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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 70 KB, 600x478, central_room_pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3420363 No.3420363 [Reply] [Original]


This is it. The meaning of life. The ultimate truth.

>> No.3420371


>> No.3420375

First line:
>First and foremost, this website is not a hoax or a joke. Now, moving on....

That never goes over well with me.

>> No.3420379

> Don't fall trap to a system of beliefs.
> Here, use this system of beliefs to see the absolute truth.


>> No.3420378

Just skip the first writtings than it will get interesting.

>> No.3420380

Is this another one of those Time Cube things? Except it's not written with jumbly insane size differentiation.

Too much for me to read though. I'll just scroll down...



Oh. Reptilians.

>> No.3420384

>any constanza face.jpg

>> No.3420396


>> No.3420402


I fucking love this site

Not because it's filled with insane bullshit

But because the guy who wrote it is an arrogant asshole and he tells you to be an arrogant asshole as well

>> No.3420405

>All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
-Arthur Schopenhauer

When is truthism going to pass through the first stage?

>> No.3420406

It's like every conspiracy I've ever read bundled into one.

>> No.3420411


This debunks everything, read more books.

>> No.3420413

this is a good troll. i'd never pay money for a URL just to troll but i guess now that i've seen this, i've got to step my game up. expect many new ridiculous trolls in the future.

>> No.3420421

"Moreover, who the fuck do you think created humanity in the first place? "An intangible god?" No. "Evolution?" Uh, no. "Aliens?" Duh."

Wow. Just... wow.

>> No.3420436

If I had cancer, and there was a simple cure for it, and it was written out on a website in cyan text... I'd choose death.

>> No.3420441

OP here, this is not my fucking site and i didn't wrote that.
Scroll down to the end of the page and watch the videos.

>> No.3420447

stating words as facts about the reptilians :|

id love it if it was a known fact though lol

also this, lol the parts about egos and shit always made me kinda like it

>> No.3420461


>> No.3420470

Ah. It's finally getting to 4chan.

I'm not opposed to what this site stands for, though the information it presents is rather hard to swallow. We shouldn't disregard something simply because we don't like it. The US is engage in at least two conflicts while the media complains about global warming making it hot during the Summer. Isn't our news supposed to, you know, inform us of shit like our money going into other small-scale wars that we don't know about? The media here doesn't tell the people anything and slowly, people are realizing it.

Anyways, if you guys are interested in more psychological anti-ego stuff, there's the Divine Cosmos the Holographic Brain to look at. For the more political stuff, there's rt.com, Al Jazeera, and more.

>> No.3420483

The entire site is a failure.

People who are not ignorant don't need to be accused of being ignorant and ignorant people are just going to ignore everything you say anyway. If the site doesn't even attempt to look like it wants to get to the point quickly in a logical concise manner then out of necessity there is no reason why I should give truthism the time of day because there are 100s of other crazy crackpots out there and no one has the time to pay attention to them all.

>> No.3420484

>I'm not opposed to what this site stands for, though the information it presents is rather hard to swallow. We shouldn't disregard something simply because we don't like it.
The fuck? Is this the new viral? The website is made by some crazy old fuck who just learned html codes. Should we really pay attention to kids who make shitty flashes of kung fu stick figures? Would you give attention to some "4205T0N3RH!GH" fuck who makes 360 sniper shot videos in Black Ops?

>> No.3420493

What is this dickhead trying to achieve anyway?

>> No.3420494

Well it's up to you to ultimately decide what you will or won't listen to, but yeah. That site really tries to shove "the truth" down your throat. The idea of everyone trying to understand each other rather than freak out and shoot each other is what should really be, but sites like these are the gross "bad end" of that cognitive spectrum.

>> No.3420497

So you are the typical brain-washed guy that no matter what you are going to read or to get information somewhere, it needs to have a good design to impress you. If good design, no matter whats written, its good. If bad design, its pure gold written, its bad.Yeah kid yeah.

>> No.3420505 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 599x629, at_first_but_then.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I was reading through it.
>Mfw it started talking about reptilians.

>> No.3420509

You can see the Reptilians via meditating, using hallucinogenic drugs, and sleep paralysis. However, these are the fourth-dimensional Reptilians, not the third-dimensional ones--but more on all of this later.


>> No.3420511
File: 27 KB, 600x450, 1310988675140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no him but

>> No.3420515
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>> No.3420520

I'm going to laugh my ass off when I die and I find out after all which one of these religious ideas was actually true and how hard people fought the whole time I was alive over which one was right. With my luck, it's probably the one I would least suspect.

