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File: 169 KB, 1280x1024, china_flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3486604 No.3486604 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks to socialist market economy, China is the fastest ever growing economy in the recorded history, unlike the capitalist US.

>> No.3486610

You made this thread yesterday. We proved you wrong then. Go away.

>> No.3486618

>John is the fastest runner.
>John has hazel eyes.
>John is the fastest runner because he has hazel eyes.

>> No.3486632

Haha, no you didn't.

>> No.3486635

Best People's Republic has best organ harvesting prison camps!!!

>> No.3486646


GDP growth: 10.46% (major economies: 1st; 2010)

>> No.3486652

>capitalist US


>> No.3486654

no but i do propose that john is the fastest runner with hazel eyes.

>> No.3486656

> socialist
> market economy

Pick one, you dumb dickhole

>> No.3486660

When you state "Thanks to X", you're attributing responsibility to X.

>> No.3486663



>> No.3486670

If the OP's post said only:
>China is the fastest ever growing economy in the recorded history
Then your post would be valid. But the OP included troll bait such as:
>Thanks to socialist market economy...unlike the capitalist US.
So your post has provided nothing of value. You need to show that this economic growth is actually good for China and not an inflating bubble, that socialist market economies result in good economic growth by principal, and that capitalism stifles good economic growth by principle.

>> No.3486673

do u think there is another runner faster than john with hazel eyes aswell?

>> No.3486679

But if you divide GDP by population the chinese averedge is way below the US averedge.

Also China is socialist in name only.

>> No.3486685

Oh, I'm sure you and other dumb dickholes think that a "socialist market economy" is a real thing, but that doesn't make any of you any less dumb or any less dickholes.

>> No.3486688

One of the axioms is that John is the fastest runner.

>> No.3486690

A market can be socialist, dumbass.

>> No.3486695

Except it's growing at such a rate that soon the Chinese will be richer.

>> No.3486709

No, it's more like.
>John is the fastest runner.
>John has a body which is the most adapted to fast running and causes this fast running.
>Therefore John is the fastest runner.

China's economic model is what causes it to grow, it isn't such a correlation link, it's a causation one, dumbass.

>> No.3486710

> Socialism (pronounced /ˈsoʊ̯ʃəɫɪzm̩/) is an economic system in which the means of production are publicly or commonly owned and controlled cooperatively, or a political philosophy advocating such a system.

No, it can't, you dumb dickhole.

>> No.3486712

> china is fastest growing economy
> socialist
> private ownership of the means of production

Wait, what?

>> No.3486722

No, it's both private and public, dumbass.

>> No.3486725


So it is a mixed economy liek the U.S, Norway, Japan, etc, and thereby not socialist?

Glad we cleared that up.

>> No.3486736

That remains to be proven.

It is false that the China system is fundamentally different from the US system. Both are slightly modified versions of capitalism, with slightly more central planning by the Chinese.

Also, China is expanding faster because most of their people are dirt poor. They're in the easy phase of development where they can just take advances and historical lessons from other people. Call me when they sustain that when each citizen has the US standard of living and civil liberties.

>> No.3486739

It's about 50% private sector and 50% private sector, dumbass.

>> No.3486742

You're asserting that China's economic model is the exclusive factor resulting in its current economic growth. If this were true, you could establish causation, but as there are a multitude of other factors, "socialist market economy" equates to "hazel eyes" quite nicely.

>> No.3486743

This is the kind of shit that OP reads for his hard-hitting world news:

>> No.3486744

Slightly? You mean like 50-60% of the industry is state owned?

>> No.3486749


It isn't even close to being proven. They are simply "catching up" as defined by economic law.

>> No.3486754

What you're failing to understand is that half of the country's industry is Socialist, and the other half isn't. There's no such thing as a "Socialist market." China is a mix of Socialism and free market. You don't call a basket full of half lemons and half limes a "basket of limons." Well, you might, actually.

