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3427291 No.3427291 [Reply] [Original]

This is good right? The end of the space shuttle program? As it means it's the start of the privatization of space exploration, we will have more and faster advancements right?

>> No.3427307

It will take some time to private space exploration returns some money.

>> No.3427314

Yes. That picture you got there is an outdated model of a space shuttle that could've been made more efficiently if it wasn't for the millions used to save up for government worker pensions among other things.

>> No.3427317


You can say that again. But I bet all four companies are more efficient that NASA.

Plus NASA is still going to mars the private companies are just doing iss, moon, asteroid.

>> No.3427322

but eventually who knows.. we're talking 20 to 30 years from now

>> No.3427327

This is why I hate the American Government.

You have privatized healthcare, where most of the rest of the world has public.
Your healthcare is among THE WORST in the world, and, costs your taxpayers MORE than what others pay for their contribution to public healthcare.

Meanwhile, your space program was publicly funded, and it was one of the best in the world. You created the best satellite telescope the world ever saw, you won the space race, you landed TWO rovers on Mars at the same time, and you PUT MEN ON THE FUCKING MOON.
And what do you do? Privatize it.


>> No.3427335

Let's be real, nasa's budget was pennies, since the 70's the government had been cutting more and more budget

>> No.3427340


Actually our health care is without a doubt the best in the world if you can afford it. I'll let you do your own research. The problem is that not everyone can afford it.

Historically privatization is always better if it is possible. Think amtrack USPS ect

>> No.3427351

- ''we will have more and faster advancements right?''


>> No.3427357

I'm not sure if you heard but there's a crisis going on..

And by the way, concerning the american health system, we all know that obama has been trying to pass his universal health care system but whenever it comes up people start talking about how socialist his idea is "why should i pay for other's healthcare bla bla" and so on, when it comes to the health care system it is pure hypocrisy.

the cuban health system is public and one of the best in the world.

>> No.3427361

Well, elaborate, let's hear.

>> No.3427363

For fuck sake China end up with the amerifats already

>> No.3427372

>Let's be real, nasa's budget was pennies, since the 70's the government had been cutting more and more budget

um dude each shuttle launch ran about 450million bucks. Id hardly call that pennies.

>> No.3427376


Because I'm an angry kid who has no idea what I'm talking about who doesn't know that NASA has private companies build their space craft. And the man and greed and stuff.

>> No.3427382

the government needs to start paying these private companies to take people into space, build some infrastructure.

>> No.3427387

>since the 70's


>> No.3427386

without government funding, its going to be at least 20-30 years till we start having honda or toyota rockets in space.

>> No.3427385


You mad that NA is actually doing better than Europe economically right now. Just like old times.

>> No.3427384


just the air conditioner of the soldiers in afghanistan costs more than the entire NASA budget

is because people like you that this world is going to the shitter

>> No.3427381


That's what, like the amount we spend on our military per day?

>> No.3427380

I heard somebody at work say the following, upon hearing that the shuttle was shut down: "Hah, well good riddance. What did the space program ever give us? Heads in the stars, what's that do for us on earth?"

"Velcro. Memory foam. Satellite television. GPS for your car. Dialysis machines. In-ear thermometers..."

He ignored me.

Being ignorant, it seems, is about as patriotic as flag-waving in this country these days.

>> No.3427394


>> No.3427396

it's not good because there's no replacement. Dragon capsule/the rockets we're expecting from SpaceX are not due to arrive until 2014, and the X-37, an orbital unmanned vehicle, hasn't the capacity for shuttle type missions.

>> No.3427400

But that's exactly my point. At least we will have them. What if we still remained under government funds where would we be within 20 or 30 years? Probably still planning a mission to Mars.

When I mention that it's going to develop faster I don't mean that next year there will be a private company scheduling missions to Mars, I'm just comparing with a government funded (public) sector.

>> No.3427408


Holy crap can you please learn the first think about health care reform before you post ignorant nonsense like that.

It's not universal or public it just requires people to have insurance.

A private health system is the best all you have to do is allow insurance companies to be competitive between states. Problem solved.

>> No.3427409


this samefag really needs to get laid, or at least go out in public.

>> No.3427416


Well two of those posts are mine and I'm married you need to grow up.

>> No.3427421

>The cuban healthcare system is public and one of the best in the world
The cuban healthcare system is corrupt and one of the least impartial in the world. If you don't have money, you are not going to get a good place on the transplant list.

