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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 67 KB, 1050x750, brains1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3438490 No.3438490 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Common science myths that make you cringe.
>10% of your brain

>> No.3438497


>> No.3438500

>black holes have been proven to exist

>> No.3438502

>average penis size being 10 inches
>can never be that small

>> No.3438510
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>glass is liquid

>> No.3438513

Well played.
>9/11 orchestrated by the government
>Vaccines cause autism
Fucking anti-vax idiots. One of the few groups of people who genuinely make me angry.

>> No.3438516
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I know that feel, bro. So many people believe that it's ridiculous.

>> No.3438520

I'm in med school and lots of students buy it

>> No.3438522

> freezing in space

>> No.3438526

>Children learn language

>> No.3438527

>explosive decompression

>> No.3438533

Can you elaborate on this?

>> No.3438534

>socialism doesn't work

>> No.3438536

to be fair this makes perfect sense from an earthly perspective.. remove the convection however..

>> No.3438538

masturbation and weed do not cause long term problem

enjoy your increased chance for an aneurysm and schizophrenia

>> No.3438546


Pretty much, there's no way children could learn to speak as quickly as they do if they only relied on listening to the words spoken around them. There has to be a genetic component to language.

>> No.3438547
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if you say dark matter I will smack you so hard

>> No.3438548

Not masturbating increases your chances of getting testicular cancer and weed lowers BP.

>> No.3438550

>10% of brain
Not every part of the brain is for thinking.

>> No.3438552
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>> No.3438554

layman detected

>> No.3438555

Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?

>> No.3438557

>trading one medical problem for another
Apples and oranges

>> No.3438558


Nope. But I checked your trips, /b/ro.

>> No.3438562

>missing the sarcasm

Unless YOU are being sarcastic.

>> No.3438568

I'll give you 100$ if you can name a socialist government.

>inb4 you give the name of a government/nation that called themselves socialist, but were state capitalist in reality.

>> No.3438570

I was actually quoting Einstein to back your sarcasm, comrad.

>> No.3438565

>race has no impact on a persons personality only outside stimulus effects personality

>> No.3438572

>cellphones cause cancer

>> No.3438573

Sweden, Norway, Britain, France.
That's not a valid counter
Masturbation and cannabis are fun, they're good at dealing with illnesses and general health, and they don't actually have any increased risks associated with them. It's like being given 6 oranges in exchange for a piece of apple skin that might not exist.

>> No.3438575

> apostrophes and commas are unnecessary

>> No.3438576

Ah, good.

>> No.3438582

>Doesn't know what socialism is

>> No.3438585

see here

>> No.3438586

stoner detected

also if you smoke too often you are more prone to having anxiety without it

>> No.3438589


Good to hear faggot So now I can write without having to care about some fucking grammer Right? Your a nigger

>> No.3438593
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>> No.3438597

had it right teh frist tiem

>> No.3438601
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>Name random successful governments.
>Call them socialist.

>> No.3438606

>man came from monkey
they came from dolphins stupid kikes

>> No.3438607
File: 46 KB, 350x300, smorecat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the internet is a series of tubes

>> No.3438608

>there exists a clear distinction between what is real and what isn't


>> No.3438614

>niggers are humans

>> No.3438615

Whoever says that doesn't know much about quantum physics.
Which is about 99% of the world, so I can believe it.

>> No.3438620
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>> No.3438622

>public medicine, infrastructure, and welfare system
>limited capitalism
>high rate of tax
>large middle class
>not socialist
I consider them Socialist. Not ideally so, but to a notable extent.
I have never ingested cannabis. Brilliant confirmation bias, though.

>> No.3438626

>Angry when you realize you don't know how to create a properly structured sentence.

>> No.3438629

Funny, Einstein was socialist.

>> No.3438632

Wait is OP saying that ">10%" of the brain or "10%" of the brain is the myth?

>> No.3438636

>Language is a Science.

>> No.3438637

>Very liberal = socialist.

>> No.3438639

Funny, Einstein wasn't a government.

>> No.3438641

Are capital and means of production publicly owned? No? Then it's state capitalist at best.

