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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3477035 No.3477035 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever bothered to actually read the ENTIRE core textbook for their undergrad science major?

I mean the entire book; read every page and attempt every problem.

Is 2 years a good estimate? (These core texts have about 1500 pages).

>> No.3477051

btw I'm attempting to read text in picture, cover to cover, in about 2 years.

I'm on page 293. Has taken me 6 months with other studies getting in the way.

>> No.3477114

How can there be just one book that covers all of physics a physics major needs to learn?

Shouldn't would-be physicists specialize after 3 years of basic physics and choose from such choices as plasma physics, material physics, nuclear physics, general relativity, medical physics... to name a few? The material for each of those specialized branches the student needs to cover before graduating easily covers 1000 pages (that's about 2 years of study) on top of the basic physics all physics graduates must learn?

Or is university physics in op's country really so basic that they have just one book?

No wonder exchange program grad students have a problem understanding anything here...

I'm from Finland by the way...

>> No.3477133

Core texts cover most areas but, of course, more detailed texts are assigned for each course. My reading list contains many more books than just this one book.

>> No.3477137

Calm down bro he was just asking a question.

>> No.3477177

maybe the physical laws are in other in other countrys :>

>> No.3477185

most have big pictures

>> No.3477190

Its a book used for the first one or two intro classes. "university physics" is just a title.

>> No.3477224

Done this in calc, all 3 Thomas' books.

One semester for each, 2 hours a day. Just try the most not to break this routine, I skipped 4 maybe 5 days in calc 3 and this gave me a headache...

It's doable..

>> No.3477549

i read the book thoroughly, but didn't attempt every problem as i saw too much redundancy in the problems. even the professor told me not to spend so much of my time on the problems, I guess he's right cause I got an A+. the classes ive taken in math and physics are somewhat easy i think because you can seemingly always plug and chug the equations. only until chemical engineering thermodynamics was i faced with a class where you'll fail if you try to plug and chug equations.

>> No.3477560

>One semester for each, 2 hours a day.

Seriously? 2 hours is nowhere near long enough. I find doing this type of thing fun.
I like to spend at least a good 5-6 hours straight, no breaks, no eating, no nothing, just reviewing/practicing reading. Sometimes I wish I had MORE time in a day to learn stuff.

>> No.3477564

>2 years for babby level physics book

>> No.3477568


op here. This is more like it.

2hrs/day is fine and you'll pass your courses. But, like you, I find myself totally absorbed for many hours at a time. Sometimes I sit, almost catatonic, really thinking about concepts from different perspectives. I look up to find half the day gone. It builds superb instinct.

>> No.3477578


In addition to detailed texts in specific subjects.

>> No.3477619 [DELETED] 
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>don't read book
>don't do homework (is none)
>tests are plug and chug (all equations given)
>get an A

>> No.3477627

Totally agree with you, OP.
I study, have fun just sitting there learning, and suddenly... I'm like "MAN, where did the time go? It's dark and 6 hours have passed, it's almost time for bed, but damn, I wish the day was longer..."

>> No.3477635

so basically you learned nothing because your professor was shit and didn't ask any theory questions

enjoy your shit university

>> No.3477639

There are too many distractions inside, so I love to sit outside in the sun reading textbooks. Fucking boss, dude.

>> No.3477652
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>professor was shit
>shit university
got that right.

>> No.3477727

I've yet to read a single course textbook cover to cover. Most courses I don't even open them. I don't even go to lectures. I just study the lecture materials they put online.

Medfag here btw. Pray you won't be my patient. Actually you won't want to have my classmates as your doctor's either, because we all are doing the same thing.

>> No.3477738

If you're not a dumbass, reading the core text and doing the problems shouldn't take more than three months.

>> No.3477748

EE major, the only text I ever read cover to cover was my econ 101 text, it was only like 190 pg and didn't expect too much from me in terms of problem sets and it was reasonably interesting.

>> No.3478125


That's just over 16 pages a day. Text book pages. Not novel pages. Including the completion of roughly 50 problems every 16 pages. Every day. In addition to other commitments?

I don't think so.

>> No.3478270

When I was an undergrad, I read everything put in front of me, word for word and cover to cover.

It helped that I took an Evelyn Woods speed-reading course the summer before I started, although some stuff, especially the maths, I had to read sloowly, and occasionally reread.

It's not really that great an accomplishment.

>> No.3478296

>some stuff, especially the maths, I had to read sloowly, and occasionally reread.

It took me a while to learn this about math texts. Gotta take that shit slow, and take the time to imagine it. Problem was, I'd get excited about what was coming next, so it seemed natural to go as fast as I could.

>> No.3478311

I took a Biology course in ecology for an elective and I literally never opened the $125 textbook. Made an A in the class.

Biology is such a bullshit subject.

>> No.3478313

I'm not sure what a core textbook is, but I certainly do read textbooks cover to cover. Usually in a matter of days, not years.

>> No.3478413 [DELETED] 

/lit/fag here
mfw ppl at /sci/ take years to read one book..
i dont even