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3402080 No.3402080 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/
I was wondering if there are any environmental causes for African Americans having large penises. Was it some sort of evolutionary happening?

>> No.3402091

I don't think it's been established that they in fact do have large penes.

>> No.3402088

porn industry =/= real life

>> No.3402096

Well, can someone explain their dark skin?
OP here if you couldn't guess.

>> No.3402100

large supplies of vitamins from the sunlight provide stocks of eumelanin in the hair, and probably a different pigment for the skin

>> No.3402107

Didn't the human race originate from the African continent? We were all once black pigmented?

>> No.3402108

they live in sunny places, the same reason asians have tanned skin by default

>> No.3402112


>> No.3402116

The human race pretty much originated in the ice age, so we started as whites.

>> No.3402127

better protection from the sun, which is out more and longer in the equatorial regions they (we) evolved in.

since dark skin is our ancestral condition though, perhaps it's better to wonder why other people have light skin...

>> No.3402144

The variation between penis size and race has been shown multiple times to be negligible.

Blacks having big penises is a stereotype that is propagated only in the media and pornography.

Skin color is a selection pressure.

If you go by the out of Africa model, the organisms that eventually became hominids with less hair than other mammals, most likely had selection pressure towards individuals with dark skin.

If you go by the out of Asia model, then the only difference would be that the hominids had selection pressure towards individuals with darker skin.

>> No.3402166

but black absorbs much more light?

>> No.3402173

I dont think that they actually have bigger penises, but they routinely were displayed naked in public for a few hundred years.

>> No.3402181

it absorbs dangerous UV radiation and converts it to heat, which is far less dangerous.

>> No.3402191


>dangerous UV radiation

UVB rays are dangerous. UVA rays help with vitamin D production.

It blocks both, and therefore is a double edged sword.

>> No.3402203

I think he was referring to UV radiation as a whole when he said dangerous UV radiation as opposed to a specific range of wavelengths

>> No.3402205

Okay, so let me ask this
Hypothetically if all black people had much larger penises, what would be possible evolutionary causes?

>> No.3402226

There is a correlation between large penises and promiscuity. This is true inter and intra species.

Thats the truth.

>> No.3402219 [DELETED] 

Sexual selection. If they run around naked all day, females can see their penises and only choose the largest penises.

>> No.3402241

Blacks actually have smaller erect penises on average. The rumor that they have larger ones is caused by the porn industry, and the fact that their penises are larger on average when flaccid.

>> No.3402239 [DELETED] 

>black seed reaches uterus of cumdumpster whore
>before white man's
>Nigger babies

>> No.3402243

Okay, so let me ask this
Hypothetically if all black people had lizard tails, what would be possible evolutionary causes?

Basically what you're doing bro.

>> No.3402248

sexual selection, sexy son hypothesis, agonistic display, better stimulation of the female genitalia, better penetration of unwilling partners, or use as a club to beat rival males.

>> No.3402250 [DELETED] 

>black seed reaches uterus of cumdumpster whore
>before white seed
>Nigger babies

>> No.3402255

they dont, this is a myth perpetrated by the jewish porn industry

>> No.3402269

>perhaps it's better to wonder why other people have light skin...

Melanin/dark skin not only protects against UV radiation, but also slows down the process of vitamin D synthesis. Vitamin D is vital, but because blacks are in the strong sun, they get plenty of it even with the extra melanin protection.

Whites started in a place where the sun didn't shine as brightly. Those that had dark skin died due to vitamin D deficiency.

This is also why there are many more non-whites who are lactose-intolerant. Lactose-intolerance is actually the default, evolutionarily speaking. whites evolved a way to process it (past babyhood) in order to get more vitamin D.

>> No.3402279

>Those that had dark skin died due to vitamin D deficiency.

Uh huh. And does this still happen to blacks living in white lands?

>> No.3402285

bigger penises are seen in animal species that are more sexually promiscuous. This is why chimps have large penises (like 3 inches, iirc) compared to the gorilla, which has a massive 1 inch dong.

>> No.3402382

yes, actually. Blacks living in sunlight-deprived places often need to take vitamin D supplements.

>> No.3402406

I'm black and I didn't know this.

Can you please elaborate? This might be the reason why I'm always so drowsy here in Holland.

>> No.3402416

Go back to Africa.

>> No.3402428
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Go back to /b/

>> No.3402433


Vitamin D deficiency is known to cause several bone diseases[12] including:

Rickets, a childhood disease characterized by impeded growth, and deformity, of the long bones. The earliest sign of subclinical vitamin D deficiency is Craniotabes, abnormal softening or thinning of the skull.[13]
Osteomalacia, a bone-thinning disorder that occurs exclusively in adults and is characterized by proximal muscle weakness and bone fragility.
Osteoporosis, a condition characterized by reduced bone mineral density and increased bone fragility.
Muscle aches and weakness (in particular proximal limb girdle)[6]
Muscle twitching (Fasciculations)

The role of diet in the development of rick

>> No.3402442 [DELETED] 

Not samefag, but imho you should take a vitamin D supplement. Melanin blocks UV rays. It takes dark skin 6 times longer to synthesize the same amount of vitamin D as light skin.

>> No.3402444

That's racist. They only don't get enough vitamin D because whitey stole all their stuff and oppresses them.

>> No.3402452

Can you just buy a regular vitamin supplement tablet "from A to Zink" or is that not enough and should I talk to my doctor?

>> No.3402493

ask in /fit/, they know all about vit D.
Get a oil capsule based supplement, those are best.
I'd get at least 1k units up to 5k units per day.

>> No.3402498

just find out how much you're supposed to take, and then compare to how much vitD is in whatever pill

>> No.3402522
File: 23 KB, 800x460, hurrdurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main factor is testosterone though various genes and environmental differences have a direct and indirect impact on penis size. There is no 100% correlation.

That said, race is a very politicized subject, not all blacks have higher testosterone levels than other races and all sapient beings should be treated as individuals, however there is a strong correlation which is a well documented fact which you can google for yourself.

>> No.3402532
File: 16 KB, 634x571, hurr_durr_chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't know the average durr was smarter than the average hurr. Pic related, what happens to hurrdurr?