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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3456916 No.3456916 [Reply] [Original]

>walking through B&N
>poke through the journal/notebook section as part of my neverending search for a brand of notebook that I actually like and is reasonably cheap
>see these cool little "moleskin" notebooks that seem perfect, and even come with unlined pages (which I can never find)
>hey, this looks perfect, maybe I'll grab one of these and try it out
>check price
>the things some people would rather have than money...
>toss notebook back on the shelf, start laughing aloud in the store, and walk out
>go back to using printer paper on a $2 clipboard like I have been for years

Is this one of those "only in America" situations where idiots think a product is worth a stupid price precisely *because* it costs so much more than any competing product? Like iPads (and pretty much everything else Apple has made in the last 10 years)?

>> No.3456926

i thought i could get an UBARCHEEP mp3 player with basic functionality and large memory by getting some non-apple product.

hours of research later, turns out apple is pretty much top of the pile.

macs still gay though.

>> No.3456928
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>> No.3456938
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Hipster fandom & people believing Moleskin magically grant you the power of creativity.

If you want some serious fucking swag notebooks for notetaking, get the note pros from blue inc.

Not that expensive and fuck are they clean.

>> No.3456943

A friend of mine bought me a moleskine for my birthday. At first I was like "WTF a notebook ?" he was all "lol, it is not simply a notebook, it is a moleskine". It is expensive, I didn't even write on it (I feel bad writing on a $25 book).

>> No.3456944

>$20 notebook
>$1 pen

I have seen people do this and it makes me sad.

>> No.3456946

>apple is pretty much top of the pile

For the price and restricted functions without meddling? How about no?

>> No.3456948

Its price is high because people are willing to pay that price.

>> No.3456941

And people wonder why we're in this economic mess...cause of cheap assholes like you.

Want a superior product? You have to pay the price.

>> No.3456952

I use my HTC phone and Amazon Cloud.

Get you some Sennheisers and baby, we got ourselves a stew.

>> No.3456956

>i thought i could get an UBARCHEEP mp3 player with basic functionality and large memory by getting some non-apple product.

Sansa has some good cheap ones, if 4-8 GB is enough for you. I've had one for 4 years that I paid like $25 for and still works fine, even though I abuse the shit out of it.

>> No.3456961


Really? I though it was people mortgaged their houses to buy shit they couldn't afford and didn't need.

>> No.3456969


Thats what tea party/republicans want you to believe.

>> No.3456981

I use a G2 Limited which costs like $11 but I got a bunch of for $3 each at Shopko during a clearance sale :D

Good pen for $3, but not for $11.

>> No.3456984


how about prove it


no, was ditching my full 8gb, wanted 100 or more.

>> No.3456998

$10-$15 leather padfolio + legal pads = awesome.

>> No.3457007

$25? Jesus I bought one of those things years ago with graph paper for like $14 at Borders.

>> No.3457010

Prolly why they went bankrupt.

>> No.3457017
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Dude I LOVE Borders. I haven't been to the one near here in the longest time. I should apply for the job. The whole place smelled so rich, and the people working there were cool as fuck. Its actually where I purchased my first Calculus textbook. :)

>> No.3457026

Seriously /sci/? Go to Walmart buy a notebook for .67 c and a pack of pens for a dollar. Its not that hard but then again what can you expect from a pack of retards.

>> No.3457027

Poor economics skills.

>> No.3457029

Got some bad news for ya, bro...

>> No.3457030

Bad news for you.

>> No.3457041

Spiral bounds are fucking annoying. That feel when the bottom spirals start to bunch out and opening your notes becomes frustrating as fuck without ruining the paper.

>> No.3457047
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Bawwwwww, I'm taking a trip to my old town next month to visit the Borders I always went to growing up before they close it down.

>> No.3457049

Borders isn't out of business, they just filed bankruptcy and closed about half or more of their stores. I just went into one near my house the other day.

>> No.3457053

>using cheapass 10 cent ballpoints

nigga, please.

I don't mind cheap notebooks, but I REFUSE to write with shitty pens.

>> No.3457055

>I haven't been to the one near here in the longest time


>implying implication

>> No.3457063



>It’s goodbye yellow brick road for bookworms throughout the nation. In many ways though, the farewell was inevitable.

