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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3440870 No.3440870 [Reply] [Original]

I am kind of requesting here, but others mind also want theses informations...

I watched a Youtube video about how the brain works around dopamine, and how we should reward ourselves by a guy studying baboons or I don't know what the fuck, and it actually helped me lots.

Is there good videos in the genre from good trustable sources about how the human brain works so I can actually understand why the fuck I do shit and how I can trick myself?

>> No.3440904


>> No.3440917

>Is there good videos in the genre from good trustable sources about how the human brain works so I can actually understand why the fuck I do shit

No, because we kind of dont know.

No video can tell you why you do the shit you do better than you can just being introspective.

Although personally i think introspection is kind of a waste of time. I dont believe the 'self' is as complex as most people think. We have basic drives, memory, and a brain that seeks patterns and shortcuts. Because we're good at pattern seeking we narrate. Because we have memory we remember things. Thus the pattern of our actions gets woven into this thing we call a 'self'. Actions that we view as outside our pattern of self are forgotten or just not thought about to preserve the 'self' narrative.

So when you seek to be introspective and wonder why you've done somethin (after the fact)you're probably not going to figure out why you actually did it. You're just going to get whatever result the narrative you're weaving supports.

If you want to understand why you do things, THINK ABOUT IT AS YOU DO THEM. There is no YOU except the you that exists in the exact moment of your action. Just think more dipshit, as things happen.

>> No.3440922
File: 12 KB, 297x298, retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolling sure is elaborate nowadays...

>> No.3440927


I'm not trolling. You're not going to get meaningful knowledge of the brain out of some vids. You are ESPECIALLY not going to get meaningful personal knowledge about YOURSELF from some fucking vids.

If you want to learn more about YOURSELF, fucking think about YOURSELF. You are yourself. mother fucker.

>so I can actually understand why the fuck I do shit and how I can trick myself?

this makes it seem like OP is basically looking for 'self help, SCIENCE version' hes not going to find anything really helpful in that respect. Everyone is different.

>> No.3440936
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The entire psychology field is a lie.

>> No.3440940


Are we talking clinical psychology or the science part?

>> No.3440942

I am talking about understanding how my brain works so I can focus and have a better concentration.

>> No.3440946


>understanding how my brain works so I can focus and have a better concentration.

Yea, 'learning how your brain works' is not going to help with focus.

Get put on meth. See a psychiatrist and get put on vyvanse or whatever version of speed hes willing to prescribe you

Or just start focusing more and stop being a dipshit. Force yourself to, its like any learned skill you'll get better at it over time. YOu're just weak. Read a long ass book for multiple hours. Train your brain to focus on one task by...... doing one task.

>> No.3440949


Confirmed for fucking retard.

>> No.3440954


Argue with me. I dare ya.

>> No.3440957

Hey OP, disregard that tripfag, he's talking out of his ass. If you want better concentration, look up uptime and meditation on google, learn how to do them and apply as needed. Keep in mind it won't give you a profound understanding of the brain, but it'll work better. Try it now, thank me later.

>> No.3440967


Argue with a retard? What would be the point?

>> No.3440976


To prove me wrong. Regardless of how right i am or if i believe what i said, i bet you cant prove any of it wrong.

>> No.3440978

you're on a science board.

science doesn't prove things right or wrong.

you're also on a math board.

math does prove things, but not the kinds of things you're asking.

perhaps you should find a different board.

>> No.3440986


Sure is semantics in here

>> No.3440998


Sure is retard in here

>> No.3441000


Sure is ad hominem in here.

>> No.3441006

language is what identifies you as a specialist, and allows you to convey specialized information amongst your groups.

you can be lazy and careless with it if you like, but it makes you appear unqualified in the subjects you're discussing. While debating the unqualified is a favored hobby of /sci/borgs, the adept will rarely attempt it. So by speaking like a moron you invite discourse only with other morons.

now fuck off please.

>> No.3441013

ITT:OP asks honest question and gets bombarded with pseudo-science trolling.

So, basically,

>> No.3441018

I'm re-reading what i said and i dont get what there is to find issue with. You might disagree and have a different idea, but i'd like to hear what your idea is. I actually think what i said is correct. We can actively forget things. there are regions of the brain involved in forgetting (lol). Our brains seek patters. What we are is a collection of actions, the memories are stored, from the pattern our brain perceives a self is created. The narrative self. I think there is also an 'experiential' self. The 'core' of self, just the feeling OF self, of being, which i think might be related to the reticular activating system. IDK MAN.

What gets remembered most often will be things that fit with your conception of self, your established pattern of thinking.

When you engage in introspection, your confirmation bias will guide you to a specific memory and conclusion. Its really pointless to think back. You're not going to be able to remember all relevant factors and considerations that went into what you did. You're going to remember the ones that support whatever preconceived notions you're going into the introspection having. Whatever you're trying to prove or disprove by the introspection.

Maybe i'm just not expressing myself well, idk i'm bad at into English. But i think if you think about it you'll kind of get what i'm saying.

Also i notice OP asked for videos and no one has linked him to videos. So i guess most people dont think random internet videos will help his focus much either.

>> No.3441034


>language is what identifies you as a specialist, and allows you to convey specialized information amongst your groups.

We were not having a conversation about philosophy of science. Thats the only time the distinction he referenced is important. A lot of the time the specialized lingo is there to create artificial importance for those using it and provide a barrier from the unitiated to understanding relatively simple concepts.

>So by speaking like a moron

I hardly think i was speaking like a moron. Semantic attacks on relatively clear points are just a way to evade the actual challenge, the actual POINT of what a person said. Think about it, he makes that semantic attack, what is the logical response from me? A simple rephrasing of my statement. The meaning wouldnt have changed and we'll wind up at the exact same spot we are now, with him having to do the exact same thing. He could skip the intervening step (which makes him kinda seem like an aspie) and just assault the actual meat of the matter.

>you're on a science board.

>science doesn't prove things right or wrong.

Ok, provide evidence contradictory to my claims or provide a conceptual framework with better explanatory power than the one i provided. Show me how my conclusions or premises are false.

I'd also point out that A LOT of stuff happens on this board that isnt strictly science. This is at least science related, you argument is pure semantics, takes a narrow view of the purpose of this board, and is pointless douchebaggery.

>> No.3441045

>provide evidence contradictory to my claims or provide a conceptual framework with better explanatory power than the one i provided. Show me how my conclusions or premises are false.

now see, wouldn't that have been easier to type in the first place? you could have avoided so much explanation.

>> No.3441502

your brain at work by david rock
read the book, it's worth it

>> No.3441513

>Is there good videos in the genre from good trustable sources about how the human brain works so I can actually understand why the fuck I do shit and how I can trick myself?


Well there's this course on behavioral biology from a Stanford professor that's pretty interesting...

>> No.3441530

>No, because we kind of dont know.
No offense, but how the fuck would you know? Are you a neuroscientist?

>> No.3441610


Some day.

I was talking about the last part of what i quoted

> understand why the fuck I do shit

We dont have any definitive answers for a lot of that in general. Much less for OPs brain.

>> No.3442066

OP here, I am back from a nice night of sleep and I see that this faggot kept on trolling. Thanks for the book and video recommendation, I shall look into them. Of course I said videos in the opening, it's just because videos often happens to be unwritten university lessons that might be worth looking at.

>> No.3442079


OP i can help you out. You're a douche bag. You're not going to be able to fix your brain. Suicide.

>> No.3442087
File: 609 KB, 1400x996, 1310865395665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said my brain was not working fine? It's about learning more about oneself, a lifetime quest for a better lifestyle.

Are thou this mad?