

Drop the philosophy and economics. Just take an economics minor or better yet, just study it in your free time.

Sage for freshman mentality.

>> No.3510571

>>3510293 here. Brofist.

>> No.3510578

To be honest, as a kid I didn't really want to study any sciences. I think I wanted to be either a rock star, pro skateboarded, or a teacher

Now I study Mathematics.

>> No.3510596

Kid: Engineering
Adult: Pure Math and Physics

Around the age of 16, all the graduating boys wanted to study Engineering. I wanted to be a professor...All my old HS buddies are practically walking into jobs after college with handsome salaries and I'll be working my ass off in grad school.

>> No.3510606

>science you wanted to study as a kid
I wanted to be an inventor (electrical engineering)

>science you ended up studying as a man
Computer science

Neither are science but oh well

>> No.3510607

>pro skater

>> No.3510622

Marine Biologist

>> No.3510681
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>waddaya wanna be when you grow up?
>a roooobot


>>3509043 also economics isn't a science

>> No.3510694



... Not that big of a jump actually.

>> No.3510963

>also economics isn't a science

but it is, it's like evolution science, look at historic data and "trends" and can perform some sort of empirical studies

>> No.3510982


>> No.3510985

>science you wanted to study as a kid
I wanted to go to Hogwarts.

>science you ended up studying as a man

>> No.3511026

I have no idea how or why the small shift in focus.

>> No.3511027

it's a social science is what it is

and social science isn't science, so sayeth Feyman

>> No.3511077

>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man

>> No.3511085

whether something is or isn't a science is a philosophical question

what 'science' is, is a philosophical question.

Everyone knows Feynman's philosophical aptitude was inversely proportional to his physics aptitude.

>> No.3511132

eh, fucking everything is a philosophical question

but for practical definitions lets go by the wiki definition of science as "a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe."

And since the things found by economics (and social sciences) are not as testable nor predictable as other sciences, it is not science like others. I think economics is a fine field, but not really a "science" field in that I don't give it the same trust as I give physics to be true.

Also Feynman is god, go away.

>> No.3511149

>not science like others.

that applies to all science fields since no science field is like other science fields

you can't use methods that work for figuring out evolution in physics, and vice versa

the criteria always changes, the methods change, the point is to somehow ground yourself in reality instead of arm-chair speculation--and economics has moved beyond arm-chair speculation and has done tons of experiments to confirm theories and models--sure the models are uncertain but that's part of the game

>> No.3511170


Stats, IE

>> No.3511187
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>> No.3511193

>after watching breaking bad
chem engineering

>> No.3511198

well, no actually evolution have made predictions on how animals should change given environments over time and been proven true (had the links once, but lost because I stopped trying to prove creationists wrong)

also evolution is just a proven theory of biology, like gravity is to physics

and in general there are shittons of experiments done to prove something in science and that doesn't change. Meanwhile some social scientists pass out some quizzes and base entire public policies on the results and then when it fails bill o'rielly goes "AND THE SCIENTISTS WERE WRONG! HOW CAN WE TRUST EVOLUTION NOW?" and I'm sitting there thinking "but that wasn't really science, also why am I watching fox?"

When you call something a science there's this certainty that is implied that economics and social sciences don't have. So either we start calling physics, biology, chemistry, geology and their direct sub-fields SUPER SCIENCE (which I'm fine with) or social science is recognized as not really being science-y.

>> No.3511204

Kid: Architecture (Not a science, apparently. Didn't find it the least bit challenging.)

Adult: Civil Engineering (Now we're talking! If only I could get a job...)

>> No.3511208

Microbiology or Biotechnology

Computer science

>> No.3511209

degrees of "certainty" might be a practical way to think, but it's gibberish

either something can predict with certainty or it can't, nothing in science has certainty of this kind...but sure physics has the most significant figures and biology the least...economics would be even worse than biology

but still, it's looking at the real world and it's models can make predictions-like black scholes equation

>> No.3511215



Because physics is only fun when you don't understand it.

