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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 193 KB, 1500x1500, balloon time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3419218 No.3419218 [Reply] [Original]

Hey medfags!

Will this be enough helium to kill me?

I have a CPA mask and tube, I just need the helium but not sure that much do it....

>> No.3419224

No! Don't kill yourself!

You have no idea what's coming after death. If this is the only life we have, don't just throw your's away. You can and probably do have a lot to live for, just look for it.

>> No.3419227

That's plenty.
If you can get it on cam, it'd provide us all with a lot of entertainment.

>> No.3419230

Load up on pcp and execute hostages or some shit don't be a candy ass op.

>> No.3419234

please do it, i'm kinda bored and seeing a fag day will totally make my day =)

>> No.3419235

It's just static on the other side OP. Lots and lots of static.

>> No.3419237

The mask has little openings at the nose

do I tape them up for fear of running out of helium while I am just about dead? Or maybe just one little hole so I can exhale?

>> No.3419240

Take a few niggers on the way out OP.

>> No.3419267

Fuck He, carbon monoxide is the best way to asphyxiate.

>> No.3419269


For Pete's sake, OP, please don't kill yourself. I don't know you and I'd feel a horrible pain if you were to die.

>> No.3419271

Carbon monoxide has a 200x better affinity of binding to your hemoglobin than does oxygen. It can even displace already attached oxygen. Cells cannot live without oxygen.

>> No.3419283


no garage to park my car

>> No.3419287

Better idea op. Get a shit load of weed. Find a decently sized room. Open the door. (Get on the floor. Everybody walk like a dinosaur.) Go in and close and seal door. Put pot in fire proof bowl. Light. Enjoy.

>> No.3419291

But we're gonna to have a shortage of helium soon, don't waste it on your self..... and i read something once that the urge to commit suicide usually only lasts a day or two, wait another day then do what you want.

>> No.3419292

Fuck that then you get exhaust and shit to breathe in as well. Just go on amazon


>> No.3419296


I want to die, not get high and want to die, just die.

>> No.3419299

You really are a fucking idiot. You don't need a garage. Run a hose from your tailpipe into your car. Seal the ajar window with a towel.

I'm always happy to hear about unintelligent people offing themselves. It makes the world a better place. Thanks for helping clean the gene pool.

>> No.3419305

Want to kill yourself? Congratulation's, you now don't give a fuck about anything. You can literally do whatever you want because you just don't give a shit. Move to another country, give yourself a cool backstory, who's going to know? Go on some mad adventures, climb mountains, do some dangerous stunt. Get hurt? Doesn't matter because you wont give a shit. Go try and assassinate some terrorist leader or evil dictator, at least you will go down trying to do some good. Fuck as many women as you can. Can't get any? Buy hookers, still feel good and you don't care about what society thinks is acceptable. You are now free, go and live.

>Don't blame anyone else for your problems. It is up to you to take control of your own life.

>> No.3419315

This. Carbon monoxide bonds to your blood cells. Helium just sits there.

Instead, stockpile the helium and tell your family not to sell it for years after you die. Helium is going to rise in value very fast.

>> No.3419320

>Can't get any? Buy hookers

you should of said
get aids? who cares

>> No.3419323

Eventually, the smoke and chemicals would build and kill after a while killing you but wouldn't you rather have some fun first?

>> No.3419322

Half of those things that you said are more painful ways of death than OP is contemplating. Why do them?

>> No.3419327

not after my cold fusion device hits the market, we'll be making helium like crazy.

>> No.3419334


Do you really need 5 gallons formic acid? that shit is expensive.

And why is that shit better than helium?

>> No.3419355

Because he doesn't give a fuck what he does and he is experiencing the almost infinitely small period of life we are given in this universe. Why not see what is out there?

>> No.3419364




This sounds promising if the helium doesn't work...

>> No.3419368

>die painlessly now
>die painfully later and MAYBE have fleeting fun

>> No.3419371

Nitrogen is better, sometimes people twitch and shit with helium.

Those things take too long for me, when I get cancer I'm going to make an explosive hat.

>> No.3419382

Because depression usually presents with anhedonia and lack of energy.

>> No.3419386

My recommendation, go to a party. Tell your friends and family. Find a girl/guy. Fuck. All will be well.

>> No.3419388

No, but it was the first listing I found, also what else you gonna use the money for?

>> No.3419398

Just get the ball rolling. Won't take long before you forget all about killing yourself

>> No.3419407

Depends on the cause of the depression. Some people kill themselves because their girlfriend dumped them. Some kill themselves because of chronic depression due to some sort of alienation. But some are indeed fucked up in the head more than a weekend in Amsterdam can solve

>> No.3419426

>Go to a party
>Not invited, go to one uninvited, have cops called on you

>Talk to friends and family
>No friends, family hates you

>Find girl/guy
>Approach, be accused of attempted rape

>Be accused of rape if you even got that far

What the FUCK is wrong wi--
Oh right you're trying to get him to kill himself faster
Good troll, old boy! Splendid!

>> No.3419442

Not talking about a weekend in Amsterdam. Talking about changing OP's whole life. Fuck, do some charity work, go to a country that is far worse of than ours. At least he'll be doing something good for others.

>> No.3419449


So I have to live in this fucked up brain and suffer because if I did kill myself it would make you feel bad.....


>> No.3419456

my choice is to drive a motorcycle at 80 MPH into the middle of town and into a building. kinda like a water ballon filled with guts bursting.

>> No.3419454

To do charity work abroad you need a background check...
If the guy has history of psychological therapy or problems recorded in some official manner he isn't goin fuckin nowhere.
Shit it'd be hard to LOCAL volunteer work with like kids or something let alone going abroad.

