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3488052 No.3488052 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: times when you've had to disguise your science power level

>dinner with dads friend who is alternative medicine practitioner
>topic of cancer shows up
>guy says "i tell all my patients to eat right, good nutrition keeps your blood from becoming acidic which is how cancers are formed"
>parents turn to me and ask "you're studying biology in college, why hadnt you told us that"

>> No.3488054

Whenever I'm talking to my religious friends.

>> No.3488060

I've never cared about the feelings of dickbrains enough to not correct their mistakes.

I don't sneer while I do it, though if they argue, I start talking condescendingly.

>> No.3488068

>my wife is being creationist
>I'm being vertebrate paleontologist
>she shows me creationist propagandas
>"see honey, archaeopteryx had beak modern bird" sez she

>> No.3488072

My mother puts paper towels over food that she microwaves because "it keeps the radiation out".

>> No.3488078
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I feel sorry for you man

>> No.3488091

Liberal arts told me that its so windy in palm springs because of the electric generator fans.

Did not argue.

>> No.3488095

Why would your parents do that? Are they just stupid or do they hate you? Or were they just having a laugh?

>> No.3488102

That is one of the funniest things I've ever read, cheers anon.

>> No.3488168

>brother's grad party
>every single family member, from aunts and uncles to extended cousins, asks me what I plan on doing after I get my bachelor's
>I'm going to grad school to study evolutionary biology
>they are all right wing christians
>I just tell them I'm becoming a teacher


>> No.3488171

I do that so shit doesn't go everywhere in the microwave. too messy otherwise

>> No.3488190


Yeah especially when the stuff you're microwaving is kinda fatty, that shit just explodes all over the place.

>> No.3488195


Especially tomato sauce.

>> No.3488196


Yeah, there seems to be a few good reasons to use a paper towel while microwaving food. But the only reason my mum gave was "to keep out the radiation".

>> No.3488201
File: 60 KB, 600x450, 1311555712692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I bring paper towels to the beach instead of sunscreen. Keeps out the radiation, bro.

>> No.3488207

has nothing to do with the fat content

things like tomato sauce will explode because the chunkiness keeps convection currents from forming to distribute the heat

>> No.3488237

no one likes you

>> No.3488245

I`m a radiologist and paper towels have proved to be a better shield against radiation than lead.

>> No.3488251


Wait... Then why the fuck do we still use lead?

>> No.3488252
File: 96 KB, 637x752, radioactive+absorbent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used paper towels are hazardous waste.

>> No.3488258


I'm an averagely intelligent man and studies have proven that you are a gullible dumbass

>> No.3488261


Well at least I still have chicken. :(

>> No.3488267


>alpha particles are effectively shielded by a few centimeters of air, a piece of paper
>a piece of paper


>> No.3488279

I work at KFC and lead has proven to be a better oil absorber than paper towels, you should use it to clean your hands.

>> No.3488285


Because microwaves actually contain a piece of decaying radioactive material instead of emitting a kilowatt signal at around 2.4 ghz right?

>> No.3488290


Microwaves do not emit alpha particles.


>> No.3488293


>implying all radiation is alpha radiation


>Shielding from gamma rays requires large amounts of mass


>Hard X-rays can penetrate solid objects

but perhaps gamma rays and x-rays wouldn't be able to penetrate that thick ass skull of yours dumbass


>> No.3488296

hurr what is particle wave duality

>> No.3488309

So it's not related to the whole oil/water pan explosion stuff?

>> No.3488319
File: 99 KB, 247x248, 1312133125539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he's genuinely asking this question, because he obviously doesn't understand what he's saying

>> No.3488331

ITT repressed betas

>> No.3488358

>mom talks about newfangled water alkalinizing machine
>i explain to her why it's nonsense and therefore a scam
>mom talks about newfangled massage bed that reverses aging
>i explain to her why it's nonsense and therefore a scam
>mom talks about newage healer who she ran into who claims he can heal her aura
>i explain to her why it's nonsense and therefore a scam
>aunt talks about newfangled water alkalinizing machine
>mom talks about newfangled water alkalinizing machine
>i stare at my premed cousin and ask... 'really?'
>mom talks about newfangled water alkalinizing machine more excitedly and assuredly
>mom talks about newfangled herbal panaceas
>mom talks about...
>mom talks...
>dad is an engineer who figured out it's cheaper just to buy this shit than to deal with his wife's poutyness.

i rage a little inside every time my fucking mother brings up another new miracle cure which falls apart upon the slightest inspection.