>Last week, Borders and Borders Express locations officially announced the closing of their remaining 399 store locations.

>> No.3457073

>Implying there are not other types of notebooks which are worth .67 c in Walmart.

>> No.3457078

Borders sucked ass. Every store I've been into was a mess and was planned out terribly and had a piss poor selection.

>> No.3457081
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>> No.3457087


Every Borders I've ever been to had at least twice as many books as every B&N I've ever been to.

>> No.3457094

Sure if you want to count a billion shitty coffee table books. Borders is like a big box version of a shitty airport news stand bookstore.

>> No.3457103

first go the romance novels, then the fiction. Then we swoop in to buy the hard science books at 70% off.

patience /sci/ patience

>> No.3457114
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I wouldn't use any other notebook.

>> No.3457121


Math/physics at Borders: Both sides of an island shelf thing about 6-8 feet long.
Math/physics at B&N: About a quarter that size, with 75% of that being test prep and "For Dummies" books

History at Borders: A whole damn wall like 40 feet long with shelves 8 feet high.
History at B&N: Again, a quarter of that tops.

Borders felt almost like a well-stocked library. B&N feels like a Starbucks with a few nearby shelves of pop fiction.

>> No.3457124
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I kno u jelly.

>> No.3457125

Congrats on blowing three bucks worth of paper writing that.

>> No.3457128

Do you keep the shrink wrap they come in, too?

>> No.3457132

Not to mention that feel when the book you want is only available in B&N Brand with a shitty translation and recycled art on the cover.

>> No.3457133

I'm loving the sales at Borders right now.
Rest in peace you beautiful son of a bitch... I'm going to miss you.

>> No.3457134

Do you rub your cock on it, sometimes ?

>> No.3457136


Actually, the notebook I'm holding cost $15, iirc.

>> No.3457138

Its where I store my buds.

>> No.3457148


>>3457138 < not me

No, I don't keep the shrink wrap.

>> No.3457151

Hey asshole I was talking about shrink wrap in general. Fuck you.

>> No.3457153

You would if it had the brand name written on it.

>> No.3457158

Or if it was an American Rags bag.

>> No.3457160

All 5 or 6 borders stores that I've been to in the last 8 years or so has been half shitty trendy novels and manga coloring books, and a fuckton of clearance books nobody wanted, and the other half usually on the second floor was full of islands of the latest political books by cable news talking heads and new age, religious, self help books and shitty CDs. And they were ALWAYS a fucking mess. Books all over the floor, in the wrong sections, and no fucks seemed to be given by the employees.

>> No.3457163


Nah, the label lets me know the type of notebook and the pamphlet has the quality control sticker in case I notice a defect.

>> No.3457167
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It goes to the recycle bin of its school's computer lab and gets recycled sheets from there blank on the back

>> No.3457176


>> No.3457178


No, I can't say that I have.

>> No.3457180

I donno about where you're from but where I live borders is exactly the same as b&n only with seatle's best instead of starbucks.

>> No.3457181
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I wouldn't have thought Detroit even had bookstores.

>> No.3457192

>"only in America"

>> No.3457197

What about the elephant shit notebooks, those are pretty overpriced too.

>> No.3457201

We don't have black people where I live, we have mexicans.

>> No.3457204

>still visiting bricks-and-mortar bookstores

I really hope yadda yadda

>> No.3457211
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>live in a place crawling with minorities
>notice nearby stores are generally trashed
>blame stores and not minorities


>> No.3457217

Graph paper spiral bound master race reporting in.

>> No.3457220

Also 5 sq/in.

>> No.3457221

>Using paper
>Not being part of the digital master race

Get with the times, /sci/.

>> No.3457224

>implying minorities buy books
>implying white people aren't fucking up the stores

>> No.3457232

I take all my notes on an Apple Newton.

Fels god brough.

>> No.3457243

How many moles have to die for each notebook?

>> No.3457253

Fuck all bookstores. Buy shit online for half the price shipping included. And fuck buying pens. Just pick up whatever's lying around.

>> No.3457255
File: 734 KB, 2012x1022, moleskine history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


6 for the cover, 1 just for fun.

Anyway, I took the liberty of attempting to upload the history of moleskine notebooks. Unfortunately the very bottom was cut-off. Wasn't that important anyway.

