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File: 37 KB, 460x276, Barack-Obama-statement-on-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3436812 No.3436812 [Reply] [Original]

I am usually confident in the fact that our entire government is a puppet show, perhaps to a fault. However, when I try to actually apply this idea to what is actually going on, I can never figure out what the "people in the shadows" actually want.

What is going on in these here debt talks? Is it a contingency that legitimately want to reform the United States spending, or are all the leaders secretly just trying to bankrupt the U.S.?

I feel that if they were really worried about debt problems, they wouldn't be waging three wars.

So, what the fuck is going on then?

>> No.3436815

They're incompetent and greedy, not sophisticated and sinister.

>> No.3436820


>> No.3436822

its to destroy the middle classes , to create s USA similar to China, 300 million working class slaves ruled by the elite.

it has to be done, the only way to compete with China is to copy them.

>> No.3436828

the problem could be solved easily, cut military spending by 80% .. we'd still have the worlds most powerful military.

but no, bribed politicians in the pockets of military contractors wont allow that.

>> No.3436832

Why do you think that these people become senators, presidents and congressman when they could just focus on their industries?

Aside from loosening legislation or getting similar advantages from their position, they want power. If there are really roots to a clear, universal evil, I would dare to say that one is power. It corrupts men so easily.

>> No.3436834

The wealth of the 'people in the shadows' is not bound to any one country or currency. They only have to convert their money into assets just before the collapse and they will get off with minimal damage.

>> No.3436837


The general consensus of smart non-apathetic people is that we HOPE they're carefully planning a sinister plot to make America fall and not a bunch of jokers whose elections are both the biggest miracle and biggest shame of the U.S in the past century.

>> No.3436844

I agree with than, I hope Social Security and Medicare get cut completely.

>> No.3436846

Hope is great, but it doesn't really help solve problems.

>> No.3436857

Stop being a jew

>> No.3436884
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Culture is the biggest problem when it comes to cutting the military. Half a century of AMERICA STRONG propaganda has implanted this idea that the government needs to haemorrhage funds to the armed forces to keep the country great. The sheer amount of jobs that would be lost will destroy any politicians brave enough to try it too, same problem exists with the war on drugs.

Meanwhile NASA has been castrated, the vast majority of social services are a joke and the military gets to make shit like this that doesn't even enter service.

>> No.3436888

It would be nice to know that it's a puppet show. Otherwise it would mean that the Republican nutjobs are actually serious with their bullshit and that would be rather disturbing.

>> No.3436940

Most of our debt is owed to the Federal Reserve. Despite it's official sounding name it's not part of the US government. It is in fact a private bank. The way it works is banks can loan out approximately 80% MORE money than they actually possess. So US government needs cash, they take a loan from the Fed Reserve and the Fed Reserve makes new money out of thin air (up to 80% more than they own) for the US government. All this "new money" causes the value of the dollar to drop which makes the country go into recession. Then because of recession the government needs to take out another loan and they repeat the cycle. The Fed Reserve knows the Government won't ever repay them, that's not the point. The point is they've bought out the United States and can tell it what to do. It could be that "behind the scenes" the Fed Reserve has sold us to some super wealthy middle eastern oil Barron to be used as his own personal army.

>> No.3436950

>approximately 80%
It's actually about 800%

>> No.3436954 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 500x667, tsott_190711_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people still believe conspiracy theories like this

Sure is La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo in here.

>> No.3436958

The influence of numerous banks, international corporations, and other such business entities is obvious in the modern politics of almost every country. Why? Because they lobby, they have campaign money, and they drive the economy to a great extent. It stands to reason that if a political system can be influenced for the benefit of those with enough power or money to do so, it will be. This isn't a conspiracy, it's human nature.
Organizations like the Trilateral commission, the Rand Corporation, and the Council on Foreign Relations seem to wield power, but they are really just advisory and analysis groups. People looking for a conspiracy in these organizations will naturally find them. If an small handful or organizations churns out almost 90% of all policy proposals, it stands to reason that a few of them will ultimately become policy. Conspiracy theorists latch onto these few and run with them, ignoring the far larger number of unused policy proposals outlined by the aforementioned organizations.
This isn't done to enslave people or move the world towards a single, ultimate, and premeditated goal more than these actions are taken because they're good for business. Good for the business of running nations, good for the business of making profits, and good for the business of enriching those in control of the relevant public and private entities.

