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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3477447 No.3477447 [Reply] [Original]

So what's your take on the future of Nexialism?

>Integral theory is an all-inclusive framework that draws on the key insights of the world’s greatest knowledge traditions. The awareness gained from drawing on all truths and perspectives allows the Integral thinker to bring new depth, clarity and compassion to every level of human endeavor — from unlocking individual potential to finding new approaches to global-scale problems.


>> No.3477467


You have to take a pace back and look at the bigger picture to solve problems? No shit sherlock. It's kind of like when Dawkins reinvented the concept of the "idea" and called it "meme", they're just reinventing the wheel.

>> No.3477474

>Integral Theory
>no math

I stopped reading at "psychology"

at first glance I can tell it's a bunch of bullshit that is fueled by its wikipedia page.
that won't stop
>280 posts and 40 image replies omitted.

>> No.3477483
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>See also

>> No.3477525
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>> No.3477534

I don't want to read the whole page, but has anybody ever discovered something important by using this thought pattern? I'd guess no.

>> No.3477540

It doesn't make any predictions and is heavily biased. It doesn't get more unscientific than that.

>> No.3477542

looks like a fancy way of saying we don't know shit about how to solve these issues but we'll discuss them like we do all day long.

>> No.3477544

>Integral Theory has been applied in a variety of different domains: Integral Art, Integral Ecology, Integral Economics, Integral Politics, Integral Psychology, Integral Spirituality, and others.

Really scraping the bottom of the barrel of applicable fields aren't we.

>> No.3479330

I felt like bumping this thread...

Absurd pseudoscience can often be fun. It's like the arts but people think it's true.

>> No.3480892

>>It's like the arts but people think it's true

But art is truth....?

>> No.3481752

Neelixism? Very intradesting.