>> No.3511224

inventor, archeology, astronomy
math, physics, biology
biology, chem... want to learn some EE, comp sci for "fun" i still like the other things though too

>> No.3511245

>shit ton of memorization and no exercising your mind allowed
fuck chemistry and fuck you

>> No.3511248

>Kid: Computer science + Programming (wanted to make video games)

>Man: EE & astronomy (minor)

>> No.3511251

>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man

feels meh, gotta luv dat neuroscience.

>> No.3511252
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>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man
Aiming towards chemistry.

>> No.3511260
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>implying i am a man

>> No.3511293

As a kid (according to my mum): potter (?)
Later: Zorro/Batman
Highschool: Technical drawing (while studying sciences with German civilization/History and a tiny Arts option)
Realized Art classes were too fucking random and the grading was bullshit


Now: Neurobio/Neuropsy/Cogpsy ? ? ?

>> No.3511298

Also when I could barely read I wanted to design a flying car with a friend.

I had no idea of what design or engineering could possibly be and why flying cars were a no-no anyway.

>> No.3511324


Wow. Someone's butthurt. Relax, I was parodying the first few posts in this thread.

Also, regarding chemistry:
If it's all memorization, you're doing it wrong. Sure, you need to memorize some things. Certain physical properties of matter and whatnot, as well as some nomenclature stuff, but don't pretend such memorization doesn't exist in physics. You stop thinking of it as memorization because you work in into a larger framework of knowledge, but the basics of any science are memorized, unless there's some convenient way to experimentally determine them at the drop of a hat with no equipment. However, once you know those basic principles everything else flows from them. Even in the much maligned organic chemistry this is the case.

Also, how the fuck is creativity not allowed? I don't think anyone who went beyond gen chem could possibly believe that. As long as it works, it goes. Synthetic chemistry involves a fuckton of creatvity. Yes, you can only do things that actually WORK, but that's not terribly restrictive and it's not like that constraint is unique to chemistry or anything. I don't actually understand where you would think creativity isn't allowed. Do you actually know anything about chemistry as a field or what chemists actually do? We live and die by our ability to problem solve creatively.

>> No.3511358

As much as I find learning hard, I like to hear about stuff.
Like people talking about their fields in a passionate way.
Without getting into the hard-to-get details.

>> No.3511372


I'm sorry, but I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Tone doesn't transfer very well. I could be more specific if you'd like.

>> No.3511373

>My primary study is of how fast I can achieve orgasm.

>> No.3511381

>science you wanted to study as a kid
Electrical Engineering

>science you're studying now
Nuclear Physics.

>> No.3511382

>computer science

>business/computer science

>> No.3511389

I'm not the person you were answering to (seemed like a joke though) but I get what you're saying and still don't like chemistry.

I find there's something about physics and chemistry people. There are the few that happen to be good at both (usually studying things on the micro level). But most that are loving the chemistry hate the physics and the ones loving the physics just hate the chemistry.

Personally, never got into chemistry and felt like I was just memorizing. Physics felt more like after knowing the basic laws I could logically apply them to all problems.

>> No.3511404

>Police Officer
>Actuarial Science

>> No.3511405

Not being sarcastic.
I'm a 2nd year Biology student and I had that idea of a very restricted field because of the physical constraints.
The yields and shit.
What I find fascinating is that we still don't understand most basic-common sense technical Chemistry.
I think we only managed to explain this year how alloys worked physically, with an electronic orbital deal.

It's not "Let's create molecules from scratch" or "let's turn lead into gold" but it's still pretty cool, like making synthetic diamonds and shit.
The bits of geology I studied with the mineral conversions seemed amazing to me but that's extreme Chemistry...

