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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3510368 No.3510368 [Reply] [Original]

>all which and whom you love will not last
>things will never be as good as they are right now
>you will contribute nothing lasting to society
>if you do, your society will not exist several centuries from now
>humans and our accomplishments will not last more than several million more years
>the universe will eventually die an ultra-cold, lonely death

How do you deal with these facts when you try to sleep at night, /sci/?

>> No.3510384

I try not to be a pendantic fuck. Then close my eyes.

>> No.3510382
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Acceptance and diversions.

>> No.3510390


>> No.3510393

I personally find it exciting.

I mean, one life to live, literally. You're all in. I find that amazing. ONE LIFE.

Shit blows my mind every time I go to bed

>> No.3510389

>all which and whom you love will not last
Not in this life anyway.
>things will never be as good as they are right now
Naw. This isn't the greatest time in history. The second half of the 20th century was.
>if you do, your society will not exist several centuries from now
I won't be around to see it, so...
>humans and our accomplishments will not last more than several million more years
>implying we won't have interstellar travel and colonize new worlds by then
>the universe will eventually die an ultra-cold, lonely death
Won't be around to see it.

>> No.3510396
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inb4 Christ

>> No.3510400

Everything is pointless, so don't take life so serious.
I started smoking so I can save money on retirement.

>> No.3510405

1. Love is transitory. We lose old things, gain new things. Such is life.

2. No, they won't. They'll be better.

3. Define lasting. Still, doesn't bother me. Live for yourself and to make the lives of those around you better, and you'll be happy and fulfilled. That's what matters, not some glory-hunger.

4. Society AS WE KNOW IT won't exist. That's a good thing.

5. Says who?

6. You got proof of this? No-one knows if our universe is a part of a multiverse or not, or if there will be a big crunch instead. Not enough data.

I ain't even sad.

>> No.3510416

OP here. To clarify
>things will never be as good as they are right now

>people you love or know die
>your young, able body will not last
>it will fail slowly, leaving you helpless
>you will look back on these days as the best of your life
>though you don't appreciate that now

>> No.3510418

>all which and whom you love will not last
That's what makes them precious.

>things will never be as good as they are right now
Bullshit. College sucks. I can't wait to do real work.

>you will contribute nothing lasting to society
Bullshit again. Get a real degree/job.

>if you do, your society will not exist several centuries from now
And? Writings, discoveries, technology, etc from dead civilizations still lives on today.

>humans and our accomplishments will not last more than several million more years
That's a long-ass time, and likely an overestimate. Even another 2000 years is a lot longer than we'll be alive.

>the universe will eventually die an ultra-cold, lonely death
Not a single fuck was given.

"I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it." -Mark Twain

>> No.3510430

>time spent on good degree/job
>time spent building web of personal accomplishments
>time spent tending to those you love
>time spent
>you die and all thoughts, all memories with you
>not a single fuck is given by future generations

>> No.3510432


>things will never be as good as they are right now

If they're so good then why are you posting on 4chan?

>people you love or know die

The love you had for girls you were infatuated with were unrequited and you're a disappoint to your family.

>your young, able body will not last

You're so gay.

>it will fail slowly, leaving you helpless

You're a failure now and you'll always be a failure.

>> No.3510438

Hit me up in 80 years when you're gasping for air wondering where your life has gone. See if you remain as bold.

>> No.3510445

>your young, able body will not last
>it will fail slowly, leaving you helpless

Aw, don't worry about it. I'm planning to off myself somewhere between 50 and 65, so I'll never get old.

>> No.3510451

>How do you deal with these facts when you try to sleep at night, /sci/?

Simple. I don't strive to do accomplish any of the things you mentioned above. Being a pathological narcissist feels good man.

>> No.3510454

Easy, most of them aren't facts.

>all which and whom you love will not last
Deal with it.

>things will never be as good as they are right now
Not necessarily true.

>you will contribute nothing lasting to society
Not necessarily true.

>if you do, your society will not exist several centuries from now
Not necessarily true.

>humans and our accomplishments will not last more than several million more years
Not necessarily true

>the universe will eventually die an ultra-cold, lonely death
Please explain to me how inanimate matter can be "lonely".

tl;dr Grow the fuck up and stop whining.

>> No.3510465

He'll reflect back on his life, look at his son that he is so proud of, and then look at his grandchildren beaming with curiosity.
He'll think it was all worth it, and it's been long enough and gladly accept that last breath.

>> No.3510468


There's a lot of denial in this thread. It's OK, though. We all have to deal with these realizations somehow.

>> No.3510473


As I said, what we love is transitory. Plus, my body is already pretty useless. A deformed bone structure, amongst other things, means I'm not exactly top of the fitness charts, and my family has a history of dying horribly after the 80+ mark (and I do mean horribly).

None of that matters, though. I'm here to enjoy my life. The more you worry about that shit, the less fun you have. Plus, I'm expecting stuff to be better by the time I need to worry about that; better medicine and such.

