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File: 49 KB, 390x294, 2309013073_0e2dc9a689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3481580 No.3481580 [Reply] [Original]

Two more days
Two more daaayyysss
Twoooo mmooorreee ddaaayyyssss~

>> No.3481586

Brb, trading all my dollars to Canadian dollars.

>> No.3481587

until what

>> No.3481594

Democrats: ... ok, fine, here's our wallet.
Democrats: Uh... fine, here's our other wallet.
Democrats: Wtf...

>> No.3481624

I live in Canada near the border. A restaurant I frequent normally has an exchange rate table next to the cash-register, but today there was just a sign saying "American currency is no longer accepted due to economic uncertainty". Shit's getting real.

>> No.3481678
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Democrats: Oh shit! Social security is no longer running a surplus, we might actually have to pay back that $2.6 trillion dollars we stol— err "borrowed" from the trust fund.
Republicans:No worries, mate. We'll just manufacture a debt crisis and insist that we All Must Make Sacrifices or the nation will default!
Democrats: Brilliant!


>> No.3481685

That's really, I mean really retarded on their part. Dude. The owner is pretty crazy on his Amrican hatred.

>> No.3481879

Until they start saying 5 more days.
and not a single fuck was given.

>> No.3481895

If this means giving California to China or Texas to Mexico, then I am okay with it.

>> No.3481898

You failed gov101 didn't you?

The party system is a ruse.
This game has been played over and over for the last 100+ years.
The last round had the Dems on the other side.
The game is to raise taxes "out of absolute, unavoidable necessity" and promise cuts to add a measure of "responsibility".
The result is the same every round, the cuts never seem to materialize and the taxes are used as collateral to borrow more money.

This has been the case since entitlement programs were first enacted in the US.
They were never solvent, they have always been projected to outgrow tax collections, and they have always been a political death trap.

Greece went to rioting when this scheme fell apart there and even then only because the checks could not go out anymore.
The US will do the same unless some significant portion of the population realizes what the game is and quits playing (i.e. - voluntarily gives up their entitlements in favor of lower taxes and no national debt).

Good fucking luck.

In the mean time, stop playing party politics. It just makes you look like a sheep.

>> No.3481917
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>They were never solvent
Social security is $2,600,000,000,000 in the black.

>> No.3481940

nothing to see here, folks. If congress refuses to raise the debt ceiling Obama will just declare their actions unconstitutional and will be able to unilaterally continue spending as if the debt ceiling didn't exist, and no one will be able to do shit about it.

>> No.3481947

i amde an excellent trollthread about this yesterday. I made plenty of americans buttmad.

>> No.3481956

he can't do that ''thing'' (i cant remember what you americans call it) He had lawyers look into it and he found it would not be worth doing, since it would cause more problems than solve.

>> No.3481957


oh, canada

>implying you won't go down the shitter with us whether your shitty diners accept our currency or not

>> No.3481970
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mfw the social security administration counts the national gov't's IOUs as income.

>> No.3481979

canadians won't be bankrupt in 2 days. they don't need your toilet paper.

>> No.3481983
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actually you kind of do. if America's economy collapses Canada is fucked.

>> No.3481988

[citation needed]

>> No.3481991


>they don't need your toilet paper.

Oh theyll need it, when their Economy collapses as well, they will be shitting their pants as if there is no tomorrow.

>> No.3481993

americans can't even find canada on a map. Americans don't go there = no monetary interest.

they will proably invade while your army is useless because nobody is selling you oil because your currency is deemed worthless.

>> No.3482004

You don't need any sources for this you fucking communist. It just is.

>> No.3482011

>american pride

canada doesn't need a broke country to help it in any way. Canada will do fine.

>> No.3482027


>International trade makes up a large part of the Canadian economy, particularly of its natural resources. The United States is by far its largest trading partner, accounting for about 73% of exports and 63% of imports as of 2009.[15] Canada's combined exports and imports ranked 8th among all nations in 2006.[16]

>The United States is by far Canada's largest trading partner, with more than $1.7 billion CAD in trade per day in 2005. In 2009 73% of Canada's exports went to the United States, and 63% of Canada's imports were from the United States.[31] Trade with Canada makes up 23% of the United States' exports and 17% of its imports.[32] Just the two-way trade that crosses the Ambassador Bridge between Michigan and Ontario equals all U.S. exports to Japan. Canada's importance to the United States is not just a border-state phenomenon: Canada is the leading export market for 35 of 50 U.S. states, and is the United States' largest foreign supplier of energy.