>> No.3511441


Oh yeah, I totally get that. I fully admit that, while I loved every second of it, gen chem involved a lot of memorization. It just never felt like it because I was so into it that it never took any real effort to memorize it. When I took physics though, it felt like I was memorizing most things (obviously physics involves a lot of derivation, so I can't say all the time) even though I probably did less than in chemistry, just because I didn't give a rat's ass how far the fucking cannonball went when fired from a cannon at a certain angle. While I did enjoy a couple of things (mostly optics and electricity and magnetism) I just didn't care about most of it. The most fun I had in the class was when our professor was when we had a guest lecture where another professor talked about her reasearch on the optical response of metallo-dielectric composite systems. It was all very general of course, but I think you're dead on when you say that it's about scale. When talking about the very large or very small scale, I'm interested, but on a human scale? Meh.

>> No.3511460


Well, with alloys I know that in general it's been understood how at least some work for a while. I don't really work with that much, so I don't know exactly, but I remember being given a general explanation ( of how carbon could increase the strength of iron) when I asked about how it was that steel got its strength. It's certainly possible that no one had worked it out exactly mathematically, but I'm pretty sure it was already at least partially understood. Materials science is still fairly young, I guess, but it's not quite THAT young.

>> No.3511471

I do remember an article on a fundamental explanation of alloys.
Maybe it was one peculiar type of alloy that I do not remember but it was said to have been left a mystery until then.

>> No.3511485


Also, what do you mean by make molecules from scratch? Like, you must first invent the universe from scratch, or assembling atoms into place by physical means, because that can be done with lasers. The actual technology is still in its infancy, but the idea has been around for a while. Feynman talked about it in a lecture, though I can't remember which one.

If you meant making purpose-built molecules, we do that all the time. That's synthetic chemistry.

>> No.3511498


It could have been a hypothesis, or just someone talking out their ass. It was a while ago and I don't remember who told me. Also, Like I said, I don't really ever work with alloys, so I don't know that off-hand, but I'll make sure to look for an article tomorrow.

>> No.3511503


holy shit is that angela from the office and the hot daughter from modern family?

>> No.3511513

Well for example Craig Venter said he invented an "artificial bacterium".
He actually chemically reproduced an existing genome that he put into a host without a genome.
That way he could get an infinite number of perfect mutants and sell them.

But that's not what I mean by "from scratch".
More like synthetic chemistry.
And there are a lot of constraints.
Like I think the natural caoutchouc is still better than the synthetic plastic...

What I meant was that I had this marvel that you could be some kind of wizard but of course reality is different.

>> No.3511529

>science you wanted to study as a kid
Physics, astronomy

>science you ended up studying as a man
Biomedical sciences, we'll see when I'm done with this stuff what to do..

>> No.3511532

In Spain only poor people study sciences and or engineering.

Finishing a decent engineering takes an average of 7-8-9 years. And the pay is shit.
The public universities up the level to unnecessary heights due to lack of competition/jobs.

Sciences are easier, but you will earn 1500€ with your PhD, lol.

For studying architecture you need a note above 10/10+ (doing extra exams) and it takes an average of 9 years to finish it in my city.

Medicine is easier, but you need a 12/10 to get there. I'm not joking.

>> No.3511543

Then you just have to move elsewhere to get a good job.

>> No.3511556


Yeah, sadly. Though I have to say, if you ever make nylon 6,6 you can certainly feel like a wizard. Basically you get to put a stick into a beaker filled with liquids and pull out a string. Then, of course, you run down the hall and take bets on who can get the longest strand without breaking it.

Also, if you ever make an amide from a acid chloride (the normal method of converting carboxylic acids to amides is by converting it to the acid chloride with thionyl chloride first) one of the steps makes huge clouds of really noxious white vapor, and it looks a little like what I imagine potions class to be.

>> No.3511912
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Kid: Astrophysics

Adult: Mechanical engineering with a minor in aerospace

>mfw i wind up making shit for spaceships

>> No.3511920

lol espanols
fucking niggers
even turkey has better education

>> No.3511922

very similar to me, actually.

