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File: 16 KB, 250x250, 1309035985176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3423963 No.3423963 [Reply] [Original]


smokers confirmed for full retard

>> No.3423970

OP confirmed for uncool as fuck.

Smoking makes you awesome


>> No.3423978

just smoke one every now and then with your friends
you get to be 'cool' and not experience any of the adverse effects

>> No.3424068

I had a cigerette like 5 years ago with some friends. Inhaling manure would have provided more pleasure.

>> No.3424078


Confirmed for retard. Nicotine won't get you, right? You're above it.

>> No.3424085
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>> No.3424097

When you do hard drugs Nicotine feels like nothing

>> No.3424104

>concerned with being perceived as "awesome"
>on 4chan

>> No.3424109
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ever since i started taking heroin i never had to smoke again!

>> No.3424118


>> No.3424120

My mother got emphysema as a result of her heavy smoking.
Didn't make her stop though.

>> No.3424136
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obviously NOT a junkie then!

>> No.3424157


>> No.3424194
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I'm just gonna take the opportunity to point out the retardedness of the american justice system in that you can smoke when you're 18, but you can't drink until you are 21.

Drinking in moderation is actually beneficial for your health.

Any amount of smoking is insalubrious.

>> No.3424203
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>> No.3424243

I use an electronic cigarette. My brain still gets its nicotine, but I can use it anywhere, it won't give me lung cancer, it doesn't make smell of gote-scroatum, AND it's cool. Electronic drug-delivery systems are cyberpunk as fuck.

>> No.3424290

it really doesnt. been doing this >>3423978 for about three years now. no urges for a smoke at all at any time

>> No.3424311

1. You're wrong
2. Using SAT words randomly doesn't make you sound smart. In fact, it makes you sound stupid.

>> No.3424319

>>Any amount of smoking is insalubrious.

I am not a troll.

Are you a native English speaker?

Do you remember how, when and where you learned that word?

>> No.3424325

Are you a fucking moron?
It literally takes years to develop an addiction, and most people don't develop one at all.

>> No.3424333 [DELETED] 

he's right. there is at least 50 years of research showing smoking tobacco to be lethal.

you're a faggot. he knows some vocabulary.

Also, PROTIP: TOBACCO CAN DAMAGE THE BRAIN AND LOWERS THE INTELLIGENCE ( http://no-smoking.org/dec04/12-06-04-2.html ).

>> No.3424339


Yeah, the study was proposed that Alcohol is good for your health turned out to be bogus. Sorry, bro. Try and stick to real, verifiable science when on /sci/.

>> No.3424342

he's right. there is at least 50 years of research showing smoking tobacco to be lethal. if you want to deny it, go ahead, but you'll be in the same pack as creationists.

you're a faggot. he knows some vocabulary.

Also, PROTIP: TOBACCO CAN DAMAGE THE BRAIN AND LOWERS INTELLIGENCE ( no-smoking.org/dec04/12-06-04-2.html ).

>> No.3424344

>hurr durr any amount of cigarette smoke is lethal
You're a fucking moron. Also a samefag.
Small amounts of tobacco smoke have actually been shown to have health benefits. And no, knowing vocabulary does not make you smart.
God. I hate arguing with high school kids.

>> No.3424351

Alcohol is not good for you at any dose, bad for you at any reasonable dose, and to top it all off, nicotine improves short term memory. So basically, go fuck yourself.
>not smoking cigars

>> No.3424355

>Small amounts of tobacco smoke have actually been shown to have health benefits.

[citation needed]

>And no, knowing vocabulary does not make you smart.
That was never implied. Also, I'm not samefag.

God. I hate arguing with retarded hillbillies.

>> No.3424360
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healthfags are butthurt as fuck

>> No.3424362


[citation needed]
At least 3 reliable sources please

>> No.3424367

>Also, PROTIP: TOBACCO CAN DAMAGE THE BRAIN AND LOWERS INTELLIGENCE ( no-smoking.org/dec04/12-06-04-2.html ).
That is not a study, that is a survey. A survey of a small amount of Scottish people. Correlation =/= causation, go back to your logic 101.

>> No.3424374
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The fuck??

Sauce now, there's no fucking way that's true and you're retarded

>> No.3424375

Was that so fucking hard?