>> No.3438649

>Mass increases with velocity
>Calling a big breakthrough a quantum leap
>Calling something exponential just because it isn't linear

>> No.3438650

You're thinking of communism. Capitalism can, and in my opinion should exist within a socialist system.

>> No.3438655


The brain is being used all the time, mostly for involuntary processes.

"10%" is used for voluntary thought and actions, or whatever the fucking number is.

>> No.3438656

We use much more of our brain than 10%...all of it, as far as we can tell. The myth stems from the fact that at any given time, ~10% of our neurons are firing.

>> No.3438660

>Thinks rest mass is mass.
>Doesn't speak english, so doesn't appreciated that quantum = discreet.

>> No.3438662


"You only use 10% of your brain" is the myth, and it's fucking pervasive.
The closest bit to truth is "only about 1 in 10 neurons are firing at any given moment in your brain".
Cutoff segment: "if more than that, you are in a state of high brain activity (thinking hard) or likely undergoing a seizure".

>> No.3438666

I was under the impression that if you control 100% of your brain, you might potentially forget to breathe.

>> No.3438668

Sorta both. 10% of the brain is used, but it's the 10% specialised in whatever you're doing, and the brain can only power a certain amount of itself at a time.
Imagine the brain as an organ. You can play nice music, but if you press all the keys it sounds horrible and you deflate the bellows leaving you incapable of playing anything at all.

>> No.3438674

> Capitalism can, and in my opinion should exist within a socialist system.
Troll? Socialism and capitalism are incompatible by definition.
Capitalism = private ownership
Socialism = public ownership
Communism = socialism + abolition of classes, etc.
Anarchism = logical conclusion of socialist thought. Essentially no hierarchy

>> No.3438675
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You could build an Einstein engine with <span class="math">\pm m=g(p,p)\not\in\mathcal T^0_0(\mathcal M)[/spoiler], pic kind of related.

>> No.3438678
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OP here. What inspired me to start this thread was the move "The Sorceror's Apprentice". They mention the old '10% of your brain' myth, really rustled my jimmies.

>> No.3438679


Not even true. Depending on the function you are attempting, about 30% of your neurons can devote themselves to a single subject.
You may indeed forget to breathe (the body will force you to, however), and many such people forget to eat. Some people even get into a state of limited blindness as their eyes forget to take in data, from being so focused.

>> No.3438680

>making up some pseudomathematical formulas

>> No.3438682


Nice trips.

>> No.3438683


It's fucking magic.

Guess who doesn't have to explain shit?

>> No.3438689

Pseudomathematical? Nope, pseudomathematical would've been <span class="math">p^\mu p_\mu=\pm m[/spoiler].

>> No.3438690

No, people marijuana will make a person who has the chance of becoming schizophrenic schizophrenic.
people who have no history of schizophrenia in their families will not get it

>> No.3438691

Sorry, I'm too drunk to understand your jokes right now.

>> No.3438692

But the underlying theme is that magic is just really advanced science - manipulating molecules with your nervous system's electric current, etc.

I didn't expect much, but I was still surprised that they mentioned the myth.

>> No.3438694

I'm not aware of the dictionary definitions of socialism/communism, but I doubt they're the ones I'm familiar with if this is right. I believe the government have a duty to provide a basic, fairly high level of support in exchange for tax, and that competition should be encouraged in science and technology. Contracts from the Govt. could be given to various companies for the growing of food/supply of water, but no company could hold more than 10% of the total contracted supply.

>> No.3438698

you're fucking 16, how do you know these things?

or this is just calculus

>> No.3438699

There were no jokes. I said "mass is a scalar and doesn't change no matter how fast you're going". (It would also be convenient if it didn't depend on location, but I'm not sure where that's included in special relativity formally.)

>> No.3438702

Which is basically regulated capitalism, such as the US and UK have.

>> No.3438706 [DELETED] 

>>3438698 you're fucking 16
I'm 17 now.

>> No.3438708
File: 500 KB, 500x281, 1307676908434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO, adults are talking

>> No.3438711

>On an 18+ website

>> No.3438712

Not like the US. The US doesn't provide basic support, and I wouldn't consider it capable of qualification as socialist. The UK provides the help, and I'd consider it at least socialist at the foundation, with capitalist attitudes towards employment and assets.