"OH, yeah, by the way, the correct answer was Reptilians. Sorry."

>> No.3420527

>berate people for having a "mainstream" worldview because "You do not have access to Top Secret government information or to Top Secret government facilities. Nor are you a member of any of Earth's secret societies. In addition, you were not born 5,000 years ago; you were born only within the last 100 years, so you were not able to see history unfold with your own eyes. "
>proceed to believe in reptilians
Oh wow, this HAS to be a troll.

>> No.3420534


>> No.3420536

>By design, the obvious truth--the creation of the human race by aliens--has never been reported on by the mass media, discussed in academia, or even thought of by billions of people. And to think, you yourself are in support of this global cover-up. Oh, wait, you're not in support of it? Checkmate, bitch.
Oh holy shit, 10/10
That is blindingly rage-inducing, even though I see what he did there. Maybe BECAUSE I see what he did there.

>> No.3420544

>2011, web 2.0
>massive wall of neon-colored text on a black background
>desires to be taken at all seriously

>> No.3420550

Either this is just a troll, or it's someone very high on the bell-curve of the reptilian-conspiracy nutjobs, because he seriously goes ON and ON about rationality and skepticism and belief, and then says you must OBVIOUSLY believe what HE says because HE SAYS IT and it's OBVIOUS.

Failure in text form doesn't get much worse.

>> No.3420552
File: 39 KB, 300x441, ngbbs4e14827ae6d5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3420575

bump for justice

>> No.3420586
File: 20 KB, 300x393, lolk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I directly stated the problem is that it is not logical and concise, not that there is a problem with the presentation.

I can't really put it any clearer, if you're going to totally ignore me and keep pulling the "you don't agree with everything I say because you're a brainwashed sheep" line that doesn't really change or prove anything. I don't have all the time in the world, I could spend all day meticulously studying this site or I could study riemannian geometry and tensor calculus.

>> No.3420595


>meaning of life

eh, you know the drill

>> No.3420634


>> No.3420647

>Premise: all truth is ridiculed in the beginning
>Conclusion: everything that is ridiculed turns out to be correct
You are a master of logic

>> No.3420705

The Universe
Darkness, also known as "Satan" or "The Devil," created the universe (and, this includes the higher, non-physical dimensions, too). He is holding all of us captive inside of it. The true creator of existence lives in a different realm--the True Realm. The universe is indeed a crude pseudo-creation, and everything in it is based upon programming (e.g., DNA). There is no programming in the True Realm, because it is not a virtual reality, it is simply reality. In the True Realm, crude concepts such as time, biological life, karma, and physics do not exist. Only Darkness, who is a pseudo-creator, would create a realm that is based on such things. Anything that is "technical" or governed by rules or restrictions (which, by the way, is everything in this universe, with the concept of "karma" being just one example) is crude. The True Creator does not need to rely on any rules. That is why this universe is the Matrix--it has rules. It is a virtual reality, as opposed to reality.

When one dies, then goes on to the astral world (the fourth dimension), in between physical incarnations, they are still inside of Darkness's universe. And, even if one "ascends" beyond the fourth dimension, into a higher dimension, they are still inside of Darkness's universe. The only way to get out of the universe and into the True Realm is for the universe to be destroyed. One cannot "ascend" into the True Realm.

>> No.3420729

You dumb son of a bitch. The Egyptian hieroglyphs are the result of the fall of babylon. Man had lost his original language. And the hieroglyphs were the only way to write after that for a time via pictures.

But you seem to think the glyphs like make your picture more mystic.

>> No.3420733

>Anything that is "technical" or governed by rules or restrictions (which, by the way, is everything in this universe, with the concept of "karma" being just one example) is crude.
Sounds like the author doesn't like having to think straight, and rationalized his way to saying it was unnecessary as his last coherent thought.

>> No.3420778

And what does it matter if they lost their language and use the hieroglyphs? In the image are hieroglyphs because in the ancient egypt there were found many aliens and ufos in those hieroglyphs. YOU PIECE OF SHIT

>> No.3420787

It's funny how they just ape the Gnostics and exchange evil spirits for aliens.

>> No.3420820
File: 215 KB, 818x404, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3420847
File: 18 KB, 630x592, 1265669852390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sun is a cube, not a sphere. It only appears to be a sphere because it is spinning at a high velocity. All suns (i.e., stars) are cubes. Darkness intentionally designed the universe like this because on a metaphysical level, cubes (or more specifically, their 90-degree right angles) create strife, confrontation, and confusion.