>> No.3424379
File: 187 KB, 552x310, doyouevenliftsciencecorruption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a study can't involve a survey

Childhood IQ, smoking, and cognitive change from age
11 to 64 years
ABSTRACT: We investigated whether smoking is a risk factor for relative cognitive decline from age 11 to 64
years. The potentially confounding effects of childhood IQ, occupational status, level of education,
presence of heart disease, hypertension, and lung function were examined. Subjects were nondemented
and living independently. They were all born in 1936, had been participants in the same Scottish
national IQ survey in 1947, and were reexamined at age about 64 years in 2000 – 2002. Current
smokers and nonsmokers had significantly different mental test scores at age 64. This difference
remained after adjustment for childhood IQ. Multiple linear regression identified childhood IQ, level
of education, occupational code, lung function, and smoking history as significant independent
predictors of mental function at age 64. In this sample, smoking makes a small ( < 1% variance)
independent negative contribution to cognitive aging.

>> No.3424384

I was talking about alcohol you ass.

Alcohol is good in moderation, you people say it isn't, prove it.

>> No.3424386

Traumatic episodes increase chance to start smoking, and are linked to cognitive dysfunction. Do you even logic?
What claim do you need sauce on, see the lmgtfy if it's on nicotine and memory.

>> No.3424392

>alcohol is healthy

Listen, I like alcohol as much as the next man, but don't say that it's healthy. It's addictive and toxic to the liver. There was one study a while ago that showed it was better for the heart or something like that. Like most substances, it's a mixed bag. It's just up to you whether the short term benefits (social disinhibition) outweigh the long term damage.

>> No.3424395

Here's a thought, you cite your retarded claims instead of asking me to cite an absence of your claims, got it?

>> No.3424398

>Traumatic episodes increase chance to start smoking, and are linked to cognitive dysfunction. Do you even logic?

The study made no mention of that. Without evidence, any reference to such a thing would simply be conjecture. Do you even logic?

>> No.3424403

look i don't mind smokers but second hand smoke is a very real danger. just be aware of that. also smoking anything is going to hurt your lungs. simple as that

>> No.3424405
File: 19 KB, 226x237, bestbetrollingazusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As long as you're not a binging fucktard everything is all right

>> No.3424412

No I'm not going to google for you again. The point is, the study is not controlled, because it's a fucking survey. Correlation does not imply causation, and all the survey implies is correlation. Also, it's in fucking Scotland. They do not have the same regulations on tobacco that other countries have. In Scotland snus is also more predominant than in the USA. Maybe that is a more dangerous method of intake?

>> No.3424415

And last but not least

>> No.3424418

>3 links
>no pubmed
Yeah, okay. Cite some STUDIES next time, okay?

>> No.3424424

>A considerable body of epidemiology associates moderate alcohol consumption with significantly reduced risks of coronary heart disease and, albeit currently a less robust relationship, cerebrovascular (ischemic) stroke.

>> No.3424427

I drink alcohol for the sole purpose of WHISKEY TASTES GOOD AND WINE IS A GOOD COMPANION FOR FOODS, that's it, you fucking retards.

Binging is retarded, social drinking shows your terrible need of approval.

>> No.3424428

None of those things alcohol "helps with" are going to be a problem in any average person. It's no more "healthy" than binging on heroin for its neuroprotective effects.

>> No.3424430

I already stated that binging is retarded. See >3424427

>> No.3424433

herp, don't know how did that > got lost

>> No.3424447

1.Fuck You
2.What Faggot Wants To Live to Be 90?
3.All The cool kids do it

>> No.3424448

I smoke like a fucking fiend. I also drink a shitload of liquor and have unprotected sex with people I barely know. I occasionally smoke pot, too, but that's not that large a part of the equation.


>> No.3424453

Okay, it's no more harmful than using heroin in moderation daily for its neuroprotective effects.

>> No.3424471

Go back to 420chan, faggot.

>> No.3424490
File: 76 KB, 475x360, 1301521072502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smoked for 8 years
>family tradgey made me re-evaluate my shit
>stopped cold turkey, started going gym and improved my diet
>smoke free almost 3 years

>> No.3424515
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What now nonsmoker fags?

>> No.3424556
File: 15 KB, 300x422, bill hicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: future 80-year-olds looking back on life and knowing something went horribly wrong but unable to figure out what

>> No.3424707


Still haven't answered this, smoking retard. Where's your evidence that "small amounts of tobacco smoke have actually been shown to have health benefits"?

