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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3499965 No.3499965 [Reply] [Original]

Why are hard science majors ass holes?

No one's going to give them a job just because they can solve equations.

>> No.3499980

why are the soft sciences so easily trolled?

>> No.3499983
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nothing special about solving equations

>> No.3499999

Career politicians get very cushy jobs without knowing how to solve problems. Why shouldn't scientists?

>> No.3500009

>No one's going to give them a job just because they can solve equations

lol... yes they will

>> No.3500012

Nothing aginst hard science majors but this is my perception.

Most majors have to deal with reality. Engineers have perfect equations they apply to imperfect worlds. Art majors dont make money and must struggle in life. Business majors are just learning how real world companys are run.

hard science people dont encounter any of that. And they are the most likely to never leave academia. It gives them this cynical perception that the world's failings are because people are stupid, and never really encounter the unsolved problems themselves.

>> No.3500017


Also who is that and why are they a freemason?

>> No.3500018


>> No.3500068
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>> No.3500075


>never really encounter the unsolved problems themselves.

What in the fuck do you thing the researchers are doing? Smoking crack off of horse dicks and banging hookers?

>> No.3500078

because they were abused by stupid people as children so they turn to reason and evidence as a defense mechanism.

then they arbitrarily defend it with "i care about the good of humanity!" like morality is anything but subjective.

>> No.3500079

>then they arbitrarily defend it with "i care about the good of humanity!" like morality is anything but subjective.
English can you speak it?

>> No.3500080
File: 49 KB, 200x200, oh boyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


alright, I gotta give it up for this one.

>> No.3500081

sorry :(

>> No.3500087

>Smoking crack
>horse dicks
>banging hookers
Isn't that what research is? That's the only reason I'm going into academia.

>> No.3500093
File: 68 KB, 340x341, I beg your pardon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smoking crack off of horse dicks

>> No.3500780