>> No.3436963

Humans like to make sense of the world. Religion and superstition have done this since before recorded history. Science is an empirical and logical way to get to the bottom of how the world functions. Psychology, economics, sociology, anthropology, etc. are all means to make sense of human actions that are often nonsensical but still must have underlying reasons or mechanisms. Conspiracy theories are merely a form of economics, if you will. Like economics, conspiracy theories try to take complex problems and boil them down to mechanisms and drivers of actions. Where conspiracy theories fail is that evidence, statistics, and other methods commonly used in economics are ignored or used selectively. It is far simpler and easier to conclude that a few powerful people run the world and to guess at their agenda than to mix psychology, sociology, economics, history, and anthropology to form a coherent view of the world.
Human interactions at all the levels that constitute world affairs and history build to become a gordian knot of understanding. It's far simpler to distill it all down into a simple conspiracy theory than to attempt true understanding. In the same way that religion and superstition are favored over science by some, conspiracy theories are favored by some over economics, psychology, sociology, anthropology, etc. in understanding human affairs.

>> No.3436980
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>> No.3436985

Someone's been watching Zeitgeist 2

>> No.3436986
File: 6 KB, 271x182, we do monitor your internet and most popular websites..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn, humans are really becoming the worst species of all time.

who gives a fuck if humans are self-conciseness, they are fucking stupid and are using this biological gift against themselves.

pic related, it's me

>> No.3436991

Take an economics class you retard.

>> No.3436992

>human nature

No, people are greedy but not to this extent.

These people are literally fucking sociopaths/psychopaths.

>> No.3437003

Human cooperative instincts/drive didn't evolve to function on such a massive scale. It works within a small tribal group or community, but it simply didn't evolve to function at the scale on which the global economy functions.

Innumerable evolutionary biology experiments show that non-cooperative individuals stand to gain quite a bit by leeching off of cooperative colonies. The problem is when this selfish behavior is selected for too heavily and the colonies fall apart because the necessary level of cooperation is no longer present.

Some really good papers on the topic have been published using myxobacteria as a model organism.

>> No.3437006

>However, when I try to actually apply this idea to what is actually going on, I can never figure out what the "people in the shadows" actually want.

Same as it always is... money.

>> No.3437008

Republicans don't give a shit about the debt.... they just care about TAXES on rich people. And Democrats are basically Populists

>> No.3437009
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>I was there the day the strength of men failed.

>> No.3437018

So evolution doesn't think in the long-term?

>> No.3437025

>People in the shadows
That's an awfully romantic idea. Almost as romantic as most religions

>> No.3437027

So? What do we do about this then?

>> No.3437029

They aren't all sociopaths. Many of them most likely simply lack empathy for people beyond their personal social circle.

>> No.3437034


>> No.3437038

In simple terms, yes.
Umm... there isn't much to be realistically done. Maybe if voters were more informed, less retarded, and more rational in their decision making then this bullshit wouldn't happen. The only entity recognized and capable of curbing "non-cooperative" behavior is the state.

The problem is that excessive or overzealous state intervention in the naturally selfish behavior of market actors can slow down markets and cause more harm than good. The trick is finding a balance, which is difficult to do so long as voters in the most powerful state on Earth continue to be retarded.

>> No.3437041

I think it's a very practical idea that's been overly romanticized by TV. Anyone who's rich enough could theoretically buy their own country. If a group of rich people worked together they could buy a large country. If it's not for sale and they really wanted it then the next available option would to buy out pieces of it covertly. Not romantic at all if you ask me.

>> No.3437046

>biological determinism

>> No.3437052

Oh no, that's not at all my position. Our biology can drive/modify our behavior, but it doesn't determine it.

We can use (gasp) our intellect to overcome base biological urges, but one must consider all factors motivating/driving a behavior, not just the convenient ones.