>> No.3457296

Reminds me of when I was in highschool, I would just steal a pen off the chalk board or find one on the floor, every day.

>> No.3457305

Revised history:

Van Gogh, Picasso, and Hemmingway are just SOME of the famous historical figures who've used notebooks of a vaguely similar construction to this one, and, even though our company is less than 15 years old, we want you to think about those famous historical geniuses while considering whether to pay fifty times what an equivalent product would cost at Target or Walmart, because if you're dumb enough to spend three seconds considering spending $20 on a fucking notebook, chances are you're probably dumb enough to think it'll make you as smart as Hemmingway, also.

>> No.3457311
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>How many moles have to die for each notebook?
>6 for the cover, 1 just for fun.

Why am I laughing? WHY?

>> No.3457314

My god, that pic. It look like moleskine is the apple of notebooks.

>> No.3457330

It's a standard American formula for becoming rich off your ass by price-gouging morons that's been successfully applied by many companies over the years.

1) Have a useful but essentially unoriginal product.
2) Make it shiny or otherwise visually attractive.
3) Market the everliving fuck out of it.
4) Set the price miles above your competitors so people will think it's better.
5) ???

>> No.3457354
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>ITT penfags penfag about expensive pens. "scientists".

Gentlemen, meet the Dixon Ticonderoga. A superior writing instrument, with a man's eraser.

>> No.3457375
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Here's the french version.

I'll admit, I'm a sucker for prestige. However, I like the look and feel of moleskine notebooks far more than the shitty ones at walmart.

What people don't realize is that it's no different than other forms of mental masturbation. A product is much more than what you see with your eyes. For instance, wine that cost more performs worse under blind taste testing, but take the cheaper wine that beat it and then serve it in two separate glasses one labelled $20, other labelled $150 and the $150 is reported to taste better, and it's the EXACT same wine. Since, taste is just an "illusion" of subjective brain experience it could be said that simply increasing the price of the wine ACTUALLY makes it taste better. And don't you want to drink the better tasting wine?

When you're selling a product you're selling more than bits of matter, you're selling ideas. I like the ideas of moleskine notebooks far better than walmart brand notebooks so to me the price is justified.

>> No.3457379

The b&n stores were fine though...

>> No.3457400

Get a Mead composition book. I've got a million of them.. They're flimsy as fuck and they make you feel like you're in high school, but they're cheap and handy.

>> No.3457437

You faggots can't into anything

buy thousands of graph paper sheets
buy a binder

put in graph paper

endless engineering
you have no idea how many graphs i draw everyday

>> No.3457445

I own three of those notebooks in OP's picture. yes they are expensive. I also got it at barnes and noble

>> No.3457452


Which ones and what do you use them for?

>> No.3457467
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I really hate faggots like the OP that have no money whatsoever and then assume that even if one does have money the intrinsic worth of a product is based on some immutable standard and not what the thing is worth to the user, i.e. a subjective standard of valuation.

>> No.3457476

>uses a pencil
>uses a WOODEN pencil

enjoy your weak, faint lines from using graphite instead of ink, your dull lead points, pencil shavings, the need for a sharpener, and eraser that lasts a tenth as long as the rest of the pencil.

>> No.3457480

Translation: I'm the type of person marketing executives have wet dreams about.

>> No.3457488


I have two red notebooks, with lined paper. And one black one with blank paper.

I use them to keep records and stuff. One is for when I am building stuff. Keeping track of how I built stuff and what worked best, and keeping lists of material properties and diagrams. Another is for economics/philosophy. If I learn something cool I write it down. The last one is for music.

>> No.3457490

I feel you, OP. I go to New York University. As if everything in Lower Manhattan isn't overpriced already, all of NYU's stationery shit in its bookstore is fucking overpriced.

>> No.3457499

they had a clearance sale on those at my local Staples about just after xmas

1.50 a piece

I bought 20 of them

>> No.3457509


Hahahahaha. Actually, I am marketing executive.

>> No.3457511


Basically, if you put your shitty poem/drawing/story into a 25 cent Mead notebook, it has to stand on its own merits and everyone can clearly see how awful it is. OTOH, if it's in an expensive, hip notebook, some of the coolness of the notebook will rub off on your art and make it seem less awful.