>> No.3486759

Wait, wut? China is successful for one and only one reason... it had a baby boom larger than every other baby boom in human history combined. In 50-70 years their economy will collapse due to number of old people and the scarcity of working age citizens.

>> No.3486764


So you are confirming once again that it is a mixed economy just like all other non-socialist countries?

>> No.3486770
File: 342 KB, 1200x780, post111187683908zs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the U.S. monopoly capitalist groups persist in pushing their policies of aggression and war, the day is bound to come when they will be hanged by the people of the whole world. The same fate awaits the accomplices of the United States.

>> No.3486773

50-70 years! You're more optimistic than even the Chinese.

>> No.3486775

Except the state still remains in control of the private industry.

>> No.3486772


They will have a nice fall in the next few years.

>> No.3486778

Don't forget the rampant desertification of their farmland

>> No.3486781
File: 54 KB, 320x460, chinese-poster_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We shall support whatever our enemies oppose and oppose whatever our enemies support." - Mao

>> No.3486783


China has killed many more people with their military industrial complex.

>> No.3486785

No, it isn't like other "non-socialist" countries, dumbass. Can you even read? By the definition, the Soviet Union was a mixed economy as well.

What matters isn't some definition which disregards the values, but the values themselves, idiot.

>> No.3486787

It doesn't sound like they want to be like us...

>> No.3486790


Welcome to every country. There is no free market (no government regulation or control).

>> No.3486792

The world majority will invade the US for resources.

>> No.3486795

What resources? If we actually had any, we wouldn't spend all our time at war with the shithole that is the Middle East.

>> No.3486800

You so stupit

>> No.3486801

Happily, there's no free market.

>> No.3486803


There was no approved private industry in soviet russia. Much like Hitler's fascism a huge police force to eliminate black market transactions was in place.

>> No.3486805
File: 7 KB, 450x300, china-japan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people insisted that to show that we do love our nation, we should be more anti-Japanese; but then the nation belongs to Chiang Kai-shek. We communists, our motherland is the Soviet Union, the common motherland of the world's communists. The aim of we communists is to allow the Japanese to occupy more land. Then a power triangle will be formed, which consists of Chiang, the Japanese and us, which is the ideal situation. The worst come to the worst, if ever the Japanese occupy the whole of China, we would then still be able to fight back, with the help of the Soviet Union.

>> No.3486809


I am well aware you despise consent, choice, and a lack of coercion, unwanted force, and fraud.

>> No.3486815

lolz not really because US wll magicly make the resource go away why dont you think we have many factorys? Seriously? Its so when China finale callapse or cant do it anymore we can come in and take the mantel

>> No.3486817

There was approved private industry in Soviet Russia, dumbass. Some examples are daily markets which were privately owned and approved by the state, as well as the private craftsmen.

Hitler's fascism was largely capitalist.

>> No.3486821
File: 44 KB, 400x275, mao-propaganda-posters1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mao once said, "One cannot advance without mistakes... It is necessary to make mistakes. The party cannot be educated without learning from mistakes."

>> No.3486828

Except the world majority consist of far more countries than just China. Most of the 3rd and 2nd world would be very likely to invade the US for resources if it was ever properly planned and done sententiously.

>> No.3486832

china continues to be a powerhouse in the crappy shoes and cheap labor department! maybe one day they will get better at mimicking intellectual property and things will be looking up. the united states continues to have a larger economy despite shipping all our jobs over seas and having how much of a smaller population?

>> No.3486833
File: 168 KB, 590x600, conley_champagne_distribution[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

< How capitalism works for most of the people (it doesn't).

>> No.3486836

Fascism is, by definition, mainly capitalist.

>> No.3486839 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 410x308, george_costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw communism in the united states would become a theocracy

>> No.3486837

why is it that every objectivist/capitalist resorts to logical fallacies?