>> No.3420845

I hate to tell you this but.. The universe was created by the original humanity (Humans.) So we could have a arena to share and elevate ourselves.

God = Light
Satan = The illusion

Both are broadcasting their respected stations to you. The Lights station = Proactive. Satan's broadcast is Reactive.

>> No.3420848

the guy who wrote that is a insane arrogant fuck

>> No.3420850

Are you sure humans even in other galaxy systems are alien or human as they are. Truly you marvel at your other brothers and sisters from other planets. Yet you call us aliens. You silly little boy.

>> No.3420852

Everyone is an insane arrogant fuck. Some are just more expressive. I'm not defending him, but what's your story? What is ultimate truth?

>> No.3420853

I fucking laughed

I love me some Masonic onion rings.

>> No.3420857

>Everyone is an insane arrogant fuck. Some are just more insane.

>> No.3420863

I always liked older plane looking websites than todays over the top graphical bullshit.

>> No.3420888


>> No.3420889

>everyone is an insane arrogant fuck

oh wow, take your illogical teenage angsty nihilist/misanthropy bullshit and shove it up your ass.

>> No.3420893

ITT: retarded flesh portals

>> No.3420941

>Women are ultra-impressionable beings, and therefore are easily controlled by aliens and the elite. The main purpose of women on Earth (that is, what aliens have programmed them to do) is to enslave men via relationships. Women are obsessed with relationships and love (due to alien programming), and don't care about anything else in life. They would have men believe that being in a relationship is one of the most important things in existence, not realizing that men couldn't care less about being in a relationship--and rightly so. Furthermore, women force men to waste their precious time and resources on them. This demonic charade (i.e., relationships) has gone on for far too long and obviously has no end in sight. Thus, you can blame women for the downfall and utter hopelessness of humanity.

>Make no mistake: It is indeed tragic that a man cannot satisfy his sexual needs without also getting trapped in a relationship at the same time (otherwise, he will be accused of rape, since non-relationship consensual sex does not exist on Earth, due to the aforementioned programming of women). Demonic enslavement traps such as this are the standard modus operandi of the Reptilians and Darkness. Now, just imagine if you had to buy an entire pizza restaurant just to order a pizza--an evil absurdity indeed.

>> No.3420945

>Another thing that makes women insufferable is the fact that they are, essentially, babies. That is, they possess the emotional maturity of a 4-year-old boy. Women cry, throw fits, and need men to take care of them. Um, adults shouldn't need other people to take care of them.

>All in all, women promote the enslavement, rather than the liberation, of humanity. It's bad enough that aliens and the elite already control us. Now, throw women into the equation and you have absolute misery. They are like sheep dogs helping out a shepherd (hence the term "bitch," in case you didn't know).

>And to think, women are actually proud of their controlling ways. What a disgrace.

>> No.3420958

>programmed to be anti-truth
>act appalled by that
If we were programmed to hate the truth, wouldn't we be programmed to hate the very idea of truth, and therefore not be bothered by the assertion that we were anti-truth except insofar as we were bothered by that statement because it was true?


>> No.3420981

>Moreover, who the fuck do you think created humanity in the first place? "An intangible god?" No. "Evolution?" Uh, no. "Aliens?" Duh.
Well, when you put it that way.

>> No.3420999


>> No.3421075


Read all of this shit my freshman year in college. All it did to me was make me paranoid and didn't help me at all.

I gained a healthy bit a skepticism and ability to think logically after that.

>> No.3421085

>You can see the Reptilians via meditating, using hallucinogenic drugs, and sleep paralysis.
I admit, I lol'd.

>> No.3421159

basically the whole thing is just saying that humans are simply barbaric chimpanzees planted here by some lizard kings that wanted a steady supply of fleshy and lusty slaves to carry their species forward. Everything is a result of this.

>> No.3421165

And while this fact is eminently obvious to everyone who has half a brain, the history recorded by humans is also obviously a fabrication that should not be believed by anyone.

>> No.3421192

"Ironically enough, however--and this is indeed one huge irony--by you worshipping science and thinking that it will lead you to the truth, you are actually preventing the Reptilians from ever being exposed. This is because the Reptilians are the very ones who created science. Therefore, you cannot use science against them in order to expose them; that would be nonsensical. In fact, science already has safeguards against this kind of stuff (i.e., according to science, despite all of the evidence to the contrary, aliens do not exist)."

They created science, so it's impossible to use it against them.