>The U.S. is Canada's largest agricultural export market, taking well over half of all Canadian food exports.[35] Nearly two-thirds of Canada's forest products, including pulp and paper, are exported to the United States

>The U.S. is Canada's largest foreign investor and the most popular destination for Canadian foreign investments; at the end of 2007, the stock of U.S. direct investment in Canada was estimated at $293 billion, while Canadian direct investment (stock) in the United States was valued at $213 billion.[37][38] U.S. FDI accounts for 59.5% of total foreign direct investment in Canada while Canadian FDI in the U.S. accounts for 10% (5th largest foreign investor).

tldr: Canada's economy depends on exporting goods to the US. So yes, you need our money. If our money is worthless so is your money.

>> No.3482032
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>Social Security is insolvent!*
>*because we took all of its money and we aren't planning on paying it back

>> No.3482040

>$1.7 billion a day

damn, thats a lot of maple syrup.

>> No.3482054

BRB, putting all of my money in bitcoins

>> No.3482061

Everythings being blown out of proportion. Nothing drastic will happen, default or not.

Canada will be fine. Everywhere will be fine. The biggest impact will be the headlines. That's about it.

The USA has fucked up slighty though. And there reputation will crack because of this.

>> No.3482062


14th amendment: The public dept of the United States shall not be questioned.

Its clearly unconstitutional for America to default on its dept; then again so is warrantless wiretapping, and violating UN treaties on torture.

>> No.3482066

>Nothing drastic will happen, default or not.

I think you need to retake economics 101.

>> No.3482071

>14th ammendment.

thats what the name of the thing I couldn't remember was.

obama had lawyers look into it. They deemed using it would have worse impacts than not using it, so he isn't goling to use it.

>> No.3482072


>hes not putting all his money in bitcoins

Enjoy your worthless currency

>> No.3482082 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 192x185, 1279852170849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at greece. they haven't even defaulted yet.

>yfw america is 2 days away from defaulting, yet has a AAA rating... but greece has a junk rating and isn't anywhere near defaulting yet.

>> No.3482079

brb invading Iran

>> No.3482087
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>mfw the global economy is rigged in my nation's favor

>> No.3482089
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*le sigh*
Failing to raise the debt ceiling with result in a government shutdown, not a fucking default. Remember the shutdowns in '95 & '96?

>> No.3482094

I am a Canadian, I hate Americans and their worthless politics and economics and general grievous lack of foresight, but I'm not so dumb as to say we'd be fine if the US tanked.

It's like sharing a seat on a bus with a really, really fat person. You can't get up and move, so you have to sit there while he talks and swings his fucking arms around in your face, spit-flecks moistening your face, his sweaty t-shirt clinging to you. And if the bus suddenly grinds to a halt because he pulls the emergency break, the entirety of his weight will bear down upon you.

in short, yeah, Canada will feel it. But we haven't ruined our reputation with the rest of the world yet so we'll be ok in the long run.

>> No.3482097

As was the game to begin with.
You seem to be trying to take a stance in opposition to me but, it doesn't seem to be happening.

As a matter of principle the system does not function you cannot win by taking money from everyone and paying it out to increasingly smaller groups increasingly further down the line with no adjustment for cost of living.
In theory, it's nothing more than a really big retirement account for people.
In practice it is an extra tax resource and vote lever.

Notice how their budget sheet is made solvent by "taxes paid on benefits" (money taken back from those who are deemed to make too much for the gov't to give them what they paid in) and interest owed on federal bonds whose effective interest rate has been in decline since about 1984.

If SS were left to it's own devices and required to pay out what the people actually paid in, it would not function at all and would be in solvent.
This is without even considering the opportunity cost introduced by the complete lack of a cost of living adjustment.

>> No.3482099

Do any Canadafags remember the soft-wood lumber dispute, or when America stopped buying our beef because of mad-cow disease? Those were big fucking deals, billions of dollars were lost, places became ghost-towns because everyone was laid off.

>> No.3482102
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>> No.3482108
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I live in Australia. Feeling pretty awesome that we're No.1 in HDI and growing like a motherfucker.

U Jelly?