>> No.3486843

following the privatization of the soviet union poverty exploded in the FSU as social programs were cut, workers laid off, real wages decreased, and wealth shifted from public hands to private.

by 1998 more than 80% of russian farms had gone bankrupt, 70,000 state factories closed. (Tavernise,"Farms as business in Russia" NYT Nov 2001)

In 1989 2 million Russians lived in poverty(<$4/day) by 1996 this number had expanded to 72million with roughly 37million of those living in "desperate poverty"
(New Rich, New Poor, New Russia: Winners and losers on the russian road to Capitalism, pg47)

>> No.3486844

Words of wisdom from shanghai-guy:

"Everything they say about Chinese business ethics is true.

Expect your contracts to be reneged upon once they no longer suit the other party, even when working with big name multinationals. I tried pretty fucking hard to deal with the dishonesty and lies, but all it did was sacrifice my integrity and infect me with their standards.

China will not maintain world power because it lacks the internal economic demand to do so, it cannot raise 700k people from poverty, it is heading for environmental catastrophy which will eat up its capital because of its dishonesty (much like USSR) and confucian values of social harmony, [seeming] accord and preserving face are not compatible for knowlege economies and politcal progress.

Get in within the next 10 years, make your money, fuck desperate farm girls from Hunan for pocket change and then get out. Skyscrapers do not a modern society make.

My butt is literally mad. Fuck this country.
Fuck it right in its sideways vagina."

>> No.3486848

china continues to be a powerhouse in the crappy shoes and cheap labor department! maybe one day they will get better at mimicking intellectual property and things will be looking up. the united states continues to have a larger economy despite shipping all our jobs over seas and having how much of a smaller population?
Also please note China's growth is slowing a lot, so actually your statement is incorrect, China's previous states of their economy were the fastest ever growing.

>> No.3486849

Exactly. And that "Liberty" tripfags thinks it isn't. He probably went through the US educational system where they think that their shitty values represent some form of objective liberty (there is no 'liberty', you can only pick between liberties but never have two forms of them).

>> No.3486852

emplying that we dont know?Fun fact we have special forces in every country even are "buddie"
Trust me when i say thats going to be fun to see that happen
Remember we have not just military but super fanatics,hunters,crime etc
There organizations that make black ops look like shit.They arnt going to let that happen trust me:I

>> No.3486864 [DELETED] 

>mfw when that doesn't even make sense
>mfw I have no face

>> No.3486858

Just saying, China became an industrial power after the reforms of Deng Xioping (I think that was his last name), which essentially allowed private enterprise. It is, however, thanks to Mao that China has such a large workforce (he encouraged people to have more children, Deng put in the one child policy).
Not to rain on your socialist parade, I'm a critical-utopian socialist myself, but it wasn't superior ideology that made China what it is today.

>> No.3486861

>How state capitalism works for most of the people (it doesn't).
free-market economies like sweden have very low wealth inequality.

>> No.3486865


Incorrect, everything was publicly (state) owned.

The National Socialist German Worker's Party told companies what to produce, how much to produce, when to produce, where to buy resource from, who to sell to, etc. In other words, they were not capitalist at all. Hence the National Socialist German Worker's Party.


Impossible given as it is defined as public ownership of the means of production.


Why is it that every socialist/fascist/statist resorts to logical fallacies?

>> No.3486867

Would be fun to see how the US would get owned by EMP from Russia. Just one small nuke and it's civilization is gone, and it's unable to defend itself.

>> No.3486874

For the next 10-20 years at least, there are enough Americans with the mindset of taking down the entire world with them.

>> No.3486875

Sweden uses the Nordic model social democratic welfare state economy, dumbass.


>> No.3486878


Welcome to a mixed economy.

>> No.3486880

Not like they would be able to do it after they will get EMPed.

>> No.3486882
File: 72 KB, 480x409, us_war_economy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every country that was majorly involved with the war effort had that too Liberty.
All European countries turned to socialism during WWII, showing the power that comes from a socialist economy!

>> No.3486883

Yes, like the Soviet economy. Soviet economy was mixed too, with government approved private sector.

>> No.3486884

They also have an overwhelmingly private industrial sector.