>> No.3438719

still a huge fucking faggot

you stupid fucking nazi

>> No.3438718


he's fucking trolling.

a 17 year old doesnt know about relativity.

>> No.3438723
File: 18 KB, 481x138, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late now, you stupid underageb&

>> No.3438724

I like the way he's clearly smart enough and the distinction between the two ages is arbitrary and usually ignored. Methinks your anus be pained.
>INB4 underageb&, 27.

>> No.3438725
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>> No.3438727

The US does provide basic services. Public transportation, schooling, government jobs, medicare/aid, military, police, etc.

Stop being a typical Britfag and realize that there aren't that many differences between us.

>> No.3438729

then report him for either asinine trolling garbage, or underage b&. either way, the hammer falls.

>> No.3438731

Read >>3438718, dumbcock.
On an off-topic note, I'm trying new insults.

>> No.3438735

I get how wikipedia is actually accurate, often moreso than the general web, but *please* don't get definitions from it. if you type "define n" into google you get definitions from a load of different books

>> No.3438736

you stupid ugly faggot

i'll kick your rass right now

>> No.3438741
File: 34 KB, 800x348, sshot_2011-07-23_23:42:54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some classified information about my age. Chance of being 16 to 17 is <span class="math">\approx[/spoiler]0.0011. Sounds legit.

>> No.3438744
File: 355 KB, 499x373, That Really Rustled My Jimmies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3438749

That's not innovative at all. You dumbcocked semenbreathing homofag.

My anus is indeed pained, how did you know?
>Underageb& panics, need to think of an age above 18
>Adds 10 to his friend's age

>> No.3438755

There are two links to support the definition, you can ask mommy to help you click on them. I'm not going to take the time to find a better source because only someone who has no knowledge of political theory would think that socialism was compatible with capitalism.

>> No.3438756



>> No.3438757

Did I say I was British?
The fact it's impossible to get medical care without being financially ruined already is the deal breaker for me. Low income tax on the ultra rich and ideological things like Reaganomics are all the more convincing.
There's no way for me to prove who I am, but if you get a mod to check you'll see my IP address is different.
well, that was nice. Bye.

>> No.3438760

Then do it yourself and see what you find. Point is, you're so unambiguously wrong that a Wikipedia entry should be enough to illustrate your retardation.

>> No.3438761

What's happening in there? 23 +/- 2 is 21or 25

>> No.3438762

My "I'm 17" post was deleted! I am very unhappy. Anyway, back on topic,

>Fictious forces don't exist

>> No.3438767

>Mach's principle
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3438765

In science, errors are generally <span class="math">1\;\sigma[/spoiler] intervals.

>> No.3438768

>natural selection is falsifiable

>> No.3438769

Fuck off EK

>> No.3438772

If LaTeX was a gay male, you'd have sex with it.

>> No.3438773

A psychology teacher in high school told us that. I said that it's bullshit. She just said "Well how do you know?"

This same cunt taught us the "taste regions" of the tongue bullshit.

More on topic: Bumblebees can't sting, guys!

>> No.3438775

What? How does that relate to 23 +/- 2?

I was actually saying that you're 17 too.

Not EK, different opinions, she's a female, I'm a male, etcetc

>> No.3438777

"Him". I would have sex with him.

>> No.3438779

>people believe psychiatry works

>> No.3438780

Still no way of proving it without revealing my non-secret identity, sorry.

>> No.3438785

<span class="math">23\pm 2[/spoiler] means "follow the normal Gauß distribution with <span class="math">\mu=23[/spoiler], <span class="math">\sigma=2[/spoiler]", and that one looks like >>3438741.

>> No.3438787

It, homosexuals aren't people.

>> No.3438789

LaTeX isn't a gay male, so it's not gender-specific. Even if it was a gay male, homos aren't worth acknowledging. "It" it remains.

>> No.3438791

Well then I refuse your sex proposition.

>> No.3438792

Ian McKellen isn't a person, he has long transcended that pathetic title.

>> No.3438794

Now you're just using fancy words to make me feel stupid. What's a "GauB distribution"?

