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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3448058 No.3448058 [Reply] [Original]

soup /sci/

If any eurofags could point me in the direction of some top Biology/Marine Science schools for a reformed liberal arts major murican
>preferably one that teaches in English or at least Spanish
>isn't a degree mill/overpriced shit factory like US schools
I would be very appreciative with my spare internets

>> No.3448063
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or even a recourse site that is actually helpful

>> No.3448066

OP you maybe prefer economy is a science with future

>> No.3448068

>live in country with the best education system
>go to europe instead

typical liberal arts fag logic

>> No.3448080
File: 184 KB, 416x560, usrank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leading the way in education

>> No.3448086


now go look at the education that actually matters
(hint: everything from grade 1-12 doesn't mean shit)

>> No.3448092




>> No.3448111

Protip: Elementary School quality is generally indicative of overall education quality. Generally speaking, the best Universities won't be in countries with shitty elementary schools.

>> No.3448135

It doesn't mean anything when it comes to universities. US, Britain, Canada, and German top the university list. Only Canada in top 25 over all with a Clint Bowyer-esque 14th place ranking being closer to US than Finland overall.

>> No.3448138
File: 58 KB, 400x175, pika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant argue with dem trips

seems like all the best schools are in the UK but god damn are their gun laws retarded and their food sucks

>> No.3448145

Protip: Best universities are so world famous that people leave other countries to go there. Harvard has more prestige than University of Tunis.

>> No.3448211

>look one school that can compete with American schools
>American education shit!

The average American university is better than most universities in the rest of the world

>> No.3448236


I always wanted to live in Qatar...

>> No.3448261


>Be liberal arts major
>Complain that schools are shitty
>Unable to take slightly difficult courses at "shitty" schools.

All of my disappoint.