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3405353 No.3405353 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I'm an aspie (scored 32)


>> No.3405372


u jelly?

>> No.3405414

12, sorta of a control group.
I'm okay with that.

>> No.3405417

Implying desirable results aren't <20 ?
Why would I be jelly if you're more of an aspie cunt then I am.

>> No.3405450

>19 Average male scientist, and average male or female physicist
I'm ok with this.

>> No.3405471

Hmm... shit's getting weird..

>> No.3405476
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>> No.3405486

OK can someone help me out? I always have issues with these sort of tests...

"I usually notice car number plates or similar strings of information"
what the hell does that mean, how can you not notice license plates they are all over the place, two on every car, you can see them from almost any angle

Or are they asking if I keep seing patterns in license plate numbers, or wtf do they want to know.

>> No.3405508
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I'm a physicist, and I scored a 19.
>mfw it says 19 is for physicist

>> No.3405516

I also got 29, how fucked am I?

>> No.3405517


You little rain mans think up the ideas, I'll explain hem to the hordes of retards that wander the earth.

>> No.3405520

I think it means if they stand out to you or you consciously notice and read them?

>> No.3405519

35 master race here. U jelly, /sci/?

>> No.3405527

never will I be jealous of your broken brain

>> No.3405530
File: 3 KB, 209x214, he jelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he jelly

>> No.3405534

>I'm one point more asspie than the average person of my gender

>my self esteem is pretty crushed

>> No.3405538

Hmm, ok, scored a 20

But I find it hard to select honest answers, since its very transparent what he aspie answers are...

like "I like to collect information about categories of things (types of cars, types of birds, types of trains, types of plants, etc.)."

I collect pictures of all kinds of vehicles and stuff for visual reference cause I like to build 3D models of stuff, but "definitely agree" is obviously the aspie answer in this question

"I tend to have very strong interests, which I get upset about if I can't pursue. "
I have lots of interests, and yes I get upset when my whole day gets taken up by attending an extended family reunion, most of them old people. even though they have interesting stories I just feel like I'm wasting my time. Not that I don't waste time on my own but I don't have to.

>> No.3405544

The test assesses five different areas. Autistic-like responses will show poor social skill, attention switching, communication and imagination, and an exaggerated attention to detail. In other words, geekiness. You scored 31. The ranking below provides some idea of where that AQ fits in.

almost master race.

>> No.3405548

15... just average. i thought i was fuckin' autistic for a long ass time, too. i guess it's just social anxiety.

>> No.3405565

Don't worry about it, it's only meant for a bit of fun.
Some people take it to seriously and that's why you have so many self diagnosed aspies on the internet.
If someone really thought they had aspergers they should get a professional diagnosis.

>> No.3405595

>mfw I scored 47

>> No.3405612

You guys do know that having Syndromes are not a good thing right?
I'm amazed at how many people are calling themselves master race for having a mental disorder...

P.S.: I'm the guy who scored 12.

>> No.3405614


>> No.3405620

Well they are fucked up in the head, what do you expect?

>> No.3405635

A lot of scifi becomes entertaining if you discard whatever the protagonists say as the sound of assburgers.

>> No.3405637

What's wrong with being more focused, productive, imaginative and all round intelligent? Sounds like you're jelly as bro.
I wouldn't go as far to see we're a step further down the line in the evolutionary process, but you can deduce that if you like.

>> No.3405642

Being semi-retarded is one of the major negatives

>> No.3405651

0-12 siocially awesome master race reportan

>> No.3405672

As far as this test goes, we can only deduce that you're socially dependent (which on the countenance is a negative), not necessarily awesome.
You're probably just as, if not more socially inept than aspies; yet you actually consider social status and relationships important - which makes it all the more tragic.

>> No.3405674

So asspies, any of you having perfect memory?

>> No.3405682

Having those features you quoted is a great thing.
Having those and being unable to live in a society in which to have a good life you have to be socially accepted and in which sociability is the most required skill to live a good life, is not.
There is a reason it's called a Syndrome.

Nah, not jelly buddy. I don't want to prove to anyone I'm more smart than them, and I believe even in this thread there might really be people more inteligent than me. Just remind yourself that you live in a society, nuclear word being social.

Although, that test misses it's true, point, cause it measures things in a very bad way. Most of the questions are socially related, and most of the 4chan (any board) lurkers are socially inept.

>> No.3405691

Scored 12 and have perfect memory.
Although sometimes I wish I didn't... Ataraxia coupled with it makes it pretty difficult to forget things you didn't like.

>> No.3405701

> imaginative
> aspie

>> No.3405709

I'm interested in that phenomena. You had it from birth, I believe? What is the earliest moment of your life you remember?
Also, inb4 shitstorm, but what's your IQ? Shouldn't a person with relatively high IQ, say 130+ sd15, be able to finish an university in much shorter time than other people?

Sorry, but I can't stop my self from wanting to poke around your brain, it's fascinating.

>> No.3405751

I do want to study myself as well...
The inability to forget with ease (can be done... much like overlapping, I would say, the memories.) is interesting.
Early(i?)est memory I have, is from being two years old, house suddenly on fire, mom and sister run out, less then 5 mins later sister is back to grab me. Still remember then talking about how the gas was leaking in the apartment.

But this is not the really interesting part... you do know about the brain trigger safe from trauma right? If an event is traumatic enough, your brain "erases" it and only certain triggers will make you recall. Well, having ataraxia privates me from this.
I recall the exact time I acquired (yes, acquired) batophobia, all my nightmares with it from 7 (when I acquired) to 12 years old (although pretty much were all the same)... sometimes it's not a good feature, believe me.

>> No.3405771

I call your bluff, I find it strange to think you would remember what they were talking about when you didn't even understand it at the time.

>> No.3405793


I remember shit when I was two and I don't have perfect memory. You don't need to fully understand what adults are talking about to remember the words.

I have an early memory of trying to grab a starfish from a small tank at an aquarium and a worker telling me to pull up my sleeves first. I didn't know English at the time and had no idea what sleeves were but I remember the words and I understood what he was trying to tell me later in life.

>> No.3405801

Not that guy, but ever had that OSHI- moment when remembering something you did as a kid and seeing it in a completely different light, like your parents fucking - you had no idea what are they doing, but now you do. I guess same could be applied here, if he really has perfect memory.

Also, I'm jelly. I remember vividly all my traumatic events, why the fuck can't I have the same with other shit.

>> No.3405812

Well, time to start hitting my frontal lobe with something hard, hoping that I'll fuck up that filter that makes people 'forget' things.

>> No.3405832

Understanding and remembering are two different things.
I never said I understood that they were talking about, I just remember what they said.
Were it important to you remembering this, or had you perfect memory, would you understand if I told you "I went to botafogo"? You may not, but you would remember.

>> No.3405837

Ah, 38, didn't expect something in the "extreme" range.

>> No.3405882

If it were actually significant to you, you'd know.

As someone who has been professionally diagnosed with aspergers, who scored under 32, i can say that test is pretty bullshit.