>> No.3437067

OK, I guess you could flap your hands and soar into space, since your biology doesn't determine your behavior?

>> No.3437073

The solution is to scrap the democratic system.

Democracy revolves around prioritizing how appealing and righteous the general concept of it feels over actual results. It would be entirely possible to construct a much more efficient and pragmatic system of government, one with more thorough wards against corruption than are currently in place. It would just be almost impossible to put into place, America's been conditioned to think that democracy is the absolute pinnacle of possible government systems.

>> No.3437078

You're oversimplifying or just plain trolling and you know it.

If you want to participate in a grown-up conversation, come back with something more substantial and we'll discuss this like adults.

>> No.3437079

keep taking things at face value, bro.

>> No.3437093

I'm inclined to agree, but power breeds corruption. I can't think of a single system in which those in power haven't been corrupt, even democratic ones.

The beauty of democracy is that (at least in principle) the leaders are accountable to the people come election time. The problem is that empty rhetoric, ideological platitudes, and good ol' fashioned campaign money can overcome public outrage at an elected official's behavior/ideas.

The only real solution is rigorous public discourse and civics education that sticks with the average voter. Ideally, high school economics and government/civics class should be enough but they're clearly not cutting it.

If it weren't horribly prone to corruption and fundamentally undemocratic, I'd impose minimum requirements to vote. This is unpractical in the extreme.

To further erode my own argument, try this sometime. Go to a bar and strike up a political conversation... would you trust ANY of those people to vote?

>> No.3437115

>Go to a bar and strike up a political conversation... would you trust ANY of those people to vote?

Haha, good point!

>> No.3437119
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You could also think that the people above the think tanks are a distraction and those six groups are the real people who control the world, but the rest of it is pretty accurate.

>> No.3437125


I'm the kind of guy that's okay with ideas opposed to my own, so long as those ideas can be coherently argued and supported. People like me are called True Americans.

The problem is that many voters CAN'T coherently support or argue for their ideas. There was a time when the right wing in the US had people like William F Buckley and Barry Goldwater to coherently argue and defend their positions. This is sadly no longer the case and an environment of 7 second sound bytes has further eroded the possibility of coherent discourse.

>> No.3437155
File: 560 KB, 720x823, BISOOOOOOOOOON2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not accurate at all. Here's the REAL truthful version.

>> No.3437161

At least something cool about capitalism.
Stil we have to knock this failed system down.

>> No.3437163

>This is sadly no longer the case and an environment of 7 second sound bytes has further eroded the possibility of coherent discourse.
I blame news deregulation and government run education.

>> No.3437194

>And Democrats are basically Populists
I don't think you know what that means. The Tea Party are populists. Democrats are just faggots.

>> No.3437210

I place my blame squarely on the shoulders of the educational system.

This is going to sound elitist, but fuck it. The biggest dumbasses that I knew from my private schools (HS, primary) were FAR more prepared than their publicly schooled counterparts.

Even the token Neocon mouthpiece that eventually joined my fraternity could coherently argue his position. The difference really hit home when I got to college, I had no idea that people accepted into institutions of higher learning could be so stupid.

Even the dumbest and most vapid of bimbos at my HS were still forced to argue and write about the Metamorphoses of Ovid. They hated it and they weren't very innately talented, but it was trained into them.

This doesn't seem to be the case with most publicly educated students. When you start discussing science, things get even worse. My girlfriend is a smart person, very capable of learning, but the most basic scientific and economic concepts just weren't taught to her in HS or college.

>> No.3437284

see >>3437263

>> No.3437295

The problem is that any political system will be taken advantage of by the people who desire power, they'll probe for whatever little crack corruption might be able to seep in through and then shove their dick into it. With democracy the anus is on the "gaping" end of the spectrum due to the fact that power is gained through your ability to manipulate public opinion.

What you suggest is just pushing the feeblest little scraps of toilet paper into the butt and hoping that'll block the cock when really it's high time we switch out to a much tighter sphincter.

>> No.3437302

Anal sex metaphors aside, what kind of sphincter do you intend to realistically apply?