>> No.3438795

Neither is Randi, nor was Turing. I think I'm attracted to men, but I know I must be mistaken because I'm not a genious, camp, or a biker :/

>> No.3438796

I wasn't proposing. I was assessing your hard-on for using LaTeX at every vantage to seem eager, edgy, intelligent, and swift. It's cool when people use it with actual insight. When you use it, I kind of cry a little.

>> No.3438801

Hey Josef, I recently turned 17 too, and was just wondering when your birthday was?

I'm 17th of July.

Not a troll, won't get mad if you ignore me, my estimations of you will plummet, that's all.

>> No.3438804
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OP here.

What has happened to this thread?

>> No.3438805

No wonder this board is shit.

it's filled with teenagers and youngfags.

>> No.3438809

>I'm a left brained person, so I have an excuse not to try at math

That's an excuse I've heard SO MANY TIMES FROM SO MANY PEOPLE.

I rage so hard.

>> No.3438810

<span class="math"> THERE's^{nothing}_{wrong}^{with_{that}} [/spoiler]

>> No.3438811

Please refer to:

>> No.3438812

And people like you.

>> No.3438807

Gauß. ß = "sharp s", transliteration is ss, but that doesn't change that I'm willing to use German letters on my German keyboard to write names of German mathematicians.
It's the same thing as the normal distribution .

>> No.3438813

well, I just got told.

>> No.3438815

I'm not 17. With a chance of <span class="math">4.9\;\%[/spoiler].

>> No.3438817


I'm a lurker, that was my 4th post on sci in 2.5 years.

>> No.3438819

>people differentiating between left and right brain as creative and orderly, respectively

>> No.3438821

Stop being a fucking idiot, no1 cares what your fucking age is! STFU!

>> No.3438822

I felt sorry for you then realised you're lying. Probably a good idea if you read up on intellectual honesty.

>> No.3438826
File: 8 KB, 668x57, sshot_2011-07-24_00:05:42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, (100-4.9)% of course. Also it's 0.49% and ... ah fuck, I'll just post the image.

>> No.3438827

Yes, I see.
What's normal distribution?

>> No.3438829

>>3438827 What's the normal distribution
Maybe you know its probability density function as bell curve.

>> No.3438830
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>> No.3438833

Oh, the intelligence line thing? Yeah, I know what you're talking about. But how do you make it?

I don't understand that.

>> No.3438837
File: 42 KB, 750x600, double-facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't understand that.

>> No.3438838

Well, it's true in those simple terms.

>> No.3438839

so the formula <span class="math"> m=\frac{m_0}{\sqrt{1-\frac{u^2}{c^2} } } [/spoiler]
is wrong?

>> No.3438840

The normal distribution is one of the most fundamental statistical distributions. The bell curve itself has nothing to do with IQ tests, that's only one application for it.

>> No.3438846

you knoe, you're not impressing anyone with your pointless statistics.
I used to do shit like that in highschool to.
just, be a little more humble, you're embarassing yourself.


>> No.3438847

Yes. The interpretation of increasing mass comes from the term <span class="math">\gamma m[/spoiler] appearing in some formulas in special relativity, but combining them to a "relativistic mass" or whatever it's called has no physical basis whatsoever, in fact it's an insult to the thoughts behind relativity.

>> No.3438849


>> No.3438850

I also don't watch TV to impress people. Boy, the foam at your mouth is entertaining.

>> No.3438853
File: 58 KB, 792x545, sciage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was made over the course of 6 months, I ran a script to log whenever someone says how old they are. There were values over 26 but they slowly levelled out, weren't that interesting.

I think my favourite part of this is the "I'm 12, and what is this?" blip.

>> No.3438855


>> No.3438856


go back to /b/

>> No.3438861


Ben Goldacre detected.


>> No.3438863

Where might that 21 peak come from?

>> No.3438864

No, but I'm a regular on the Bad Science forums.

>> No.3438869

I have no idea. My assumption is (quite cynically) that 18 and 21 are the default ages people claim to be, and that the 14-18 section would actually be a lot higher were the graph accurate.

>> No.3438873

well mass alone is no lorentz invariant, so i gues it makes a difference if someone is moving relativly to the mass, and that should be the same as moving the mass from the viewpoint of the one who is moving...

the mass-formula from above is stated in paulis book/paper about special and general relativity and even einstein praised it...

