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File: 4 KB, 201x306, DEFAULT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3436457 No.3436457 [Reply] [Original]

August 2011, in theaters

>> No.3436459

Yep. It's over now. All of it.

American Refugee time!

>> No.3436460


>> No.3436462
File: 27 KB, 400x300, gH6e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



"We have run out of time"

"Can you guarantee the American people that they will receive their social security checks on the 3rd?"

*dodges question*

Yeah. We fucked.

>> No.3436466

Maybe I'm thick, but I can't work out how to read that image.
My day default of USA life best?

>> No.3436468


lurk moar

>> No.3436471

best day of my life. derp.

>> No.3436473


That's just some of the words in a random order! How was I supposed to know that?

>> No.3436474


You were supposed to have a brain.

>> No.3436476

>country going to shit because of ideological bullshit

If the people don't rise up and destroy the bullshit parade we call a democracy right this second I'm moving to Switzerland.

>> No.3436478


Clarity is the key to successful communication.

Anyway, can someone tell me what this is about?

>> No.3436479

I agree though it was expected since they were in the same frame of reference therefore it's still valid. Also it will converge to a case where the stop moving hence they will be in equilibrium - as expected from mechanical point of view.

>> No.3436488


Watch this.


Basically, america intentionally missed the deadline on their debt, so now they and the entire global economy is fucked.

I hope they lynch every republican member of the legislative branch.

>> No.3436491


>the people

>someone else

>just not me, i'm busy.

This is why your country died. Enjoy being a refugee.

>> No.3436495

I only say that because now the general public is perfectly content with their broken political system and would never give up their precious same-shit-different-animal political parties.

I'm not implying I would sit back and do nothing but I'm also not a wide-eyed idealist who thinks he can change the world all by himself.

>> No.3436502

FFS social security is called an entitlement because people are entitled to it because its a system they pay into. Its a government run retirement fund. It has enough money in it to run as it is now for an estimated twenty five more years before some minor changes need to be made on account of more old people and fewer young people.

All of this "social security is out of money" is bullshit to con people into going along with letting the money they put away in it be stolen for stupid shit like wars and tax cuts for the wealthiest people in America.

>> No.3436511


So you're calling the president a liar? You have no respect for the office of the president of the united states?

Go back to your tea party.

>> No.3436516
File: 24 KB, 450x450, babbytroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Babby's first troll.

>> No.3436529

The good thing that's left is that China owns so many dollars that they can't just let it crash. (That also means US citizens will be forced to have Mao pictures in their kitchens haha)

>> No.3436533

In bedroom as well.

>> No.3436537

I don't think even in China people are required to have pictures of Mao in their houses. N. Korea maybe.

>> No.3436541

Big mistake they should have. It's good for health, education and morale. Also one pic. of Kim Ir Sen will surely be appreciated.

No I personally don't have their pictures but that's not an obstacle for me to give others hypocritical advises.

>> No.3436546


How are you doing that exactly ?

>> No.3436549
File: 25 KB, 327x313, usa debt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


does china really own so much of america???
seems to be they only own about 8%
also how the fuck does the government own money to itself

is the entire system that fucked up

>> No.3436552
File: 51 KB, 491x643, use debt ceiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also could someone explain to a non american why they are so hesitant to raise the debt ceiling seems to me in the past teh sky was the limit, so why is it a big problem now

>> No.3436558
File: 10 KB, 450x355, reaction clinton laughing monitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bush: exp
>Clinton: log
>Bush 2: exp

>> No.3436563

Because a Democrat is president and the Republican's stated (stated!) goal is to ruin anything he tries to to, damn the consequences.

>> No.3436564

It doesn't owe money to itself, that's a load of deceptive shit.

>> No.3436585


Nope, the problem are all those bonds they are holding. If China were to release them all and put them on the market that would mean two things:

-Flooding the market with $1.16 trillions and thus a huge inflation (effectively screwing at least about 50% of US population who are already screwed enough as prices go up and the value of the dollar goes down)

-A breach of confidence towards the US - the rating agencies would downgrade the creditworthiness raising the interests on the financial markets, which again would make it harder for the US to pay back the debts or getting new credits in the first place.

that's the short version

>> No.3436602

Unfortunetly the only true clear minded people are those who realize that no matter who gets elected, We are getting fucking up the ass with a red white and blue glove, while the doctor says this is the american dream, because thats what you wish was happening, it was all just a dream, when its really happening, your getting that hand shoved so far up your ass, you cant tell which party is which because both are the parties of Fuck-ups, fools, and children.

>> No.3436609

The underground lines take forever to repair. there are another closures on Circle and District lines. London speaking. Big problems huh?

>> No.3436610


>> No.3436840

>almost 16,000 billions = $15,476,243,000
nice fake

>> No.3436952


well the bbc seems to think it is real

tho it is missing a set of zeros, perhaps they got overlapped by the last bar on the graph

>> No.3436960

George Carlin is just a mad grumpy old man

>> No.3436971

SO, where EXACTLY has all the money gone?

I mean, this is the same kind of shit that happened before the Great Depression.

It's not like we've lost total wealth. The money is accumulating in places where the rest of the world can't get at it. Where is it?

Also: Anyone else ready for rampant inflation followed by the government stealing your gold?

>> No.3436975

I really don't understand why the elite need all that money.

maybe they just want the power of having so much money

>> No.3436983

If they control the money, they control the world.

They want it and have it, but they suck at running the world.

>> No.3436996


Only because they need to watch out for their competitors.

>> No.3437001

Is it just me, or is his hair a lot whiter than at the beginning of his term?

>> No.3437236

They don't have a all that money. They have all that wealth. There's a difference.

Wealth includes things like industrial machinery, debts, parts of companies, etc. It's not like they have a giant vault full of gold.
Sure, they may own some shiny bullshit to impress other people, but for most rich people, most of their wealth is invested in things that they expect will make them more money, and in effect keep the economy going.

>> No.3437263

>SO, where EXACTLY has all the money gone?
There was no money. What has vanished was credit.
>I really don't understand why the elite need all that money.
The point of contention between the republicans/teabaggers and the democrat is how fast the government of the US will be gutted and turned over to politically unaccountable private interests. Obama has been going faster than any other president in history, but it's not fast enough for some people.

>> No.3437297

>armchair economists
>armchair economists errywhere

>> No.3437307

Happens to all of them. The job must be very stressful indeed.

>> No.3437374

How can they keep the economy going if people don't get payed and thus arn't able to spend that money

>> No.3437434

People get paid the minimum amount necessary to keep them alive and working to enrich the elite.

>> No.3437554

Exactly, and with the default they won't get payed.