If I could just change things on a whim, I'd impose severe penalties for corruption but this would require an entire apparatus to ensure there aren't witch hunts and manipulation of the investigation/prosecution to eliminate convenient political enemies.

>> No.3437313

seems like the incentives are set up to reward corruption. punishing it probably won;t work without an overhaul of the incentive structure.

>> No.3437378

The solution is global communism with a one world government. The free marketeers and corporations are trying to kill us everyday only the government is compassionat.

>> No.3437420

Possibly replace it with a system in which responsibilities are divided up between various councils, each comprised of individuals who have proven themselves to be the most accomplished and capable within a series of government funded universities.

There will be some founding text, sort of like the constitution, for which the primary purpose is setting up basic agreed upon ideals, like respect for human life. Whenever any council moves to pass a bill or act or whatever they'll be called, they'll have to completely prove that it logically works toward the ideals proposed in the founding text. A supreme court-esque council's role is to determine whether or not the proposed bill does indeed do that before putting it into action. Everybody has to renew their positions every few years by returning to the university, undergoing testing and comparisons with whatever non-council member is at the top of their respective field.

Perhaps each of the universities could be kept in competition with one another for government endowments, they could weed out corruption in one another and in the councils in order to earn their endowments? I don't know how to stop corruption. I just think this would be a little tighter and a little better than our system.

>> No.3437425

Also rigorous psychological testing, nobody who lacks even a little bit of empathy is put in a position of power.

>> No.3437447
File: 52 KB, 577x577, technocracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do we make a technocracy then?

I think when you describe has more to do with lack of personal reflection than education. People accept logical fallacies and crate emotional attachment to flawed ideas with no reasoning or considerations.

Go to a bar and watch at people during some sort of political discourse, people agree with pure babbling, they hear others say nice, emotive words, not arguments, and seem to happily agree.

(the book "Bad Thoughts" by Jaimie White describes this in an entertaining way)
Also, as a personal question, why don't we judge as a traitor and for crimes against humanity every single politician who says he has the solution to all the problems, so people should vote him, but doesn't share such king of knowledge?

>> No.3437595

there is no conspiracy.
we are all this incompetent and ridiculous.
we prefer a politics of drama rather than a politics of getting shit done.
in a democracy everyone is to blame.

>> No.3437601
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>> No.3437612

what would you say we(assuming you're an American) have?

this type of cynicism is exactly the shit we do to avoid any sense of personal responsibility.

>> No.3437616
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>> No.3437623

Oligarchic Republic/Corporatocracy

>> No.3437629
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The illuminati control it all.

>> No.3437634
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That's silly.

>> No.3437637

The illuminati was created by the Royal Society when it was first formed. Also the framework of freemasonry was created by the Royal Society.

>> No.3437643

I totally believe there's a real room like that, minus the alien and the spinning globe/pyramid thing. And they probably don't have a few scattered pieces of paper on the table. More like laptops or something... with all their data encrypted with some hard-core biometric shit.

>> No.3437652

the world is ran by evil guys boo hoo
guess there's nothing for little old me to do about it
well at least someone is in charge
i mean it's not like the things that happen are huge disasters that no one can handle. it's all part of some sinister, but completely rational, plan.
at least i don't have to do anything about it. b/c there is nothing i could do about it. boo hoo

>> No.3437659
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>Implying the most powerful people in the world need to meet in super secret clubs with laptops to exert control.

It's just a struggle between the most powerful (i.e. those with the most money). They already know how to pull strings to exert influence. Why would they need to conspire so cartoonishly?

>> No.3437665

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/16/books/area-51-by-annie-jacobsen-review.html?pagewanted=all Roswell was a Cold war plan to make it alright to deploy more satellites & secrecy to build stealth jets. The crash was nuclear burn victims from the nuclear jet propulsion in the stealth jet they was testing.

>> No.3437671
File: 32 KB, 707x268, bohemian_gr_reagan_nixon..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regans star wars plan was developed at Bohemian Grove. Nixon planned watergate at Bohemian Grove.

GTFO of my sci mr Dis info FBI agent.

>> No.3437685
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Enthralling tale brethren.