>> No.3427424

Well compare that with the military budget which is approximately 800 billions a year. And we're not even in a Cold War anymore.

The War on Terror and it's consequences (occupation) is estimated to cost around 2 trillions by 2021.

I'd call 450 millions, "pennies".

>> No.3427428

dont get mad because your ugly slag "wife" wont put out.

>> No.3427433

stop posting, you loser. you are arguing with yourself. go fuck a goat.

>> No.3427435

i can think of few scarier places to be than on the Cuban organ transplant list.

>> No.3427440

brother, can you spare a dime?

>> No.3427451


Not all defense spending is the military. Soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines already get payed next to nothing. Its hard to say sorry you're fried from the military. Or sorry scientists that new radar isn't going to happen.

>> No.3427456




And what do you mean by "really needs to get laid, or at least go out in public."

I really don't understand it, I'm serious, are you projecting? Only then it would make sense.

>> No.3427476

> Or sorry scientists that new radar isn't going to happen.

I don't think that one is that hard to say

>> No.3427481

actually NASA is doing asteroids and then tentatively mars. private is doing only the ISS.

and this is one of the problems there will always have to be completion private companies like spacex will never plan missions, only bid on contracts.

>> No.3427494
File: 27 KB, 400x293, lol america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3427509


Unless they find an asteroid made of diamond.

>> No.3427530

Or hurr durr Unobtainium extractions in Pandora

>> No.3427541
File: 9 KB, 168x191, 1308050325357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even though there are new programs and alternatives on the horizon, I'm still sad.
Shuttles were so fucking cool man...

>> No.3427547


That was the funniest movie I have ever seen. I was laughing so hard at Pocahontas with PS3 graphics people were asking me the leave the theater.

>> No.3427571

That actually wouldn't be all that valuable at the moment. The price of gem-quality diamonds is artificial, anyway.

>> No.3427593

yeah, i don't get what's all this vibe with that movie all about. I've only watched it once in DVD (didn't even go to theaters) and never watched it again. Pretty boring story and acting. The special effects were nice but not worth enough to watch 3 hours of movie

>> No.3427596
File: 215 KB, 800x779, avahontas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic btw

>> No.3427625

Yeah, I remember visiting a real shuttle in FL like 12 years ago

>> No.3427644


I also loved the irrelevant and bullshit bit about there being "nothing green" on Earth.

>> No.3428457
File: 1.19 MB, 2048x1536, 1294273454747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they are called orbiters you dumb mother fuckers

>> No.3428496

The base DoD budget last year was about $650 billion dollars.

That's more than has been spent on NASA in the last 50 YEARS

>> No.3428515

go mouthfuck a rattlesnake faggot

I can call it space bus and it's none of your fucking business

>> No.3428544

Only problem with privatization is that companies will purposely bottleneck developments for the sake of making extracting the most amount of money possible.

>> No.3428564

>Private space exploration
>Completely subsidized by the government and tax dollars.

Nope. Sorry. Some rich asshole was just pissed because he wasn't making more money. He bribed (lobbied) your government and now gets to pocket the cash.

Enjoy paying twice as much for something the government did on it's own. Enjoy your fascism.

>> No.3428578

I believe we call it Corporate Fascism. The world makes a lot more sense when you think of the government as comprising a corporate-service component and an elected-taxing component.

>> No.3428609

All according to plan. The citizens foot the bill for all the R&D as well as building up all the infrastructure, then when the time comes, private corporations with the help of govt. subsidies blast off into space to essentially own all the valuable minerals and fuel on the moon and asteroids. Oh, and they don't have to pay taxes.

The enemy among us, the high-functioning psychopath, an almost distinct species of human that is bred and evolved to dominate, farm, and kill other humans as a means of survival. They are at the cause of the only war that humanity has ever really been fighting for the last 50,000 years. The class war.

The sooner we rise up and kill them, the better off we will be for the coming technological singularity.

Start making nitroglycerin and molotov cocktails. We are entering the last stages of plot.

>> No.3428630


I agree, however you should have stopped typing after the word 'taxes' as the rest spoils your argument by making it easy to attack.... unless of course it's a troll

>> No.3428672

you'll have difficulty rising up to destroy psychopaths, since they are by their very nature in positions of power...

also, killing us off leaves your pack without its alpha, your herd without its sheepdog.

your desire to throw off their leadership through violence identifies you as the next leader- and the next psychopath that'll need to be killed.

>> No.3428747