>> No.3482112

you speak as if that affair has already been settled and that it hasn't completely rocked the foundations of the eurozone

>> No.3482115

government shutdowns are about government payment (of paying wages and operating costs) you french moron. Hitting the debt ceiling is an entirely different thing. They won't be able to borrow money to pay bills, meaning that they will only be able to pay thinks based on how much cash the government earns. Since there is a 1trillion + discrepancy every year, that means whoever is beign paid that 1 trillion will no longer get it.

for example, if they debt ceiling isn't raised, soldiers arent getting paid for the forseeable future.

>> No.3482116

>rampant racism
>huge conservative movement
>bogans everywhere
>poisonous shit everywhere


>> No.3482123

>jelly of a nanny state that also recently passed expensive carbon taxes and plans to make more privacy destroying laws in the future.


>> No.3482125

Funny how you find a way to feel superior to us yet your own country features all the same bullshit in different wrappers and neither of us as individuals has anything what so ever to do with the things you hate Americans for. Save perhaps the lack of foresight, and I'm with you on that one.

BTW, we really need to stop calling US citizens Americans. I know i'm not the only one bothered by this. The US is not the only fucking country on the continent comprised of North and South America.

>> No.3482130

no, im making an example of how having massive debt and being unable to pay it is a bad thing. I am also comparing greece and america's situation. = when america defaults it will be in a worse state than greece.

>> No.3482133

>>huge conservative movement

you mean labour movement? lol idiot

>> No.3482135
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Denial everywhere! Yeup, you're Jelly.

>> No.3482139


>> No.3482143


>The US is not the only fucking country on the continent comprised of North and South America.

We basically are. The rest of the Americas are more or less our vassal states.

>> No.3482148

you kidding me? If it wasn't for anonymous, 4chan would be banned in that internet firewall last year. stupid ass ausfag.

>> No.3482152

You forgot

>2/3 desert
>terrible weather
>tax to point of extortion
>everything is expensive as fuck

>> No.3482164
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Oh wow, you actually believe that the government actually cowered to 4chan?


>> No.3482165

Funny story, soliders are about the only ones who are owed pay by mandate in the constitution.
IE if there is a shortage, we start cutting extra unconstitutional shit that the national gov't should not be doing in the first place.
(inb4 commerce clause bullshit)

Now politely stop trying to use the soldiers as retard bait to get people to pass a measure that is clearly bullshit.

Forcing the national gov't to live within it's means would be fucking awesome.
The metric shit ton of fear mongering surrounding this fake "debt crisis" is a clear illustration of how much we don't need to let the gov't borrow more money.

>> No.3482172

it's only expensive in your silly monopoly dollars.

>> No.3482179

it did, otherwise your ignorant ass wouldn't be on 4chan.

>> No.3482185

the australian dollar is at parity with the USD

>> No.3482187
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>If SS didn't work like it works, it wouldn't work! And if we ignored the debt owned by federal government it would be insolvent!

>> No.3482188
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Oh I needed that, thank you!

>> No.3482194

It's at 1.10 and rising, lol.

>> No.3482195

Nope. It's expensive in silly AUD.

>> No.3482196

true its all show and games. But a default is a serious thing. China won't be too happy having the value of their holdings halved. Also, pensioners won't be too happy not getting paid.

somebody is going to lose 1 trillion a year.

>> No.3482203

1.10 AUD per USD or 1.10 USD per AUD?

I haven't checked since last week, but guessing recent news, I would say the AUD is worth more.

>> No.3482208
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And last year it was at 0.63

Nearly double its worth in a year.

>> No.3482211

1.10 USD for one AUD.

It's been up to about 1.15 this year, and will probably go up much higher when the teabaggers cause a shutdown.

>> No.3482213

proof ausfalians are retarded.

way to represent your country bro.

>> No.3482215
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Just in case you needed a more clear cut comparison.

>> No.3482223

and Australia's GDP per capita is higher, so what.

>> No.3482231

>They won't be able to borrow money to pay bills
Which will result it what? A government shutdown! The debt will continue to be serviced, no default would not happen.

>> No.3482233

Atleast oranges are 25% cheaper.

>> No.3482235

oh wow, I remember buying AUD as it was edging 1.00, I then sold all my holdings at 1.06

bought gold instead. (Im british, so to maximise my profit, I traded the gold against T Bonds to maximise my gain in value (since it is the dollar dropping making the price rise, you don't actually make much money if you buy gold streight out, but when you trade gold against pro-dollar stocks/bonds/T bills, you make the value x 10)

great little trick.