Your tangential rants have convinced me of the error of my ways.

>> No.3437688

Hands up all those itt who split their ticket.

It's you guys...you are to blame for this.

>> No.3437695

and if they had met at a chucky cheese instead?
what are you getting at?

>> No.3437700
File: 2.32 MB, 1024x1024, You Are Being Lied To - The Disinformation Guide, (EBook, Politics, Economics).pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3437703

Go to /x/ with this nonsense conspiracy shit. This isn't a storybook, they're not trying to summon a dark lord or other stupid shit, they just want to make as much money as possible.

>> No.3437710
File: 51 KB, 354x678, Anders Behring Breivi-mason..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does it feel to be a sheeple bro?

Anders Behring Breivik MW2 addict!

>> No.3437715



Confirmed crazy. Nobody but egotistical lunatics use that term.

>> No.3437724

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sheeple stfu pussy lol

>> No.3437726


There is a lot of bullshit and oversimplification in that post but the idea that the Fed causes recession isn't crazy. It might not be taught in your typical mainstream keynesian classroom, but thats just how economics is.

>> No.3437727

what criteria places a person outside of the 'sheeple' umbrella?
which actions determines whether someone is a sheeple or not?

>> No.3437732


I know what the term means. I also know that only chemtrail-believing conspiracy nutjobs use that term in seriousness.

I bet you think the freemasons did this.

>> No.3437745

>Half a century of AMERICA STRONG propaganda has implanted this idea that the government needs to haemorrhage funds to the armed forces to keep the country great
yeah, that's why our vets get such excellent care, why we don't hire from private military firms and we don't offer no bid contracts to companies that have failed to deliver -and overcharge- like haliburton.


for many senators and corporate businessmen, it's nothing more than a personal grab for more money.

as for the men in the shadows...

the imf, cfr, etc release official statements and their meetings recieve lots of coverage. you wouldn't believe some of the stuff they talk about.

they're managers. they're management. they want to manage the world.

they want to depopulate the third world and they want to make a society where everyone has to use money so they can be taxed and controlled.

beyond that i don't know if they have a plan. to gain control over the whole world is big enough.

the problem is that management typically tends to be comprised of people who are utter shit. i don't just mean ethically. i mean they don't have a sensible CLUE in their heads and are too fucking arrogant to trust in the evidence of history or even what is before their eyes. they are arrogant motherfuckers, despite not being passionate about anything but profit, and think they deserve ultimate control.

management allows for the pollution of rainforests when desert tundra is availible. management is fucking... greedy, inelegant, inefficient, selfish, they are the REAL fucking bureaucracy, they are stupid, they're outdated -if they ever had a clue to begin with-, and they're fucking hard to get rid of. their only specialty is in being a motherfucker -and everyone wants in on the game.

fuck management.

captcha: advanced rechno

>> No.3437748


Its real easy to call someone a nutjob because you dont agree with them, but until you listen to their argument and make a valid rebuttal, or explain why you are just in calling them crazy, you're just as bad as they are.

>> No.3437755

i have a question...

can fear be replaced?

>> No.3437756


If a person can't see your mentally deranged view of the world, then they're a sheeple.

People who don't believe in reptillians? sheeple

People who think we landed on the moon? sheeple

People who think obama isn't a muslim robot from 2057? sheeple.

It's one of the easiest ways to discern serious mental derangement.

>> No.3437762


So if a person says the sky is made of tapioca i have to make a cogent and serious response?

As if you can reason somebody out of a position that they did not use reason to get to in the first place.

Go cry elsewhere.

>> No.3437782

Blue lodge masons are dumb. Even Albert pike said this. Clearly you're ignorant as shit about everything?

In a letter from Albert Pike to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

>> No.3437784

Politics bro. It's completely devoid of concentrated deliberation on anything other than what might get votes next election.
The natural result is that no problem addressed by government actually gets solved but the people supposedly working on these issues always seem to get elected again.
(sage due to not science)

>> No.3437797 [DELETED] 
File: 774 KB, 2048x1536, 1309537661067..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama is a nigger faggot president. And should be treated like the nigger he is. That much we can all agree on?