Let's see it. This should be good.

>> No.3425868

Oh, by the way, I never claimed that.

I'm not that guy. Smoking fucking kills you.

>> No.3425891
File: 67 KB, 250x333, lens17826195_1302193668christopher_hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't want to live forever.

>> No.3425906

i have to laugh at the photo. it's not evidence of smoking fetishism. there's boob in that picture. if anything, people are turned on by the boob

>> No.3425933


>> No.3426106

That sounds pretty good.

>> No.3426112

Except that alcohol has been a cultural element for many years, and >>3424427

>> No.3426122

How can you believe that smoking is bad when it's just a theory (a geuss)?

>> No.3426124
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I wish you many more family tragedies, good sir.

>> No.3426148

You're lucky you're behind the anonymity of the internet. If you said that to me in real life, well, you wouldn't.

>> No.3426187
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>> No.3426347

damn nigga, stop getting so mad at video games

>> No.3426387

>Harming yourself in order to be accepted by others
Smoker confirmed for not only retarded but beta as well.

>> No.3426391
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>> No.3426397

tobacco has to be the nastiest shit ever

>> No.3426409
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>getting high

>> No.3426416

>not drinking
This actually has health benefits. It's also a social thing, helps you loosen up and have fun (I'm not talking about drunk here)
If you refuse to drink you are just being that one weird guy in the corner who doesn't wanna drink for some autistic reason.

>> No.3426429
File: 161 KB, 800x600, e6ez47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[citation needed]
>implying I hang out anywhere people drink
>implying I need the approval of anyone

>> No.3426452

Google is your citation. There is nothing wrong with drinking.

>> No.3426456


I dont drink and I'm the only one starting conversations with women, my group of friends just stands near them drinking and drinking without doing anything. Fuck drinking, smoking or anything expensive and useless

>> No.3426458

ITT: Fags who never heard of the word HORMESIS

>> No.3426462

Having a drink or two is the healthy thing to do. Social drinking isn't healthy. Alcohol is one of the worst drugs known to man.

>> No.3426464

Congrats, you are now alpha.

>> No.3426467

Google is not a "source". There are plenty of dangers in drinking alcohol.

>> No.3426473

ITT: Autists, trolls, and faggots.

>> No.3426477

It's not hard to look something up either.

>> No.3426480

>Still believing non-smokers are less likely to get cancer than smokers

>> No.3426483
File: 817 KB, 1600x1200, 1292940353278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a citation, you just sound like a liberal arts fag that doesn't like it when people don't drink because you do.

>> No.3426492



>> No.3426503

My original post was intended to tell somebody alcohol doesn't belong in the same category as getting high or smoking. Then people kept coming at me so naturally I reply because I have nothing better to do.

>> No.3426539
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Sorry, I left this thread almost immediately after leaving.

Luckily it was bumped up to page 0.

I am a native English speaker.
I do remember exactly when and where I learned that word. It was my junior year of high school in my English class.

Hope that helps.

>> No.3426541

out of cannabis, ethanol, and nicotine, ethanol is the deadliest, followed by nicotine, and at a distant last, cannabis. You're right. Alcohol doesn't even belong in that group.

The overall negative impact of alcohol on society is far greater than all of the other drugs put together, even destructive drugs like heroin and meth

>> No.3426544

Cannibal Corpse. Sanded Faceless.

>> No.3426553


>edit: left this thread almost immediately after POSTING*

>> No.3426555

You would feel safer doing meth instead of having a couple of drinks? Well I'm done here.

>> No.3426565

Did I say "I would feel safer" or is your mouth just full of dicks?


I drink. I smoke weed. I don't care for tobacco.

I'm not stupid, I know alcohol is bad. I know weed can be bad too, but then, sugar can be bad, fat can be bad, everything, in excess can be bad.

Alcohol, however, is extremely toxic, and its very easy to lose control, making it extremely easy to abuse.

If I smoke too much weed, worse that'll happen that day is I pass out.

>> No.3426569
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i've been smoking for over 10 years, tried electronic recently, but it's just not the same. Luckily i live in a free country where smoking bans have virtually no chance of passing.
40% more chance of lung cancer[1] is so worth the pleasure and social possibilities.

>> No.3426616

I´ve seen old ass people smoking like chimneys
Go take your sensationalist bs somewhere else
And stop raising my taxes you intolerant fucks

>> No.3426636

>Smoking cigarettes
>not cigars, shisha, or weed

>> No.3426649
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>most of this thread

>> No.3426674

>not smoking through a water pipe

>> No.3426679

>lol how do I into statistics?