>> No.3421207

The sun is a cube, not a sphere. It only appears to be a sphere because it is spinning at a high velocity. All suns (i.e., stars) are cubes. Darkness intentionally designed the universe like this because on a metaphysical level, cubes (or more specifically, their 90-degree right angles) create strife, confrontation, and confusion. More info here.

>> No.3421497


I fucking love this guy I swear

He is a fucking master troll

I've used this site to fuck with so many people

>> No.3421994


>> No.3422085

Friends of mine said you guys were talking about how my website is bullshit, but I just wanted you to know that everything on that website is accurate, but it doesn't matter because there is nothing we can do about it. Our alien overlords and our female slave drivers shall feed on us for all eternity. We are doomed.

>> No.3422101

OP here.
Proof you are the author?

>> No.3422223

cant even read it, blue text on black does not go well

>> No.3422276

>spinning at a high velocity
Wouldn't look like a circle.

>> No.3422307

>he doesn't know what science is

>> No.3422472

>Implying you know shit about anything

>> No.3422476

>poorly designed html page with 1996 written all over it

>> No.3422492
File: 156 KB, 340x444, cup-of-rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Approximately one-half of the human beings on Earth (about 3.3 billion people) are organic portals--soulless human beings who keep real human beings in line with the status quo, on agenda with the matrix control system. "Organic portals form the backbone of the Matrix’s social control infrastructure. They are what keeps society running in a state of preoccupation with the mundane. From cradle to grave, souled humans are pressured to stay with the status quo and not ask dangerous questions" (Thomas Cox, montalk.net).
>Organic portals possess no true free will or individuality, and are used, unknowingly, as agents by the Reptilians. You yourself may be an organic portal.

>my face when maximum rage

>> No.3422535

Just did an overview of the last paragraph on the page.

I think it's a good rule of thumb to take anything that uses emphasis on certain words by the use of capital letters, asterisks or what have you with a grain of salt. It's clear that whoever wrote this just wants us to believe his way of thinking is correct.

>> No.3422633


>> No.3422913

No, this webpage is more like 97/98.
but still, it's better than modern webpages.

>> No.3423025
File: 212 KB, 863x792, 1300381901516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw lazy eye in videos at bottom
mfw that entire site

>> No.3423032

oh! It's the REPTILIANS! we should have guessed.

>> No.3423070
File: 21 KB, 306x329, 1299969269253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are ultra-impressionable beings, and therefore are easily controlled by aliens and the elite. The main purpose of women on Earth (that is, what aliens have programmed them to do) is to enslave men via relationships. Women are obsessed with relationships and love (due to alien programming), and don't care about anything else in life. They would have men believe that being in a relationship is one of the most important things in existence, not realizing that men couldn't care less about being in a relationship--and rightly so. Furthermore, women force men to waste their precious time and resources on them. This demonic charade (i.e., relationships) has gone on for far too long and obviously has no end in sight. Thus, you can blame women for the downfall and utter hopelessness of humanity.

>> No.3423085

Truthism confirmed for butthurt virgin.

>> No.3423110

>Right now, I bet you're like, "Oh my God, oh my God! They're real, they're real!" Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. What, did you actually think that humans were the only intelligent beings in the universe?
yeah that pretty much sums me up right now

>reptiles controlling the earth
seems legit

>Truthists only care about the actual truth.
Oh like that thing that overlaps with objective reality

>Don't you guys realize that the very basis of this society is to worship authority (whether it is the government, science, the media, etc.)?
I don't worship ALL my physics professors, only that cool guy with the crazy hair. Oh I also worship Obama. And Bill O'Reilly.

>> No.3423177
File: 61 KB, 547x367, 129798723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"A complete science would place astral planes, parallel dimensions, synchronicities, consciousness, etheric fields, telepathy, vital energies, emotional energies, volition, hyperdimensional existence and timeloops all under the same framework. At present, these appear to be phenomena distinct from science, but that is because science as we know it is incomplete. It is not that these phenomena can be explained in terms of present science as reductionists and debunkers enjoy doing, but rather that present science must expand to accommodate these phenomena in terms of higher physical and metaphysical principles"


>> No.3423249

>The main purpose of women on Earth (that is, what >aliens have programmed them to do) is to enslave >men via relationships.

>> No.3423904

This site is total BS. With that said, I had an out of body experience, and all of this 'Astral Plane' talk is really boning my mind. I am not exaggerating when I say that what I experienced felt realer than reality. Hell, reality feels like a dream now. It sucks that the only other people that mention this kind of shit are retarded reptilian conspiracy theorists.

> Feels bad man