>> No.3437795


All I am saying is that when NWO people go around hatefully calling everyone else sheeple, and the people that don't believe any of it go around hatefully calling the NWO people nutjobs, neither side is making any progress and I fail to see a difference.

>> No.3437802
File: 61 KB, 410x675, 1308609957654..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Michelle Obama is a fucking HAG. Bitch is butt fucking ugly and she can't fix her hair worth shit.

>> No.3437807


Well, that's because you're an idiot. Can't really help that.

>> No.3437811

Mah nigga. Momma be proud wiht ya.

>> No.3437814
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>> No.3437816



>> No.3437831

and they want to make you docile and dumb.

the first confucianist chinese emperor actually executed a man for innovating more complex arrangements of music because 'complex art breeds complex minds' and the whole point of confucianism is to reform man: to turn the entire populace -excepting the elite- into unthinking, emotionally driven children who only pridefully serve the parent state -and would never dare to challenge authority.

mao once said 'too read too many books is harmful.'

a republican senator said earlier this month that allowing people to directly elect their representatives 'gives too much power to the government.' i believe the same guy also responded to questions regarding severe cuts in public education by saying 'well, i don't use it,' as if that were a sensible response.

presuming they're serious, why not have a serious conversation. being an adult means that sometimes you have to dig through shit to get what you want.

if the nutjob is seriously contributing his thoughts and not overly emotional, why not be civil and have a calm discussion. who knows, it might go somewhere.

captcha: forlie coating

>> No.3437888

Everyone needs to stop bickering and join my movement.

The Primarch will see to it that mankind improves his lot and conquers the stars. Every human is part of the apparatus that makes the species great. The apparatus is the Republic. The Republic serves the species as it serves the Republic.

>> No.3437898
File: 16 KB, 424x494, imperium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.3437901

Why would man want to conquer what his greatest grand parents created (The Stars?)

>> No.3437907


nice trips Star Wars.

>> No.3437908

>Kids on 4chan trying to be just like management and create yet another worthless club doomed to fail. Oh joy.

>> No.3437917

Eeh, it's worth a try. There's little else to do while you wait for replies from Chinese suppliers but watch the lizard do moronic shit and dream of a human empire on /sci/.

>> No.3437982

Why assume that it's a puppet show of just one puppeteer? That gives too much credence to a single godlike conspiracy. Why not assume that they're the puppets of various people, and some are real geniune people who got elected? That's the most parsimonious explanation. So we have all these wars because military industrial complex people bought Bush, and now we have Obama getting frozen out by Republicans who have repeatedly said that their whole plan is to make Obama be a one-term president. Why can't we have some people who are nakedly evil, some people who are on top and a little exploitive but less evil, and some who are crazy and some who are genuinely concerned?

>> No.3438008

Ron Paul wants that Federal Reserve gone! Vote Ron Paul for President!

>> No.3438015

Only an idiot would want to get rid of the federal reserve. What do you want to replace it with, a European-style national bank? Do you even know the difference?

>> No.3438033

the federal reserve is an essentially private institution that operates autonomous from the government while other national banks are at least accountable

>> No.3438034

A true government owned bank wouldn't be so corrupt as a bank that is most owned by monster megabanks like Citigroup and Bank of America. The Federal Reserve is just code for Bank of America.

>> No.3438045


> to create a USA similar to China, 300 million working class slaves ruled by the elite

>to create a USA similar to China
>to create a USA similar to China
>to create a USA similar to China
>to create a USA similar to China

/end thread

>> No.3438135

It's not so much about wanting to bankrupt the United States, as opposed to political posturing.

Right now the republicans are in a really tough spot, most of them have signed pledges or made promises to never raise taxes, an incredi-fucking-ly stupid thing to do for obvious reasons. The republicans are trying to save face by either;

>A: Passing a bill that contains only cuts.
>B: Forcing the president to arbitrarily increase the debt limit (which he can do)
>C: Actually default on the debt if need be, so to appear as if they have integrity.