>> No.3426689

>Drinking in moderation is actually beneficial for your health.

I seriously hope you guys don't believe this.

>> No.3426715

I smoke cigarettes because it curbs my appetite. Keeps me skinny. It helps me relax. Also, it kinda has a laxative effect so I love a smoke in the morning to get the poops flowing.

Also, I brush my teeth before I hang out with my friends. I wear fresh clothes when I go out. None of them have ever guessed that I was a smoker, even when I told them years later.

Keep in mind that I don't consider any of these things an excuse. Smoking has its perks, but I don't consider coolness one of them. I'm just in it for personal reasons. I wouldn't do it if I was interested in staying healthy. I know I'm gonna die and I'm not going to cling desperately to life. If I get cancer, I'm shooting a quart of heroin straight into my brain stem and jumping off a building for fun.

So if I know I've got that well in hand, I'm just a smoker cause I want to have a little flavor in my life. I like it, some people don't. Maybe if I was in your body, I wouldn't find pleasure in it at all. Maybe if you were in my body you would understand why I like it.

I would not recommend that anybody start smoking unless you're the kind of person who doesn't give a shit about recommendations.

>> No.3426726

I would say this pretty much sums it all.

>> No.3426729 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 425x282, smoking_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everybody dies anyway

>> No.3426770

I've been smoking only on weekends when drinking for the past three years.
Only weaklings get addicted, u madness?

>> No.3426797
File: 42 KB, 439x443, motorhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. . .
>(Shreddin' guitar solo)

>> No.3426801

they don't even realize that the government is forcing them into it.

>> No.3426805


Everyone does die eventually, but the length and quality of life before that happens can vary enormously.

>> No.3426811


Government is forcing us to quit. Why else would they make us smoke disgusting FSC cigarette papers and outlaw the sale of flavored tobacco?

I know they love the money they get from taxing the crap out of it, but almost all smoking legislation over the past 15 years has been to curb it.

>> No.3426850

>Everyone does die eventually, but the length and quality of life before that happens can vary enormously.

And how to exactly balance length vs. quality of life is for the individual to decide.

>> No.3426917

alcoholicfag here
Been going to an alcohol treatment program and have been sober for 2 weeks.
Have to quit drinking before I quit smoking because I want to chain smoke when drunk.
Cigs are next on the chopping block.
Was spending $4000+ a year on shitty, unhealthy habits.

>> No.3426924

>Was spending $4000+ a year on shitty, unhealthy habits.

Almost even more so than the health thing, this is the reason I will never get in to any of this stuff. I do not understand how people throw this kind of money away.

>> No.3426925

>Was spending $4000+ a year on shitty, unhealthy habits.

And this is why I'm a teetotaler and a non-smoker.

>> No.3426940


Because that's what inevitably happens to everybody who takes up smoking or drinking, right guys?

>> No.3426943

>And how to exactly balance length vs. quality of life is for the individual to decide

Indeed, but smoking decreases both in the long term.

>> No.3426946

Come on then, how much do you spend in a year on alcohol or cigarettes?

>> No.3426997

A smoking habit is expensive as fuck, and no, I won't play with nicotine. That physiological addiction is a very real thing, and it pwns many. It's an expensive gamble for a completely useless (and retarded) addiction.

>> No.3427044


When you do hard drugs, Nicotine is like seasoning

>> No.3427060

If you do hard drugs, you don't use the internet. You do hard drugs.

Weed, alcohol, Ketamine, DMT, LCD, Salvia, Mushrooms, E, Coke, Meth

None of those are hard drugs.

>> No.3427073


Well seeing that its 4chan we're on here don't take it so hard. Its a trollish way of him being nice. We know the tragedy sucks, but at the same time it improved your life. Take it with a grain of salt. The post was 1/3 douche 1/3 troll 1/3 well wishing

>> No.3427096

What the fuck is a hard drug then?

>> No.3427324


Quite a lot, because I like my chain-smoking and drinking, but I know more who keep it happily in moderation.


If it were useless, there would be no addiction potential. You don't get addicted to things that aren't fun. Except internet arguments.


Quality of life decreases over the long term anyway. Aging-associated diseases will hit you whether or not you're a smoker.