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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3444226 No.3444226 [Reply] [Original]

sup /sci/
Im thinking about going to college for a degree in Chemistry i was wondering
1) What would be a good college for me to look into
2) what types of things would i be learning if i was going to major in Chemistry?
3) Is majoring Chemistry even be a good idea? can chemistry majors vouch for job market/ salaries?

>> No.3444234

enjoy learning thousands of special cases of shit you already basically knew in high school for the next three years

>> No.3444244

OP is underage b&

>> No.3444246

if you get a chemistry degree, go to pharmacy school

>> No.3444251

>2) what types of things would i be learning if i was going to major in Chemistry?
>3) Is majoring Chemistry even be a good idea? >can chemistry majors vouch for job market/ salaries?
Enjoy your $30k starting as a water inspector. If you get a Master's, you might make $80-100k in a factory.

>> No.3444343

o is chemistry a bad idea?

>> No.3444363

Biochem -> pharmacology -> god tier
captcha : respect

>> No.3444456

ive been hearing that lately too is i radically different from regular chemistry?

>> No.3444523

Idk I'm just a freshman.
For courses I have to take more biology and some biotechnology instead of physical, inorganic, and analytical chemistry.
I'm mostly interested in living things and psychopharmacology so I guess it just depends on what you like more.

>> No.3444534

1) doesnt matter. The cheapest college you can find. Go to community college for 2 years then transfer to a cheap ass state school.

2) equations. Interactions between atoms.

3) nope. You will not have a job. If you're going to major in a chemistry related field make it computational chemistry or chemical engineering. Either one of those plus further study could get you working on nanotechnology.

>> No.3444552

Sounds like my plan... right down to the Chemical Engineering.

>> No.3444583

would chemical engineering be a harder route to take in college?

>> No.3444587

Am I wrong thinking a bachelors in biochem/chem can get you a job in a medical lab?
Old people are always needing tests, theres like 20 hospitals in my area hiring assistants, lab techs, clinical whatevers, etc. I'm planning on using it as a stepping stone to get experience.

>> No.3444596

>theres like 20 hospitals in my area hiring assistants, lab techs, clinical whatevers, etc

believe it or not, those fags have degrees; but you can still try applying

>> No.3444594

keep in mind that employment for chemical engineers is expected to decline by 2%

>> No.3444593

depends what you mean by harder. Engineering always requires higher math and classes that involve teamwork. But Pure science would have more advanced science classes

>> No.3444600


It can. They'll want lab experience, do volunteering/try to get a lab position in college

>> No.3444605

You will have a background in every field of chemistry so you can go into organic, inorganic, analytical, or general chemistry. You'll end up knowing a decent amount of math, going all the way up to differential equations for physical chemistry.

>> No.3444613


if you want to do pure chemistry your job will be to go to grad school.

if you only wanna do 4years, do chem engineering

>> No.3444625

Yeah thats what I mean, after getting my bachelors I want to work in a medical lab until I get my PharmD
I was responding to
>nope. You will not have a job.
Old people are always dying and so there will always be a need for lab techs to find out why

I was just wondering if that is a reasonable goal because chemistry == no jobs has me worried

>> No.3444628

ive never been a math genius i understand all the concepts don't get me wrong but i a much better "scientist" for lack of a better word, than a Mathematician would i be able to get by with an average to above average grasp of Math concepts and an excellent understanding of chemistry concepts?

>> No.3444663

jobs for chemists expected to increase by 3%
jobs for chemical engineers expected to degrease by 2%


>> No.3444687


I feel like these prediction sites take very narrow views of the future.

Nanotech will be very important, so will be circuit design of increasing complexity and decreasing size. Chemical engineering is more suited to this.

Computational chemistry is very good for pharmacology/drug development

Biochemistry isnt bad for pharmacology/biology/medical applications

Plain old chemistry without going to grad school will net you a job as a teacher and not much else. Remember there are chemists out there who have job experience, he'll be fresh out of college, and the job market for chemists is already small. Considering when companies hire a chemist they will want lab experience i dont imagine he'd get hired. Just my guess.

Specialization is where its at.

>> No.3444699

read the chem e part carefully. factory jobs are decreasing, due to closures or moving overseas. nanotech and alternative energy is going to be on the rise

>> No.3444711

what majo would alternative energy fall under?

>> No.3444717

depends on what type of alternative energy. mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, bioengineering, etc

>> No.3444742
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this one right her anybody have any answers?

>> No.3444743

so what happens to me if i major in bioengineering?

>> No.3444769

>stem cells
>people call you a babby killer

>> No.3444793

but seriously. should i?

>> No.3444809 [DELETED] 

The government said there would be a huge demand for teachers ten years ago in today's market... I wouldn't trust the government's ability to predict the future of any profession. Also Chemical Engineers are being put into service in other positions in the alternative energy industry. So the official title of chemical engineer is declining but they appear in newer capacities. The Chemical engineer is like the freighers on the Great Lakes were fitted with unloading booms and thus reduced the fleet of ships in one area. The ships just changed from exclusively bulk carriers to more specialized vessels. The chemical engineer will decline as a title but has become so specialized that it becomes split into four or five different titles.

>> No.3444867

The alternate energy industry is probably warping the numbers of chemical engineers downwards as many in the fuels business will be fielding Chem Eng degrees. In reality, a Chemical Engineer's employer determines the federal government's official job title. A chemical engineer at an ethanol plant is considered a seperate title from a chemical engineer at the Monsanto plant even if the job requirements are nearly identical otherwise.

>> No.3444927


That depends on what you mean.

What grades are you getting and what class are you going to finish with?

