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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 74 KB, 1199x618, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3438588 No.3438588 [Reply] [Original]

During these days of debt slavery, neo-serfdom and resource scarcity, why is it that we don't live in fucking seagoing, self-sustaining and semi-submersible habitats, roaming the equatorial seas in great caravans? I'm no engineer, or even a science major for that matter, so I'm unsure as to the practicality of such a craft, considering physical limitations. I'm also wondering, if this (or something similar, shitty design but I think you get the picture though) were actually sufficiently practical, is there potential that a craft might be built relatively cheaply? Like on the DIY scale, I mean. Think of it, rogue colonies of nomadic data havens, connected via LEO satellite systems or airborne encrypted-signal drones. Spreading liberation and anarchy! LOL you could even have isolated communities of loosely-confederated interest-specific clusters of vessels, like the board navigation for the *chans. Lord, what hath I potentially just wrought! But I digress-- what say you, learned /sci/entists?

>> No.3438598

O, and 5 hours in MS Paint.

>> No.3438602

on a related topic, anyone got the pic of mad-scientists' underwater utopia?

>> No.3438609
File: 606 KB, 4000x2000, 1310656564196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3438627
File: 26 KB, 619x352, 1308843571039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, its been updated since ive last seen it. this shit must have taken hours to draw. looks fucking awesome, i wish it were a real place.

>> No.3438647

Metroid romhack NAO.

>> No.3438667
File: 39 KB, 410x325, waterworld-kevin-costner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 waterworld

>> No.3438670
File: 4 KB, 126x126, mootbrilliant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck yes!

>> No.3438677

You have made a large number of assumptions concerning a wide range of economic activities and engineering challenges and how they interoperate. I'm guessing even the most liberal estimates of the margin of error are beyond what is physically possible.

>> No.3438685

Awww :( Anything even tangentially similar, but still doable, do you think?

>> No.3438696
File: 75 KB, 500x505, seascraper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the idea. The problem is, storms. You can make it safer either by fully submerging it below 200 feet or if it needs to be semisubmersible, built it vertically like a tower with the vast majority underwater for stability like in the picture.

The benefit of this approach is you can build it like any other tower on land, but upside down, and on a platform in the shipyard which can then be floated out to sea and sunk until the tower is mostly underwater. That's when you (very carefully) flip it over.

>> No.3438707

Probably not possible though even as a top-dollar DIY... cash rules everything around me, yo.

>> No.3438716

This seems slightly simpler and possibly less-expensive.


>> No.3438721
File: 58 KB, 537x431, australia-underwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This approach makes the most sense as apart from the increased durability and material difference (acrylic watertight windows instead of glass) it's the same as building any other skyscraper but without the land costs or expense associated with utilities as it's self sufficient. The cost is still initially higher because of all the hardware it needs (esp. desalination) but because it's built on land using the same methods as any other building it's greatly cheaper than slowly constructing subsea modules in shipyards and then boating them out to the site so they can be attached to the growing colony.

I expect this approach to take off with the wealthy, while true subsea installations will be few in number, mainly luxury housing and resorts/hotels.

>> No.3438734



>> No.3438740


It's as doable as any other skyscraper project, but with a good deal of integrated hardware you'd normally find on large seafaring vessels with large populations like aircraft carriers.

The construction method is what makes this cheaper than full scale true underwater cities, but still I expect to see shit like this made as casinos first, with short stay hotels for tourists on the residential decks rather than permanent housing. They will be sold off and repurposed as micro cities after the novelty wears off and the market for such attractions collapses.

There are an awful lot of organizations worldwide that would love to have their own seagoing micronation.

>> No.3438747

>The requested document can not be retrieved. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try a different document.

>> No.3438753

You can salvage something from this. Note how I used the word "interoperate", I like that word, it's great and I think you should remember it.

You see, long story short, all thought is split into deductive and inductive reasoning, inductive reasoning is the act of quantifying information from sensory stimuli, it is not dependent on prior knowledge to deduce an answer. Humanities like history and economics use inductive reasoning far more than theoretical physics for instance, which leads us to the situation you face, engineering technical details aside. You need to employ inductive reasoning to solve this problem and there is one method that has arose in social sciences (a very politicized and corrupt science but bear with me) call structural functionalism which basically creates a kind of spider diagram of different factors and outlines how they interoperate, a system of interoperating functions.

This is what you will need to employ, you will also need to be innovative, take a pace back and reassess the situation by taking every factor into account, this is one way to "think outside the box", so for instance now that you are faced with the fact that your little mspaint drawing is probably impossible you will need to reassess your objectives and generate a more feasible goal.

>> No.3438771

Yes! I think it's worth pursuing honestly, the time is right for rogue nerd colonies of pirates lurked the high seas. But I'm honestly not looking to pursue this to a /patent/, you see. I'll definitely keep looking in to it, but I'd more so like to plant the seed. Imagine if something were devised open-source style, some sort of community-contributed and peer-reviewed final product which people could be really proud of. Ha, I'm just a dirty commie, but humor me. inb4 Messiah Complex.

>> No.3438783


You're presuming to teach him how to think, yet he originated the idea and I've seen nothing comparable from you, not even suggested improvements.

He could use a background education in the various technologies his design uses but he isn't lacking in reason. It seems a lot like you're stepping in to steal his thunder by setting yourself up as his superior without actually contributing anything to his design or proving that you can do better.

>> No.3438797

So what should I study? Just finished reading Biodynamics, Deep Economy and Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the way we make things. Next up is a book on permaculture, and I'm living on an organic farm all summer. Livestock, but eh. Ironic that I'm veg lol. Anyways, thanks!

>> No.3438798

>One of the glass domes contains mountain.

>> No.3438799

*BIOMIMICRY, not biodynamics.

>> No.3438884
File: 49 KB, 811x637, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about something like my pic?

Solar panels on top to generate electricity, a wide deck on the surface, maybe a small garden, ballast spaced far apart for stability, an underwater compartment to live in, nets to harvest fish, and an engine room/water filtration system on the bottom? This seems like a reasonably easy to build DIY seafaring home, and I don't see it being very susceptible to storms.