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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 550x463, 2-first-shuttle-launch550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3455626 No.3455626 [Reply] [Original]

Let me pose a question, several, actually, to /sci/ anon, and any members of Anonymous that may be here.

Why have you not banded together to put a fucking man in space? Why not start a security company, get good money, and do shit, for teh lulz.

Put a fuckin Anon on the moon, shit.

>> No.3455645

we're working on it

>> No.3455643

>I'm retarded

>> No.3455654

OP, you are not a faggot.

>> No.3455657
File: 39 KB, 634x440, dutchrocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A dutch group of crazed amateur DIY guys is building a one manned orbital rocket. Which will be launched from a submarine that they also built.

Oh, to be Dutch.

>> No.3455671


I said yesterday and I'm gonna say it again. All that is needed is that we collect resources and use those resources to collect more resources. Once we have enough we can begin to manufacture our own capital or products to sell for the capital we can't produce ourselves.

>> No.3455674


Didn't that one have to get blown up in mid-air because everything went wrong?

>> No.3455684


Yes, but so did SpaceX's first three rockets if you'll recall.

>> No.3455698


Oh, I only remember the first launch of the Falcon 9 because I fapped to it, and every other launch afterwards (There weren't many).

>> No.3455706

But SpaceX had a lot more money and resources at their disposal. The poor Dutch guys are more likely to fail.

>> No.3455895

Get ovah hear, anon.

>> No.3455905
File: 132 KB, 650x366, copenhagen-suborbital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Danish, actually. They are called Copenhagen Suborbitals after all.

They have my full respect. These are guys that built their own working submarines, got bored, and said "What could we do that is more awesome than a personal submarine? I know! Human spaceflight!"

>> No.3455921
File: 50 KB, 468x704, copenhagen-suborbital-launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did I mention they are designing and testing their engines, rocket, and capsule all on their own, on a shoestring budget mostly funded by donations?

Balls of steel, these crazy Danes.

>> No.3457099

bumping, for teh lulz

>> No.3457107

Because all the money of everyone on here couldn't afford it.

>> No.3457117

OP is an idiot.

>> No.3457162

Lets get Mad Scientist in here and we'll get this shit on the road.

>> No.3457168

He is the only one will know how to build the underwater base we are going to need to survive on the moon

>> No.3457200

>Still believes the moon landing was real.

>> No.3457208

The cheapest way would probably be the Sea Dragon rocket, what with the sheet-metal structure, immense lift and all.

It'd still cost tens of millions even if no development was needed.

But if I win the lottery, I'll definitely throw some large percentage toward making it happen.

>> No.3457236

If Anonymous knew how to do anything constructive, they would not be Anonymous.

>> No.3457238

Plan is this we get natural U-238 no isotopic separation. We brew it for PU-239.
My first projections is we need 50 kilos of U to kick off critical brew. (Im knowledgeable, so don't disagree) Be-9 too, thats needs 100s of kilos but its not security related...(continues)...

>> No.3457242
File: 231 KB, 680x1023, 16jk3ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Ferrous

>> No.3457265


>>Lets get Mad Scientist in here and we'll get this shit on the road.

Aw. :3

I posted earlier, here: >>3455657

They used a liquid fueled single stage rocket just barely powerful enough to send a single human passenger into orbit and return him safely. This would be the way to go, imo. If it could be done safely over and over you could drastically undercut Virgin Galactic on price and quickly recoup the costs of building and fueling the rocket many times over.

>> No.3457300

It sucks because this is the type of stuff kids used to dream of doing as a kid: going into outer space. A lot kids got into the sciences because they had ambitions.

Now, most of them are stuck doing boring shit in the petrol industry or just defected to wall street.

>> No.3457309

Anon deserves mass fission pulse propulsion, forget those dutch, they are non-profit
With Orion we get 1000 Anons in space for $1000,00

>> No.3457338

i'd be in if you were serious. but you probably aren't.

>> No.3457383

Honestly, there's a lot of brain power here on /sci/.
We've got professors, professionals, and students across all fields.
We could do it.

>> No.3457432

for how much?