>> No.3482244


What? Really? Holy shit!

>> No.3482248

You are really missing this bro.
So I have a couple of things for you to think about.

If the SS is fine, why is anyone worried about the increasing amount of every tax dollar collected going to SS?
If SS is solvent and it will get all of the money owed to it by the feds then why is anyone talking about making cuts in SS and/or adjusting the age limit, ect?

I don't blame you for looking at their sheets and thinking that is all there is to it, the feds do a lot of work moving money around just to make SS and Medicare look good.

The old people are still the main voters in this country and no politician wants to be seen as responsible for making the checks stop.
Eventually this will catch up to reality.

>> No.3482251

>no default would not happen.


you default on debt when you can barely cover the interest payments. Since they can't borrow money once the limit is reached, they will have to prioritise paying sectors... staring with interest, then social security then medicate e.c.t

Since each of those have HUGE (multi trillion dollar bills) attatched, thats not going to leave much money for... oh... everything else?

sure the government might shutdown (since they won't be able to pay their own wages) but that is irrelevant since they won't be able to borrow money to do anything about it.

america WILL default. Esp[ecially since they will lose their reserve currency status.

>> No.3482261


watch, then start talking again.

>> No.3482269

Is this something that will be made illegal in the coming years?
That seems like an absurd card trick that somebody loses out on. How does that even work?

>> No.3482275

>mfw Canadians and Australians are proud that their currencies are strong, nevermind that they're strong in large part because they export raw materials to other countries (china for australia, the us for canada)

Being a shadow currency is fun until the country you're shadowing doesn't need you, or until the resources run out.


>implicating that the majority of /sci/ isn't 15 years old

I'm fairly certain most people on 4chan were a bit busy being born when those shutdowns happened.

>> No.3482314

you use the bonds/pro dollar assets) as collateral to the gold, meaning every dollar that gold increases, 2 dolars are gained (1 DOLLAR in the gold price and 1 dollar in lowering bonds) This can be added to other such plans to make an anti-dollar trade.

Its the same thing as living in america. If gold is going up, dolalrs are going down, making everything more expensive, therefore everyone gets poorer apart from the guy who is holding gold who keeps his purchasing power.

I just tak it to the extreme and have made a lot of money from it.

>> No.3482327

Something tells me you aren't the only one.

>> No.3482355
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>If SS is solvent
There is no IF, SS is solvent and will be solvent for the next twenty-five years.
>why is anyone talking about making cuts in SS and/or adjusting the age limit, ect?
Because the government does not want to have to payback the $2.6T borrowed from SS and wishes to continue to use payroll taxes as though they were general funds!

>> No.3482377

I'm a native american, and can all you creamy fucks just FUCK OFF.

>> No.3482391


Fine but we're taking back our firewater and our mouthwash, you stinking drunk

>> No.3482397

its a deal.

>> No.3482405


Oh please, you stumbled into the North American continent 40,000 years ago. You didn't evolve there, you're not native... you evolved in Africa and migrated. Then there was another migration. You lost.

>> No.3482412
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If we're referring to migration in the terms that time has no meaning, then technically this asshole is right.

>> No.3482424

Ah I get it, its ok for the United States to occupy native land but for any other country it isn't?

>> No.3482430


Occupy no, migrate and settle...sure!

>> No.3482432


aaaaaaaand there goes the thread....

>> No.3482434

anyway doesn't the constitution state that only 'native' american can be presidents, does Mr Obama have and native blood?

>> No.3482441

by settling already occupied land?

>> No.3482462

I live in Alberta AND my family has land with 3.3% mineral rights remaining and currently we have 4 wells going.

I dont give a fuck what any of you do! America goes to shit, oh well, if they cant buy our oil, somebody else will and they'll come get it. Its motherfucking oil.

I'd rather my province sell to the US because they use it for fun shit like dragracing and OJ chases and driving humvees on the southern border when they go beaner hunting but whatever.

This is all fantasy anyways, the USA isnt bankrupt or anywhere close to bankrupt, people are just making noise to be heard, thats how their politics works.

btw that diner on the border story, if true doesnt represent anything or anybody but that one fucking person in the dinner who decided to meddle in our neighbors affairs by writting up a stupid little sign to make a dumb point, dramawhoring at its finest.

