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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3402084 No.3402084 [Reply] [Original]

Pick one (may contain typo):

1) invisibility, for as long as you can hold your breath
2) teleportation, must see target
3) be exchange student to an alien world, no return
4) owner of hotel/bar on moon, no hot shower
5) your PC gets an AI, can learn but never be upgraded
6) able to know everything, can not laugh
7) make the immortality drug, get no of the money

>> No.3402104


1 & 2 are the only ones without major negative consequences, and I think 1 would be more useful.

>> No.3402102
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>> No.3402111

2, so long as momentum isnt conserved.

>look at sky, teleport several hundred feet up
>while falling, look several miles away, teleport again
>repeat until destination, teleport to ground

>> No.3402115


7 has no negative consequences. One positive and one neutral.

>> No.3402119

Can we replace parts for 5 or is the machine mortal?

For immortality drug, do i have option to only use it myself and not share?

>> No.3402118

Does 2. include seeing a picture of a place, or a live feed of it? What about seeing it through a system of mirrors?

I think 1 would be the most useful, though.

>> No.3402121

>look at sky, teleport several trillions feet up

>> No.3402123

actually, invisibility means that light will pass through you unhindered. that means your retinas can not absorb any light either. that means that you will be unable to see if you are invisible.

>> No.3402124


>> No.3402130

>>3402111 grab shuttle, look at moon teleport let go look at earth teleport back.

>> No.3402134

I could live with not laughing. 6 for me! Plus being unable to laugh doesn't mean you would have no joy, just that your face went retarded.

>> No.3402137

unless everything is invisible except for your eyes

like bloodsuckers in s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

>> No.3402148

I agree. That was my go to.

>> No.3402146 [DELETED] 


>> No.3402157

All of those suck except invisibility.

You're blind if you're invisible

You'd essentially be that first black guy in a white school if you went to an alien school

Moon sucks

Pc sucks

Already can know everything, it's called the internet

immortality drug is a death sentence to the human population. Imagine an immortal species that breeds out of control with no resources left.

>> No.3402156

Knowing,everything could be really sad.
That cute girl? Gonna die tomorrow. No telling her just gets you a slap. Oh shit gonna die in 3 months myself. Could cure it, but dont have time. Oh my mom was cheating on dad. There is a god, only turtles go to heaven. Etc

>> No.3402161


I mean that all of those suck except teleportation

>> No.3402171

What's the ugly bitch doing in my lab?

>> No.3402176

It doesn't say you have to market the immortal drug.
Nor does it say that you can't trade for it.

>> No.3402186

2) teleportation, must see target

Short, quick hops from line-of-sight to line-of-sight. Quickly hop my way to the nearest mountain range, use those as big ol' highways.

>> No.3402192


Either way, it would be horrible.

Do you really want to be alive in 5 billion years from now when the earth enters its red giant stage?

Sounds like a horrible way to die, especially in the years leading up to it.

>> No.3402193

If I kno everything then wouldn't I beable to do or make everything on this list?

>> No.3402195

In 5 billion years whos to say you would still be in this solar system.

>> No.3402206

7) take it myself. Never sell or give to anyone else. Destroy details after.

>> No.3402212

1) So do my clothes become invisible too or do I have to be naked? What about stuff I'm carrying? How does it know to make me invisible, but not make the planet I'm standing on invisible? Will it take into account my contact lenses, dental fillings, piercings, and other prostheses?

When other people see me "pop-out" do they think "holy shit invisible guy" or do they rationalize it somehow?

Am I invisible in just Vis or the entire EM spectrum, what about say IR? If I am carrying something with extremely strong EM emission, does it also get cloaked? Where does all the energy go anyhow?

Would be weird if you started drowning with this. Suddenly, man shaped hole in water, no man.

2) Can I see through telescope? Picture? Does it compensate for relativistic effects? If I teleport to the moon will I be at the spot I saw, or at the spot which has moved to its place by the time the light reached me? What happens to the air/matter at my destination? Where does the energy come from?

3) Does this mean there is an exchange program, ie government and stuff is in communication with the aliens? Also, what kind of aliens, anyhow? Kind of a bad deal, since you'll never meet another human again, and life may suck pretty hard on the alien world. What if you end up like Ota Benga?