>> No.3438878

If I was to lie about my age I would probably pick one that's around those ages. Continue doing this until you've got enough statistics, say a thousand data points, and maybe we're able to write a paper on it. <span class="math">\ddot\smile[/spoiler]

>> No.3438879

Alright, I'm a shut-in, and probably autistic myself, but I had no idea there existed an anti-vaccine crows until just now. The level of stupidity in the world continues to reinforce my belief that it's better inside.

>> No.3438881

Crows don't have a problem with vaccines.

>> No.3438883

>>3438873 well mass alone is no lorentz invariant
Excuse me? If only the guys at CERN would know about that, man that would fuck the collider up

>> No.3438887

If you weren't so clearly a god damn underage b& you wouldnt need to lie about your age at all and you'd stop being an irritating fuckhead!

>> No.3438891
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Josef - <span class="math">0.62\;\%[/spoiler] underage.

>> No.3438892

>LaTeX smiley
Now you're just fucking around.
maybe they do and you're just ignorant.
Anti vaccine people are great examples of people with confirmation biases. Schools for unvaccinated children have closed because of diseases students would have been vaccinated against, and just get ignored. Finding a link now

Also, do you have special mind powers? Vos savant like brains and vaccines seem to be the most common subjects for discussion in the UK when you so much as mention autism.

>> No.3438897

>>3438892 Latex smiley
I usually get flamed when I'm using normal text smileys. This version on the other hand has the benefit of a few people failing by typing the plain Latex without tags and wonder why their text won't smile.

>> No.3438904

i can only say, what i know from my textbooks...
that mass is a lorentz invariant is stated in "principles of electrodynamics" of melvin schwartz- nobelprize winner....so i thought its an reliable source...i guess it is not :/ ..

>> No.3438907
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>> No.3438916

>>3438904 that mass is a lorentz invariant is stated in "principles of electrodynamics"
That's correct, mass is Lorentz invariant. That's precisely the reason why it doesn't change no matter how fast you're moving.
However, in >>3438873 you said "well mass alone is no lorentz invariant", that's where my answer came from.

>> No.3438933

Got it


>> No.3438937

im sorry, i forgot the no ;D ...in the book he says:"freeing ourself f the notion that mass is an invariant scalar quantity under a Lorentz transformation, we have..." then some proofs..ending up on the formula >>3438839

Can you recommend some books or reverence, maybe something thats not that old (maybe thats why its not true ^^)

can be german literature

>> No.3438948

> Believing his thread is still on track

>> No.3438952


so i thought, that "only" the rest-mass is an invariant scalar

>> No.3438955

I can't greentext on a Blackberry, sorry.

-racial psychological equality

>> No.3438970
File: 96 KB, 729x689, sshot_2011-07-24_00:45:57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oha, deutsch. Da hier eh alles voll mit Scheiße ist macht's wohl auch nix aus wenn uns keiner versteht.
So, spezielle Relativitätstheorie lernen ... puh. Es gibt da natürlich immer die üblichen Verdächtigen. Ich habe damals viel aus dem Nolting gelernt, das war mein erstes Werk zur Theorie. Ist ziemlich einfach gehalten, falls du also eine mathematische Einführung suchst ist das nicht das Wahre. (Siehe Bild für den Eintrag zur massenabhängigen Geschwindigkeit.)

>> No.3438984


>Fucking anti-vax idiots

Vaccines DO cause autism. Getting a vaccine when you're young can cause brain swelling and make you autismal.

I thought we realized this years ago.

>> No.3438995

Confirmed for troll. The only evidence is a single, retracted paper from a man with a revoked license who has been shown to have fixed results and caused un-necessary injury to the children. It couldn't be less trustworthy if it tried

>> No.3439004


I can prove it right now. I've not been vaccinated. I am not an autist. I assume most of you on /sci/ have been vaccinated.