>> No.3444936

You're not wrong, but you need to get your CLS (or was it MLS? ...used to be MT) certification through ASCP, the American Society of Clinical Pathology. I'm assuming you're in the USA. If you're not, I'm sorry.

If you meet their requirements, you can take the registry exam. Fact: people really don't know what med lab techs are, and there's a severely aging lab tech population.

>> No.3444975

not sure about my entire schedule im up in the air between science and business(leaning towards science) so my schedule is physics, AP Chem accounting 2 an ECE English course and AP European history(English is required as im a CT fag) should i push something around and take calculus? would that be beneficial?

>> No.3444988


Yes, AP calc if you can. To get a BS which is what you would want to do unless you went the premed route you need to get through Calc iv at most places. Might as well get calc i out of the way. You'll learn math better that way, it's hard to learn something like calc at the college level.

I would drop accounting, it seems to be pointless for what you want to do, AP chem is obviously good and AP Euro should give you credit if you pass it.

Physics is also good to see before you see it again in college.

>> No.3444997


If you stay I'll try to post all I can on calc, I'm pretty knowledgeable as a math major.

>> No.3445004

man i have known the truth but i have always feared it
ummmmm i do not want to come off like a retard but what do you mean when you say get a BS? what is a BS?

i appreciate your help bro people like you are what keep /sci/ god-tier

>> No.3445016


i had like a C in Algebra 2 but it was pretty well known i had a shitty ass teacher

I am a smart guy but a teacher who doesn't know how to teach is quite the obstacle does having a good teacher make calculus an easier subject to grasp?

>> No.3445017


Bachelor of Science, the other degree you could get is a BA which is a Bachelor of Arts.

Science is obviously more useful in your case and you'll have to take more physics, math, bio etc etc.

Arts requires you to take a foreign language usually and some other bullshit. Pretty pointless for anyone on /sci/ but anyone on /lit/ in college would be going for that.

Also you can't imagine how useful calc is, it's really everywhere. AP calc is pretty easy though if you prep for it before here hand.

>> No.3445023


Calc is a subject that you either grasp or you don't for the most part. Having a good teacher helps but there is only so much you can do to explain what a derivative is and why you should care.

>> No.3445025

by prep do you mean studying and the like?

>> No.3445036

i have confidence in my abilities just need to know how much pressure i should put on myself

>> No.3445044


Yeah, what I did was go to a library the summer before I took AP calc because I was like OMGASDOIFJASDFMGOD ITS CALCULUS THE HIGHEST LEVEL MATH THERE IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone really blows it out of proportion, it's kinda like how sex is blown out of proportion. If you get a book on calc which they should have ones that are kinda like calc for dummies then got those and leaf through them. The notation is going to confuse you at first but it helps seeing something first before you get into that class.

>> No.3445069

thanks man you've been fucking helpful i feel a lot more prepared now

+10 internets

>> No.3445074


AP Calc covers 3 main topics, limits, derivatives and integrals.

>Limits are basically just values that your function takes or is going to take.

Say for example if you have a function like x^2 and you were taking the limit as x->5 then the value would be 25 because the function is continuous.

It looks kinda like lim x->5 (x^2)=5^2=25

If we took x^2 but gave it a discontinuity, a hole, at 5 then the result would still be the same because you are just approaching that number on the function, not actually taking that value. It's weird but you'll get used to it.

You can also take the limits of functions as they go to infinity and negative infinity, that's basically your asymptote rules, or end behavior stuff.

>> No.3445099


Derivatives are the first WTF concept but they are very useful.

Basically the idea comes from trying to find the rate of change of a function that's not a line, the slope at a given point.

It turns out you can do that by writing it as a limit.

a derivative of a function with respect to x, aka f(x) is defined to be f'(x)=d/dx(f(x))=lim h->0 [(f(x+h))-f(x))/h]

The basic idea is that at that point you take another point close by on that same function and keep shrinking the distance between those two points and take the slope of those two points, with limits you find the actual instantaneous rate of change.

This is a huge development for math, this lets you do a lot of things you wouldn't be able to do otherwise and you'll recognize some things you couldn't do otherwise.

>> No.3445138


You don't have to do that limit stuff all the time btw to find the derivative, you can actually just find the function that represents the slope of the original function every time.

For polynomials if you have x^5 it's 5x^4, you just take the power down one and multiple everything by that power. Derivatives are linear operators as well so if you have something like 3x^2+2x^4 just becomes 6x+8x^3.

Anyways so with this you can do things like figure out the maximum height of a rocket or a cannon shot and optimization problems like if you were to build a lot with some sort of a fence what is the most area you could get using all of your fence. It's stupidly useful in physics.

>> No.3445236


Integrals are last because they are the most tricky buggers to mess with.

Integrals are the opposite of derivatives like how division is the opposite of multiplication. There's some integrals like

S e^(x^2 )dx (S is standing for an integral sign)

That you can't even handle with anything less than multiple integrals or complex integrals.

But anyways it's very useful as now you can find the area or volume of pretty much anything you wanted. Remember how I said that velocity is time derivative of position well you can use this backwords too. If you have the velocity function and integrated that with respected to time you would get your position function. This is useful as it kind of accumulates your velocities and if you plug in time values into your newly found position function you get quite clearly the length you have traveled.

>> No.3446780

hey not OP but question is related.

im going into year 12 at the moment and want to do Chemical engineering. Can anyone doing chem e what math i'll be doing? I love maths but need to improve on it. I'm going to start watching videos on khan academy and i just need to know what sort of math ill need for chem e.

>> No.3446905
