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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3485916 No.3485916 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you people even post on this this board? I come here once every few weeks out of nostalgia for the good old days when /sci/ was about science and maths, secretly hoping that I will find some science/maths on here. I'm always disappointed.

Rename this board to humanities/economics. Because that's what this dead board is full of anyway.
Yeah, /sci/'s dead.

>> No.3485933

Agreed. I only troll this board since most people here are more retarded than /b/

>> No.3485939

I just had a 100+ thread on the Halting Problem, and presented several proofs for it. That was fun.

>> No.3485948

This is not /sci/ence related. >>>/b/

>> No.3485955
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Nothing on /sci/ is maths or science related any more.

>> No.3485963

/sci/ dies every year in late may/early june and suddenly arises fresh and new from the ashes every september. No one knows why this is, but in every corner, if you listen carefully, you can hear the whispers "fucking highschoolers" echoing in the night.

>> No.3485991

>Feeling nostalgic about one of the newest boards on 4chan.

There were shitty religion and troll physics threads on Day 1.

>> No.3486010

>out of nostalgia for the good old days when /sci/ was about science and maths

I have been here for the entire duration of the board and I can tell you that there is no such threads.

Early sci was much like current sci.


>> No.3486027


In addition to this, the accruing of an outrageous number of namefags has coincided with this board going completely to shit. EK being a notable example, though many of the namefags are equally misinformed and self-aggrandizing.

This isn't a shot at you Scientist, as you're one of the very few namefags who tends to know what the fuck you're talking about. However, I think anyone who's been here for a year or more would agree that the namefag invasion, starting sometime in January or February is when this board started to get even worse than normal. At the best of times MAYBE half the threads on the front page were actually science and math and not some stupid popsci shit or pointless bickering about which field has the bigger dick (or, obviously religion trolling). Don't let nostalgia convince you of anything better.

>> No.3486031

good, OP, we're waiting for you here:

>> No.3486050


Such threads do exist, they're just never that common. I don't know exactly how old the board is, as I only started posting here last fall, but at certain times of year you can get a reasonable amount of threads discussing actual topics in science and math. I'm counting questions that aren't moronic in those, but I've had a few discussions about polymers and synthetic chemistry on this board. Just very rarely.

>> No.3486052

>This isn't a shot at you Scientist, as you're one of the very few namefags who tends to know what the fuck you're talking about.
Thank you. Dunno. I tried anon-ing it up like I was for the last month or whatever. I might go back. Dunno.

And god do I hate EK. I don't recall other common tripfag idiots though. The anonymous religious trolls, transhumanist trolls, racist trolls, and anarchist trolls are far more annoying IMHO.

>> No.3486065

>good old days when /sci/ was about science and maths

I've been here since its creation and I don't remember such a time. The closest it was to Science & Math was when it was Religion & Math homework.

>> No.3486069


The only tripfags on this board I acknowledge are Scientist, Mad Scientist, and Inurdaes.

I only acknowledge Inurdaes because "Inurdaes" is a strangely addictive word to say aloud.

Inur.. daes... Sounds like some esoteric, forgotten name of God.

>> No.3486082

Hey, Kraken's usually pretty cool. Slightly annoying when he gets basic big bang theory wrong, but I think he's fixed that recently.

>> No.3486143


Honestly pretty much all the tripfags have a vague knowledge of their subjects and then proclaim expertise and authority from it. They degrade discussion by trying to contribute but then getting pissed when it's pointed out that they're wrong or not even wrong. Exceptions like Josef and yourself exist, but are in the extreme minority.

The trolls generally aren't regular posters, but people who wander in from other boards for a laugh. They're bad and everything, but they don't degrade what little science discussion actually does happen.


Really? I haven't seen Inudaes around for a while, but I remember his as being pretty bad.

>> No.3486163

I was going to say, isn't he a religious asshat? I recall seeing him start a bunch of "transhuman" threads as well.