>general astronomy, physics when i was a little older
>mechanical engineer

>> No.3511928

>science you wanted to study as a kid

Dunno, I wanted be an 'inventor'

>science you ended up studying as a man


I happen to be spanish and what >>3511532 is partly true, people go into engineering because it has good job prospects, not because they are all poor, the fuck.

>> No.3511932
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So, you weren't born homosexual then? It was a choice?

>> No.3511943
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>> No.3511947

Chemistry and Physics

>First year
Mechanical Engineering and Chemistry

Electrical Engineering and Physics

>> No.3511987

I wanted to dig up dinosaur bones and study whales

Now I study hydraulic engineering

>> No.3512010

> mad because someone else actually do something and directly contribute to the betterment of humanity.

>> No.3512011

>science you wanted to study as a kid
archaeology, palaeontology, astronomy

>science you ended up studying as a man

I guess I ended up being lazy/stupid. Ah well, if everything goes according to plan I'll be studying something else nex year.

>> No.3512033

Botany, for some reason. Loved me some carnivorous plants.

Studying physiology now, think I'm enjoying it more than I would learning thousands of plant names.

>> No.3512039 [DELETED] 
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>making a smaller cell phone

Improving humanity? LMFAO


>> No.3512067

>Comp Sci

>MA in Philosophy, BSc in Mathematics

>> No.3512095

>Wanted to study archeology or psychology
>Ended up studying Biology and Genetics.

>> No.3512098


I was thinking about it and remembered that when I was in elementary school I really wanted to study nuclear physics and work on nuclear energy.

I realized I liked Geology later because I realized there was more to it than memorizing a bunch of rocks.

>> No.3512256

>What I wanted:
Become an astronaut or join the special forces

>What I finished doing:
Biotechnology - Biochemistry

>> No.3512263
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>> No.3512266

Computer science



>> No.3512276

>wanted to study
Archeology due to Indiana Jones.

>went to study
Paleontology due to FRIKKING DINOSAURS!

>> No.3512320
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>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you wanted to study as a teenager

>science you ended up studying as a man

>> No.3512330

>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man
Electrical Engineering

>> No.3512527

As a kid


I can't believe there are so many paleobros in here, I figured I'd be the only one

>> No.3512547


>> No.3512550

any, didn't know about different subjects yet
computer science

>> No.3512592


>> No.3512616

>science you wanted to study as a kid
paleontology (was also extremely into history especially WW1+2)

>science you ended up studying as a man

>> No.3512708

>>as a kid
computer engineering
>>right now
computer engineering

I cannot be happier : )

>> No.3512722

not even if you had a girlfriend?

>> No.3512734

>as a kid
Molecular Bio/Genetic engineering
Will do molecular biology for grad school.

>> No.3512738

as a kid:
>chemistry to make poisons

as an adult
>political science

>> No.3512752

>as a kid
>as an adult

>> No.3512768

>as a kid

>as a man
computer science

i don't think cs counts as a real science. but fuck the police

>> No.3512777

>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man

>> No.3512780
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>implying political science is a real science

>> No.3512791


toushe :(

>> No.3512804


toushe :(

>> No.3512837

> kid
Computer/Electrical Engineering

> adult
Computer Science

>> No.3512888

>as a kid
Fuck bitches, play vidya and do nothing
Programming (wouldn't really call it Computer sciences, since I slack on everything else)

>> No.3512932

touche idiot

>> No.3512945


You fucking sold your soul, you bitch. Do you know how utterly useless that job is. Money is an obsolete way of managing goods and resources anyway. You are the scum of science.

>> No.3512949


touché, wanker

>> No.3512964

calm down, you can tell that without offending

>> No.3512973

Fucking grammar nazis.

Cuck my sock.

>> No.3513010
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>science you wanted to study as a kid
Neuroscience or Astronomy
>science you ended up studying as a man
Comp Sci....