>> No.3457460

Are they planing to have a man stand upright in there while going into orbit?

>> No.3458516
File: 10 KB, 400x187, superorion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We start to calculate the brewing option setups, spherical NU-238
we are doing! I am serious!

>> No.3458535

>Project Orion definitely made sense. It would be cheaper than the space elevator. The launch cost for the largest Orions was 5 cents per pound (11 cent/kg) to Earth orbit in 1958 dollars. In 2005 dollars, the cost would be 32 cents/lb or 70 cents."

>> No.3459522

Anonymous please download fluka so I can calculate rocket fuel brewing from raw materials:

21 May 2010 – A stand-alone particle physics Monte-Carlo simulation package. It is being used as a simulation tool in a number of experiments.

>> No.3459541


>Put a fuckin Anon on the moon, shit.

You do realize that you need to have a Genetically Superior Human, who received numerous Physiological and Psychological conditioning before you can launch him to outer space?
You do realize that if any "Anon" were to be launched, he would explode into a jelly of fat that he is in the first few seconds of lift off?
You obviously dont.
So keep dreaming kid.

>> No.3459556


Speak for yourself fat nigger neckbeard.

I'm healthy, weight 80kilos and I'm fit as an ox.

>> No.3459593
File: 9 KB, 203x249, !!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Psychologically fit
>Visits 4chan

>> No.3459606
File: 3 KB, 125x126, 1307888887481s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be awesome if /sci/ did this

>> No.3459637

What about the treaty that prohibits the test or launch of an Orion spacecraft?

>> No.3459715
File: 35 KB, 480x640, its-beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have my cat

>> No.3461209

I don't know about you, but I'm gonna keep bumping this shit.

>> No.3461329

My secret dream is to build my own rocket and propel myself into space when I'm old.
I just need to escape Earth's gravitational field.
A nice touch would be to aim for the sun.

>> No.3461385
File: 48 KB, 675x612, 1292657772605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look another circle jerk.

>> No.3461390

Step by step, guys, lets first put a home made tiny satellite in a low orbit

>> No.3461392

Putting a man in space would serve no useful purpose

>> No.3461400
File: 28 KB, 331x311, 1288445884847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread is forgotten by all in 20 minutes.

>> No.3461401

i don't know were you people (several people have said it) get your information but the Dutch rocket is SUB-orbital. and so is virgin galactic.
its nowhere near that easy to get to orbit.

>> No.3461408

This is what anti-scientific theists/agnostics believe.

>> No.3461416

Useful purpose is defined by people. According to some, you are wrong.

>> No.3461439

the fastest spacecraft, using gravitational assistance, we have today would take 150 hours to reach the sun. YOu would barely reach half that speed. You'd die long before you ever reached it

>> No.3461489

OK, let's run through this OP.
Starting and running a business is something researchers and mathematicians suck at because of the human elements involved.

engineers and social scientists are far better at it, but it's usually economists and loners that do really well. /sci/ has a fair mix of these types, but we're universally ostracized on the board, and don't feel much like giving you something you don't understand or appreciate so you can do something that you do.

Putting a man in space is an engineering project, a classic one. Relatively little new data will be found, the research implications are weak.

People are greedy- if they aren't greedy when they're broke, they will be when they're wealthy.
if they aren't greedy they rarely become wealthy, there's little reason. "for the common good" is historically a very poor motivator.

it simply isn't going to happen. cheers.

>> No.3461760
File: 17 KB, 327x100, fluka get.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't need doubters on Anonymous Space Program.
Join us in the frontier of awesomeness.
We are trying an organization architecture that's very fluid and adaptative.

The purpose: Anonymous own its own planets where it can make nice homes and procreate into beautiful star-faring courageous and nobles and owners.

Did anonymous acquired necessary software for fuel brewing materials estimation? Please we need your help for Anonymous Space program.

Anonymous did not sign treaty Orion test nor launch. Communists are doing the same. We own commies so we do better.