>> No.3419459

Come on guys, I thought /sci/ was supposed to be smart. Let's start coming up with solutions for this poor guy OTHER than killing himself.

>> No.3419472
File: 2 KB, 96x96, avatarmagic_1363500877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we would need way more info and this isn't adv

>> No.3419479

I think we all know /adv/ are idiots. Who says /sci/ can't try and help people.

>> No.3419482

At the end of the day, it's either you kill yourself or you don't.
And sometimes its not up to you. Your very mind turns against you. Your sympathetic nervous system and the midbrain plots a coup against your cortex.
You tell yourself you need to stay alive. You rationalize all you can that you shouldn't put that knife to your neck. But your mind is also screaming at you that there is no way out. There will never be a way out.

So you need to take it out of your hands entirely. That's the only way to be safe.

Commit yourself.

Happy? That's the only failsafe fucking solution. And that's only on the assumption the orderlies know how to tie you to the bed correctly.

>> No.3419483

challenge accepted

>> No.3419488

We already told him how to make carbon monoxide that's all the help he needs.

>> No.3419492

What started it?

>> No.3419499

OP this is making me sad. (Not like you give a shit) but I've been in your position before... Have you considered anti-depressants / herbal remedies?

Please talk to someone, a friend or someone in your family. Life is beautiful there's so much cool stuff to see before we go out.

People care about you whether you know it or not. Now that I've read this thread i have a concern for your safety & if it means anything I care.

>> No.3419506
File: 214 KB, 750x561, 1-03_The-Universe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are here

>> No.3419515
File: 739 KB, 170x127, 14o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: i post reasons op should consider living
or at least doing it far enough away not to hurt his friends and family as much

captcha - relloadv 4921

>> No.3419526

Op, if you're still alive, don't forget to make a livestream so you will do at least something useful in your life - entertaining some random people while slowly becomming dead

>> No.3419536

Definitely not you just need to tell your wife to take pictures once you're gassed out. I'll be waiting.

>> No.3419540
File: 38 KB, 564x501, flake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of deenouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?"
"On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammeled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains."..

>> No.3419611

Why do suicide help always turn into "dont do it" bull siht???

You dont know op, stop bullshitting your believes to him and try to provide help. Some people do want to die, nothing to do with "i need attention" or "i feel lonely"

>> No.3419627

I'm sorry guys but I kinda wanna see him do it.. better yet on film. Just imagine a chipmunk passing out.. I would just have to know what that would sound like.

>> No.3419691

Forcing your view down someone else's throat is the /sci/ way. Why else would we constantly be bombarded with religion and political threads?

>> No.3419703
File: 981 KB, 2048x1536, 1050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op, at least you aren't one of those pesky anti-natalists

>> No.3419746
File: 39 KB, 500x375, 60902d1245927289-slit-throat-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it faggot.
Slit your own throat like a fucking boss.

>> No.3419747
File: 28 KB, 600x450, she curses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this. op, room for two?

>> No.3419779

Honestly if you're willing to kill yourself, you've got nothing to lose, so you might as well go do something fun but risky like grab a backpack and fill it with food/water containers and then just start fucking waking.

Just start walking op, find a trail, like the huge one that goes from southern california way into alaska, and fucking make that journey. Fucking abandon all your shit and just go for it, who fucking knows man you got nothing to lose and you could meet some crazy motherfuckers.

Then after you do that, spend six months earning enough money to go to tibet and get some cold weather gear and try to climb mount everest. Fuck it man, if you're going to suicide, you might as well climb everest. If you die trying, who gives a fuck? If you succeed, you fucking climbed everest.

Then after you do that shit, find another crazy ass dangerous adventure and attempt it, if you die, so the fuck what.

Just keep going till you end up falling bro, helium is a boring fucking way to suicide, and who said suicide has to be something you do in one night? that's beginner's shit, be a fucking expert at suicide, do this shit right and do some crazy shit till you fall.

>> No.3419803

What you're describing is a the desire to have adventures, essentially to live life to its fullest. Depression destroys that, you want not to exist, everything seems inescapably joyless and dreary. Even things that should be fun aren't, its not about not caring about anything anymore, in fact its often quite the opposite, suicide is an attempt to escape from those cares, and the pain they bring.

>> No.3420270


thanks captain obvious

>> No.3420286

What a fucking idiot.

>> No.3420294

I don't know man. I'm pretty meh with the idea of a fag day.

>> No.3420309

Does anyone love you? Also, can you please let me know what happens after death if you do it?

>> No.3420313

If you're here, tell us about it.

>> No.3420333

Don't bother with the mask. Stick the tube down your throat and turn the gas on full. The pressure in that thing should be sufficient to rupture your lungs regardless of what gas is in the can.

>> No.3420350

Thank you, OP. People with enough incentive to kill themselves deserve to die. Though, I do recommend going with the idea with the car tailpipe, it's much more effective. Thank you for your evolutionary contribution.

>> No.3420385

Don't forget to consent to donating your organs/tissue OP.


>> No.3421364
File: 25 KB, 552x442, l_3af58e8c86f94d54a632ec31da7441b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what method would best for op to use if he(non gender specific) wanted to donate his,,, leftovers,,, in good condition?

inb4 "seven pounds, omg, so touching, watch it, guise"

captcha - complex, success

>> No.3421382
File: 40 KB, 500x578, 1311183326316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3421441

Buy some ammonium nitrate fertilizer and blow youself up, for the lulz and everything.

Most painless way, your body and brain is red/pink mist before the pain arrives at the brain.

Futhermore, done at the right place, it could be quite joyful for the others.