4) Am I guaranteed it will be financially successful or what? What do you mean no hot shower? I can live with that, but with 2 or possibly 5, 6 and 7 I can do this anyway.

5) No PC has the hardware for an interesting AI. Of course, the AI should be able to set up a botnet and use the stolen processor time, which wouldn't *technically* be upgrading, I guess. Anyway, what if it's a malicious AI? What good is it to me? I couldn't even get a patent on it, since I don't know how it works. With 6 you know how to write one anyway.

6) Everything as in? Including how to make yourself laugh? Including how to make 7?

7) Do I get the drug? Do I get the only existing sample?

>> No.3402215


>> No.3402220

doesn't even use proper garments and will expect tax paper dollars if a accident happens to the naked skin. typical scientific behavior. gambling with tax payer money

>> No.3402221


It doesn't matter that I have to see, I can just look at the horizon and travel much much faster.

...and die.

>> No.3402224

I'd choose 6 as it would allow me to experience/do the others making them pointless

>> No.3402230

Invisibility would only be good if there was a dummy me left behind. Can't disappear in the wide open, too suspicious

>> No.3402234

7 is the only moral choice, assuming that the drug was distributed to the rest of humanity.

>> No.3402245

I love how most of the scientists here are not choosing 6

gives me faith in your humanity sci.

so proud

>> No.3402252 [DELETED] 


>> No.3402257

It could be, but to be honest if you know everything you could prevent a lot of that from happening to other people. I guess I'd be willing to sacrifice my happiness to help people.

>> No.3402258

7 has probably the worst negative consequences of all. Think about the repercussions of it, for a moment.

>> No.3402264


If you know everything you could prevent her death, prevent your death, know the cure for every disease... I think you guys underestimate how powerful knowing everything is...

>> No.3402274

Teleportation. You can see up to a few miles away.
Invisibility is not really that useful unless you are like a thief or a spy or something and 45-75 seconds of it is even less useful.

>> No.3402276

Teleportation, easily

>> No.3402284

Who would want to know everything? I mean think about it fucking EVERYTHING! If I literally knew everything I would probably just shoot myself as there is not much point in living.

>> No.3402292


someone has been watching too much science-fiction...

>> No.3402301

What's the point? You know the future, including your own actions and the consequences for them. You know what everything is all about.

>> No.3402307


So you'd rather own a hotel on the moon than be God?

>> No.3402312


>get in space suit
>look at moon
>look at mars

>> No.3402313

Immortality is pretty god like. I'll settle for demigod over omniscient god

>> No.3402316

Teleporting. I live in Bumfuck, Nowhere, USA, so I can go miles at a time.

>> No.3402318

It's not even clear what these do, you guize. I mean, is 6 straight omniscience? What about the paradoxes? What about knowing how to do impossible things? (squaring circles, perpetual motion machines)

Besides, how would your brain "fit" everything? Or is this some outside device/entity which uploads requested information as needed?

What is the context for this anyhow? Is it some genie's "ask of me what you wish" type of thing? Because in that case I'd be VERY suspicious of these being loaded/traps and just choose none of the above. Hell, ask to know everything, he'd probably turn you into a wikipedia dvd.

>> No.3402319

>target a star
>teleport there by accident and burn to death

>> No.3402323

>know everything
>invent everything else
>figure out how to make yourself laugh again
>win universe

>> No.3402330

Definitely 6. I would feel great satisfaction accomplishong all that I could with that knowledge. So what if I know what happens. When a person drinks or goes for a run they know exactly what's gonna happen and they can still enjoy it anyway.

Tl;dr omniscience would be sweet

>> No.3402325


And even so, you underestimate a fucking hotel on the moon.

>> No.3402335

not laughing wouldnt be so bad. presumably you still find things funny, but are incapable of outwardly laughing. you can still smile.

>> No.3402334 [DELETED] 

>look at what you think is mars
>it's actually a star
>lol u dead bro

That's about how that's going to work.

>> No.3402342
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dude, i just said that...