I rest my case. QED

>> No.3439012

You've not been vaccinated, you still suffer from mental illness

>> No.3439018

Ja, also gerade lerne ich halt wie gesagt aus den Buch von Melvin Schwartz, und Pauli..Vom Nolting hab ich nur das Buch über Elektrodynamik ^^ da hab ich aber auch schon nen Fehler drin gefunden *g "Lorentz-eichung" anstatt "Lorenz-eichung" .Nunja, vielleicht verstehe ich einfach die Theorie hinter der Rest-Masse und bewegten-Masse noch nicht. Ich dachte halt bisher das jedes Teilchen eine Restmasse hat, welche immer gleich ist. Wenn sich das Teilchen nun im LHC auf nahe Lichtgeschwindigkeit bewegt, dann würde sich zwar für den Beobachter die Masse erhöhen, falls er es messen könnte aber in dem Koordinaten System des Teilchens ist die Masse ja noch die gleiche, weil dort das Teilchen ja in ruhe ist. So hätte ich auch diese Formel interpretiert und im Prinzip stellt die Lorentz-Trafo ja nur eine Referenz oder Trafo von einen Koord. System zu einen anderen bewegten koord.sys. dar.

>> No.3439043


Ah, danke für das Bild, das ist echt gut :)
Also am besten nur noch Ruhemasse und kinetische Energie betrachten, und das andere als unglückliche Interpretation/Sichtweise ansehen, die man vielleicht aus der Masse-Energie äquivalenz gewinnen könnt...seh ich das richtig?

>> No.3439050

Well not so much a "science" myth. But I had this colleague who believed in both spriritism (that is communicating with the spirits of the dead) and reincarnation (that when you die the spirit gets reborn in a new body).

I never cared enough to ask her but it still amazes me sometimes that one could believe in both and not wonder how it was possible to call and speak to a persons grandfathers spirit when that spirit obviously must have been reborn into another body.

>> No.3439051

("rest mass" heißt übrigens Ruhemasse und nicht Restmasse.)
Was sich erhöht sind die messbaren Größen Energie und Impuls, und das eben mit dem <span class="math">\gamma[/spoiler]-Faktor drin. Es ist nicht falsch <span class="math">m(v)=\gamma m[/spoiler] zu definieren, nur darf man das Ergebnis nicht mehr als Masse bezeichnen.

>> No.3439056

>People who believe studies without reading them\
Too bad that's 99% of this board. It's easy to fake a study.

>> No.3439063

>rest-mass und ruhemasse

ja ich weiß, mein deutsch ist nur vom ganzen englisch schreiben durcheinander gekommen ;D

Und wie willst du dann gamma*m nennen? ^^

>> No.3439068

>>3439063 Und wie willst du dann gamma*m nennen?
So: <span class="math">\gamma\,m[/spoiler].

>> No.3439074


No offense to your parents, but this is just a stupid comment made by a stupid person. Your given a load of information, how exactly are you able to figure out if a person faked info in that study? Past examples of fraud only came to light because of repetitive data that gave evidence that the author was lying (something that required reading many papers of that person's work). Unless your able to actually repeat the study in the same conditions or have very intimate experiences with the study itself, your not likely to know if the author deliberately lied.

>> No.3439077
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>das gefuehl wann die sprache der wissenschaft ist deutsch

>> No.3439079

>all women are bad because I am fat and unsocial and alone

>> No.3439082

Seit dem 2. Weltkrieg nicht mehr. Scheiß Adolf.

>> No.3439088

Being hermitic contributes to intellectual productivity

>> No.3439093

fuehlt sich schlect an, digga :(

in case it's not obvious im not german

>> No.3439095

Solang man die Masse als ein Maß für die "Menge an Materie" ansieht. Ok das ergibt Sinn.

Dann ist die "Masse" im Prinzip die "Ruhemasse".

>> No.3439109
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>deutsch sprechen
ich hoffe euch alles ernst das nicht tun

>> No.3439110

Dude are you really only sixteen?

>> No.3439112

>>3439093 in case it's not obvious im not german

>>3439095 Solang man die Masse als ein Maß für die "Menge an Materie" ansieht.
Masse wird anfangs nirgends so wirklich definiert, das fliegt immer "einfach so" irgendwo in den Formeln rum. Eine anständige Definition von Masse kriegt man meines Wissens nach aus der Poincare-Invarianz (d.h. Lorentz plus Nullpunktsverschiebung), aber in der Form braucht man das erst in der Feldtheorie, wenn man sich Gedanken machen muss was ein Teilchen eigentlich ist.