Its not like the US's money would be worthless even if they did default, in fact it could potentially deflate to an extent, which is A-ok with me and I'll make some money off of it. To an extent. Of course a strong US dollar is better for my country as a whole.

>> No.3482464

>There is no IF, SS is solvent and will be solvent for the next twenty-five years.

>Because the government does not want to have to payback the $2.6T borrowed from SS and wishes to continue to use payroll taxes as though they were general funds!

Okay, almost there.
Now, what happens to SS's budget sheet if the feds don't pay the bonds back?
SS then must make up collection shortfalls from their general fund, which they are currently projecting in a few years.
No problem as long as there are still a decent number of people paying in.
However this brings out two more questions: One, what happens when there are many more baby boomers retiring than there are new kids out there and/or the newer generations are not making as much money (in the range subjected to SS taxes)?
The SS deficit gets larger and more money has to be pulled from the general fund.

Two, what happens in the long run when the general fund is out? SS is broke.

The gov't has been using several methods to cover up this issue. One of them is this bond switch game.
Currently, we are paying taxes directly to SS which are being used to pay benefits. We are also paying taxes to the fed 108 billion of which are going to SS 102 billion of that is pumping up the general fund.
Finally, we must take a look at how SS stores what it calls assets.
"Almost all trust fund assets are invested in securites backed by the full faith and credit of the Federal government." -http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/ProgData/financialItems.html

Meaning that those assets in the general fund that our fed taxes are supposedly pumping up are not accessible unless the fed will actually redeem them and unless the fed continues to pay interest on those bonds SS cannot pay out the whole of the benefits owed.

>> No.3482479

And then who would make your rye for you to drink yourself to death with?
We're not going anywhere, and you cant make us leave. You had your chance and you blew it.

PLus you have white blood in you anyways, you are a halfbreed like all natives. Your women were extremely rapable plus you spent centuries passing around sqaws like party favours.

>> No.3482497

I touched a nerve. You European Americans are so easy to wind up, no wonder you all have heart problems... to much stress.
You need to learn to claim down and realise this is only the internet, stop taking offence so easily.

>> No.3482513

The owner of this restaurant is a retarded tinfoil idiot.

>> No.3482515

it doesn't say "native." It says native born. There is a difference.

This is informally referred to as cherry-picking, or out-of-context quoting.

>> No.3482534

but isn't that what fox news does every day and gets away with it?
And there the one who believe a black man can not be born in america.

>> No.3482540

there are issues with Ss, but we have ~ 30 years to fix them, so what's the rush THIS WEEK? Obviously the Republicans see their chance for the kill, and the Wall Street puppet/Manchurian candidate Obama is giving away the store before they've asked for the baked beans,
On the R side, they've been trying to destroy the social services since FDR, so that's not even news.

What is news is that lying sack of shit in the White House, well, new news anyways. Presidents have all been liars, but this is the first one designed by Wall Street and sold by Madison Avenue that actually managed to fool the entire world for much too long.

>> No.3482555


I honestly don't believe it was as occupied as you'd think. Segretated ownership at best. An occupied nation would stop any migrants coming in as soon as they arrived, or be capable of sending them back or at bare minimum blocking them in. An invasion is when you send soldiers, migration is when you send civilians. So which is it?

>> No.3482580

you used the army to oppress a native people. there are mass graves of native Americans all over the south and north continent.

and you still keep the native population in reservation. Its a apartheid.

>> No.3482582

I believe you meant this particular black man was not born in America, which isn't even the full qualification, because the Constitution allows for foreign-soil born citizens. The most important requirement is that ONE parent be a full US citizen, regardless of where the child is born (military on deployment, diplomats in foreign service overseas, etc. The qualifications are rigorous but specific and Obama qualifies.

Fox news lies, and defends their right to lie before the Supreme Court and wins - corporate "personhood" = free speech. Canada doesn't buy that shit and Fox is not allowed to be broadcast within its national borders. In Canada, "news" agencies must report facts, by law. <Sigh. >

>> No.3482584

Everybody knows Obama is just going to invoke the 14th amendment and pass an increase to the debt ceiling himself. I'm an American and I want my country to colapse.

>> No.3482592

and how often does THAT get checked?