>> No.3461790

personally if I was going to fund anyone on this board it'd be Mad Scientist.

however he seems to have the type of ambition that comes from having few resources... and giving him everything he needs would probably stop his work. He'd be testing ideas faster than he could come up with them, and in a short time he'd run out of new things to test.

the direction of his research is far more relevant into space than yours though. we already know how to launch people, we don't know what to do with them once they get where they're going.

>> No.3461830


>personally if I was going to fund anyone on this board it'd be Mad Scientist.


>however he seems to have the type of ambition that comes from having few resources... and giving him everything he needs would probably stop his work. He'd be testing ideas faster than he could come up with them, and in a short time he'd run out of new things to test.

Wow. Hit the nail on the head. I do kinda work best on a shoestring budget. And the only real significance of anything I build is that it proves that it's possible to do with little money and off the shelf products.

>the direction of his research is far more relevant into space than yours though. we already know how to launch people, we don't know what to do with them once they get where they're going.

I've been thinking that if you want to raise a large volume of crops on another planet, the best way is in a lava tube. Free radiation shielding, a large volume you can pressurize without having to bring that volume with you (in the form of prefabricated capsules) and a relatively natural environment more conducive to good mental health than living in a tin can.

However if that's not an option, what you'd really need is a very flexible transparent plastic that allows light through but not ionizing radiation. I doubt this is possible but if it is you could have vast inflatable bubbles in which to raise crops, but those enclosures could be collapsed to a small size and sent aboard a single rocket.

I hope this is a high priority in materials science as it would be a pretty big deal for offworld colonization. The bottom line is we need the cheapest way to create large volumes of livable space, but it needs to be compact enough to fit in existing rockets for the trip.

>> No.3461864

>lets first put a home made tiny satellite in a low orbit
Didn't someone did that already?

>> No.3461904

Mad scientist there is already that kinda nylon ballon habitats that are lightweight and fit on space ships.
Can you help anoymous? That FLUKA is registration protected and needs some sort of intitutional email. I cannot download FLUKA.

>> No.3461919


>>Mad scientist there is already that kinda nylon ballon habitats that are lightweight and fit on space ships.

I'm aware, Bigelow and SpaceX both have inflatable habitats although Bigelow is further along. What I'm talking about is a much larger *transparent* plastic bubble that lets light through but not harmful ionizing radiation. Something that'll hold in 1atm and insulate against cold very well. It would also need some mechanism for forming a seal around the rim where it contacts the ground for minimal air loss.

>> No.3461957
File: 1.86 MB, 3504x2336, f9..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A proposal to /sci/:

SpaceX plans to begin public trading some time next year. I propose we each buy several shares during the initial public offering. While achieving majority control is very unlikely, between all of the commercial space supporters on /sci/ we could at least establish a large block amongst SpaceX's shareholders.

Combined - /sci/ shareholders could actually have some level of influence over SpaceX's policies and direction.

>> No.3462000



Otherwise SpaceX will sell out and become another Boeing.

>> No.3462035


Will do.

>> No.3462051
File: 6 KB, 278x181, bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit!!! This is genius!

>> No.3462081

Implying SpaceX will be successful. They're doing this too early while the technology isn't efficient enough and FAR too expensive.

>> No.3462137

i'm on board with this.

>> No.3462348 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 291x297, 1311812336516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes I am so on bored with this!

>> No.3462352
File: 15 KB, 291x297, sohappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes I am so on board with this!

>> No.3462384

Oh sweet jesus this.

Captcha: DUrsaMajor

>> No.3462629


>> No.3462648
File: 2.11 MB, 882x1012, feelsgoodsagan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, I was planning on buying a few shares anyways

>> No.3463017


>> No.3463028

>not having home made satellite in a low orbit

I seriously.

>> No.3463040

bad move, but it's your money

>> No.3463087

I have a few hundred dollars set aside, I've been planning to buy stock in a number of commercial companies once they go public.

Beats /sci/'s plan last summer to fund Copenhagen's "guy in a small metal tube on top of a suborbital rocket" project.

>> No.3463303

bump for more ideas.

>> No.3463315

anonymous is fucking stupid.

>> No.3463431

i would participate in this

>> No.3463741
File: 27 KB, 480x534, proud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brilliant idea!