>> No.3439114

>Jello is its own state of matter
Yes I mad.

>> No.3439115

I have to say, I love the idea of a secret phrase only Germans know.

>> No.3439124

I remember some fuckwit telling me this when I was like 12, I believed him for a couple years...

>> No.3439125

mense wat foken kak praat asof mense dit verstaan, ek kan dit lees maar nie praat nie.

>> No.3439127


I don't think you can easily get a fake study past the review process...

but it does piss me off when people cite a single study as authoritative because science is known to be incomplete- and often inaccurate.

for any study concluding A we can find at least one study concluding not-A. Just because a study passes review doesn't mean that the conclusions made are accurate or complete. Just means the methods are reasonably sound and the knowledge may be useful. Publication is much like an argument on /sci/, just slowed down and given some structure.

>> No.3439129

>impliziert dass Josef keine Schwuchtel ist

>> No.3439130
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that is terrible. I actually find that really disturbing.

>> No.3439131

does krautchan do anything besides badly translate 4chan memes

i do love tha bout german though. ich habe das gegooglt.

just take the english verb and germanize it to hilarious effect

>> No.3439138
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>> No.3439145

It varies depending on the study. If you wanted, for example, to say a new inhaled spray drug put you at risk for cancer then you'd only pick subjects with a history of smoking.
Depending on who records it, that may or may not make it into the study.

>> No.3439153

medicine is 100% memorization, no actual coming up with new concepts or thoughts required.

>> No.3439156
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see wut u did

>> No.3439162

I consider comparative linguistics a science. Dunno if that's the same as "language".

>> No.3439164

Ahja ok, mit Feldtheorie meinst du dann warscheinlich die Quantenfeldtheorie(n). In der Elektrodynamik spricht man auch von "Feldern" ;). Aber da braucht man die Masse nicht wirklich. Spez. Relativität braucht man da ja auch nur wegen so Sachen wie Synchrotron-Strahlung. Aber die Quantentheorien sind sicher spannend, werd mal versuchen mich ab diesen Herbst da ein bisschen einzulesen und ein paar Vorlesungen dazu zu besuchen.

Ist schon toll das man um 1Uhr Nacht auf 4chan noch was dazulernt ^^ ich bin beeindruckt :)

>> No.3439169

Actually balk people are not the same speciece as whites Asians or middle easterns, scientists last week discovered that non-African decent have chromosomes from Neanderthals which are seen to be superior to human ancestors. Being stronger, more powerful a brain and being larger. So biologically scientists are saying black people are inferior.

But to cut to the point. Darkies arnt people anymore.

>> No.3439172

>> Josef! NUf2NflSAyw 23/07/11 (Sat) 19:13 No.. 3439082

>> 3439077
Since World War 2 no more. Adolf shit.

Bullshit, Germany are one of the best nations in the world for science. The people around and in charge now are not the people who were then.

>> No.3439181

Die Elektrodynamik ist auch eine Feldtheorie, aber eben keine quantisierte. Sie wird allerdings nicht wirklich als Feldtheorie gelehrt. Man kann die Bewegungsgleichungen des EM-Feldes - die Maxwell-Gleichungen - aber auch aus dem Hamiltonschen Prinzip herleiten, man kann sich ihre Eichgruppe (U(1)) ansehen usw, eben was man in einer Feldtheorie so macht.

>> No.3439185

>>3439172 Bullshit, Germany are one of the best nations in the world for science.
I wasn't referring to Germany being bad at science, the argument was only about German not being the language of science anymore since mid 20th century.

>> No.3439196

Should be. English is a horrible language from a linguistic AND a practical point of view, something more like German would be good.

>> No.3439200

Prepare to learn Chinese.

>> No.3439203

I'll take Inurdaes or Josef over a whiny cunt like you every day of the week, regardless of their ages.

>> No.3439204

Esperanto, interlingua and Chinglish are the future.

>> No.3439207

Are you an engineer?