>> No.3457514


>using graphite instead of ink

You must not be taking a hard science. Only an idiot in a hard science (involving lots of equations and manipulation of said equations) would write using a pen. Hello, psychology or physiology major (if even).

>> No.3457517


>edit: I am A* marketing executive

>> No.3457528

Before I read this thread, that would've sounded like a good deal. Now, though, I'd refuse to be seen even owning one.

>> No.3457540


What does the content of the of notebook have anything to do with it?

Now I feel bad. I didnt buy that notebook as some kind of status symbol (I also didnt pay $25 like OP suggests). I just saw some nice notebooks that I needed at the time.

>> No.3457544

Nope, math grad student. Most professional mathematicians I know use pens as well.

Equations written in pen are easier to read. I recommend making less mistakes (and not buying notebooks that cost 20 dollars)

>> No.3457546


Ahhh, the anti-hipster! Attempting to be original by attempting to be explicitly unoriginal.


>> No.3457548

Not necessarily. I do math with pen (oh the horror of professors and classmates), it looks quite messy sometimes. I remember when I made a really, really messy test when we had a substitute teacher in highschool once.. Bitch wanted to give me an F, but since I was actually the only one that had 100% I got a warning. Good times..

>> No.3457556

>Ahhh, the anti-hipster! Attempting to be original by attempting to be explicitly unoriginal.

Isn't that also the definition of a normal hipster?

>> No.3457558


Once you all start doing real work, you'll realize you need a pencil.

>> No.3457561

Can anyone reccomend me a good pen with fast drying ink?
I'm a lefty and after writing notes the side of my palm is coloured in.

>> No.3457567
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>> No.3457574


Who the fuck graphs by hand?

>> No.3457581

So what you're saying is that since there's objectively no significant difference between the cheap product A and the expensive product B, you're paying the extra money for product B to have the advertising people at company B suck your dick and tell you how smart you are for buying their product?

>> No.3457585
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Lrn2 mirror write like da Vinci.

>> No.3457588

Believe it or not, most of these overpriced products are actually of far better quality than their cheap counterparts : ergonomics are better, materials are better, better construction will allow the product to function longer. Does these imporvments totally justify the price difference?

Well...that's kind of complicated... you see, expensive products, deluxe versions of standard products -like this textbook-, aren't destined to be sold by the millions and aren't produced in quantities anywhere near the quantities cheaper ones are. Raising production costs ...
Higher production costs
Higher priced materials
Better engineering
Less products sold than mass distribution cheapos = less revenue = margin less diluted in quantity, more visible on each unit.

>> No.3457589

Maybe if you do the kind of math that involves giant ugly formulas and numerical computations. But that's called "engineering" and isn't really science anyway.

>> No.3457590
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>Being left handed
>Not writing mirrored like da Vinci

I seriously hope you don't do this.

>> No.3457596

Have you tried those really cheap ballpoint pens that come like 20 for a buck? I think those would be fast (but shitty)

>> No.3457608
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Pretty much. And it's easy to tell who isn't getting their mental dick sucked by ad men because they sound bitter and lonely like you.

>> No.3457623

>ergonomics are better
It's a notebook, the ergonomics involved come down to whether it stays open by itself.

>materials are better
If you're worried that much about paper quality, you'd be buying stuff at the art store instead. You can buy decent quality watercolor paper for less per sheet than these things.

>better construction will allow the product to function longer
It's a 60 page notebook. Is longevity really an issue?

>Well...that's kind of complicated... you see, expensive products, deluxe versions of standard products -like this textbook-, aren't destined to be sold by the millions and aren't produced in quantities anywhere near the quantities cheaper ones are.

I own math textbooks that will probably only ever sell 5,000 copies, mostly to libraries, and they're only 2-3 times more expensive than a bestselling hardcover at B&N.

These notebooks are in every B&N, Borders, and Target, so don't give me shit about low production and overhead costs.

>> No.3457625

I use only pen and make use of scratch paper to work out shit then when I'm sure I have it correct I write it in pen in my notebook. Personally I think it looks a lot better and people have commented on how neat and clean looking my work looks. Also wooden pencils are a pain to deal with I'll use a mechanical pencil if I have to but I haven't used a wooden pencil since middle school.

>> No.3457634

Apparently at Borders everything is 40% off, but that's not really worth it for textbooks, I can just get them for like 70% off used on Amazon.