>> No.3402347

I propose 8: Be married to the girl in OP's pic, she is also smart, interesting and we will both love each other for the rest of our lives, also she is ok with me sleeping around/having relationships with other people, although it so happens that I never end up finding someone who is even close to her.

Oh and, her parents die soon after we marry, leaving her an enormous fortune which she gladly shares with me.

I'm okay with the possibility of her dying days after my wish is granted, but not okay with it being rigged so she has weeks to live from the start.

>> No.3402349 [DELETED] 
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I wouldn't even care about laughing anymore. I know everything. I know how to build starships and engines to power them. I know all scientific fact and theory. I basically become the most important person to ever exist. Laughing would be beneath me

Pic related, mfw

>> No.3402365

Sorry, I don't usually read through threads before replying to posts. I just reply to what I see and move on.

>> No.3402409

Option six. Know how to get everything else, and make it without the bad things. You might not be able to laugh, but you can still smile.

>> No.3402431

without the magic genie or whatever granting superpowers like in 1 and 2, trying to get them by natural means might be impossible even if you know everything.

i would still pick 6 anyway.

>> No.3402541

5) make the PC design a better AI.
Build that PC. Repeat for infinite intelligence

>> No.3402563

>make pc design new AI
>he says the genetic algorithm will take 2497 years to run, on average

>> No.3402741
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>turtles go to heaven

>> No.3402775

Even if #2 is restricted to objects you can see with your own eyes and not through a screen, I'd still be able to teleport to the moon for 5 seconds, long enough to pick a target on earth and teleport there instantly.

Also, I can pretty much go anywhere in the universe since it's all pretty much visible from earth.

>> No.3402784

Why would you even post this on /sci? You know we're going to pick out every single technicality possible.

>> No.3402794

I agree, #2 for the win.

>> No.3402796

6. Lose one emotion, gain perfect knowledge and ability to create everything else on the list without negatives.

>> No.3402824

not even an emotion, loose one expression of that emotion. you might clap your hands instead of laughing. or just smile in a really really intense way.

>> No.3402834

Laughing isn't even an emotion, just it's response. I'd definitely take 6.

>> No.3402837

Both of which sound incredibly creepy.

>> No.3402848

2 I think. I'd still be able to get to places really fast, as long there is no 'cooldown' on the teleport or something.

>> No.3402889

not really. I know people who don't really make noise when they laugh or laugh quietly, and it looks like just intense smiling. I clap when I laugh hard. No one says anything.

>> No.3402896

6 or 7.

>> No.3402913

7) Make enough of the immortality drug for myself. Take drug. Wait for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

>> No.3402942

Teleport to the other end of universe, teleport back. You have now lived for twice as long as the universe or a bit less and everyone you know is dead. Problem?

>> No.3402967

Invent the rest.

>> No.3402972

For the teleportation one, how well must I be able to see my target? Can I teleport to Europa because I can resolve it into a faint silhouette in my telescope?

>> No.3402992


>> No.3403001

I'd say it check the Rayleigh criterion for your eye. How does that work if you can only resolve some colors though?

>> No.3403011

>/sci/ discussing superpowers

you guys are funnier then you think

>> No.3403013


univere ends and dies

you don't

you are god now, in an empty, cold, black universe, forever

>> No.3403052


>> No.3403056
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4) owner of hotel/bar on moon, no hot shower

I plan on moving to the moon at the earliest opportunity.

>> No.3403057




What if

Guys listen


What if I shoot you?

>> No.3403066

1 is the obvious choice

>hold breath
>can hold for about 30-40 seconds
>become visible again
>take air again
>invisible again

anyone who picks something else is catholic-level stupid

>> No.3403077

I don't want it for avoiding bullets, faggot.
I want it for getting places easier.

>> No.3403079

>implying invisibility has any purpose.
>at all

>> No.3403096

Would the teleportation work, let's say, if you saw a place in a photograph? If so, well...

>> No.3403100

2, Teleportation. I would friggen look at things on TV and stuff. Easy peasy.

>> No.3403106

6. Fun is overrated.

>> No.3403123

>Choose 7
>Take drug
>Destroy research
>Become actual Wandering Jew

>> No.3403141


except it would be more like
gasping for air