Having laws that state a company must report facts is dangerous because it creates an implicit trust of the news. Unless third parties check their facts regularly, I don't buy it for a minute.

>> No.3482594

i'm not a american, but i'm hoping you guy has a civil war. It'll make good tv watching fat Texan trying to run for cover, screaming over and over again, 'OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD.'
Civil wars are sweet.

>> No.3482600

Basically this.

It certainly seems like the only way we will start making some real fucking progress again.

>> No.3482601
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>Now, what happens to SS's budget sheet if the feds don't pay the bonds back?
They can't, SS owns treasury bonds, failing to pay would constitute a default.
>The SS deficit
I like how $2,600,000,000,000 surplus is now a deficit

>Wah-wah I don't want to cut defense spending, lets pretend SS is insolvent so we don't havta fix the real problem

>> No.3482606

The reservation system is "apartheid-like", but it's not true apartheid as practiced by South Africa. Native Americans are free to live wherever they wish and are not restricted in place of employment or travel. They use US passports and vote in general elections. But if they stay on the rez, they are just about guaranteed a suck-ass existence, unless they sell cigarettes or operate casinos.

>> No.3482611

i wonder if anyone for /k/ is planning another assassination attempt.

>> No.3482616


You keep saying "you". I'm not American, I'm merely noting what I see and making a note from someone not American.

England has been colonised, invaded, migrated ...ect ect for thousands of years by Romans, Vikings, Normans, blah blah blah. And you don't hear them bitching about their land being taken. You live in one of the largest nations on earth and you're bitching about that? You're not being oppressed, you're not being subjugated. Grow up.

>> No.3482640

because the weren't oppressed and were treated as equals. but when England oppressed the population of India, the Indians weren't to happy about that. and look at the fuck up that is Northern Ireland

>> No.3482646

Okay, if you are going to ignore the part where I cited that the surplus you are referring to is held in special trust fund bonds issued only to SS then fuck off.
The surplus is paper IOUs. The fed could default on those and the rest of the world would not give a fuck. They are not the same as regular treasury bonds, they are not traded on the international market.

>I don't know what deficit means.
You really need to look it up.
You are confusing deficit/surplus with debt/reserves. A deficit occurs when the bills exceed the income, which then causes SS to draw from it's reserves (aka Assets on the budget sheet).

Unfortunately, (this is the part you are not getting) SS's assets are almost all special bonds redeemable only if and when the fed says so.
This means, that the feds must be able to borrow more money in order to repay the SS bonds so SS can draw it's reserves.

If it can't SS is in solvent by the end of next year due to it's "Assets" becoming worthless. It's a fucking circle jerk.

Don't bother engaging in these discussions if you won't even try see an opposing view or address the arguments.

>> No.3482647

>invoke the 14th
Not gonna happen. Watch the Sunday morning talking shitheads. They will be gabbing about how Obama and Boner made a deal last night in which SS gets the chop. Reid is having kittens and cows right this minute, as he's dead set against a cut to SS.

If O had any balls and wasn't a frontman for Wall Street, as chief executive, he could just instruct the Treasury (an executive branch dept) to pay everybody and fuck Congress, but he won't.
>who checks the facts
In the States, Media Matters, the Poynter Institute, Fact Check, et al. In Canada, whatever they call the FCC up there surveyed Fox for a spell and made a judgment call that Fox lies and banned them.

>> No.3482668 [DELETED] 

Who are you talking to? I never said "you" in re apartheid. Please reread >>3482580 and note the neutral voice.

At 63 I'm about as grown up as I'm going to get, thanks.

Thanks for spending your time on /sci/.

>> No.3482669
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>Romans, Not slaving and oppressing the fuck out of English
>Vikings, not raiding and pillaging English
>Normans, treating people like Equals


While I'm on the subject, look up the meaning of the word "slav". You know, pretty much the entire Eastern European population.
Slav means Slave, because when the mongols invaded they took all white people as slaves. Quite literally the largest slave population ever taken, was white people. Do you see white people going nuts about this? No of course not. Again, grow up.

>> No.3482879
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So to recap:

SS runs a surplus for 76 years amassing a $2,600,000,000,000 reserve.
SS starts running a mild deficit, which will take decades to deplete the $2.6T trust.
In lieu of cutting defense to uphold our obligations to SS, we should instead rape SS and continue our astronomical defense spending with reckless abandon.

Got it.