Should I wait? Do you think they'll drop prices even more?

>> No.3457654


Borders is having a fucking firesale right now, I doubt anything WONT get cheaper.

>> No.3457819


Canson Calligraphy Pad (50 sheets): $6.51
Winsor & Newton Series 7 Kolinski Sable brush: Starting at $8.18 depending on thickness
30 ml bottle of Winsor & Newton calligraphy ink: $3.55

There, for less money, you can fucking *paint* your novel. Think of how cool you'll look in starbucks then.

>> No.3457879

>>I feel you, OP. I go to New York University. As if everything in Lower Manhattan isn't overpriced already, all of NYU's stationery shit in its bookstore is fucking overpriced.

Um, there's a fucking KMart a block and a half away from the bookstore, you know.

>> No.3457884
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>> No.3457904

They won't get cheaper. Liquidation sales are run by outside outfits, and the first thing they do when they come in the door is jack everything up to full retail. Only then do they put up the signs reading "everything 25% off!" And thus do they get thousands of morons to flock to the store to pay MORE per item than it was going for pre-liquidation.

Sure, the prices eventually get down to "80% off!" or so, but by then all the books you'd ever possibly have wanted will be long gone.

>> No.3457931

What size is the ruling on these notebooks? In the picture it looks much bigger than I would prefer.

>> No.3457966

I bought two boxes of those from separate stores, and the led in almost every pencil in both boxes was broken.
It's a shame because I prefer taking notes with pencils over taking notes with pens.

>> No.3458193


Bound notebook
Great fucking pen

What get?

>> No.3458550

Dunno about the notebook, but for pens, it's hard to beat just a regular G2, unless you're willing to spend like $10 per pen.

>> No.3458584

Internet high five.

>> No.3458592 [DELETED] 

>mfw I love gel-ink pens, but they smear FUCKING EVERYWHERE

Even the ones that say they don't smear do

>> No.3458633 [DELETED] 


>gel-ink pens
>mfw, no picture

I seriously hope you are a girl, that's the only possible way to explain this retardedness.

>> No.3458644

Whut? Not the guy you are replying to, but gel ink pens are fucking awesome. The ones I have (some generic relatively cheap ones) don't even smear. AND they look awesome.

>> No.3458652
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Godammit. I have what the portuguese call "saudade" for the times when there were no girls on the internet...

Those were days...

>> No.3458724

There's this thing amerifats call 'faggot'. When I read your posts full of butthurt because somebody, a guy for that matters, uses different kind of a pen, I see your true form, faggot.

>> No.3458964

Moleskines are expensive because people are willing to pay for them. People are willing to pay for them because they're good quality. High quality paper and binding doesn't come cheap. If you don't want it, don't buy it. There are plenty of people who aren't too cheap to pay a few extra $ for a good notebook rather than the usual low-quality crap.

>> No.3458975

>asks for "Great fucking pen"
>recommends cheap disposable pens
>thinks $10 will buy a good pen

>> No.3458992

No it's not only in America. Those cost $25 australian too - that's REAL money, not US fun-bucks.

>> No.3459001

Sorry, I thought he was asking for something to write with, not something to put on his desk so people can come look at it and think "Holy shit, this guy has $50 to spend on a pen, he must be rich as fuck!"

Yeah, that might fly if they were like 50% more expensive than normal notebooks or even 2 or 3 times more expensive, but when something's literally a hundred times more expensive than the functionality-first walmart version, you're just a sucker buying a brand name.

To compare with cars, a new Veyron costs about 100 times as much as a new Honda Civic. Are you saying the quality difference between a Mead notebook and a moleskin notebook is similar?

>> No.3459004


They're not even that good. You can't open them flat to a single page like a spiral back book, and the binding is too flimsy for repeated use.

>> No.3459036
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I don't often take the time to say OP is a massive pencil-up-his-asshole faggot, but why is this troll thread still on page 1?

>> No.3459116

My girlfriend got me three of those for my 18th birthday.

>> No.3459131

I have a 5 subject college-ruled spiral notebook which I love. It's so thick and I like having more lines than wide-ruled. I also have a few sketchbooks so I converted one of the smaller ones into a line-free notebook.

Feels good man.

>> No.3459474

HERR DERR.. my Chevy POS has the same horsepower as Porsche... it must be just as good.....