>> No.3486892

This private sector is under government control, and it's subject to social democratic policies.

>> No.3486891


They were destroyed.


Not mixed in any sense of the word. Hence them never getting past 1/3 the gdp of 'merica.

>> No.3486894

I don't see any world wars coming out of China for the forseeable future, so I approve. They may be a country full of womenless males searching for a cause (uhoh, sounds like war to me), but they are too entangled in the world economy to start a war. When they inevitably fall they will be nothing but old people, and old people can't fight wars.

>> No.3486895
File: 28 KB, 350x327, 1311821293689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohhhh i get it you really like to see people die?OKAY that make more sence now.You think that all americans are unjust faggots,corrup assholes, and all of them are just scum racist
because you believe in righteousness.... LOL srr i should of know alright dude orrrr your just a troll because anyone that wants to see an entire people be kid you have to be trollin or just fucking bonkers

>> No.3486898

Are you retarded? USSR has reached half the GDP of the US. Not only that, but it was the fastest growing economy from 1930s to 1950s, and was growing faster than the US.

>> No.3486900


Welcome to every country. They are all under state regulation given that they are not free markets.

>> No.3486902



>> No.3486907

No. EMPing the US would be beneficial merely because resources could be gotten from invading this state. I don't view the US as being either good or bad, it's too generalizing to label the entire country, one has address more precise terms, such as judging the US government, or more precisely, parts of it.

>> No.3486908

>>and all I'fixd i miss to cap

>> No.3486916

From the nordic model wikipedia page:
"Little product market regulation. Nordic countries rank very high in product market freedom according to OECD rankings.["
"Low barriers to free trade"
I see no contradiction with my point

>> No.3486917

oh and

lol many errors today xDD

>> No.3486921

1/2, dumbass.

According to CIA estimates by 1989 the size of the Soviet economy was roughly half that in the United States of America.

CIA estimates:
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_Soviet_Union#1970-1990

>> No.3486926

Wow, that Liberty tripfag is dumb as fuck and presents false data. This mindset is very common among the free-market capitalists because they don't have much to back up their stupid claims other than mere financial interest. They should simply admit that they benefit more from capitalism than most of the people would.

>> No.3486927


36 percent, I will agree with that.

>> No.3486931


I do not support a free market, silly.

>> No.3486936
File: 38 KB, 211x256, 20100329204001a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timeline of the United Kingdoms Command Economy during WWII.
The United Kingdom and the Soviet Union won the war didn't they moneylover?
1 October 1939
Call-Up Proclamation: all men aged 20-21 who have not already done so must apply for registration with the military authorities.
8 January 1940
First food rationing introduced.
10 May 1940
Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister and forms an all-party coalition government.
14 May 1940
In a BBC radio broadcast Anthony Eden calls for the creation of the Local Defence Volunteers (LDV) militia - renamed on 23 July the Home Guard.
22 May 1940
The Emergency Powers (Defence) Act 1940 is passed, granting the government even more authority to control persons and property for the duration of the war.
21 January 1941
The Communist Daily Worker is banned.
18 December 1941
The National Service (No. 2) Act is passed. All men and women aged 18-60 are now liable to some form of national service, including military service for those under 51. The first military registration of 18.5-year-olds takes place. The Schedule of Reserved Occupations is abandoned: from now on only individual deferments from the draft will be accepted.
5 March 1942
The Daily Mirror publishes a controversial cartoon by Zec which Churchill and other senior government figures alleged was damaging to public morale. Zec is investigated by MI5.

>> No.3486941

False data from a dumb free-market capitalist once again.

In 1989, the GDP of the Soviet Union was $2500 Billion while the GDP of the United States was $4862 Billion.

Learn to read some time, idiot.

>> No.3486942


None of the above won the war.

>> No.3486951

It's fun how that "Liberty" guy has lost all of his credibility for falsifying data. This guy's a joke.

>> No.3486957


Where did I do that? His link literally said 36 percent.

