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File: 37 KB, 466x500, food491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3455295 No.3455295 [Reply] [Original]

The Singularity is near, brothers!!

>> No.3455350

>Science is a religion


>> No.3455343

Luddites gonna Ludd.

>> No.3455351

maybe near relative to the creation of the universe but we ain't going to see it for thousands of years

>> No.3455388

[citation needed]

>> No.3455394
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>thousands of years

good wan

>> No.3455399

[counter-request for citation]

>> No.3455401


Computers beating humans in chess? Luddity!

>> No.3455403

No it isn't!

>> No.3455416

>1992: Computers suck, they will never beat us chess masters

>1997: Ohfuck

Singularity is near.

>> No.3455440


>1946: In 20 years we'll all have flying, atomic powered cars and robot butlers!

>2011: Ohfuck

>> No.3455472

The singularity is based on computing, not vehicle propulsion.

But go ahead, stay in denial. The singularity doesn't wait for you, or me, or anyone.

>> No.3455469

Exponential growth, my friend.

>> No.3455480

>flying, atomic powered cars
Beast of a different nature entirely, we might have had the tech had research gone that direction. It didn't however due to social fears of nuclear energy.

Even then the entire system would have to be automated to prevent people crashing high speed nuclear powered vehicles into each other.

>robot butlers

We do, it's called the service industry.

>> No.3455487

How come in the future all the humans are bald white people?

>> No.3455488

Actually, the problem is software, not hardware. If it were just hardware, we could have an AI running right now at 1/10 realtime speed.

>> No.3455495

My guess? Target audience.

>> No.3455560

Actually, more like 10^-6 realtime speed. We are already simulating a small piece of rat brain. Any bigger and it's too slow to be of any sense.

>> No.3455563
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>Exponential growth

>> No.3455570
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>mfw 14 blades on a razor
That's fucking awesome.

>> No.3455567

>The singularity is based on computing, not vehicle propulsion.

So what?

>> No.3455579

>Robot buttler
>Implying anyone would buy a thousand dollar piece of technology instead of paying some nigger 5$ a month

>> No.3455580


The hyperbolic is a better fit, though. That means we'll have infinite blades by 2015, at the safety razor singularity.

Is your face ready?

>> No.3455584

In a thousand years we'll still have chairs.

Think about that.

>> No.3455585

Not that guy but I forgot to mention that nuclear powered flying cars would still travel than the data in the infrastructure we developed. Thus NPFC are just novel and not actually useful.

>> No.3455595


I'm not sure why you're telling me why we don't have atomic flying cars. It's obvious in retrospect. Didn't stop futurists predicting them by extrapolating contemporary trends.

>> No.3455599
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>infinite blades
>mfw lightsaber razor

>> No.3455603

>Implying we'll have butts in a thousand years

>> No.3455604

>Implying someone you pay $5 wouldn't steal more than $1000

>> No.3455637

We have far more information on technology trends than they do, thus we have a better idea of the rate of advancement.

We're not able to perfectly predict advancements, particularly when new approaches out perform the ones we'd been making predictions on, but we are able to tell when skeptics are going full retard. For example

>1000s of years

>> No.3455642
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>becoming an emotionless computer and being really intelligent
>having a really tedious endless existence with similar really boring people
>Being human, with all the joy, pain, triumph and tragedy that implies
Whoa tough choice

unless of course you're a total shitheel permavigin loser, in which case being a glorified X box probably seems like heaven. Enjoy your delusions that everyone will act like you're some kind of god, instead of just shunning you weirdos and carrying on with life.

>> No.3455664
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>mfw nobody knows what they are talking about
>mfw people base their opinions on movies and think an upload will suddenly loose all memories just by being run on a computer, implying emotions come from some magical Roger Penrose Quantum Pixie Dust source.

>> No.3455719
File: 81 KB, 400x600, 1311492748360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100,000 generations of humans
>suddenly, less than 10 generations ago, humans harness a finite, one off amount of extremely energy dense fossil fuels
>this prompts an explosion in technology and a drastic change in the way humans live
>Last 3 generations suddenly get it into their heads that they are different, that everything is going to carry on getting better forever, even as they recklessly and stupidly squander the dwindling reserves of practically free energy, making little or no attempt to plan for the future when a society built entirely on cheap energy grinds inevitably to a halt when there's none left

If you think you are different, if you think you matter, if you think you are significant in some way, if you think you're exempt from the rules, if you think you're better than all those that have come before you, if you think are are exempt from death, all because you've had the good fortune to be born into a society in one of a small group of countries, during a incredibly short lived period of technological achievement that is now starting its slow decline, if you've replaced your ancestor's belief in an improbable, ridiculous deity with a belief in an improbable, ridiculous notion of technology:

You're an idiot, and you know fuck all.

Grow up.

>> No.3455730


>> No.3455739


>> No.3455805
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>implying the lessening supply of easily-obtainable petroleum means the end of cheap energy

There will be adjustments in the future, just as they are now. Oil will become more expensive. Oil will be used less. Certain things will become more expensive. This "short-lived period of technological achievement" will continue, regardless.

>> No.3455830

Give it a hundred years and we will have the same situation as in Permutation City:
>copying human brain to complex computer algorithm run in simulated environments becomes possible
>run at 1/16th speed of realtime (at absolute best) due to physical CPU bottlenecks, real human visitors to the VR environment must be slown down accordingly
>immediate surge of deceased millionaire copies
>cloud computing prices skyrocket, running on own hardware unsustainable
>increasing public anger at the millionaire copy elite who use all computing resources, growing amount of copies, who are forced to compete on the marketplace for computing time as well as worry about their real world estates
>VR environments are bland
>immortality sucks, man.

>> No.3455842

>>cloud computing prices skyrocket, running on own hardware unsustainable
That's fucking stupid. Rising prices mean that people are encouraged to increase the available hardware (it's worth money). There is no fixed supply of computational power.

>> No.3455855

>no hardware ever will be able to run the computations for a human mind in realtime
Counter-example: Physical human brains.

>> No.3455882

What I meant was that these models-of-brains are far too complex to run on own hardware, so as copies suddenly turn to cloud computing resources, the prices skyrocket. Yes, there is no finite limit to computing power, but demand increases along with the growth of cloud computing resources.

>> No.3455889
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Don't worry, superman will save us.

>> No.3455907

Surely you can hit realtime computational power. It's just a question of how much energy you throw at it, and energy is getting cheaper all the time. Beating the EFFICIENCY of a physical human brain in a general-purpose simulator might be impossible.

Besides, couldn't you just design specialized hardware? Like a brain?