The republicans are currently fucked, because the only way to close the spending gap is to raise revenues as well as cut the shit out of stuff. However, if the taxes increase even one cent, the tea partiers will go absolutely insane and the repbulicans will get booted out of office about as fast as you think they would.

Really fast.

In the end it's just a ploy so they retain power, nothing quite so sophisticated as everyone's a puppet and it's just a conspiracy.

>> No.3438150

Same guy, but missed the point about the three wars.

Yeah, they can be worried about the debt and fight three wars, because a politician who isn't an established liberal that expresses discontent with a war is labelled as unpatriotic and risks losing his or her voters, especially for republicans.

People are nuts.

>> No.3438170

I can't bleive ther are politi-fags in here actaully arguing for rasing the debt limit. HERE IS THE BOTTOM LINE: WE ARE FUCKED EITHER WAY.

Every single year that the congress raises the debt ceiling, we risk a bigger and bigger hyperinflation catastophy.

If we don't raise the debt cieling, the US gov't defalts, the already existing hyperinflation becomes a finaicial reality, the fiath in the dollar wanes, the dollar starts to loose overseas buying power, the hyperinflated dollars come back home, fucked fucked fucked.

The us dollar is hyper inflated. the most responsible thing to do is end the pain now and get it over with.

If you are one of those Keynesian fucktards who think that money doesn't matter and that the governmental can just create more fake paper money in order to bullshit the economy back into a growth stage, then sorry but you are ignorant of basic econ.

The logic of raise-the-ceiling people:
>US deep in debt
>US in a depression partially related to being deep in debt and having a fiat currency
>lets go deeper into debt and print more money to do it
>we will never accidentally the whole economy because we can just keep going into debt forever because money doesn't matter
>I know nothing about the Wiemar Republic

>> No.3438179

"debt crisis" is just another manufactured something to be scared of. so we are in a bit of debt. its really not that big of a deal. If the US stopped shipping in so much damn oil basically all of our economic woes would disappear (at least compared to the rest of the world.)

>> No.3438191

Yeah, the keynesian post ww2 economy. that didnt help make a us a super power at all.
Compare the 1930s to the 1950s and tell me again that Keynesian economics doesnt fucking work.

>> No.3438203 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 322x384, anguish_monkey_ani.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW the day I realized how the pursuit of money and power got the world to this state and how hopeless it seems that anything will change

At least I have humanity's extinction thanks to global climate change to hope for.

>> No.3438214 [DELETED] 

>mfw when I realized how these values over the last 10,000 or so years has made the world pretty fucking awesome even compared to where it was 50 years ago. Fucking retarded people. Greed is good.

>> No.3438219

Keynesian economics doesn't always work.
Economics isn't a one-size solves everything sort of deal. Sometimes you need to realize that the problem can't be fixed by printing out more money.

>> No.3438302 [DELETED] 

>yfw you fell for capitalist propaganda and became an emotionally crippled sociopath as a result.

>> No.3438437

sure is ad hominem in here. i thought this was /sci/

>> No.3438450

zeitgeist movement

>> No.3438451

actually, agreed but Keynesian economics isnt something to be feared which is what the post I was responding to was suggesting. remember after ww2 we had more debt then we have now, and we recovered with the strongest economy in the world. But, you are right you cant just print money, and expect magical returns. You need production to have strong economy.

>> No.3438874

We recovered after we stopped using Keynesian principles and the war ended.

>> No.3438880

Could it ever be considered that those behind the curtain (if they exist) are actually trying to provide the best opportunities for their own country?

>> No.3438905

The reason you can't figure it out is because there isn't 1 room behind the curtains. It's multiple powers wanting different things.
Hillary clinton being on 1 camp and obama on the other.

>> No.3438958
File: 40 KB, 562x437, HA_HA_HA,_OH_WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3438962

I havent read this entire thread so pardon me if its been covered, but some people have mentioned cutting military spending and how that will never happen because politicians are in the pocket of contractors....

That is incorrect. Defense spending is absolutely integrated into our domestic economy, entire districts are proped up by public money and in this day and age, defense spending represents a significant portion of our industrial capacity. The problem runs far deeper then a few kickbacks.