>> No.3439232

now I want to learn German

>> No.3439243
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how about no

>> No.3439274
File: 1 KB, 264x191, your geniuses were visual thinkers but each and every one of us are visual thinkers&#44; is humanity ready for us?..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not thinking and communicating in pictures

>> No.3439285

Blacks are less intellect than white people .

( I am Black btw . )

>> No.3439287

>be alien species
>post on 4chan

>> No.3439298
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>shitstorm imminent

>> No.3439299
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>> No.3439312

this thread is three-act-play good, it starts out good with a good premise, expands and dips into questionable quality, and then becomes good for entirely different reasons

>> No.3439412
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Blood pressure is good for some things... *cough* *cough*


>> No.3439436


Good point.

I guess working for Venter and doing weed would probably balance you out.

>> No.3441980

'weed is not only unharmful but actually good'

>> No.3442013
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Funny shit. I'm German, studying computer science in university and am being told all the time that the language of science is english.

> mfw I speak both languages of science fluently.

>> No.3442168

>Race is a social construct

>100th monkey effect

>> No.3442172

They are national socialists like Nazis, all hail fascism.

>> No.3442197

>humans have an effect on the climate

>> No.3442250


GTFO knoedel-niggers.

>> No.3442266

when someone say that wrap you shirt around your hand and punch out thier window and say "oh i'm sorry i thought it would splash"

>> No.3442277

>trolls think they are smart

>> No.3442282

>gravity is like this complex set of equations that no metaphor could completely cover

>> No.3442320


Fucking limitless is going to have so many people going
>hurr durr why cant we into smart pills that make us use 100% of you are brain

>> No.3442330

i just turned 17 to on the 23'rd
and before anyone claims i'm trashing your board i don't post here i just lurk

>> No.3442335

I also raged at this

Fucking useless majors

Karma hits them when they get no jobs

>> No.3442342


LSD puts a hole in your head the size of a golf ball.

>> No.3442349

This. Also "taking E is like using an ice cream scoop on your brain."

>> No.3442358
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you'd do what you yakraping gutterslut
also look at this fucking captcha

>> No.3442367


"language" may not be a science (and really, who ever claimed it was?) but there is certainly a science of language.

It _is_ a fucking useless major, tho.

>> No.3442371

you don't even need to see the application of it.

just the concept itself sounds stupid and batshit insane.

>> No.3442403
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That blacks are as smart as asians and whites, it's all racism.

See, scientists found that answer less than a decade ago, but it's such a hot potato that they don't talk about except in academic journals.

You won't like it. Being a socialist and a former volunteer at Head Start, I hate it.

But I'm a scientist first, and it's TRUE whether I like it or not. It's uncontroversial among scientists and accepted as just a fact.


According to about two dozen recent studies published in many respected, objective, serious, peer-reviewed, academic journals; MRI analyses using standard medical software have shown conclusively that blacks, everywhere in the world, average 5% smaller brains than whites, and 6% smaller than Asians.

No, it's not the environment. It's seen in all countries, in well-nourished people. The results have been duplicated many times all over the world at MANY universities measuring thousands of different brains and verified three completely different ways (like brain weight at autopsy).

It is not due to any of the other OBVIOUS excuses you want to believe, either. You think those simple explanations didn't occur to university researchers?

Say, you think this might explain blacks' average IQ of 80 in America, 70 in Africa, and 60 in Ethiopia? And no, the IQ tests aren't biased either. They're the same internationally-used, culturally-neutral oral tests used all over the world. (Example: show a square, a triangle, and a circle; then ask which one is different.)

Someday, you run out of race cards.

So did I get all this from the KKK?

No! From the journal of that Liberal bastion, the American Psychological Association:

>> No.3442408


Sie egoistisch Hündin Ich hoffe, du verdammte in der Hölle brennen für diese Scheiße.

>> No.3442423

Well it's sort of true. You use 100% of your brain, but only a part of it at a time.

>> No.3442425
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>> No.3442455
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>I'm a scientist

>> No.3442491

> Implying your computer isn't "using" any of the 0's.
The neurons that aren't firing at any given time are part of the data.

>> No.3442500

>eating foods with a high amount of natural fats make you fat

>> No.3442513

>liberalism is not a mental disorder

>> No.3442685

>the blip
I lol'd