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3422979 No.3422979 [Reply] [Original]

im watching a documentary about evolution, david attenbra just said when you go down through the earth's layers you are going back in time, but doesnt this go against physics theorys? which one is wrong, darwin or einstein??

>> No.3423081

Sorry, David "Attenbra"?

>> No.3423113

5/110 opey, i luled ats "dorwan or ienstien"

>> No.3423135

sorry im not good at spelling?
you are the one spelling them wrong moron. if you dont understand how darwin and einstein are relevant then you have no knowledge of science.

>> No.3423141

Too obvious.

>> No.3423168

are you seriously saying you don't understand this fucking obvious shit?
you need me to explain this?

>> No.3423178

see >>3423141

>> No.3423185

Explain how and which physics theories contradict this.

>> No.3423191

I lold at the last bracket in the pic

>> No.3423195

Its going back in time in the sense that you can make conclusions about what happened in the past, and what kind of animals lived then. You're not actually going back in time just using it as a "window" to the past.

>> No.3423202

because einstein said you cant go back in time you fucking idiot, did you not read my post or do you have no idea about basic stuff like the relatives theory??
thanks for confirming that you are a moron. see above.

>> No.3423210

see >>3423141
This is easy. You should probably quit.

>> No.3423213

of course ur not going back in time moron rofl
but i do belive einstein said it applies to EVERYTHING not just people, it also applies to INFORMATIONS, as you said you can draw conclusions so it is the informations that is travelling through times and disproving the theory, unless evolution is wrong

>> No.3423218

4/10, you trolled a few people. either that or you are an idiot

>> No.3423232

people said galileo was an idiot. they couldnt answer his questions either.

>> No.3423263 [DELETED] 

Einstein never said time travel was impossible quit the opposite, he said time was relative.
Back to school with you lad.

>> No.3423272

So that means you cannot draw conclusions from the evidence at a crime scene?
Then why we do it.

>> No.3423273

Einstein never said time travel was impossible.
Quite the opposite, he said time was relative.
Back to school with you lad.

>> No.3423302

right, what he's saying is that the deeper in earth you go, (usually) the older the rocks become. it's the same sort of thing as when you look at stars, you're looking back in time, but you aren't actually time travelling.

>> No.3423304

Well of course we continue to travel through time. One second per second. Time dilation is also possible.


>> No.3423317

einstein said time travel into the past impossible
back to school with you
oh, and, for future reference:
you're a worthless idiot, so don't pontificate.

>> No.3423322

i already said you're not, the information is travelling in time, learn to read

>> No.3423333

>the information is travelling in time
yes, forward. Now shut up.

>> No.3423375

learn to be a less hostile aspie asking stupid questions. the guy in the documentary used a metaphor you couldn't interpret, and when i tried to be helpful despite your quite clear retardation, you attacked me. stay classy homie.