>> No.3513186

>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man

landed pretty close ;)

>> No.3513428
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>195 posts
I need to hit 200

>> No.3515194

As kid:
As adult:
Computer Science

I did ok right?

>> No.3515203

>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as an adult
Biology, Zoology, genetics, chemistry
anything that isn't physics

>> No.3515210

oh boy i'm laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.3515211

>science you wanted to study as a kid
>science you ended up studying as a man
computer science/game design

>> No.3515231



>> No.3515237

>science you wanted to study as a kid
>science you ended up studying as a man
Mech. Engineer

Engineer/Zoologist, I don't even know what i was thinking.

>> No.3515238

Did really everyone want to study paleontology as a kid? Why? Talk about the dullest shit on the planet.

>> No.3515247

because we saw jurassic park as kids, lol

>> No.3515271
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I wanted to be a ninja as a kid.
now I'm in comp sci...

>> No.3515347
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>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man

I rolled with the changes and pushed through. Pure zoology is dead. Long live the quantitative study of nature!

>> No.3515474

>Civil Engineer
>Power Distribution Engineering
very happy about this situation

>> No.3518983

>science you wanted to study as a kid
Electrical engineering (having an interest in fucking around with wires and shit).

>science you ended up studying as a man
Behavioral neuroscience
(having an interest in psychology, fucking around with brains and shit)

>> No.3518992

This, just reverse it.

>> No.3519024



>> No.3519027

how to waste my parent's money, piss people off, and get a worthless degree where I learn nothing but sloganeering
womyn's studies


>> No.3519039
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>science you wanted to study as a kid

I wanted to become a diplomat or a pilot. So political science (government) or aeronautics.

>science you ended up studying as a man


>> No.3519042

>science you wanted to study as a kid
History(not science, but fuck it)

>science you ended up studying as a man
Electrical Engineering

>> No.3519045

>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man
Ended up doing Law, which isn't a science.

Fuck medicine.

>> No.3519051

>science you wanted to study as a kid
>science you ended up studying as a man

Everything went better than expected.

>> No.3519059
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> science you wanted to study as a kid
Equine reproductive physiology.
Yes. I wanted to study horse cocks. Don't judge.

>science you ended up studying as a man
Food science
Would you like fries with that?

>> No.3519068

Aeronautics of some sort


>> No.3519095

As a kid: Archaeology

As an adult: Evolutionary Biology (Paleontology)

Still studying though, shits pretty damn interesting

>> No.3519114


What are the job prospects?

I loved dinosaurs as kid. I just didn't know you could make a career out of them.

>> No.3519128

"I want to build bombs!"
>9 y/o
Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering

With hindsight I'm surprised my parents didn't have me checked...

>> No.3519140
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>science you wanted to study as a kid

>science you ended up studying as a man

>> No.3519141

none. i wanted to become a firefighter

biophysics FTW!

>> No.3519146

child: i didnt want to do science i wanted to become a film maker or an RAF pilot

Adult: Studying chemistry....could still do those things tho...

>> No.3519161



>> No.3519164

> Kid
Magnets, not even trolling. It was fascinating.

> Now
Medicine, specializing in Neurology. Fuck yea

>> No.3519628



>> No.3519638
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> Virology. I wanted to make an antibiotic that works on viruses.
> Political Science, military science. I am wasting my education.

>> No.3519782

Young : Astronaut
Older: Computer engineer
Even Older: Computer Science
Now: Mathematics

>> No.3519811

Physics / Mechanics / Biology
Economy + Information Technology

>> No.3519826


Electrical engineer.

>> No.3519848

its great to see people pursue their childhood dreams

>> No.3520002

>science you wanted to study as a kid
archeology, astrophysics

>science you ended up studying as a man
Computer science, I'm thinking about doing either physics, astronomy, chem, or neuroscience as well. Maybe even some mathematics to the side.

Any science mixed with computer science allows you to do some really awesome stuff.