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3402576 No.3402576 [Reply] [Original]

if america is the land of liberty, why is it bad to be a liberal?

>> No.3402585

The names of popular political parties rarely match up with their actual beliefs.

>> No.3402593
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>name of political party

>> No.3402597

Is where I come from, and liberals sure as hell don't believe in liberty

>> No.3402603

because liberals in america are just pseudo-communists who called themselves liberal to make their position seem enticing

they actually believe in government forcing equality and distributing wealth and other non liberating ideas.

>> No.3402606


define liberty

>> No.3402607
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>mfw America has two major political parties
>one wants the country to be ruled by a democratically elected government
>the other doesn't want a royal family


>> No.3402610

Americans cannot into etymology. This is just another example.

>> No.3402613

I see you are too stupid to use a dictionary. That is alright, I will do it for you.


noun /ˈlibərtē/ 
liberties, plural

The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views
- compulsory retirement would interfere with individual liberty

An instance of this; a right or privilege, esp. a statutory one
- the Bill of Rights was intended to secure basic civil liberties

The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved

>> No.3402622

>implying it is actually bad to be a liberal

>> No.3402623

Sure is Tea Party in here.

Why don't we just ask a liberal what they believe in?

>> No.3402640

why ask? just look at what they do in government:

-tax rich give to poor
-tax whites to give to blacks
-special loans for blacks at the expense of whites
-special grants for women at the expense of men
-ban light bulbs
-sugar, happy meals, salt

and the list goes on

>> No.3402651

>just look at what they do in government

Pretty much none of the people you deride for being liberals are even in the government...

>> No.3402659

umm... what? please try to make sense when you post

>> No.3402672

You label everyone within a certain ranges of political beliefs as liberals. That's millions of people and millions of different viewpoints that are not even in the government.

>> No.3402817
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Its a game of double speak conservatives have been playing for a long time. They attack the name of some ideology or movement rather than the idea itself.

If you look at polling there are a large number of Americans who support liberal policies, but don't call themselves liberals because it has been beaten into them that that means pussy Marxist crybaby elitist un-American terrorist-supporter.

The same thing happened with the word "hippy" decades ago. A hippy was anyone who was opposed to the Vietnam war, but now the idea of a hippy everyone has in their heads is a smelly unemployed lazy piece of shit that thinks they can solve the world's problems with a drum circle.