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3493728 No.3493728 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Einstein required 12 hours of sleep per night to feel rested

I couldn't accomplish anything.. What about other browsers of /sci/? How many hours of sleep per night do you need to function to your best ability during the day? I require a good five, anything less than that my frontal lobe turns off.

>> No.3493731

Three hours and a cup of coffee. Not even using polyphasic bullshit.

>> No.3493732

sleep is for the weak.

why else would anyone roam a science board past midnight?

>> No.3493734

Don't you feel bad being addicted to caffeine?

>> No.3493736

>anything less than that my frontal lobe turns off

Do you have any idea how the brain works at all OP? I really hope you're joking about that. The brain does not work that way.

>> No.3493738

I need about 7 to feel good. >4 to get through the day, though I'll probably end up napping as soon as I get home.

>> No.3493739

I don't even count how many hours I sleep, I just do it when I feel tired and study when I want to.

>> No.3493740

I require 12 hours of sleep, but I'm awake for a full 24 hours after that.
Pretty much on par just different timing. Don't know why to be honest.

>> No.3493741
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>> No.3493744

what kind of wizardry is this?

how do you consolidate memories? Your entire sleep period is REM?

>> No.3493747

you wanna try that again?

>> No.3493751

How could you not interpret that as a joke?

>> No.3493756

Ass burgers detected

>> No.3493761

the fuck is wrong with you people i sleep maybe an hour or so per night

einstein is a faggot that's probably why it took him decades to do anything

>> No.3493763

ehh 1/3. wasn't really paying attention. meant to type 24/8=3 36/12=3.

>> No.3493767

Why would I?
I got used to it. It was hard in the beginning, though.

>> No.3493777

Oh and sometimes I get to sleep for only a hour or a hour and a half. It feels horrible for the first few hours after awakening but after that I'm relatively okay.

>> No.3493778

Do you do the 20 minute naps 6 times a day?

>> No.3493780

Nope. One 3-hour sleep period. I already stated that I don't use the polyphasic bullshit.

>> No.3493790

Also, when I get at least about 4 to 5 hours of sleep (which is relatively rare for me), I don't need any coffee to wake up, so I don't think that I'm really addicted to it.

>> No.3493806

Varies really, some nights I lay down a sleep for 5 hours and function the rest of the day.

Other nights I sleep for 15 hours and can't stay awake.

>> No.3493808

the smarter u r the most sleep u require the dumber u r the less sleep which is why nerds stay up all night pulling all nighters n jacking off to lolishit u can see a good exmaple of this by navigating over to the /h/ board every1 thre is creepy as fuck

>> No.3493814

And your vocabulary/extensive overall knowledge of the English language seems to be a perfectly accurate example of the complete opposite.

>> No.3493818

I sleep about two times less than the average person and I know English better than you do. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.3493857

I was about to say... I never saw him say he was smart, or how much he slept.