And if it isn't, well, I'll have a good life and leave it at that.

Can't bring me down, bitch!

>> No.3510477
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Nobody is impressed by your juvenile epiphany of mortality, son.

>> No.3510482

Or maybe despite his pride, he'll feel a tinge of unease. Maybe he'll consider how his offspring, too, will die as he will, bringing nothing with them into death. And he'll finally see the meaninglessness of the cycle.

>> No.3510483

check out buddhism.

Your attachment is why you suffer

Become Enlightened

>> No.3510484 [DELETED] 
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>mfw we remake the universe into heaven

>> No.3510486
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>implying that "humans" will be bound to this universe in several million years

>> No.3510488

>implying suffering is not necessary

>> No.3510495

you people are failures at both science and philosophy

stop posting in this thread, you stupid high schoolers and undergrads.

>> No.3510493 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 599x463, billions and billions of feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we conquer the entire galaxy

>> No.3510501

Yeh, but he won't be around to see it.

>> No.3510515

>assuming idealistic and unrealistic outcomes

>> No.3510517

They're Nihilists Donny, nothing to be afraid of.

>> No.3510518

ITT: retarded sociopaths with their shitty philosophy

how about you deal with me shoving my dick up your ass?

>> No.3510528

Your dick, too, will be destroyed with time.

>> No.3510536
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lol at all you bastards taking the bait.

>> No.3510537

>implying time exists
>implying our form of time exists
>implying everything hasn't already happened

>> No.3510562

>>all which and whom you love will not last

The answer is to cease to make emotional connections to new things, and to strive to lessen the emotional connections you already have.

>>things will never be as good as they are right now

That is left to be proven.

>>you will contribute nothing lasting to society

Society can go fuck itself. 99.9999999999999999999999999999999% of humanity would kill me out of pure spite if they could do it without consequnces.

>>if you do, your society will not exist several centuries from now

Good. Our current society is nothing other then a bunch of primitive monkey's ruled by king-monkeys whose only concern is the maintenence of their own power and importance.

>>humans and our accomplishments will not last more than several million more years
>>the universe will eventually die an ultra-cold, lonely death

I probably won't live to see the end of either, and why should I care about something that I won't be around for?

>> No.3510586

>why should I care about something that I won't be around for?
It has implications in your life right now. Any small contribution you make to human knowledge or well-being will be for exactly naught.

>> No.3510597

Sometimes I think this cycle never ends
We slide from top to bottom and we turn and climb again
And it seems by the time that I have figured what it's worth
The squeaking of our skin against the steel has gotten worse

But if I move my place in line, I'll lose
And I have waited, the anticipation's got me glued

I am waiting for something to go wrong
I am waiting for familiar resolve

Sometimes it seems that I don't have the skills to recollect
The twists and turns of plots that took us from lovers to friends
I'm thinking I should take that volume back up off the shelf
And crack it's weary spine and read to help remind myself

I am waiting for something to wrong
I am waiting for familiar resolve
I am waiting for another repeat
Another diet fed by crippling defeat
And I am waiting for that sense of relief
I am waiting for you to flee the scene
As if you held in your hand the smoking gun
And on the floor lay the one you said you loved

And it's strange
They are basically the same
So I don't ask names anymore

>> No.3510615
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>> No.3510632

>99.9999999999999999999999999999999% of humanity
enjoy not being killed by the remaining 6.0 x 10^-23 of a person...
learn2decimals you roodypoo.

>> No.3510641

Remember, kiddies, wipe those self-inflicted cuts off with alcohol so you don't get infected.

>> No.3510643
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Denial and escapism. Whatever helps to not give a fuck.

>> No.3510657

>And he'll finally see the meaninglessness of the cycle.

You are completely missing the point of doing something.
You do things for the sake of doing it, not to be done with it.
Meaning is made by creating, not the creation.

>> No.3510670

Weed and delusions.

Also, solving little problems, signing up to cryonics, and donating to SIAI. Hopefully Eliezer is up for the job, and doesn't spend the money on hookers and blow.

>> No.3510677
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>all which and whom you love will not last
So what. I'll enjoy it while it's here.

>things will never be as good as they are right now
Which is why I strive to enjoy life as it is right here and now.

>you will contribute nothing lasting to society
>if you do, your society will not exist several centuries from now
It's not my goal to contribute anything to society, although it might be for some people here.

>humans and our accomplishments will not last more than several million more years
True, but our human timescale only lasts less than a century, which also nullifies your previous point.

>the universe will eventually die an ultra-cold, lonely death
I won't be there to see it, nor will you. Or anyone you will ever know in your lifetime. To say the least.

>> No.3510693
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>So what. I'll enjoy it while it's here.
>Which is why I strive to enjoy life as it is right here and now.

I like the way you think, young man.

>> No.3510750

complacency's a rarity and I'll die if I want to

die if I want to, die if I want to.

u would die 2 if u didn't give a poo

>> No.3511007

Why are people in their 20s so mean?

or maybe it's just sociopath neckbeards