>> No.3486959

In 1989, the GDP of the Soviet Union was $2500 Billion while the GDP of the United States was $4862 Billion.

Mind reading this again, dumb retard?

>> No.3486965

Yes, it literally said this, except not in the size of the economy but completely different factor. This is how capitalists argue.

>> No.3486969


Are you claiming the number I read from your link is false?

>> No.3486975

Here's what a retarded capitalist says:
>Not mixed in any sense of the word. Hence them never getting past 1/3 the gdp of 'merica.

And here his claims get crushed by reality as they always do:
>In 1989, the GDP of the Soviet Union was $2500 Billion while the GDP of the United States was $4862 Billion.

>> No.3486977


Odd because the link literally says size of the economy.


Your link does not say 36 percent?

>> No.3486984

Sure, here's where the number "36" is found in that reference:

Imports: $7.8 billion (f.o.b., 1989 est.);
commodities--capital goods 35%, consumer goods 36%, food 20%;
partners--France 25%, Italy 8%, FRG 8%, US 6-7%

In imports. Dumb idiot. You can't even distinguish consumer good imports from the size of economy.

>> No.3486985

Yes lets follow their example!

Where should we put the ghost cities?

>> No.3486994

Hahaha, that Liberty fag doesn't even know basic middle school history. The US educational system probably got fucked over by their intentional waste of state funding to "avoid communism".

>> No.3486995


What about " the size of the Soviet Economy was 36% of that in the United States"?

>> No.3487001

your completely falsing what your saying and twisting you need to stop this is /sci/ not /b/

>> No.3487003
File: 13 KB, 300x384, _520874_china_gdp_300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China has double digit growth rates because it is closing the technology gap.

>> No.3487005

"In 1989, the GDP of the Soviet Union was $2500 Billion while the GDP of the United States was $4862 Billion."

Mind reading again, dumbass?

>> No.3487011

liberty is so dumb he should get out of /sci/

>> No.3487014


So your source does not say " the size of the Soviet Economy was 36% of that in the United States"?

>> No.3487017

It doesn't say it there at all, and anybody can check it for it. You're only lying to yourself, dumbass. Hahaha, that guy is such a moron.

>> No.3487028

It says that it was 36% in 1990, when the complete institution of capitalism started, dumbass.

You claimed that the USSR has only reached 1/3 of the US economy size, which is false, because
"In 1989, the GDP of the Soviet Union was $2500 Billion while the GDP of the United States was $4862 Billion.".

>> No.3487035


see: >>3487028

So the number your source gives is irrelevant?

>> No.3487037

good job owning that liberty tripfag

>> No.3487046

The source (which is cited on the Wiki) is http://www.umsl.edu/services/govdocs/wofact90/world12.txt (CIA estimates) dumbass.

>> No.3487050

Am i the only one that see these people are just falsing what they are saying and tricking Libirty?

>> No.3487057


Which source claims 36 percent?

>> No.3487059
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>> No.3487066


Funny thing, the now capitalist Russian GDP is only 8-9% of the US GDP.

>> No.3487067

>>Liberty fix'd

>> No.3487086


> not knowing the ussr included 15 countries and Russia alone has a workforce of less than half the ussr

>> No.3487095

Liberty is just another edgy neo-nazi teenager. Just ignore the kid.

>> No.3487104

hay just fucking ignore these guys...

>> No.3487105


I would never support the National Socialist Germans Worker's party.

>> No.3487111

Even though the USSR included other countries, the Russian real GDP fall since the fall of the Soviet Union is still largely relevant.

>> No.3487112


According to the European Comparison Program, administered by the U.N, the size of the Soviet Economy was 36% of that in the United States in 1990 [26]


>> No.3487117

Once again,

It says that it was 36% in 1990, when the complete institution of capitalism started, dumbass.

You claimed that the USSR has only reached 1/3 of the US economy size, which is false, because
"In 1989, the GDP of the Soviet Union was $2500 Billion while the GDP of the United States was $4862 Billion.".